MTL - The Villain Always Wants To Kill Me-Chapter 90 I give you all my love

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Tao Jingyi was stunned, and the world was spinning in front of his eyes. It was Su Xingchen who was holding her, and ran wildly on his toes.

The scenery on both sides is constantly regressing, surrounded by wild grass and trees, and when the wind blows, it undulates up and down.

When Tao Jingyi fixed his eyes again, the two of them had come to a wilderness, surrounded by yellowed withered grass, except for a pit dug in the center. There was a black coffin in the pit, and the soil around the coffin was new, obviously not long after it was dug out.

After seeing this coffin, Tao Jingyi felt a chill in his heart.

Su Xingchen put Tao Jingyi down, his mood was much calmer, the panic and madness just now disappeared, but his face was still cold, without a trace of expression.

"Sister." He called softly, raised his head, and glanced at the vast and distant world, "Do you still remember what you said?"

"That day you said that you will be with me for the rest of your life and will never be separated. Even if you die, you will be incinerated together, and no one will be able to separate you." Su Xingchen said.

"Xing Chen." Tao Jingyi's face suddenly turned extremely pale, "I also said that I will return Su Xiyan to you. As long as Duan Feibai comes with his piano sword, Su Xiyan will definitely come back. And Feng Linzhi and them, they didn't come for me!"

Su Xingchen acted as if he hadn't heard of it, he supported her waist, and kicked her leg lightly with his toe.

Tao Jingyi fell to his knees uncontrollably.

Su Xingchen knelt down beside her, pressed her head, exerted a little force, and Tao Jingyi involuntarily lowered his head.

Su Xingchen and her bowed to the sky and the earth together three times.

The red clothes on his body were coated with a light halo by the sun, and his brows and eyes were full of tenderness. He stretched out his hand, picked up a strand of her long hair, and tied it with his own.

"Sister, you and I have worshiped heaven and earth today, and made this covenant to be a husband and wife for a lifetime, and we will never go back on it." He lowered his head, leaned over, and pressed a kiss on Tao Jingyi's cheek, as if stealing a kiss. The child who ate the candy had a bright light in his eyes, "This time, I finally kissed Elder Sister."

The warm touch disappeared in a flash, and this kiss was superficial.

Su Xingchen picked up Tao Jingyi again, walked towards the coffin, bent over, and gently put her into the coffin.

He lay down beside the coffin, stretched out his hand, caressed her cheek, and sighed softly: "Sister looks so pretty in her wedding dress."

Tao Jingyi lay stiffly in the coffin, with the blue sky above his head, and a few birds swished into the clouds.

Su Xingchen noticed her gaze, raised his head and glanced: "Are you looking at those birds?"

Tao Jingyi's heart was pounding, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he was about to speak.

Su Xingchen gestured to her to silence her, his voice was hoarse but soft, a bit like coaxing her, but what he said was chilling: "Sister, don't make noise, you've offended me, but the vocal cords need to cut off."

Tao Jingyi hurriedly closed his mouth, with a terrified look on his face.

"Are you afraid, sister? Don't be afraid, sister, as long as you are obedient, Xingchen will not bully you. Sister is Xingchen's heart, how can Xingchen be willing to bully sister, Xingchen will come to accompany sister." Su Xingchen straightened his body, raised the hem of his clothes, stepped into the coffin, and lay down beside Tao Jingyi.

The coffin has a lot of space, even if Su Xingchen lies down, it doesn't feel crowded. It seems that Su Xingchen asked someone to customize this size specially.

Su Xingchen and Tao Jingyi were lying side by side, and he could easily kiss her head when he turned his head. He tilted his head to look at Tao Jingyi, and the corner of his mouth curled into a strange arc: "Sister, we are husband and wife from birth to death. When the fire engulfs this mountain forest, this place will become our burial place. At that time, you and I will be burned to ashes, as you said, there is me in you, and you in me, and no one can separate you and me."

madman! He is crazy! A voice in Tao Jingyi's heart screamed, and fear crawled all over her body bit by bit.

She closed her eyes, without any expression on her face, mobilizing the internal force in her body, trying to break through the acupuncture points.

