MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 1 纨绔 father (1)

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The author has something to say:

World One [纨绔爸爸]


A famous chairman of the city, Baijia, a couple of planes crashed, leaving a small orphan girl who is only three years old, with a large number of inheritance, relatives want to lie to raise, who knows the worth of billions of small golden dolls to give I chose a father myself, or a famous dude in the city...

Luo Sheng: Fuck, Lao Tzu does not do it!

Small sound: Hey, hug!

Luo Sheng: ...


"Fuck, who dares to bully Laozi's niece, Lao Tzu let him not mix!"

(I always feel that there is no imperfect story in the 23333, this is the first world copy, in the future will be the next world's copy of the notice in the last chapter of the last world.) June after the rain, clean Bright.

A city's famous Baijia palms and couples have just finished their affairs, and Baijia is noisy at this time.

The servants rushed back to the side, for fear of getting burned.

The living room was noisy, and the men and women in black clothes had just sent home and couldn’t wait to mention the adoption of the family’s daughter.

"I am the voice of her second uncle, we have a relationship recently, let me be a little niece!"

The middle-aged man with a thick eyebrow and a little bit of a fierce anger.

The sound is the old woman of the Bai family. It was only in her 40s that she had such a golden baby. This person is the second son of the sound.

Mr. Bai has no biological brothers, and there are three cousins. This person has an opening, and the other two also said, "We are also uncles of music, regardless of the size of the family?"

The three brothers broke the head for the custody of Golden Baby. The rest of the relatives, look at me, I will look at you, and the other side will discuss who is raising.

They talked about themselves, and no one wanted to ask the opinions of the adopted people in the past.

Everyone wants to raise this little golden doll. The back of this child represents the huge Baishi Group. It is full of billions of assets and is very popular.

The Baishi Group was founded by Mr. Bai and his wife. This pair of famous couples caught up with the tide of the sea when they were young. Their eyes were unique and modest and generous. They were very popular in the circle.

The Baijia business is getting bigger and bigger. Until today, twenty years later, it is already a famous big group in China. It is also a landmark company in the city of a city!

This time, the Baijia couple had an accident. The white family’s relatives who had touched the side of the family had the same smell as the flies. They all came, and the white living room was full.

Several women gathered around for a long time and asked the nanny to ask: "What about the sound? How can you not see the sound?"

I have been negotiating for a long time, and I don’t have to ask where the young woman is. Now I don’t think it’s too late?

The nanny bowed his head and licked her mouth. Her poor voice, Miss, was only three years old! pitiful!

In the back garden of the villa.

The nanny looked for a long time, in a person who was found in the flower garden.

The little one’s scorpion hugged his knees and sat in the flower bud, surrounded by flowers and trees around him, not looking at the roots.

She shouted: "Miss sound?"

The group did not look up and still had a small head.

The nanny is even more distressed. How can a small child lose a pair of parents and how to resist the wolves and tigers outside!

She put the voice softly and softly: "Don't be afraid, it is Zhang Wei."

For a while, she came close and heard the small sobs coming from the knees buried in the dumplings.

Zhang Yue’s heart was almost broken in half, and the young lady was only three years old. She was also very cute and embarrassed. Even if she was spoiled by her parents, she was never arrogant, and there were no bears that the bears couldn’t wait for.

I have been caring about people since I was a child. These servants have not been taken care of by younger ladies. They have good food and know that they are distributed to others. When the weather is cold, they frown and frown and say, "Hey, remember to wear more clothes. Oh!"

Zhang Yue did not dare to reach out and hugged, and stood next to him: "Miss Xiao Xiao, don't cry."

She was anxious to turn around, and her mouth was stupid. She only knew that she would not cry.

The sound raised her head, a pair of beautiful round eyes red and swollen, she opened her mouth, the young voice of the young voice with a silky nose: "I want Dad!"

In the end, the relatives of the White House did not wait for the result. They had no disputes. They said that they would choose a foster family by themselves. As a result, the nanny went out for a while, and came in with a sleeping group. "Missing voice crying and falling asleep." It is."

A child who is three or three years old has just lost his parents. Even if they don’t have a purpose, they can’t wake her up in public. It’s so ugly to eat.

Can only return without success.

It’s not a long time to regenerate it. It didn’t take long for Bai’s news to be heard. On the bright side, he was afraid that he had just lost his parents’ white heirs who were only three years old. These are uncles and aunts who gave me a big guy. Get together and give the white house a popular popularity.

In fact, everyone knows that there is a saying in the dark that this white family wants to ask them to be a witness and let the golden doll choose who to follow.

In this way, if the children choose their own, even if there is something in the future, they will not be ugly on the face, but they can make a good name.

These white relatives, headed by the sound of the two uncles, will bring in the people with their faces in the circle. Everyone is happy to see this lively. After all, this golden doll will be raised in the future, who is basically the future of Bai’s The ruler!

Luo Sheng just returned to China and spent two days at home, letting the friends of Hu Peng yelled out.

"Well, you go to foreign countries to plate a Jinducheng monk? You don't come out to drink a little drink with your buddy!"

A short hair micro-dye dyed into a tan, facial features exquisite but not feminine, even if it has been twenty, the eyebrows still have some arrogance of youthful arrogance.

He turned the cup in his hand and gave off a piece of light under the chandelier. Luo Sheng snorted: "The old man is staring."

Here is a private club opened by young people in the circle. There are everything in it, singing, dancing, playing billiards, bowling... and even a gambling table on the ground floor.

It’s noisy outside, and the door of the box is so quiet that even the breath can smell. Luo Sheng sipped the wine in his hand. "I said it to the old man. After finishing the loash, he will leave me alone!"

He was lying on the sofa lazily, his hands on the back of the sofa, sitting awkwardly, a pair of peach eyes, "wait, I will hug the wonderful life of drunken dreams tomorrow!"

