MTL - The Villain is Born with a Sweet Tooth-Chapter 32

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The restaurant is not far from the residence, and it takes only a quarter of an hour to walk back.

Fu Shen carried Tang Zhou on his back, but hoped that the road would be longer.

"It's shaking." Tang Zhou muttered with his cheek against the back of Fu Shen's neck.

Fu Shen stopped, "I'll be home soon."

Every time I get drunk, I turn into Tang Sansui, so cute.

Back to the community, Fu Shen took the elevator upstairs, and as soon as he walked through the corridor, he saw two people standing in front of the door.

A very familiar one, the assistant of Ms. Zheng. Another one I haven't seen.

Both are holding gift boxes.

Fu Shen approached, seeing that they were about to speak, he immediately raised his index finger to his lips, and said in a low voice, "Don't disturb him."

Zheng Qiuyi's assistant looked very calm, lowered her voice and said, "This is a graduation gift from Ms. Zheng to Tang Shao."

Fu Shen looked at the other person.

The man looked at him with scrutiny eyes, and his tone was a little arrogant: "The old man asked me to give Tang Shao a gift, you are Tang Shao..."

He didn't lower his voice deliberately, Tang Zhou heard the word "gift" in a daze, and raised his head suddenly, "Arrived home? Where is the gift?"

Fu Shen said bluntly: "Your mother and grandfather have both brought gifts, what should I do?"

Tang Zhou is drunk, but his logic is still there.

"I don't want, you drive them away."

Two: "..." embarrassing.

Fu Shen smiled unkindly.


When facing the two, she put on an indifferent mask, "He doesn't want, you go."

Zheng Qiuyi's assistant has experienced strong winds and waves, and his expression did not change at all, and he put the gift box directly at the door: "If Tang Shao doesn't want to accept it, just throw it away."

The old man's assistant followed the example, but the tone was not very good, "Tang Shao is drunk and doesn't recognize people. When he wakes up, you must tell him clearly."

He regarded Fu Shen as the little lover who bewitched Tang Zhou, and despised him in his heart.

Zheng Qiuyi's assistant was very straightforward: "I'll be back first, see you Mr. Fu."

Fu Shen nodded slightly, completely ignoring the other.

After closing the door, the assistant was very upset, and when he went back to report the situation, he said a lot of Fu Shen's bad words, such as being arrogant, arrogant and so on.

He deliberately smeared, but Fu Shen didn't know about it, of course even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

Fu Shen entered the room and put Tang Zhou on the sofa. He wanted to bring in the two gifts outside the door, but Tang Zhou grabbed his wrist.

The young man was lying on the sofa, his eyes were drunk, the mist inside seemed to be oozing out of water, and he stared straight at him.

"Gifts, I want gifts."

Fu Shen squatted in front of him, his voice soft and soft.

"Don't want to see their gifts?"

"I don't want to." A bit of impatience appeared between Tang Zhou's eyebrows.

Fu Shen solemnly said: "My gift is not expensive at all, it is very ordinary and not beautiful, would you still want it?"

Tang Zhou stared at him for a few seconds, then muttered, "Long-winded."

He scolded Fu Shen, but his face was full of expectations.

The word "Aojiao" suddenly appeared in Fu Shen's mind.

He laughed suddenly, got up and said, "I'll get it."

As soon as he turned around, Tang Zhou got up from the sofa, grabbed his shoulders, and forced himself to jump on his back.

Fu Shen hurriedly turned around to help him, "Be careful."

Tang Zhou threw himself into his arms, buried his face in his shoulders, clasped his hands tightly around his waist, and said unreasonably: "Together."

The quiet fragrance, mixed with a touch of alcohol, enveloped all of Fu Shen's senses. He lightly hugged the young man in his arms, and for a moment, he even held his breath.

The soft hair rubbed against the collarbone, and the slight itching reached the heart through the skin, fiddling with layers of ripples, rippling back and forth in the chest cavity.

“Tang Zhou…”

He tightened his arms suddenly, took the whole person into his arms, took a few deep breaths, and then said against the young man's temple: "I'll carry you over."

Tang Zhou raised his head, raised a smile, his eyes were curved, his lips were curved, and his voice was unbelievably soft: "Okay."

It's so sweet.

Fu Shen no longer hesitated, just in this position, he picked up the person from the sofa.

Left off the sofa, the sense of weightlessness makes Tang Zhou instinctively wrap around Fu Shen's neck, his legs are crossed, and the whole person's weight falls on Fu Shen.

It was only a few steps from the living room to the bedroom, but Fu Shen walked very hard. It wasn't because of the weight, but the heavy delusions in his heart that made him want to slow down a little bit.

Tang Zhou was anxious and patted his shoulder, "Hurry up."

Fu Shen: “…”

Sometimes it is not clear whether he is really drunk or fake.

At the urging of Tang Zhou, Fu Shen stopped dawdling, entered the bedroom, and put Tang Zhou down.

Tang Zhou glanced at the doll sitting alone on the bed.

He looked at Fu Shen eagerly: "Is it it?"

Only black pearl-like eyes, naive.

Tang Zhou was immediately amazed.

Because I didn't pay attention to it, I only saw the assembly line dolls in the window when passing by the street, so his aesthetics for dolls has always stayed at a relatively low level.

When I first saw this pure white cat, I was shocked and my hands were about to move.

Fu Shen pressed his fist to his lips, but he didn't laugh, he nodded and said, "Well, do you like it?"