Su Xingchen laughed softly, leaned over, kissed Tao Jingyi's hair, and sighed softly, "Sister, I love you."

Tao Jingyi's whole body tensed up, and his face was pale beyond concealment.

Su Xingchen stretched out a hand, grabbed Tao Jingyi's hand accurately, then took out a torch, ignited it, and threw it out. Then, there was a sound of "bibi peeling".

The vegetation in this season is all dead, and when the wind blows, the fire will start a prairie fire, and a fire will spread in an instant.

The strong wind whipped up the flames, and the bright yellow flames swallowed everything with claws and claws.

Suddenly plunged into darkness, it was Su Xingchen who raised his hand and closed the coffin lid.

Su Xingchen reached out and hugged Tao Jingyi into his arms.

The sealed acupoints could not be broken through for a long time, Tao Jingyi felt a burst of despair, and couldn't help but said, "Su Xingchen, kill me."

Rather than being burned to death by the fire, or suffocating to death in this coffin, it would be better to give her a good time with a knife.

"Don't be afraid, Sister, I'll be with you." Su Xingchen pressed her head tightly against his chest.

The fire had already ignited, because Tao Jingyi felt the temperature in the coffin rising little by little, and she could smell the scorched land.

Su Xingchen did not seal the coffin lid.

Tao Jingyi's mind went blank. She was very scared. Hearing that burning to death is the most painful way to die, she was terrified.

This feeling of waiting to die was too terrifying. Desperation and fear surged from all directions like sea water, enveloping her little by little, eroding her heart. She could even imagine what a tragic death she would look like.

Better to kill yourself first.

She stuck out her tongue and placed it between the two rows of teeth. She was about to bite down hard, when a burst of extremely dazzling skylight fell from above.

Tao Jingyi suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the skylight.

In the endless blue sky, there are veil-like white clouds floating. In the bright sky, a white figure stands. The wind lifts his clothes high, and the golden sunlight outlines his gentle eyebrows and eyes.

"Duan Feibai!" Tao Jingyi's face showed ecstasy, and he almost cried. At this time, Duan Feibai held a long sword in his hand and stood in the sky, as if a **** had come to the world.

"Sorry, I'm late." Duan Feibai split open the coffin with his sword, reached out to grab Tao Jingyi's waist, and brought her into his arms. At the same time, he stabbed Su Xingchen with the long sword in his hand.

Su Xingchen's arms were empty, and the place where the two of them tied their long hair broke apart, causing his scalp to ache. When he regained consciousness, Tao Jingyi had already fallen into Duan Feibai's hands.

His eyes suddenly lit up with angry flames, he shouted loudly, raised his fists, and rushed towards Duan Feibai.

Duan Feibai spun up, holding Tao Jingyi in his arms, his body flew up like a swallow, then fell in an arc, and when he returned to the ground, he was already a distance away from Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen's fists were all empty, and he looked at him with a ferocious expression.

Seeing that the raging fire is burning more and more vigorously, if it is left unchecked, it will definitely swallow the entire mountain forest. Duan Feibai let go of Tao Jingyi, held the long sword in his hand, and swung the sword with a concentrated internal force. Immediately, the piercing sword energy swept across, the mountains and forests were stirred, and the silver light shone.

Wherever the sword qi went, the fire extinguished in response.

Su Xingchen was affected by this sword energy, and he vomited a mouthful of blood. He looked at Tao Jingyi standing beside Duan Feibai, his eyes were full of crazy light, and he rushed forward again.

Duan Feibai raised his hand, and tapped Tao Jingyi a few times, Tao Jingyi's body relaxed all of a sudden.

Long-term acupressure caused the qi and blood to block up, and when I regained my freedom all of a sudden, I couldn't even stand upright. Fortunately, Duan Feibai reached out his hand in time and hugged her.

Duan Feibai hugged her with one hand and the long sword tightly with the other, and started fighting with Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen was unarmed, and his martial arts were not as good as Duan Feibai's. There was only a silver sword light in front of him, and the blood mist sprayed thinly in the sword light. When Duan Feibai retracted the sword, Su Xingchen had already fallen to the ground, covered in blood, but he still struggled unwillingly. He stretched out his hand towards Duan Feibai: "Sister, give me back Sister! Sister is mine!"

