MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 102 Village Ba Dad (fifteen)

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He walked over to sit there and read the article about himself and the nephew carefully. He smiled and said: "Who wrote this, seek truth from facts, write well, speak right, work is the most glorious!"

Seeing that he was still stunned, the face of the old Qin family was pumping straight. What kind of nature did they have as a piece of life?

The twins bit their ears and secretly said, "Don't you say that the three uncles will go to the newspaper?"

White noodles nodded. "It's very strange. It's not strange for anyone on the team. It's three uncles..."

The twin brothers recalled the experience of being beaten by the three uncles since they remembered it. It was a bitter tear.

They are counted, but the parties are not counted. He is very proud. Would you like to say that smart people live better?

After really returning from that county town, he worked harder because he expected that if the comrade Chen surnamed a cadre leader, he would send someone to inspect and verify the situation. Is this not fulfilled?

His hard work and hard work happened to be hit by others. The small propaganda department of the accompanying propaganda department also gave a special effort to write a message to him. He praised him as the representative of the working people and called on the workers comrades to learn from him.

Chen Qiuhua had no eyes on her son, and she took her little granddaughter to her side, not to drop out of her unreasonable dropout.

Because I learned that it was very late that night, this time the countryman did not like to light the lights at night. After the meal was dark, it was almost time to sleep. The members refused to go to the old Qin family.

When the people of the old Qin family went to work the next day, they let some members of the group get around and asked the newspapers about things.

The point is still -

"Captain Niang, you talked to you about what is going on, is the newspaper saying that it is true?"

"Small voices and niece see the comrades in the book really say this? Hey, why are you so blessed and put on such a good niece?"

"Go and go, that is the niece of my old Qin family, my granddaughter of Chen Qiuhua, it has nothing to do with you!"

Chen Qiuhua’s face is disgusted, but the pride and pride that can’t be concealed in her eyes!

Her granddaughter is more clever and clever. When she meets the county secretary, she is not afraid to talk to others. She also sat down to eat together. How big is the secretary? I heard that it is bigger than the county magistrate!

Xiao Yan is also a blessing, and ordinary people can easily meet the county party secretary such a big man.

I want Chen Qiuhua to say that if the eldest son didn’t bring him with him, he wouldn’t touch it!

The eldest son said that he had to go out at the grain store. It was Xiaoyan’s speech, and the couple who had just stepped in had heard it. Curiously, there was something to do later.

If it’s not so coincidental, I really don’t dare to have relief food at this time. I can lead the food and go home to cook...

I want to be serious. If there is no such thing as above, is it necessary to wait for the canteen to break? If there is no grass and no wild vegetables in winter, will it starve to death?

When I think of this, the members are more and more grateful, and the eyes of Chen Qiuhua’s arms are soft and loving.

The old Liu family’s old nephew had the one who had robbed Chen Qiuhua’s scorpion, and envied and hated the sinister Chen Qiuhua’s mouth, and her heart was blocked. She had to work harder to hold the little scorpion back to them. The old Liu family is raising.

Now let Chen Qiuhua take advantage of it!

Liu Xiezi is a little older than Chen Qiuhua. She is shorter and fatter than her. She is a solid board. She stretches her hand and pinches her little hand. He smiles and says, "Hey, it’s a blessing."

Other members also followed the appendage. "It’s a blessing. After we came to our team, we ate two pork. Even the relief food was settled. Later, I was allowed to cook myself. No more than this. Better things."

The more the members said, the more they felt that they were, and they envied the old Qin family’s envy.

Turning around and looking at Chen Qiuhua holding a beautiful fat doll, the pleats on the face are all coming out, even more envious.

"Captain Niang, you sent me to my house for a few days, keep it safe to eat and drink, we have to reciprocate and repay Xiaofuxing?"

"This is true, the captain mother, you think about it, we have so many people in the team, you have sent the house to the house for a few days, we will not only give up, but also give birth to the pain, save you How much ration?"


Chen Qiuhua: "..."