"I like it!" Tang Zhou nodded heavily, "Can I hug it?"


Tang Zhou excitedly held the cat doll in his hand, and for a while he couldn't tell who was whiter.

He sat beside the bed, kneaded for a while, raised his head and asked Fu Shen, "Is it male or female?"

Fu Shen: “…”

Is it necessary to separate male and female when making a doll?

Faced with the big eyes that Little Tang wanted, Fu Shen said with difficulty: "Dolls don't differentiate between males and females."

"How do you have a baby?"

Fu Shen: "It's only one, and it can't be born."

"Can't find a company?"


"Oh, then find a companion for it, and have a baby, not a fourth or a fifth, just a family of three, okay?"

Fu Shen was startled, looking into Tang Zhou's clear and flawless eyes, his heart suddenly became sour.

He bent over and said solemnly: "Okay, just three, nothing else."

Tang Sansui nodded in satisfaction, and said seriously, "You are so kind."

Fu Shen smiled, "Where is it?"

"Give me a gift." Tang Zhou narrowed his eyes happily.

It's still such a delicate and beautiful doll.

His words reminded Fu Shen, Fu Shen couldn't hold back, reached out and stroked his head, softly coaxing: "You play first, I'll get something."


Fu Shen went out of the bedroom and took the two gift boxes at the door.

Whether Tang Zhou wants it or not, he can't keep it outside the door all the time.

After placing the two gift boxes, Fu Shen returned to the bedroom, only to find that Tang Zhou had fallen asleep on the bed, holding the kitten tightly in his arms.

This is his bedroom, his bed.

The one who is lying on it now is the person he is so moved by.

Fu Shen stared at it for a long time, then Fang slowly let out a breath, picked him up, and put him on the bed in the master bedroom.

The process was very light, and Tang Zhou did not wake up at all.

It wasn't until he closed the door and cut off his sight that Fu Shen laughed at himself: the self-control he was so proud of was running out tonight.

Back to his bedroom, there was still a faint smell of wine, which was left by Tang Zhou.

Fu Shen was lying on the bed, where Tang Zhou fell asleep just now.

The phone beeps suddenly, tearing the silent but dazzling air.

Fu Shen turned on his phone without thinking, clicked on the group message, and sat up suddenly.

[Pixiu]: Brother Shen, look at the picture! Is it you?

【Li Fengyu】: Forum post? Grass, what is the relationship between you and the girl...

[Liang Chen]: There is no trace of PS, the picture is real, and the content should be fake.

[Pixiu]: Brother Shen, please explain!

Fu Shen clicked on a few screenshots, someone posted him on the forum, and he used the photos of him and the girls going in and out.

【Fu Shen】: Has the poster found it?

[Liang Chen]: I found it, he is a student of the journalism department, who usually likes to gossip.

Fu Shen is the representative of this class of freshmen. He originally had a halo and a handsome face. After Tang Shen and Lu Shao left the campus, he became a new star, and then became the new favorite of the forum.

Although that girl is pretty, you can't be sorry for Tang Shen!

[Li Fengyu]:…

[Liang Chen]:…

[Pixiu]: Grass, did I say something that shouldn't be said?

[Fu Shen]: Sorry Tang Shen?

【Pixiu】: I withdraw.

[Fu Shen]: I just asked her some technical questions.

[Li Fengyu]: This girl was picked out as our junior sister, which makes sense.

[Liang Chen]: The one who went to Fancheng to participate in the competition? Your technique should be no worse than hers.

【Fu Shen】: Not computer technology.

【Pixiu】: Come and listen.

[Li Fengyu]: Come and listen.

[Liang Chen]: Come and listen.

【Fu Shen】: Do you know knitted dolls?

【Pixiu】: Don’t digress.

【Fu Shen】: When making knitted dolls, you need the most basic fingers to be flexible. Regular exercise will help improve your hand speed. Senior Sister is very skilled in this area, so I went to ask her for advice.

【Pixiu】: Seriously

【Li Fengyu】: Nonsense.

[Liang Chen]: Just be happy.

Fu Shen smiled, he didn't expect to be able to hide from the three roommates, but he didn't need to explain too much.

[Pixiu]: The rhythm of this post is too strong, what should I do?

[Li Fengyu]: It's dark.

[Fu Shen]: I'll come.

He turned on the computer, tapped his fingers flexibly on the keyboard, followed the clues, and found a very interesting consumption record.

This gossip-loving journalism student spent tens of thousands of dollars on a DSLR just two days ago.

From his previous consumption record, he is not a wealthy student.

Suddenly rich, he had to suspect that there was a PY transaction here, but he didn't know who he was targeting.

After deleting the post, Fu Shen directly knocked on Mi Shu and asked him to check who this journalism classmate had been in contact with and what was the unusual behavior.

This kind of thing is not difficult for Mi Shu, he quickly found a clue and sent it to Fu Shen.

Reciprocity is his principle. The same goes for planning ahead.

Since Tang Zhou was far away from the power center of the Tang family, Fu Shen never relaxed his investigation of Tang Tianyang.

For the first time tasting the sweetness of power within reach, Tang Tianyang couldn't wait to indulge himself.

Under Tang Zhen's words and deeds, Tang Tianyangqing is better than the blue.

He is more rambunctious than Tang Zhen.

Fu Shen moved his fingers and looked at those pictures with a blank expression and began to ferment on the Internet.

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