Duan Feibai saw that he and Tao Jingyi were both dressed in red, his gaze sharpened, and he said in a deep voice, "Have you ever touched Tao Tao?!"

"Sister is mine in the first place! Give it back to me! Give it back to me..." Su Xingchen's mouth was filled with blood, his eyes were red, only the shadow of Tao Jingyi was left in his eyes, and he kept repeating a sentence, "Sister is mine." Yes, Sister, she is mine, don't take it away..."

Seeing him like this, Duan Feibai thought he was acquiescing, and suddenly a burst of blood rushed to his head, raised the love-breaking sword in his hand, and stabbed at Su Xingchen's crotch: "Bastard, I will castrate you! "

"Wait!" Tao Jingyi was still in a trance, but when he heard Duan Feibai's words, he suddenly woke up.

Castrating Su Xingchen, isn't that exactly the ending of Su Xingchen in the original book! The reason why she and Su Xingchen have been on the fence for so long is because she took Su Xiyan's body, felt guilty towards Su Xingchen, and wanted to change his fate.

So she subconsciously spoke out to stop Duan Feibai.

Duan Feibai stopped and turned to look at her.

Tao Jingyi said with a pale face, "He has been seriously injured to this point, there is no more threat, let him go."

"He bullied you."

"No, he didn't touch me." Tao Jingyi shook his head, watching Su Xingchen lying humbly on the ground, his heart ached, and his eyes gradually turned red, "I lied to him and owed him, just treat it as this His life will be repaid."

Hearing this, Su Xingchen suddenly raised his eyes, staring at Tao Jingyi closely, the expression in his eyes changed drastically.

Duan Feibai was silent for a while, put away his sword, and said to Tao Jingyi: "According to what you said, this life should be regarded as repaying all the debts owed to him."

In fact, other than taking up Su Xiyan's body, Tao Jingyi didn't owe Su Xingchen anything. She even sent him overseas, hoping that he could get rid of this cruel fate, but no one thought that fate would always return to the original track after many twists and turns.

In other words, it was Su Xingchen's infatuation that did the evil.

Duan Feibai promised not to kill Su Xingchen, Tao Jingyi heaved a sigh of relief, and said softly, "Thank you, Brother Feibai."

Duan Feibai held her waist, turned and left.

Su Xingchen lay behind them, looking at the backs of the two of them going away, with a strong unwillingness on his face: "Sister, sister..."


A mouthful of blood gushed out from his throat, staining his entire clothes. He scratched the ground fiercely with both hands, and his mouth was full of fishy sweetness.

"Sister—" The mournful howl pierced the sky.

Tao Jingyi's acupuncture points had been tapped all night, and she was still not used to it, and she stumbled while walking, Duan Feibai simply bent over and hugged her in his arms.

"Xia Mingyuan is looking for you, have you seen him?" Tao Jingyi asked nervously, holding Duan Feibai's arm.

Duan Feibai nodded: "I only saw the hairpin in your house, so I knew something was wrong with you, and immediately sent Heron and the others to search for you. After learning your whereabouts, they rushed over without stopping, and happened to meet you at the foot of the mountain. Xia Mingyuan."

"how is he?"

"Don't worry, he won't die if I'm here. He's waiting for us not far away. I brought the zither and the sword. He said, he's going to tell me a secret today."

Tao Jingyi heaved a sigh of relief, as long as Duan Feibai was around, even if Xia Mingyuan had only one breath left, he would still have a way to pull him back from the gate of hell.

"What's the secret?" Duan Fei asked after a pause.

Tao Jingyi raised his head, looked into his eyes, and involuntarily tightened the hand holding his arm: "Brother Feibai, I told you that my hometown is far away, far away than thousands of mountains and rivers. Be far away."

"Yes, I racked my brains in vain, but I can't figure out where Tao Tao's hometown is."

