MTL - The Villain is Born with a Sweet Tooth-Chapter 53 no responsibility

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Failed to live together, although Tang Zhou regretted it, he knew that he could not act too hastily.

The environment of Jiangxinyuan is good, Tang Zhou regards Fu Shen as his lover in his heart, but in this situation, he has to do superficial work, not to scare Fu Shen.

"The rent will be deducted from my assistant's salary, okay?" Tang Zhou asked before getting off the bus.

Fu Shen: “…”

He lowered his eyes, "Okay."

Although he never thought about the rent, but when Tang Zhou brought it up, he didn't want to hurt his self-esteem, so he could only agree.

"I can't find the house, can you take me there?" Tang Zhou asked again.

Fu Shen frowned slightly, "There is a sign."

"Can't see at night."

"There are street lights."


Tang Zhou sighed in his heart, "Give me the key."

Fu Shen: “…”

Tang Zhou raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"I didn't bring it." Fu Shen was annoyed, he was confused just now, and he never thought of this, "Fingerprints are fine, I'll take you there."

Tang Zhou smiled, not to take him.

The driver drove into Jiangxinyuan Community as instructed. At night, the community is quiet and peaceful, with green plants and shadows, as if private soldiers are watching this low-key black car.

After getting off the car, Tang Zhou obediently followed Fu Shen, and the two of them didn't say a word until they got into the elevator, and Tang Zhou asked, "Are all the quilts here? "

As far as he knows, Fu Shen doesn't seem to have been here before, and he doesn't know if he has any preparations.

There was a silence in the elevator. Tang Zhou was about to speak when the elevator door opened. He raised his foot to go out, but Fu Shen grabbed his wrist.

Fu Shen pressed it back to the first floor again, released him, and said blankly, "I'll have someone prepare it tomorrow."

Tang Zhou deliberately said: "Then tonight..."

"Book a room at the hotel."


Tang Zhou felt that this dream was too difficult.

Driver: dare not speak.JPG

Fu Shen: “…”

He was silent for a while before he said, "Mr. Tang wants to..."

"Go to your house."

Driver: ! !

Fu Shen: (`Д)!!

Tang Zhou pretended not to see his surprised eyes, lowered his head and said: "Forget it, I'm not President Tang now, if I didn't say it. Could you lend me some money, I'll go to the hotel Open a room."

Fu Shen really felt that the Tang Zhou before him was too different from before.

The Tang Zhou in his impression would never say so much, let alone say these words.

But this person is indeed Tang Zhou himself, and he will not admit his mistake.

Fu Shen did not respond to Tang Zhou's words, but only instructed the driver: "Go back."

The driver responded, thinking: Going around, or returning to the origin, what did you do so much tossing just now?

Fu Shen rarely brings people home, let alone overnight stays.

When Tang Zhou was an assistant, he was fortunate enough to eat Fu Shen's meals in this house a few times, but only because of work needs, he basically left after eating, and never stayed longer.

The interior decoration of the house is completely cool, solemn and restrained, without the slightest vitality.

Tang Zhou put on his slippers and followed Fu Shen to the living room. Fu Shen took a step and said, "I'm thirsty."

Fu Shen turned around to pour water, and handed it to him without a word.

The water is warm, neither hot nor cool, just right.

Tang Zhou took a sip, holding the cup in both hands, and said pitifully: "I was kicked out and didn't bring anything."

Fu Shen made his bed and prepared all kinds of daily necessities for him, all of which were placed all over the room.

Looking at his meticulously busy figure, Tang Zhou secretly curled the corners of his lips, and while Fu Shen was putting toiletries for him, he deliberately ran into the bathroom and said to Fu Shen, who had his back turned to him: "And pajamas."

Fu Shen: “…”

Only his own pajamas at home, there are new ones, but…

Before he came up with a good idea, he heard Tang Zhou lowered his eyes and whispered: "Can I borrow your pajamas first?"

The light from the top of the bathroom poured down, casting the shadow of the eyelashes under Tang Zhou's eyes.

He shook his head, how could it be.

Tang Zhou sneezed suddenly, rubbed the tip of his nose, and said in a loud voice, "I want to take a shower first."

Tang Zhou was indeed a little uncomfortable. It was estimated that he had been cold outside the community for too long.

After taking a bath, his head was a little dizzy, and he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Fu Shen sat on the sofa in the living room for a long time, until there was no movement in the guest bedroom, he came to the study and opened the chat software.

Fu Shen: [Help me check the news of the Tang family. 】

Mi Shu replied after a while: [There is no problem with Tang syndrome. 】

Fu Shen: [Not a company. 】

Mishu: […]

After a while, Mi Shu finally sent a photo and said: [Tang Tianyang hired someone to take this photo. 】

There are more internal conflicts in the family, Mi Shu can not know all of them.

Fu Shen: [Thanks. 】

He closed the chat box and endured a headache to recall what Tang Zhou said tonight.

He said he was kicked out by Tang Zhihua, he said he was no longer the president of the Tang family, he said he was going to be an assistant...

Fu Shen pinched between his eyebrows, only to feel the headache worse.

The next morning, Fu Shen woke up, washed up mechanically as usual, and planned to get some breakfast. When I passed by the door of the guest bedroom, I suddenly remembered that Tang Zhou slept in it last night!

He froze up, and it took a long while to confirm that it was not a dream.

Fu Shen walked lightly to the kitchen and made two breakfasts according to Tang Zhou's taste, but the guest bedroom remained silent.

He glanced at the entrance, the shoes were still there, and no one left.

