MTL - The Villain is Born with a Sweet Tooth-Chapter 27

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Tang Shen is worthy of being Tang Shen, after a few seconds of brain blank, he quickly regained his reason and maintained his calm personality.

"Did you wash it?"

The cold and indifferent tone, through the bathroom door, seems abstinent but seductive.

Fu Shen supported the wall and slowly calmed down the restlessness in his heart, and laughed lowly: "The pants are not easy to wear, do you want to come in and help me, senior?"

Gambler Tang Zhou was not so thick-skinned, and pretended not to care: "Okay, I'm going in."

The door handle slowly turned, Fu Shen glanced at himself, who was not hanging on, and had no choice but to say, "Just kidding."


After waiting for a few minutes, Fu Shen moved to the bathroom door, opened it and saw Tang Zhou standing straight there, smiling: "Has the senior ever raised a cat?"

Tang Zhou shook his head and reached out to support him.

He can't even play with ragdolls, how could he have a cat?

Fu Shen used his strength to move to the side of the bed and sit down, wipe his hair and say, "I heard that cats have special characteristics."


"The cat is very afraid of water, every time the owner takes a bath in the bathroom, the cat is worried that the owner will drown, and will guard the bathroom door."


"Cute, isn't it?"

Tang Zhou: “…”

He felt that Fu Shen had changed, and he had become more and more courageous, and now he dared to tease him with this kind of joke.

The doorbell rang, Tang Zhou looked indifferent: "The ordered meal has arrived, come out to eat."

Fu Shen understands that enough is enough and sits in a wheelchair obediently.

This is the first time that Fu Shen has enjoyed the service of the "gold master" since he became an assistant.

Seeing Tang Zhou skillfully opening the bag and dividing the bowl, Fu Shen was slightly surprised. He didn't think Tang Zhou couldn't take care of himself in life, but he just felt a little discordant.

"I'll come." He took the initiative to take on the task, selfishly not wanting Tang Zhou to be tired.

Although it's not tiring.

Opening the lunch boxes one by one, Fu Shen was slightly startled. Most of these seem to be his favorite dishes.

Coincidence or…

Tang Zhou didn't pay attention to his expression and handed over the last box very naturally, "This is yours."



Fu Shen opened the box with a smile. The delicate little cakes were sweet and fragrant. Before they could be eaten, a hint of sweetness filled his heart.

I don't know if it's because of dessert or something else.

He couldn't help but take a sip, staring at Tang Zhou with amber eyes: "It's sweet."

The boy's happy mood was completely written on his face, which was very different from the silent and cold Fu Shen in his memory.

Tang Zhou's heart softened.

He saw in his dream that every time Mr. Fu completed a big order, he would secretly reward himself with a dessert.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

The voice was very soft, but it was still captured by Fu Shen.

Fu Shen wiped the corners of his mouth, "No."

He was laughed at by Tang Zhou before at the Qiao Yuanyuan Day Conference.

Tang Zhou pressed down the corners of his mouth, "Eat first, then eat dessert."


After dinner, Tang Zhou hid back in the room and continued to look for his resources, but unfortunately he still failed to get started.

He wasn't interested in these before, didn't care at all. Now I have some ideas, but I can't get it out, and I want to find them all the more.

Thinking about it, there is really no one around him to turn to for help.

I can't find Lu Ye, it's too embarrassing. Looking for Qiao Yuan, it is estimated that he is more confused than himself.

After thinking about it, I couldn't find a suitable person.

Ai Mo can do it. She has a boyfriend and is a character creator. It is impossible to understand this.

Although Ai Mo may not have any interactive videos between men and women, but men and men can make do with it.

But when he asked him for resources, Tang Zhou thought he couldn't help himself.

He thought for a moment and sent a message using chat software.

[Tang Zhou]: Regarding the script, I have a question that I would like to discuss.

【Ai Mo】: Okay, okay! [happy]

[Tang Zhou]: There is a scene in the script where the protagonist encounters a flower-picking thief, and then intends to extort money, and finds that the flower-picking thief is actually picking the sun to make up for the sun. Is this plot reasonable?

【Ai Mo】: Is there something wrong? [crying and chirping]

[Tang Zhou]: Is there really a way of harvesting the sun to replenish the sun?

[Ai Mo]: It's actually a good Longyang, does Longyang know?

[Tang Zhou]: Well. Can men and men do it?

【Ai Mo】:! ! Sir, do you really not understand?

[Tang Zhou]: Should I understand?

Fuck each other?

[Tang Zhou]: Oh. How to do it?

【Ai Mo】: Do you really want to know?

[Tang Zhou]: Curious.

【Ai Mo】: OK. I will give you a link to the network disk, and you can see for yourself. If you feel psychological discomfort, please stop loss in time.

[Tang Zhou]: Good.

Aimer threw him a link, Tang Zhou clicked it, and there was a folder named "Shuangfei of Swifts".

So poetic, is it really a male-male interactive video?

He locked the door, put on his headphones, and clicked on a video.

The video is a beautiful and romantic style. The two parties meet under the magnificent night scene and fall in love at first sight.

The actors are all very handsome, and they are very eye-catching.

So far, Tang Zhou has no discomfort.

The scene changes, the actors appear in a room and start kissing and stroking, overflowing with passion.

Tang Zhou raised his eyebrows.

The video gets to the point.

Tang Zhou was shocked. It's one thing to imagine, it's another to be real.

He didn't feel uncomfortable or impulsive, just felt a little strange.