"I come from a different time and space." Tao Jingyi stared closely at Duan Feibai's eyes, not missing any of the changing emotions in his eyes, "Brother Feibai, would you like to go home with me?"

When Tao Jingyi was holding his breath and waiting for his answer, Duan Feibai's complexion suddenly changed. He put down Tao Jingyi, squatted down, pressed his palms on the ground, and moved his ear tips slightly.

"What's wrong?" Tao Jingyi was surprised.

"There are a lot of people coming up the mountain." Duan Feibai said in a deep voice, his expression serious, "Their footsteps are very heavy, and they must have brought a lot of weapons."

Tao Jingyi suddenly remembered what Su Xingchen said before, and his face changed drastically: "It's Duan Wushuang, he led the army to surround the entire mountain."

As soon as Tao Jingyi finished speaking, he saw a person leaning on a wooden stick running towards him from a distance.

"Hurry up, someone is coming!" Xia Mingyuan shouted at them.

After Su Xingchen let Xia Mingyuan leave, Xia Mingyuan went down the mountain holding his breath. Fortunately, Duan Feibai rescued him in time to save his life.

Duan Feibai hastily bandaged the wound on his body, left behind Qin, and went up the mountain alone with the Severing Love Sword.

Not long after Duan Feibai left, Zhennan King's army arrived, and the leader was Duan Wushuang, the son of Zhennan King.

At the same time, Feng Linzhi also led the people from the Flower God Sect to rush over. The two people met on a narrow road and refused to give in to each other. Seeing this, Xia Mingyuan quickly found a wooden stick and carried Duan Feibai's piano on his back. Before that, he limped up the mountain.

He had trouble with his legs and feet, and walked slowly, just after he caught up with Duan Feibai, he could faintly see the shadow of the army behind him.

The autumn wind is rustling, the vegetation is withered and yellow, and the place where the fire has been burned is scorched black. The sunlight shone on the cold weapon, and the refracted light was a bit dazzling.

Countless soldiers in silver armor rushed forward like a tide, some with golden guns or long bows, and surrounded Duan Feibai, Tao Jingyi and the others.

Walking in front of the army were three people, and Tao Jingyi happened to know all three of them.

Duan Wushuang, Dongfang Yue, and Zhao Nanping.

This was Tao Jingyi's first time seeing Dongfang Yue after leaving the Emerald Valley. According to the plot of the original book, it is speculated that Dongfang Yue should have comprehended the "Lotus Magic Art" under the cliff, and his skills have improved to a higher level. Now, looking at the whole world, I am afraid that there are few opponents.

Tao Jingyi was looking at him, and Dongfang Yue was also looking at her. His eyes were colder than before, and his expression was indifferent. The dark eyes were like a deep pool of water, without a trace of waves.

Dongfang Yue looked at her for a while, then looked away. From the beginning to the end, there was no change in his facial expression.

Standing beside him, Duan Wushuang looked at him with a smile, his eyes were unclear, and he said pointedly: "Seeing my nephew's calm heart, I feel relieved."

Dongfang Yue was noncommittal.

Duan Wushuang raised his head, looked in Duan Feibai's direction, and sighed: "The well-known 'Qiqin and Sword Shuangjue' is actually the rumored ghost boy, which is frightening. It's really unbelievable."

Tao Jingyi held Duan Feibai's hand secretly, and Duan Feibai's broad palm wrapped hers around hers, and there was a burst of warmth from the palm.

Duan Wushuang raised his hand, made an ordering gesture, and said in a deep voice: "Take down Mr. Gui, whoever kills Mr. Gui today, I will reward him with ten thousand taels of gold."

The silver-armored soldier got the order, raised his weapon, and rushed towards Duan Feibai.

Duan Feibai raised his long sword, and said to Tao Jingyi and Xia Mingyuan, "You two stand behind me, don't wander around."

"Okay." Xia Mingyuan quickly hid behind him.

"Brother Feibai, be careful," Tao Jingyi warned.

Duan Feibai gently hooked the corners of his lips to her, stabbed out with the long sword, and pulled out a sword flower.

The author has something to say:

Finale tomorrow~