At the beginning, Chen Qiuhua was quite proud of the sorrowful. Now the more she listens to the old face, the longer she is. These shameless devils dare to rob her granddaughter?

Chen Qiuhua was vigilantly holding her granddaughter and took a few steps back. She snorted and turned away. She was alone here. In case of these, she didn’t want to rob her on her face. She went home to find her father. The third son was a monk. He is not afraid to grab.

The other members saw her in this way and couldn't help it. They said that those words did not lack the meaning of Chen Qiuhua, and she was still stunned.

"Hey, Chen Qiuhua, the old woman who walked the dog, was killed by the wild boar, and he was able to turn around and was saved, not to mention that a good granddaughter came home."

"Like her, like holding a golden dragonfly, it doesn't touch it."

"Can it be gold?"

"Don't say it, I let my son go up the mountain to try his luck, see if I can do something, mention the old Qin family, thank you for your family, even if the prostitute is only three years old, this person has to remember."

"Big sister, you are a clear person, you are going!"


Half an afternoon of work, when the evening work, the old Qin family is crowded with people, this scene and the dumplings just came to the old Qin family.

But at that time, the milk was sitting on the ground with her back and crying, and was rejected by the members. This time, the old man, the old man, the uncle, the uncle, the little nephew, all came up with the door, no time to start, no more chilling. Also slipped two wild vegetables.

Bird eggs, fish, wild fruits, dried sweet potatoes, one-and-a-half pounds of white-faced brown sugar, and even a capable man hit a pheasant, and other people saw it, and the two-pound pheasant, You can drink some soup for the little cockroach.

The members took out the best things that the family could take out, came to the door, let go of the things, and left a few women who loved gossip. They continued to listen to Chen Qiuhua’s talk about the three leaders who came to see her. s story.

The members felt that Chen Qiuhua must have done a terrific thing, and they had the limelight in front of the leaders to go to the newspaper.

As for Qin Yuli, she was purely a dog, and it was hard to be diligent. It was called the leaders who ran into it. They went out early and went home late. They didn’t see any leadership when they worked hard every day. Let’s not say that the leader is the secretary of the commune. Will not go to them poorly.

The members can only attribute this **** to this. It is a blessing to her dad, and it is inevitable that luck will be better.

Thinking about it, my heart is balanced.

Another day passed.

The commune came over there, and the rumbling tractor carried a car of food, and the driver came down. The first passenger seat was the newly appointed female secretary.

The female secretary still frowned, pointing to the food on the car and said: "Comrade Qin, arrange for people to move the food down, there is a car behind, they will not be sent to you, and they will arrange for the members to pull over, just in front of the stone. The road is waiting."

Qin Guoshu should be louder and louder than ever before, and the food finally came down. He put a heart in his stomach, and he was full of words and had a bottom!

The members were also happy to come around, surrounded by the food of the car, without the command of Qin Guoshu, the young and strong young men rushed up to move the food, no more than the heavy food against the shoulders.

The female secretary stood for a while and said: "I heard that Comrade Chen Qiuhua is your mother? Comrade Qin Yuli is your brother? Do you still have a prostitute called Qin Yinyin?"

Qin Guoshu nodded stunnedly and asked: "Leader, is there an anecdote?" Do not blame Qin Guoshu for being uneasy, the secretary has nothing to do with his aging mother and the third father and son?

The most restless thing in the old Qin family is his aging mother and the third brother. The little niece is also with the two, and is afraid that there is a blame?

The female secretary said: "Nothing, you take me to recognize people."

Qin Guoshu looked around and patrolled it all the time. He saw his old lady holding a little niece watching the crowd in the crowd watching the food. She was not safe, the little niece was not quiet, and the old and the young were bragging.

The surrounding members who did not move the goods also gave face, and they heard the rise and laughed and applauded the scene.

The sound was even more happy. A pair of eyes were bright, and Xiaofei’s face was old. She continued: “Efforts are right, and we have to work hard to eat.”

"Right, the little niece is conscious, the little niece is right, we all listen."

"Dad said, knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dazhao. He used to be ignorant. Now he is sensible. He is very diligent and washes his clothes."

