MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 371 Extra (2)

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"Prince, Xiaoshizi didn't know where to slip," the environment in the palace is very complicated. Even if the queen and maiden are in charge, there will inevitably be other forces, so the girl next to Yun Yunxuan is anxiously announcing.

Today is the full moon banquet hosted by the queen's maiden's third child. To celebrate the whole country, we can see how high the status of the queen in the palace.

The emperor does not need to use external forces to consolidate his position. The military power is in the hands of those whom he trusts, and those people have no ambition to send their sister or daughter into the palace as a concubine. Only now is the calmest.

Those concubines know that the queen maiden is not only powerful, but the people who control the military power are almost always defending the queen maiden. Therefore, after the fight, they can only be guilty of innocence, so as not to affect their family.

In this way, the queen of Ning Linger is still pretty good, and won't change much.

"Go and look around, don't alarm the emperor and the king," Xuan Xuan frowned and ordered a headache for her eldest son.

This little overlord has received the attention of all parties since his birth. Naturally, the love he receives is much more precious, even more precious than the queen's eldest prince. Therefore, he has developed a lawless temperament, except Wan Ye Shengyan, No one can control it, nor can he bear the blame. Even the Royal Palace has become its own back garden. I hope that no major disaster will come.

Thinking about this, she got up and went to the Royal Garden ...

Xuan Xuan and Wan Yan Shengyan never arrogant in the imperial palace because of their distinguished identities, because no one can figure out the complexity of the harem, including the emperor. This time, if it wasn't for the bad oldest son, she wouldn't really be looking for it in Yuhuayuan.

The people waiting around were sent out, so she was left alone.

The exit of the Royal Garden is naturally the most flourishing and thriving. It makes people feel good at first glance ... Xuan Xuan walks along the unmanned road, thinking that the naughty must go to a remote place, it is tight. Brow frowning all the time, thinking that after finding it, it will definitely make a fierce meal.

More and more lawless, how can we discipline it after this?

The father always took care of him and couldn't even train him in person, which made people feel helpless and headache.

Thinking about things in her mind, Xuan Xuan unknowingly went to a remote place, and when she returned to God, she found herself in a place where the fallen leaves were drifting, which was a very sad place, and there was a small hut not far away. This is not visible in the imperial palace, and I can't help walking forward with some curiosity, thinking to myself: who should live in this place?

People who have been left out by the emperor will live in the cold palace. Where can they live in such a place. It's better to live in a cold hut than to live in such a small hut, without feeling empty and lonely.

"Giggle ..." Just when Xuan Xuan was curious, a child's innocent sound attracted her, and she could not help walking forward, standing at the corner and watching the scene inside, and found that the chicken being fed turned out to be a The young boy in his tenth year with a face like Guanyu was innocent and serious.

"Little master, it's time to eat," an old man carrying his back came out of the hut and shouted at the door.

"Here it is," the joyful voice indicated that the young man's mood was quite good, making Xuan Xuan even more curious.

Living here must be related to the palace. However, the face of the child ... When thinking of the face of the child, Xuan Xuan felt as if she had been stuck in the acupoint, and she could not react for a long time.

That child ... Eight points are like Wan Ling Ling Xuan, and two points of smiles are like Shangguan Yanlan. This kind of replica-like face, even if the emperor is not like the emperor of the foot, we can see that the identity of the child is Ready to come out.

"How come here?" Xu Xuan thought that after Wan Xuan Ling Xuan followed Guan Yanlan's child and was taken away by the emperor, she was either executed secretly or taken away. She would never tell him about her life. Avoid grief and repeat it.

However, seeing that the child is living well in the palace today, without richness, he is so blessed to live, I can't help wondering, and I don't know if today only knows that in the corner of this imperial garden, There is such a family.

The child followed the old man into the house. She came out and looked at the yard. She found that not only the chickens and ducks were raised in the house, but even the vegetables were grown by herself.

"Gong Chen, look, the chicks are laying eggs again," in the room, there came a sweet and contented voice, like a magical one, attracting Xuan Xuan's approach.

"Hehe, the little master is ready. At night, the father-in-law cooks steamed eggs for the little master." The old man in the house was also very kind. He didn't scold or reprimand. He sounded less like a master-servant, but more like a ancestor. Sun.

The tranquil atmosphere makes people yearn for it. At this time, a loud bang, and then the scream of panic and squeak in the henhouse, disturbed the tranquility and made Xuan stunned because the The person who fell in the henhouse was most familiar to her.

She had just thought of a reprimand, but found that the people in the room had rushed out, and immediately hid in the dark to see what was going on inside.

At this moment, Wan Li was so embarrassed that he was covered with the dirty things in the henhouse, and he was so stinky that he tried to cry, squinting at the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you?" The curious inquiry sounded, attracting Wan Ye's worry-free attention.

Compared with the robes on Wanyou Wuyou, the clothes on that child's body seemed simple and impossible.

"Well, why don't you report your name first when you ask who it is?" Wanji Wuyou has always been used to it. No one in Wangfu can control him except Wanji Shengyan, so here it is Ao Jiao is also excusable.

"Name?" The child frowned, and looked at the father-in-law Chen beside him, as if asking for help, looking at people with pity.

"Don't you have a name?" The original Postmaster converged after seeing others like this.

"I ... I don't know," hesitant voice with a little sadness, full of curiosity in front of the person who suddenly came and broke his peaceful life.

"Then what does he call you?" Asked Aunt Chen Gongwan, who stretched his fingers without worry.

"Little master," is this a name?

"Little master?" After looking at the surrounding environment without any worries, Wan Yeshengyan mocked and said, "What kind of little master are you !?"

"I don't know where the little master came from? It's so secluded here, how did the little master get here?" Grandpa Chen didn't want his little master to be sad, but also worried about hitting the noble and breaking the quiet life of the little master. Asked immediately.

The identity of the little master is very embarrassing. If it is discovered, it is really a day of peace.

"I am the youngest son of Prince Yong's Mansion. The queen mother and mother gave birth to a little princess. The father and mother took me to the wedding. The banquet was too boring. I just walked away casually. Whoever knows is here." Wan Ye Wuyou scratched his head and said, "I thought it was fun. I climbed up the tree, but I accidentally fell off!"

I have never seen such a big **** before, but I am ashamed in this place.

The young prince in Prince Yong's Mansion ... There was a stun in Chen Gong's eyes, and then he stared at the young pedant who was standing in the henhouse with a depressed face and a helpless smile. Of course it won't work. If you don't mind, go into the room and change clothes, and the old man will clean up the little son? "

Xuan Xuan knew the child's identity, but did not know that Gong Chen was on the other side. He was afraid that he would be harmless for the sake of Wan Ling Ling Xuan, so he stared nervously. At this moment, when I saw Chen Gonggong's sincere help, he was slightly relieved, but curious about what the child's existence meant.

"Okay, okay," Wan Cun, who couldn't help but smell the smell of his body, nodded and nodded, and people couldn't wait to come out.

The child standing next to the henhouse smelled the smell of his body, and could not help but take a few steps backwards, a meaning further away.

"Do you dare to abandon this son?"

"You smell bad," straightforwardly.

"You are so brave,"


Silent ignorance made Wanji angrily. With open arms, he exclaimed, "This son is dirty, and I can't allow you to be so clean ..." Then he chased away, and the child was not stupid, see Immediately after turning around, he ran and ran, and all of a sudden, two children laughed in the yard. It had nothing to do with conspiracy, and some were just pure happiness.

The father-in-law Chen on the side did not stop, but the tears in the corner of his eye betrayed him, letting others know that his emotions at the moment were very exciting.

"Gong Chen," Xuan Xuan stepped out of the corner and shouted softly at the door.

Chen Gonggong found that there was still someone hiding, and he looked at him for a moment, looking at the person slightly hostile, "Who are you?"

"Mother-in-law," Wan Ye stopped seeing immediately after seeing her, and shouted uncomfortably.

Xuan Xuan gave him a stern glance, warning that he would wait for the reconciliation, and then Chen Gonggong, who was looking to the side, hinted, "The princess is only looking for a young son." As for the rest, she knew nothing.

The alert in the eyes of Chen Gonggong subsided a little, but he did not forget the relationship between the Xuan Wangfu and Prince Yong's Mansion at that time, so he did not relax.

"Come here," said Xuan Xuan, seeing that the child had been looking at herself with curiosity, and could not help but feel a little soft, thinking that if Wan Xuan Ling Xuan did not die to save himself, the child might have another encounter.

The child was timid and hesitant, but eventually couldn't resist the curiosity in her heart, went forward to her, and looked at her with curiosity.

"This little brother's name is Wuyou, will I also give you a name, okay?" Wu Xuan crouched down, regardless of her precious clothes, and asked without any disapproval.

"Can you?" There was deep expectation in the voice.

"Nature is okay." The world is impermanent. It should not have existed in the previous life. This life has broken the fate of the previous life because of her rebirth, making Xuan Xuan full of pity for this child. "My little brother is called worry-free, you're called hate ... Remember me, no matter what happens in the future, think with gratitude, you will find that everything is all right, understand?"

"Well," although he seemed to understand, he nodded and agreed.

Seeing that she was not hostile to the children, Gong Chen relaxed her heart, burned the hot water to clean the young Shizi, and then played with the two children, sitting by himself and chatting with Prince Yong.

"Why is he here?" This is what Xuan Xuan always wanted to ask.

Gong Chen looked at the child who was not far away and didn't know how to be mischievous.

"At that time, the first emperor had the child arrive at the palace, and arranged for the old slave to take care of him, so that he would not touch everything in the palace all his life ... These years, it is all right, but it is unexpected that the princess will arrive today. Here, ”said Gong Chen, calmly, long ago excited.

"That was the only son of King Xuan's veins, and also the grandson of the emperor. It is really good to have such a result!" The rebellion has always been of the Jiulian ethnic group. Even if King Xuan was a prince, his descendants would not be allowed to stay. The emperor was able to let go of this child.

"This child is sensible and has not experienced anything, so he is naive and simple. The old slave only hopes that he can keep this simple heart forever and not be affected by the clutter outside," Chen Gonggong said with some sigh.

"Does the emperor know?"

"Of course I know, but I have never found trouble, and I have never been concerned. The old slave thinks that such a day is suitable for the little master." Too much concern is actually a kind of trouble.

After understanding the reason, Xuan Xuan sighed slightly, thinking that Wan Zhen could survive without hate, mainly the emperor's kindness, otherwise, he would not be allowed to.

"You can rest assured that his life will not change," she said to repay Wan Ling Ling Xuanshe for her salvation.

In the past, she did not seek or ask because she could not know a little information from the emperor. She was afraid that reminding the emperor to remember that this child would be bad for him, so she didn't care about life or death. Now, knowing that he is still alive and living so quietly, she naturally wants to protect some.

The adult's grievances have long ended with the passage of time, so she will not add grievances to the children. While Shangguan Yanlan was finally making up, he was still concerned about this child. He must be the most reassuring mother, so he must live well.

"Old slave thank the princess," as soon as Gong Chen heard it, he was grateful.

The two children did not know what kind of grievances the previous generation belonged to them, but at this moment, the smiles on the faces of the two people were so joyous and worry-free that both the people who looked at them showed smiles.

Wu Xuan worried that she had left for too long, Wan Yan Shengyan would come over, and when she broke the peaceful life of others, she left with no worries and forced her, no matter whether there was too much perseverance in the eyes of no hate ... … For their sake, they can only do so.

"Shangguan Yanlan, you can rest assured, your child is still fine, he will grow up healthy," after Xuan Xuan went out of the palace, took a carriage to the place where Shangguan Yanlan was buried, burned some paper money, and whispered softly. Murmured, thinking she would hear her words.

The two people who died until the death ended up being concerned about each other. Is this a joke?

Shaking his head, Xuan Xuan turned to leave, and the depressed tombstone was getting farther and farther away from her ... Presumably, Xuan Xuan would not set foot in this life.


This is the end of the book. Lazily applauding yourself, showing that you have never given up, it is really good. Although you have been lucky all the way, persistence is victory. Do you feel right?