The friends and friends laughed and touched each other. "Congratulations to Luo Ge!"

The group of people who came here today are growing up in the circle with Luo Sheng from childhood to big madness. The **** who share the same taste know each other what they are thinking.

Drinking a small drink, the smoke is also on, the ventilation system in the box is doing very well, even if a group of people are swallowing the clouds and not a little bit of smell.

Luo Sheng casually spit out the cigarette circle, "Tomorrow the field to get together?"

Just said good here, some people said: "No, ah, Minger Baijia banquet, you will not go to join in the fun?"

Several people suddenly realized that when Luo Sheng did not know, he explained: "Luo Ge, you have just returned to China for two days, and you are not bored at home, you may not have heard of it."

"What have you heard?"

"Do you know the Baishi Group?"

"The chairman of the board, Mr. Bai, the plane crashed, and they have a little daughter. They are only a little older, three years old! Oh... maybe not three years old, I heard that I haven’t had a third birthday."

"Whether it is according to the will or the law, the Baishi Group should inherit this three-year-old devil? Is such a small heir always have a guardian?"

He smiled and said: "The relatives of the white family have been arguing over the sky. In order to fight for this custody, they don't want to face each other. The big guys are watching jokes these days."

A yellow-haired young man sat next to Luo Sheng, and forked a piece of watermelon and handed it to his Luo Ge’s mouth. He smiled and said: "What kind of party was held again, probably telling us to be a witness, let the little one choose oneself. The guardian is raising."

"The buddies are going to go to the bustle tomorrow to see what the golden doll looks like, and then which one is the **** that has been favored by this little devil."

A few people laughed badly, and the excitement in the circle was rare. They all said that they would go and see if Luo Sheng could not go?

The young brown hair is lazy and shrugs, saying go! "It's boring anyway."

The house of Baijia is a three-storey villa with yellow and white colors. There are large gardens in front and back. There is also a small playground in the front yard. The slides have everything to do. At first glance, the owner is very petting.

The overall style of the house is exquisite and warm. The area is not big for the big houses in the circle, and it is not luxurious. But looking at it, you can imagine how warm and happy a family of three is in this small villa.

Luo Sheng came in with the friends of Hu Peng, and his eyes fell on the pink swing and strolled in.

The white family relatives stood at the door with the white uncle and greeted the guests. When they came, they smiled and said welcome, and they looked at the natural posture of the host family.

Luo Sheng was bored and sipped a few drinks. He put down his glass. "I will go back first."

"Don't be Luo Ge, the show hasn't started yet!"

"Wait a minute, right away!"

I saw Bai Ershu, this man with a slightly sinister appearance stood in the middle, and there was a small microphone on the front table. "Thank you for coming..."

After the opening remarks of the guest set, he looked around for the next four weeks, and looked at the white relatives of his peers and said: "My cousin is so gone, we are really distressed, but Xiao Yan’s daughter is white. The sound is only three years old this year, and our living relatives and brothers have to take up this home for the cousin!"

"Now, please bear witness, the voice is willing to follow who, who we do not force, let her choose!"

The nanny, Zhang Yue, will dress up the neatly dressed lady.

The small dumplings are in a pink tutu, black bows and small leather shoes, and the sparse soft hair on the head is tied with a small flaw.

She seems listless, her face buried in the arms of the nanny.

Bai Ershu gestured to the nanny to put the group down.

The gang was standing on the carpet with his small head, and Luo Sheng was still looking casually, and his hand was turning to a special bronze lighter.

Bai Ershu smiled and leaned closer to the ball, deliberately lowered the voice, "sounds..."

"Small sound, you tell the second uncle who are you willing to live with?"

The middle-aged man who is a bit fierce is suddenly softened and laughable and amiable. It is still somewhat attractive.

Other relatives couldn't sit still, and they were close together. They didn't care about the presence of outsiders. They said: "The sound follows the three uncles. The big brother of the three uncles can take you to play!"

"With the four uncles, your cousin is only two years old, you can play together!"

"Sound and..."

The little scorpion hangs on the small head, and the two small hands are uneasily stirred together. It seems that there are some fears and even two steps back.

Here, the mouth was quiet, and the white uncle looked up. Then he looked at the eyes that everyone disapproved. He was stiff and screamed: "Don't bother, let the sounds make their own choices." ”

I don't know how long it took, the little powder dumplings finally looked up, the eyes were slightly red, and the big eyes looked up at the surroundings, like a newborn little beast, poor and innocent.

A few big men also saw some soft feelings, and Huang Mao snorted and said: "In order to make money, this forced a child, ugly!"

"Is that a little money? Ten billion!"

In the end, this is a group of things that don’t care about the high-ranking sorrowful cold-hearted brothers. They will sigh a few words and let them do something. It’s not impossible for the brothers to do anything.

After the sigh is over, some people think that it is also very sour, looking at the group of red-eyed white relatives. "I don't know which dog is calling this little golden doll to pick it up. Hey, you don't have to struggle in this life!" ”

I am interested in watching here.

“Can anyone?” asked the group.

Bai Ershu laughed and looked around in a circle, surrounded by white people, "Of course!"

Surrounded by the crowd, the sound of the nose sniffed and looked up and looked around in the crowd.

Finally... the eyes fell on the brown-haired man on the small cubicle sofa not far away.

Her eyes lit up, and she was still slouched like a thank-you little flower bud, and it was very spiritual. She stretched out her chubby hand and pointed her finger at the brown-haired man, who was about to be happy.

The system stopped the sound, "Can't call Dad!"

The sound was paused, and the chubby hand still pointed to the brown-haired man who was lazy and leaned on the sofa. The milk voice was too arrogant and confident: "I want him!"