MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 156 Schoolmaster Daddy (19)

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Lincheng this banquet even if the paparazzi reporter can't get in, the people inside can't take photos, but the scene of getting off at the hotel entrance was still taken to the Internet.

The title was named "The richest man and the grandson appeared to the feast"

It coincides with the hot search on the Internet because the richest man took his granddaughter to buy a car and was photographed.

When the people who were eating melons had the most curiosity, a gossip website posted a picture and wrote a big piece of news.

It was later reposted on Weibo to cause heated discussion.

Mature handsome man holding a dumpling dressed like a little princess, accompanied by a tall, handsome and cool blue-haired boy, a family of three from the Lincoln car, standing at the door of the hotel, this picture is really It’s not like it!

"There are rich and beautiful faces, grandsons and grandsons, three of whom I have powdered! The first rich grandfather is handsome and rich, and the grandfather is also a cool handsome handsome boy, the future handsome master, and the small public Too good to see !!!!!! Cute explosion! This little skirt I gave the stylist a chicken leg!"

"Super big master + tyrant general reserve + overbearing small milk total, ask you who hold live?"

"What is the little milk, cute and fried! I love Xiaogong! The best looking baby in the world!"

"Is not noticed a detail? Prince Siren is not happy all the way, the small eyes from time to time to the two grandchildren, reasonably suspected that the Prince is jealous, so ... ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Prince: I am coming to hug me! (Therefore, the importance of money in this year, the status of the family is still very important, not the right of the richest man to win the battle!)"

"Grandfather of the richest man: I have money, I have money and I am coming to hug, you are going to cool down! Hahahaha I am brainwashed."

"The little public is too cute! The round little face, the big eyes of the slaps, are more beautiful than the debut children!"

“+1 strongly recommend Xiao Gong’s debut!”

After a hot search, the group liked to mention the "national small public" title, Shen Yu was called "angry prince" by the mysterious netizens, and the richest man overlord had a title of "family madness".

After the banquet, the assistant handed the tablet and pointed to the hot search above: "Sir, do you want to remove it?"

Shen Huai-nan picked it up and looked down. Shen Yu took a look at the past. The group saw the grandfather and the aunt watching it. Even if they didn't know the word, they took it and looked at it.

She exclaimed: "Wow, Grandpa, Dad, and audio!"

The dumplings are still strange. When did you take a photo, didn't you tell her? "The sound has forgotten more than the heart!"

Shen Qiang reached out to smash the head of the squad, and was shackled by the scorpion holding his small head. "You are not allowed to touch the sound of the hair, and you will be confused."


Shen Huainan looked at it for a while, brushed the comments again, and focused as much as the official document.

It doesn't matter if it sinks, it is a sigh, saying that those netizens have no vision. "Anger? This time, 80% of the netizens in this year are taught by physical education teachers!"

The group was curious about what was said above, holding the grandfather’s arm and telling her to let her listen. Shen Huanan was silent and took a few comments about the dumplings.

The low sound is like a good sound of the cello. I slowly read the comments on the sand sculptures on the Internet. It is no different from the appearance in the conference room. The assistant sitting at the front shook his shoulders and smiled. He didn’t dare to look back. The look of the comments will laugh out loud.

The dumplings didn't feel funny at all, but she was very happy and excitedly patted the small palm. "The sound is praised!"

"The uncles and aunts on the Internet are really enthusiastic, and the sounds and sounds like..."

Sinking: "..."

Shen Huainan said: "Without withdrawal, keep an eye on and control the wind."

The assistant tried to swallow and smiled and coughed: "Yes, sir."

The richest man is suspected of having a granddaughter. Although he does not understand how his granddaughter came, it is always a happy event. He has also gone on a hot search. Even the stocks of the Shen Group have risen. The shareholders of the Shen Group are happy to see and give Shen Huainan Call and email to say that he is happy with his granddaughter.


The exam day finally arrived in the desperation of the scum.

The scums originally thought that they had recently recited a lot of books under the pressure of the corps. The class was listening to something so much. Compared with the past, the stomach was still in stock.

Who can think that the group will bully them in class, and even take the exam!

There is a richest grandfather, great, grandfather is the biggest manager!

...... oh... it seems to be amazing~

The heart was so incomprehensible that this morning, the school scums got out of their own cars and walked with frustration and slowly swayed.

The black Lincoln car on the hottest home of the richest man stopped at the gate of the campus.

The blue-haired boy first came out. He explored half of the body inside the car, extended his arm, and hugged the group under the eyes of Shen Huainan.

Sinking and proud: "Oh, the old man, you will be sent here, you are not a student, it is inconvenient to go in, we will go to the exam!"

Shen Huainan’s eyes fell on the corps, and he snorted.

The group smiled and waved their paws. "Grandpa, goodbye!"

