MTL - The Villain is Born with a Sweet Tooth-Chapter 17

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Early spring nights are cool.

When Tang Zhou drove away from Tang's house, the wind whistled in from the car window and poured into his heart, icy cold.

He didn't want to stay at Tang's house, and he didn't want to go back to the residence to face the empty house alone.

The car was parked by the river.

The wind by the river was even stronger, and it blew people's heads half-frozen.

Tang Zhou took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the storage compartment, put it in his pocket, and got off the station in front of the guardrail by the river.

The river surface was ups and downs, and the small waves hit the shore, causing a chaotic noise.

Tang Zhou was about to light a cigarette, his vision paused.

Not far away, a person tried to cross the guardrail.

Tang Zhou was startled, he didn't have time to think about it, he hurriedly shouted: "Dude, is there any fire!"

The man was stunned, turned his head to look at Tang Zhou, and could not see his expression in the dim light.

Tang Zhou did not change his face, pretended to see nothing, and slowly approached the past, his eyes touched a young but vicissitudes face.

"Dude, borrow a fire." He lifted the cigarette between his fingers.

The man hesitated: "I didn't bring a lighter."

Tang Zhou sighed, "I didn't expect to meet someone so late."

The man did not say a word, one leg was still on the guardrail, staring blankly at the river.

Tang Zhou continued: "Can you chat with me?"

The young man lowered his head, but still did not speak. It looks like I won't be able to persuade it for a while.

Tang Zhou got closer again, and deliberately played the sympathy card to try to regain the other party's reason: "I was kicked out of the house, and now I am homeless."

Tang Zhou: “…”

The young man said again: "Your cigarettes are quite expensive."


"Actually, I don't want to commit suicide, I just want to go down and take a bath."

Tang Zhou was expressionless: "I'm afraid he will wash his body in mud."

Who believes!

The young man said quietly: "But there is no way, I can't even pay the water and electricity bills."


In terms of selling badly, Tang Zhou was completely defeated.

"Can you lend me a cigarette?" The young man moved his legs down and stared at Tang Zhou with lifeless eyes.


Tang Zhou handed him the cigarette in his hand.

"Borrow another fire."

Tang Zhou was silent, and took out a lighter from his pocket.

The young man glanced at it, "Limited edition, it's not cheap." He seemed to be very knowledgeable, and there was no envy in his expression.

He took a breath and asked Tang Zhou in a hoarse voice, "Can I borrow your bathroom again?"

Tang Zhou is not a person with a lot of sympathy. Seeing that this person has no thoughts of suicide, he wanted to refuse, but he saw that this person suddenly red eyes and shed two lines of tears.

"Actually, I didn't want to jump down to take a shower, I just wanted to kill myself."

"My ex-boyfriend was a liar, he took all my savings."

"I couldn't pay the rent and was kicked out by the landlord."

"What's the point of my life, it's better to be dead."

The young man wiped away his tears and asked Tang Zhou with a trembling voice: "Do you think I still need to live?"

Tang Zhou was expressionless: "The construction site can move hundreds of bricks a day, and it's not bad to collect waste, or sweep the streets. Many people live like this, why do you want to belittle yourself? You don't either. Difference."

Young people: “…”

Tang Zhou continued to ruthlessly suggest: "With your looks, you can even be a group performer."


The young man stared at him for a while, and then said solemnly: "I think we have something to talk about, you can definitely understand me."

Tang Zhou raised his eyebrows, he planned to say goodbye to this person.

"I'm actually a screenwriter."

Tang Zhou thought to himself, it can be seen that he is quite good at making up stories.

"I have participated in some scripts before, and I have always saved a little money and planned to pay a down payment, but I was cheated."

Tang Zhou: You can call the police.

"I wrote a script. I wanted to sell it to make some money, but I ran into obstacles everywhere. How could those big investors and directors like my script?"

"I think you are very rich, and your brain circuit also fits me well. Why don't you read the script first, and if you are interested, let's cooperate."

Tang Zhou is quite novel, this is the first time someone has used this method to attract investment, "What if you are not interested?"

"Then I'll jump into the river." The young man took his last sip and looked at the river wearily.