"The third child is getting better now, and there are progress and progress."

"To be diligent and thrifty, to be embarrassed, to be civilized and polite, to be, to..."

The group tried hard to think about what they had learned in memory, and they came out like a small repeater, and they could kill a person with a glance.

The members laughed, no matter what they said, they were reconciled, saying that the prostitute said that you are all right, we like you, you said that you are good.

The cause of the incident is this. When I saw so much food, the members were happy, and the young people went back to the grain store. When they were older, they stood by and watched the excitement.

While watching, I will make a big contributor to speak. I don’t know who proposed it, let the group speak and give a feeling.

Can a three-year-old gang know? But she remembered that the children of the neighbors went to kindergarten to talk back. At the opening ceremony, their class had a good-looking child to give a speech and express their thoughts with all the children.

What do you mean by voice?

She had never been to school before. She was a little illiterate. There were not many stocks in her stomach. They were all learned from the East and West. They tried hard to piece together. When they said it, they also opened their eyes and laughed.

The little niece is funny and funny, and she doesn't know who taught it. When she is young and talking about a set, she feels that she can't laugh at the same time, and there is a little truth.

When the female secretary came over, I just heard that.

I moved my eyes and landed on the child, a beautiful and lovely child.

Qin Guoshu squeezed over. "Mom, this is Comrade Yang Yang."

Chen Qiuhua County leaders have seen it, a commune secretary is not nervous, look up and see, is an old sister!

"Hello, Secretary, I am Chen Qiuhua, this is my granddaughter voice."

Yang Shuji nodded. She said: "The county propaganda called the office and said that you went to the newspaper, a total of four newspapers, the provincial first day, the city daily, and our county. Li Gazette, and the Youth Magazine."

"I have brought you the newspapers. For this good lead, the commune decided to give you rewards."

The little secretary who was next to him immediately handed over the things. She took three towels from the bag, three ceramic cups with lids, and a few tickets.

Qin Guoshu helped the old lady to look at it. It was three two-pound meat tickets, five-foot cloth tickets, and two pounds of sugar tickets.

The club gave a rare reward to the ticket. Qin Guoshu wondered if this is the ticket given by the female secretary to the private pocket. This is not easy to ask for, but he looks at his old lady’s face and smiles happily. "Comrade comrade, you have won the prize. This is what our small people should do. The comrade Xiao Wu in the county can afford to read it and write the news on the manuscript."

"You can rest assured that in the future, you will still have the same idea and work hard to build a new country."

Qin Guoshu couldn't help but admire his own aging mother and prostitute, as well as the younger brother, and the public reward of the secretary of the commune.

When all the food was pulled, Qin Guoshu asked the young people to carry the food back to the square where they threshed the grain. The food piled up into a small bag, a bag and a bag.

Qin Guoshu shouted with a small trumpet: "We want to thank the country for thanking the people for the leadership of the county and the commune, and today's food!"

Qin Guoshu hasn't finished yet. Someone is fighting. "The captain said that you missed it. We don't have to thank you for your little niece?"

Qin Guoshu: "..."

"Now, I declare - divide the grain!"


The following cheers, the applause sounded, the members looked at the food and watched the pro-ancestor, this is the life-saving food! They are not afraid of being hungry, they can survive the winter and wait for the autumn harvest next year!

Qin Guoshu shouted: "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, if you don't follow the order, don't take food, give food to others!"

When this is said, the troublesome members are honestly lined up, and men, women and children, regardless of their age, can receive rations, according to age.

The members of the large and small ranks lined up, and they also hand-printed a handprint on the book of the side note, indicating that they had taken away their own ration.

Then, under the envious eyes of the members who have not yet received the leader, head to the chest and carry the food home!

The squad was led by Dad and was in the middle of the crowd.

Several members in front of the head turned around and enjoyed it. They laughed and said: "The first row, the first row, the first is the hero, and the front goes."

One let one, then anxious and modest to say that the old Qin family's raft is at the forefront.