After finishing the sentence, I added a small claw to learn that the TV people swear that, with a small fat face, a serious guarantee: "The sound must be hard to test, do not give grandfather a shame! And Dad! Dad will also take a good exam. , will pass the exam!"

Shen Huai-nan’s eyes didn’t go to the school’s son’s son. In addition to the elementary school, Shen Yan’s failure to pass the junior high school has been passed.

Shen Yan obviously thought of it too. He was red-faced and hurriedly squatting and walking. He also muttered: "What is the waste? Anyway, you have to take the test..."

Far from the voice of the group’s heart, "I want to work hard, the sound will help you!"

The tall and handsome man stood in the field and looked at the big one and the small back. The assistant smiled beside him: "Mr., Miss Xiaojie is so cute, I will help the young master to study."

Shen Huai-nan’s side, “The sound of the voice of the world does not need to check, first go to the adoption procedures.”

The assistant nodded and hesitated: "The younger age and condition are not in line with adoption..."

"Then I will leave my account in my name for the time being."

The assistant looked at the back of his boss's tall back and some tangles. After that, did Miss Xiao want to call her boss to call her father or grandfather?

No matter, it is the thing in the formal sense, waiting for the younger master to be a little bigger, and having the conditions to get it back.

Shen Hao did not know that his old man had arranged things clearly. He had just entered the classroom and received a low pressure.

The ten classes of the school scums were so weak that they squatted on the table and saw Shen Qiang holding the squad in, revealing a look that was not obvious.

"Shen, Xiaoyin, you are coming."

"Good morning, my uncles!"

I heard this milk sound like a little devil's voice, and the scum's face showed a painful look.

The extermination teacher is too devilish. "Don't you be as good as a three-year-old child?" It seems to be in the ear, miserable! They are too bad!

The mid-term exam is a cross-examination of ten classes. There are other classes that see the same examination room. But the faces of the classmates from the ten classes are not very good. They are curious and ask a few more questions. What is the question?

In the past ten classes, the dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water, and the examinations were not afraid of it. It was easier than anyone else, so what is the situation now?

The tenth class of school scum snorted. "Don't mention it, do you know the little sounds brought by our class schoolmaster?"

I know, why don't you know? The squad is really famous in the high school of Diya. It is the first group in the history to listen to the high school curriculum at the age of three.

At the beginning, other classmates went to watch the school, and let the school become hegemonic.

So what is wrong with this?

"She is only three years old, and she is not going to take the test. Besides, people can't write even when they are three years old."

Xueshui cried, "You are right! Take the exam! Her grandfather is Shen Huainan, Shen Daba always knows? Our school's major shareholder, specially arranged a voice test for her, I am thinking about it. Literacy has suffered a loss at this point. If you test the voice, you really don’t necessarily have to test her. We are a liberal arts class..."


After the ringing of the bell, the invigilator took the test paper and came in. "I kept quiet and started the exam immediately."


On the other side of the classroom, there are only one person left in the classroom. In order to adapt the group, she is afraid that she is nervous and afraid. The examination room arranged by the school is in the ten classrooms. There are no other candidates.

The invigilator is the teacher of the class, Mr. Lin, and the vice-president, as well as some teachers who are idle and have nothing to look at.

Many teachers are sitting in the back row of the classroom. They are responsible for the voices of the teachers in various classes in the other three years of high school.

The test paper is also based on the examination papers of this examination. It is a change of the way, using the verbal method to speak with the dumplings, and then the verbal reply, not only the recording pen, but also a special sketch The answer of the group was copied on the answer sheet.

These teachers have also said that it is too difficult to ask a three-year-old child to be a high school student.

Even if they are in the **** class, their courses have not fallen. The teachers are all those things. Some teachers have suggested that they should reduce the difficulty. Otherwise, if they get the contents of the elementary school kindergarten, they will be happy as a school granddaughter. It is.

If she is a high school student, can she really make it? If you don’t want to change it, you can do it easily.

Those who would say these words are not the ten-class teachers. The ten-class class teacher Lin Fang’s face is hard to say. “That’s how it is. This is what Shen always gave her these questions. Maybe I can still score points. If... What is the problem of elementary school junior high school, she may not be one!"

Teacher: "..."

The other ten classes of teachers also agreed. "The child has a good memory. If someone else says something, she can remember that things that haven't been touched don't understand, so don't worry about it."

After the call, the bell rang three times and the exam officially began.

The group was sitting on the position, two small fat hands were placed on the legs, and the eyes were clear and full of innocence. When the teacher came out with the test paper, the group gave the teacher a shot in advance. "Teacher, The sound doesn't know the word."

The teacher’s mouth was pumping. “Well, I know, read it to you.”

He sat down and sat across the squad. In order not to put pressure on the squad, he also took a special seat.