Is it really possible to do this without an emotional foundation?

Tang Zhou brought in himself and said it was not very good. If he does this kind of thing, it must be with the person he likes.


Suddenly I felt like I was missing something.

Tang Zhou was stunned, repeating his thoughts in disbelief.

If he only wants to release his impulses with the person he likes, why is he attracted to Fu Shen's body?

The actors in the video are still doing their due diligence, but Tang Zhou has no time to pay attention.

Fu Shen's body was in his mind for a while, and he attacked himself for a while.

He knocked his forehead on the table and sighed secretly.

That night, Tang Zhou tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. He finally fell asleep and had a strange dream.

He dreamed of Fu Shen a few years later.

Wearing a black suit, her eyes were sharp and indifferent, she neatly put away the document and said, "Now I'm on a business trip."

Tang Zhou did not hesitate: "Okay."

The time and place of the business trip happened to hit the peak season of summer vacation travel. Tang Zhou used the software to book tickets on the way, but he couldn't book them.

He was distressed when Fu Shen said, "It's fine if there is no hotel, just wait and find a private hotel."

Tang Zhou went bankrupt not long ago and has never lived in a private hotel, so he couldn't imagine the conditions of the hotel.

When he walked through the narrow alley and stepped into the old house, he realized that they were staying in such a hotel.

The bald middle-aged man glanced at them, "Accommodation?"

Fu Shen nodded and handed over his ID card.

Boss: "There is only one room."

Tang Zhou hurriedly said: "I'll go to other places to see—"

"It's inconvenient to have a job for you." Fu Shen categorically rejected his proposal.

Tang Zhou: “…”

With Fu Shen's current price, it is impossible for him to live in a hotel. If he can't book online, it doesn't mean he can't find a place to live.

Money can make ghosts run the mill, and I don't know what Fu Shentu is.

Of course, he is the boss and he has absolute authority.

Tang Zhou could only follow him into a small room with only one bed.

The bed is not big enough for two men to lie down.

He was standing by the bed, trying to overcome his resistance to sleeping with others, but his body was suddenly hugged from behind!


Tang Zhou opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were pitch black, and he only heard the sound of his heart beating violently, thumping and thumping, as if someone was beating gongs and drums in his ear.

What a horrible dream he had!

The first half was normal, it was indeed what he had experienced in his previous dream, but in the second half he was hugged and kissed by Fu Shen, isn't this the plot in Ai Mo's video!

Tang Zhou gasped and looked down.


The next morning, Tang Zhou got up with a pair of panda eyes. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Fu Shen sitting on the sofa.

The boy has a computer on his lap, his slender hands are typing fast on the keyboard.

When he heard the movement, he immediately stopped and turned his head: "Have you bought breakfast, do you want to eat it?"

Tang Zhou: " bought it?"

Fu Shen smiled, "Liang Chen helped bring it."


I didn't sleep well last night, Tang Zhou sat listlessly at the table, nibbling on the buns mechanically.

Fu Shen noticed that he was in a bad mood and asked tentatively, "What's wrong?"

The handsome face of the boy was close at hand, with obvious concern.

He got a little closer, Tang Zhou conditioned reflex to lean back, and said with a sullen face: "It's nothing."

The loss in Fu Shen's eyes disappeared in a flash, he quietly took the initiative to distance himself from Tang Zhou, and said, "Senior should always be the first in the grade."

Tang Zhou wait for him to follow.

"The final exam is coming soon. I don't understand some questions in high school." Fu Shen smiled embarrassedly, "Can I ask you?"

Tang Zhou doubts this.

If he remembers correctly, Fu Shen's grades have always been among the best, and high numbers are not a problem for him.


Tang Zhou did not want to refuse.


Fu Shen made every inch: "Are you free today?"

Tang Zhou: "You don't have class on Monday?"

"I mean night." Fu Shen's smile deepened.

He was already handsome, and it was quite pleasing to smile sincerely, and Tang Zhou was a little unclear about him now. After the filter was added, I just felt that he was smiling. The eyes are so beautiful, and so are the lips.

Tang Zhou slowly exhaled, and said with a blank face: "Send you to school."

He always felt that Fu Shen was flirting with him, but he had no evidence.

Fu Shen was sent to school, Tang Zhou sat in the car with a calm expression, reached out to get a cigarette several times, but the picture of Fu Shen's blocking appeared in his mind, and finally failed to open the storage compartment.

Suddenly received a message.

[Lu Ye]: Yesterday's basketball game had a prize, I'll give it to you tonight.

[Tang Zhou]: Well.

[Lu Ye]: Tang Zhou, I think I still have to ask you.

[Tang Zhou]: What?

[Lu Ye]: What is your relationship with Fu Shen?

【Tang Zhou】: Cooperation.

[Lu Ye]: Yesterday... was wrong.

Tang Zhou sighed softly.

He and Lu Ye have known each other for so many years, but Lu Ye doesn't say he fully understands him, and his emotional perception is quite accurate.

He moved his fingers.

[Tang Zhou]: What's wrong?

[Lu Ye]: Do you do the same to other partners?

【Tang Zhou】: Which?

[Lu Ye]: Do you want me to clarify?

【Tang Zhou】: Yes.

[Lu Ye]: are helpless.

Tang Zhou smiled.

[Lu Ye]: Are you serious?

[Tang Zhou]: Lu Ye, how did you decide that you liked Qiao Yuan?

【Lu Ye】: ...bye.