MTL - The Untouchable President-Chapter 1427 He hates spoiler

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There was a shy surprise in Li Yan's eyes, "Senior Lin, I didn't expect you to come too."

Lin Xinghao smiled, "I noticed you just now. You have not changed much from your high school years, but have become more and more beautiful and charming. Are you okay abroad over the years?"

Lin Xinghao is already a successful entrepreneur, exuding the style of a mature man in every gesture.

Although not like the youthful feeling of high school, it is also an elite white-collar with mature temperament.

Li Yan looked at Lin Xinghao, who was across from him, for a while, returning to the feeling of crush as a high school girl, hazy and beautiful.

In her eyes, when she stared at Lin Xinghao, she was shy from time to time.

Under the light, Li Yan's lavender evening dress has sequined luster, which envelops her with a mysterious and intriguing temperament, coupled with her exquisite features, full of fashion sense.

Lin Xinghao's eyes on the opposite side were also a bit more enthusiastic. He didn't expect that Li Yan, who had a good impression of him back then, would look so beautiful.

Li Yan's delicate appearance towards Lin Xinghao was felt by the people at the side table. Mo Zeyang looked at her diagonally, looking at the woman who looked like a cannibal tigress in front of him, actually in front of another man. Become a kitten in seconds, hum! Mo Zeyang also scanned the man opposite her, who was two years older than him, and looked quite temperamental.

Mo Zeyang seemed to have found a chance for revenge. He wrapped his arms and smiled badly, and screamed at the woman opposite, "Hey, Yanyan, what a coincidence! You are here."

Li Yan was immersed in the beautiful atmosphere of the encounter, and suddenly heard these words, her beautiful eyes glanced over, touching Mo Zeyang's eyes that clearly wanted to make trouble, she squinted in warning directly.

"Ze Yang, you know each other!"

The actress on the opposite side got jealous and got up. She had already noticed the two girls next to her. Beautiful women were born enemies.

"We are in a relationship. Last week, we were on a blind date."

Mo Zeyang curled his lips and smiled, deliberately making the relationship ambiguous.

"Who has a blind date with you! Don't talk nonsense."

Li Yan retorted, and then, noticing that Lin Xinghao's gaze was also questioning, she hurriedly curled her lips with a sweet smile, and explained, "Nothing happened, I am not familiar with him."

This sentence made a man feel unhappy. He bit his **** thin lip, obviously not letting go.

The actress next to her became jealous. She didn't want the woman next to her to ruin her and Mo Zeyang's good deeds tonight.

Besides, who of the women she met didn't jump up when she saw Mo Zeyang?

This woman actually said that she was not familiar with Mo Zeyang, that would be the best.

"Ze Yang, let's go to the cocktail party over there!"

The actress held her chin and asked expectantly.

Mo Zeyang did not move, and said to her, "You want to go, you go first!"

The actress immediately smiled and said coquettishly, "Yeah.


I want you to be with me! "

"Yanyan, do you want to find a quiet place to chat?"

Lin Xinghao also felt that the surrounding area was too noisy, he suggested.

"I'll wait for my friend first, and I'll look for you later."

Li Yan thought that Xu Xinyue had not yet returned.

"Okay! See you later."

When Lin Xinghao got up, the interest in his eyes was also very great.

Mo Zeyang didn't need to look at it, he could still feel the sigh of love at the table next door, and his gaze happened to see Li Yan's sweet smile watching him again, and the corners of his mouth mocked.

Lin Xinghao left, Li Yan propped his chin, still there alone excited and smiling, like a little fan.

Suddenly, there was another person sitting in the position of Lin Xinghao just now.

Li Yan raised his head, Mo Zeyang encircled his arms, raised his legs gracefully and charmingly, and mocked her directly, "Li Yan, your vision is so ordinary!"

Li Yan said angrily, "Mo Zeyang, that's my friend's position, please leave, and don't destroy my male god."

"Yo! Your male god!"

Mo Zeyang felt that tonight was more fun. The revenge threatened by her last time finally found a chance to avenge him.

Li Yan glared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes. The purple evening dress made her look like a blooming rose, glamorous and piercing.

Mo Zeyang stared at her, and couldn't help passing a dark glow. For the first time, he felt that the woman was angry, and it was so pleasing to the eye.

"Don't mess around."

Li Yan warned him.

"Last time you threatened me, didn't you look very angry?

I tell you, I am a person who bears grudges, or a person who has grudges that must be avenged. "

Mo Zeyang curled up his mouth, smiling charmingly and dangerously.

When Li Yan saw Xu Xinyue coming from the bathroom, she was a little angry, "My friend is back, you go back to your place."

Mo Zeyang glanced back, and he returned to his position obediently, but the envy of the actress next to him gave Li Yan two more eyes.

Xu Xinyue's expression also seemed to be relieved. As soon as she sat down, Li Yan asked concerned, "Are you here?"

Xu Xinyue smiled and shook her head, "No, but I was shocked."

Li Yan immediately whispered to Xu Xinyue excitedly, "Xinyue, I saw Senior Lin just now, and he is also there."

Xu Xinyue immediately understood who she was talking about, and she was pleasantly surprised for her, "Really?"

"He is still so handsome, but more mature."

Li Yan praised.

Mo Zeyang, who was beside him, had complicated and cold eyes, holding on to the coffee, and he didn't forget to make a mocking smile.

Tonight, she is destined to miss her seniors, because with him, she won't let her get what she wants easily.

"Let's go! Go to the banquet hall."

Li Yan was a little annoyed with Mo Zeyang, she picked up Xu Xinyue and left.

Mo Zeyang couldn't help but glanced at Li Yan. The actress opposite him immediately became jealous, "Young Master Mo, I am your female companion tonight!"

"Let's go over!"

Mo Zeyang also got up, and the actress behind him quickly followed.

In the banquet hall, by Gu Chengxiao's side, Xu Anan regarded himself as his female companion. Gu Chengxiao's status in the business world made him always surrounded by a group of flattering and flattering people, and he was polite and coping with all these occasions. .

Li Yan and Xu Xinyue walked in. Li Yan's gaze was naturally looking for Lin Xinghao. Xu Xinyue pushed her with a smile, "Go find your Senior Lin! I'll just walk around."

Li Yan smiled and said, "Then wait for me, I will find him and find a place to chat together."


Xu Xinyue nodded.

Li Yan passed, Xu Xinyue was still a little out of place for this occasion.

However, her job requires her to come to this kind of place. She can only be like everyone here, no matter if she knows or not, as long as she looks at her, she politely nods.

Read The Duke's Passion