"Listen, the teacher is now thinking, you say the answer."

The author has something to say: wake up in the middle of the night, climb up and update ~~~~

The post-transmission of this book is the story of the second corps and all of us wearing the original world. "One 崽崽 five big 佬爹" finally wrote a satisfactory copy, let you see, wait, etc. After the end of this book, it will open, and it may be opened from the end of October to November. The first column of the author column is oh, by the way, find a collection! ! ! kisses


After coming back, the three-year-old voice returned to the slum to eat the cheapest lollipop.

Until one day her big brothers came to the door.

After all the villains of the various roads inexplicably crossed into the strange world, and after returning to the old industry, they finally found the beloved prostitute.

Then I was shocked to find that she was more than one! ! !

We:? ? ?

The big brothers started to interact with each other:

No. 1 financial giant said: "This is my niece!"

Military No. 2: "Which onion are you?"

The No. 3 car giant: "It’s all gone, that’s the boy’s nephew!”

On the 4th, the international film singer bowed his head and smiled: "I have said that I have to raise my bottle for a lifetime..."

On the 5th, the research institute raised the glasses and said: "Sorry, my daughter will not bother you."

Eat melons: "...???!!!"

Is there a woman who is handsome and young in the face of this year? ? ? !

The group has one, two, three, four, five, the biggest trouble every day is how we are!

There is also a new brother who is moving next door, so I am not allowed to bully him qaq.

The group is eager to educate us every day, to live in peace, to be polite and to unite, not to fight!

When I was on the 1st, I was sincerely saying: "Today's father is still so handsome!"

When you are on the 2nd, you can take a sip: "I like it!"

When the No. 3 粑粑 团 团 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹 彩虹

"So the third?"

"Third, the third and third may be the little brother of the next door... After all... we are all better! Really!"

After finishing the 4th, 哄5...

Three-year-old Xiaoyin: I am too difficult! ! !

This article is also known as: "Shock! After wearing it, I have a few more prostitutes! "Since the day, I lived in Shura Field every day. In order to defeat the opponent, I had to work hard to develop my career series." "My little bamboo horse is being reviewed by my father-in-law every day, and the group is struggling to make a series." Lovers! 》

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: Nini, 299,639,211;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 2 in the summer, as in the summer; Abai, 32211109, the past 1999, the grapefruit, the Xiaoxiang scorpion, the scorpion, the warmth, the wine, the scorpion, the fat peanut, the life to lose weight also No thin, elf, ah;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Rex rabbit 193 bottles; Xiaomeimei 170 bottles; Muqing's 124 bottles; Rosemary 100 bottles; dust and snow 99 bottles; Big goldfish 90 bottles; shero66 bottles; Dabai Cai, Jiang Yan, Grandpa, Yuanjia Xiaopenyou, 79, Mu Qinglan 50 bottles; lucky wow, Suibao mother, Huachao 40 bottles; dried this bowl of poisoned chicken soup, s child, kucy35 bottle; sun , zephyr, moonlight, dxy30 bottle; °zhuzhupig ° 25 bottles; grapefruit 啾Mi 23 bottles; 旒玖, falling ~ 绮, silk 黛, pay tribute to fff group, 11888568, ten `, the paper is really difficult to write, * inversion , the heart of the house is thick, 24505487, the clothes of the grass, the shadow, realhxjj, rainbow, Sisi 20 bottles; Xiaoxiang scorpion, there is always a wallet, the name of Ruyi, the road clear sky 15 bottles; 咻咻咻 13 Bottle; 12 bottles of 曦 倾 ;; 21156119, 26615257, terpene, sable, sugar ball, Bianhua yan, Zhaobai, 冉 w w, strawberry sauce, cat tail yarn, today also chasing text, Qing Dust from 殇, Ying Xue, Xiao Miner, Xie Tao, Ye Hao, elf, time, xy, koko, Xiaoqiu, Ai, Gu Gu, Bei Meng, Yao Xiaoyao, 31154685, proboscis Pinocchio, lemon sprout, vegetable dish, morning light ☆ shimmer, hk, flower falling, dark blue, light blue 10 bottles; A white 9 bottles; lyrical blood dance, deer in the hurricane 7 bottles; night sky 肆6 bottles; flowers under the ghosts, smoke, ah, if bamboo, have my long cute, slightly, research, consider who u, 32211109, Qujia eat goods ~, is your dog, adam, cool, y, claw Claw paws, purple 5 bottles; 25818573, no salt, micro-no space 575, sakura_4 bottles; love sweets ~, my cookies!, 3 bottles of sugar 绯; 绯 snow, 殇, aunt, solanine , white boy, 2 bottles on the cloud; shadow, clearing, hand-scarred, show, illusion, cat, big, wind, people, quiet, drunken, forget, dust, sprout, 1 bottle;

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