It took another ten minutes before he felt something was wrong.

Tang Zhou is a very well-mannered and punctual person. As an assistant, he has never come late or left early, and usually doesn't get up so late.

He walked to the door and knocked three times.

No movement.

Three more taps.

Still nothing.

Fu Shen decisively reached out and twisted the door.

The curtains in the room blocked the light, borrowed some light from the living room, it was very dark.

He walked quickly to the side of the bed, the person on the bed was sleeping very deeply and did not respond to the outside world at all.

Fu Shen turned on the light and saw the flushing on his face.

He reached out and probed, it was hot!

Fu Shen immediately called the doctor, and then put a wet towel on Tang Zhou's forehead.

Tang Zhou was breathing heavily, as if he was trapped in a hot cage, unable to break free no matter how hard he earned. Until a touch of coolness came from his forehead, he wanted to reach for it, but his body didn't obey and he couldn't lift his arms.

Fu Shen listened carefully to the doctor's instructions, his eyes fell on the face of the person on the bed, and he was very remorseful.

He should have gone home earlier last night. If he had gone home earlier, Tang Zhou would not have waited so long outside.

The phone rang suddenly.

It was called by the driver, I guess I was waiting outside.

"I won't go to the company this morning." Fu Shen paused, "I'll let you know in the afternoon."

Driver: I just brought it home last night, so I won't go to work today, which is a bit fast.

After hanging up, Fu Shen contacted the secretary about not going to the company in the morning.

There are no secrets in the company.

In just an hour, Fu Shen, a workaholic, who was absent from work in the morning spread throughout the company.

Pixiu was shocked when he heard the news, and sent a message in the group passionately: [Lie by, by, by by, by by! @FU Shen, brother Shen, are you alright! 】

Li Fengyu: [What's wrong? What's the matter, bro? 】

Liang Chen: [Brother Shen didn’t come to work today. 】

Li Fengyu: [So? It's not normal for Brother Shen not to go to work... No! Very abnormal! Damn, Brother Shen, are you alright! 】

Liang Chen: [@Pixiu, you are so shocked, do you know the reason? 】

Pixiu: [QAQ won’t really be because of me! 】

Li Fengyu: [Stop talking nonsense! 】

Liang Chen: [After solving the problem, blame yourself. 】

Pi Xiu cried: [Last night, Mr. Tang asked if my brother Shen was in the company. I didn’t think much about it and said yes, Mr. Tang would not go to fight with Mr. Shen. Now Mr. Shen is recovering at home. ? Brother Shen, I'm sorry for you! 】

Li Fengyu: […]

Liang Chen: […]

Fu Shen: [Change careers earlier. 】

Pixiu: [Wow, Brother Shen, what do you mean? Are you OK? 】

Liang Chen: [Brother Shen thinks it is a pity that you are not a screenwriter. @FU Shen, why didn't you come to work all of a sudden? 】

Fu Shen: [I'm fine. 】

No more words for the rest.

All three stopped asking.

Deep Blue's operation model is quite mature, and Fu Shen has no problem with working every day.

And over the years, Fu Shen has devoted himself to his work, almost all year round, and sudden changes are not necessarily a bad thing.

Tang Zhou opened his eyes and saw a man sitting beside the bed, with that handsome face he had kissed many times.

The body was heavy and hot, and before he could turn his head, he half-opened his eyes and acted like a spoiled child: "Fu Shen, I'm so uncomfortable."

Fu Shen was sitting by the bed reading a book, but when he heard Tang Zhou's soft and hoarse voice, his heart skipped a beat, and he raised his eyes subconsciously, a man who was usually arrogant and indifferent, but now his face is crimson , looked at himself with moist eyes, as if he was the person he trusted the most.

Fu Shen suppressed the strange thoughts in his heart, and his indifferent tone contained a hint of tenderness: "You have a fever, and the doctor is giving you an infusion."

Tang Zhou obediently said "oh", "I'm so thirsty."

Fu Shen immediately got up and poured water.

Tang Zhou's mind was burning and confused, his consciousness remained in the real world, and he didn't notice anything unusual about the furniture. He just stared blankly at the door of the room where Fu Shen's figure disappeared, feeling very aggrieved.

Why did he suddenly become so cold? Before he was a little uncomfortable, Fu Shen would hug him and kiss him to comfort him. Why is there no expression at all today?

Fu Shen came in with a glass of water, and put a straw in thoughtfully. When he looked up, he met Tang Zhou's aggrieved and innocent eyes. It's like doing bad things.

He put the straw to Tang Zhou's dry lips with a blank face.

Tang Zhou took a few sips and let it go. After the dry and cracked throat was moistened by the water, he felt much better, and then he said, "Do you dislike me?"

Fu Shen: ? ? ?

Dislike? Where does this accusation come from?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Tang Sansui, whose central processor was overheated, had a sour nose, and his eyes were red: "Do you really hate me?"

Fu Shen pursed his lips, where did this come from?

Tang Sansui was hit too hard, and a lot of water flashed in his eyes. He glared at Fu Shen: "If you want to break up, just say it."

Fu Shen: “…”

The doctor who was going to check the patient's condition: What a scumbag!

Fu Shen and Tang Zhou are both famous in Jiangcheng, and the doctor of course knows them.

Seeing Tang Zhou at Fu Shen's house surprised him. I didn't expect them to have that kind of relationship! He was simply shocked beyond words!

The next second, I just heard Fu Suspected scumbag spit out a sentence:

"Mr. Tang, you're confused."

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