The sound is only three years old. According to the standard, she is divided into eight pounds of rations a month. She also has nearly one hundred kilograms on her hand. There is half of the coarse grains and the other half is the rice and soybean combination.

It is very good for the members. They used to eat rice in the past. Almost all of them are coarse grains. The fine grain of rice is taken to the town for coarse grains.

Therefore, the budget-conscious members smashed the food in their hands and decided to take advantage of the fact that they had not returned to the grain station. The so many large groups in the vicinity had sent relief food, and they could not change it later. Go to the coarse grains.

The sound was standing on the ground, watching a bag of food that was taller than myself. Some of the food was awkward. Others looked funny, but they did not say anything, and let her work.

Qin Yuli also had a bad thought, did not say to help the little prostitute back.

The group thought about it and decided to eat it for itself. After a while, Dad would also need to receive food. If she helped her back, she would not move.

The little milk troupe stood in front of the food bag with a small short leg, drummed a small fat face, and reached out to learn the other adults to grab the heads on both sides of the bag. She gave her milk and went out. Pull it out and drag it.

The first time I did not drag the force, the second time I slammed my feet and dragged again, or did not drag, the members laughed and died, laughing and screaming, this is where the 乖 doll, can be too fun haha .

Qin Yuli also laughed, laughing enough to sneak out the long legs and help the squad to make a little effort on the other side of the bag. This time, with the help of Dad’s help, I was dragged, but I didn’t wait for her to be happy because I was not ready for a while. , violently dragged, a pair of small short legs that stayed in place to keep up, did not keep up, slammed to sit on the ground.

The dumplings suddenly felt a little bit, and felt the pain in the buttocks, and the bad guys were laughing at her, and wowed out.

The dumplings can be too sad, and the dead people are gone. She is dying. When people are small, they also love face. When they fall in public, they call the sound crying loudly.

On this day, Qin Yuli let his aging mother chasing the Eight Streets with a broom and ran around the entire Daxie production team.

"Well, you are a stinky boy, telling you to bully my granddaughter, telling you to make a bad, calling you to take care of the old lady is not doing bad things!"

"You come back to the old lady, see you don't kill you!"

"When you have eaten food for so many years, you have to be defamed and bully your niece? Do you want to face it?!"

This day, if the granddaughter stopped her from killing her father, Chen Qiuhua was also preparing to call the old man to a mixed men’s and women’s class.

Qin Yuli held a soft little niece with a smile on her face, and kissed her relatives a few times, proudly saying: "I have a prostitute!"

My niece stood on my side and said that I was not allowed to beat me! Can you still lie?

Seeing his face revealing such a meaning, Chen Qiuhua wants to take up the broom.

The sound reached out and let the milk hold. "I am not angry. I am not allowed to eat dinner at night, and my wife will help my father."

Qin Yuli: "..."

Chen Qiuhua raised her eyebrows and brought her granddaughter to her arms.

The author has something to say: There are two more today~ I am looking for nutrient solution to irrigate ducks. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: the clock has no salt ld, 沅沅, 268,260,581;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

89 bottles of red fruit; 90989068 bottles; 3261874, Jinse, 14658139, 1018871, 3387385, 992552, 1280492, 2999122, 4189364, 11770015, 5040983, 4005025, drifting moon, 2956845, 9082029, 13295166, 6008544, 11709498, small class, 8523033, 1203915, 1079512, you said, bai, 2943501, 11551455, 5032755, linghappy44, 16394650, 14453233, 15370159, 1031359, 505453, 7010410, soup, Haimensheng, xiaopidandan, 23176414, 139810, butterfly ★ fireworks, oranges Orange, 3322458, 3494246, Luocheng 禹, 10448641, jjjjjjjjjjjj, 2957936, 34476766 bottles; ink glass, for the big hit 30 bottles; Qinglan, Xiaoqiu, I am a book mad 10 bottles; 啾啾啾, ink as traces 3 bottles Free cloud light, several degrees of blush, green clouds, 曦 倾 倾 梧, 梧 、, fish looking for water, shero, A nine will be thin 1 bottle;

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