Tang Zhou was very sympathetic to him. If possible, he would not be stingy to help. After all, he had tasted the taste of despair and helplessness himself, and it was quite uncomfortable.

But seeing this man so out of character, he still asked cautiously: "What is the name of the script?"

The young man bared his big white teeth, and suddenly there was light in his eyes: "I'm not a hero". The name is not important, do you want to listen to the content?"

Tang Zhou firmly said: "No need."

The light in the eyes of the young man was instantly annihilated.

But I heard Tang Zhou say: "I vote."

It wasn't until he brought the little screenwriter home that Tang Zhou was surprised what he did tonight.

He never imagined that if he went to the riverside to blow the wind, he could pick up a dark horse screenwriter and come back.

Even Tang Zhou, who doesn't care about the film and television industry, has heard of the movie "I'm Not a Hero" in his dreams.

A low-cost film with a small investment became the most popular dark horse of the year, winning billions of box office. Tang Zhou wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the popular actor in this movie to endorse Deep Blue's game advertisement.

But it was also a movie from a few years later. I didn't expect the script to appear so early. If the little screenwriter didn't lie, then he really picked up a leak.

After this movie, the little screenwriter made several more movies.

This is not just about billions of dollars at the box office. Rao is Tang Zhou, so he can’t help but be moved.

Ai Mo took a bath comfortably and put on ill-fitting pajamas. Ai Ai came to the living room regularly, sat opposite Tang Zhou, and lowered her head embarrassedly.

Tang Zhou's tone was light: "I wasn't quite able to say it just now."

Ai Mo said bluntly: "I didn't see it clearly by the river, I didn't expect the boss to look like this."

Tang Zhou: "..." He almost forgot, this person also has an ex-boyfriend.

"Just call me by my name. Tell me about the script."

Ai Mo is a scheming person, otherwise he would not have been deceived so badly. He opened his mouth and told Tang Zhou the general content of the script without stopping.

In view of the popularity of the movie, Tang Zhou was fortunate to be invited by Fu Shen in his dream to watch it together.

The general plot is similar to what Ai Mo said, but there are some differences in the details.

But I can understand that after a few years, the finished product will definitely change.

When Ai Mo finished speaking, Tang Zhou made a few pertinent suggestions. Hearing Ai Mo's eyes widened, the light inside almost blinded Tang Zhou's eyes.

"I knew you were my confidant!" Ai Mo's face flushed with excitement, "I will definitely improve!"

Tang Zhou: "..." No, your confidant is actually yourself a few years later.

"Today is too late, you stay in the guest room first. Let's talk about cooperation when your script is really completed."


I experienced too many things this day, Tang Zhou was exhausted physically and mentally, and fell asleep on the pillow.

The next day, Fu Shen woke up very early, and the first thing he did was check his mobile phone information.

Mishu has already sent the information he found. It turned out that Tang Zhou beat Tang Zhen yesterday.

In front of the company's employees, it was his own father who was beaten, what did Tang Zhou want to do?

Fu Shen couldn't help frowning, faintly worried.

When this incident happened, it was impossible for the Tang family to remain undisturbed. I don't know how Tang Zhou is doing now.

He tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep, thinking that if he was a life assistant, he might as well take a look at the excuse of making breakfast.

At this time, I found that the assistant's name is easy to use.

The three sleeping roommates were not disturbed, Fu Shen quietly left the dormitory and rode a shared bicycle to Tang Zhou's residence.

At this time, it was bright.

He had the fingerprint permission to enter the house, and was worried about waking Tang Zhou, so he opened the door and stepped into the entrance.

As soon as I came in, I realized something was wrong.

Two pairs of shoes were lying messily at the entrance, one pair was familiar, the other was unfamiliar.

The door of the guest room suddenly opened, Fu Shen looked up subconsciously.

A handsome boy, wearing ill-fitting pajamas, leaning against the door and yawning.

Fu Shen squinted.

If he is not mistaken, this pajama belongs to Tang Zhou.

The author has something to say:Thank you for voting or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-1511:50:43~2020-06-1613:33:47 oh my little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 super concentrated sugar candy;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: everything is like a dream bubble, a bottle of super concentrated sugar;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion