MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 166 Schoolmaster Dad (29)

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Juvenile anger and rushing to the crown with a sentence I am licking her dad as a conclusion.

The assistant didn't dare to say a word. Shen Jiayi, two men and two men were angry. Although Mr. did not see anything on the surface, he followed him for so long. The assistant knew that Mr. was afraid of getting angry.

This matter can't be so easily settled. It is obvious that the two men and men of Shen’s family are not prepared to let go of their own family and let her be taken away by the Xu family.

If it was taken away by the Liu family, the treatment of the group can be imagined. After the relatives, the stepmother changed his father, and there are two brothers and sisters who are overbearing in different bloodlines. They are caught in this, and they are injured again and again. When you grow up, you may still experience the outcome of being abandoned by a vicious woman.

This makes the two men of Shen family unable to accept, as long as they think about it, and then think of their own cute and innocent face, they can not breathe, can not wait to carry the kitchen knife to kill the family.

Liu Dong received a phone call from Assistant General Shen, inviting him to gather privately, and subconsciously remembered the daughter who was out of the house. The hand holding the mobile phone was tight and the sound came down.

Before departure, Mrs. Liu arranged a tie for Liu Dong and asked a little: "Is it what we want? Shen Jia really adopted the sound?"

"Maybe it is..." The man’s face is no longer showing any expression. Mrs. Liu thought that it would be better for Shen to be reluctant to return, so that as long as the child does not come back, Liu is still her and her son’s daughter. Will not be discovered.

Liu Dong waited for about half an hour in the box, the box door was pushed open, the waiter respectfully invited two men to come in, the mature handsome and handsome, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he was next to him. At the banquet, Liu Dong was stunned by the faceless teenager, Shen’s Prince, and Shen’s relative son.

Shen Huainan was seated gracefully opposite, and Liu Dong was slightly decapitated. Even if he faced the invisible person, he still couldn’t make mistakes. Even if he was so gentle, Liu Dong did not dare to care, and he became more respectful.

Shen Yu is not so polite, he is young and prosperous enough to let him not bow to anyone, especially the bad heart to grab the scorpion with him!

The juvenile is like a proud cock. He is full of barbs. He has a heavy chair. After sitting down, he snorted and snorted. Even the opposite person looked unhappy and injured his eyes.

Shen Yan refused to admit that the opposite person was the father of the blind man, he did not recognize!

Shen Huai Nan opened the door and said, "The sound is the child lost in your home."

Liu Donglai had already prepared for it. Shen’s strong position was overbearing. He thought that the other party might refuse to admit it or even let his daughter meet with them. As a result, he could not do anything. The police would not have to think about it. In the adult world. There are so many things that are ugly?

Especially in the circle, what if he even told the police today that Shen had robbed his daughter? Can be rooted in the Imperial Capital for a long time, based on such a long time, there will be no pulse behind the Shen family? Moving his finger can kill his Liu family.

Take a step back and say that even if he can handle the police, as long as he dares to do so today, his Liu family will be listed as a refusal of all the households in the circle tomorrow, so that the ignorant Shantouqing will only be abandoned in the circle, even to please Shen Jia, no one will dare to cooperate with Liu Jia, even if Shen Jia does not shoot, Liu is also difficult to establish a foothold in the emperor.

There was a round of twists and turns around it. Liu Dong was prepared to be refused to return his daughter by Shen Huainan. He was also prepared to negotiate with Shen’s family. He did not expect Shen Huainan to be so direct. He simply admitted that his daughter was there. They are sinking.

He squatted for a few seconds before he thought about it: "Shen Zong, Shen Shao, because of the death of my wife in the past few months, the mood of the music has been very low, so the babysitter is holding the sound in the community. Distracted, I didn’t expect the babysitter to be so daring to steal my daughter..."

Liu Dong explained: "In the past few months, my wife and I have been in a bad mood, and the family atmosphere is very depressed. In order to find a daughter, I have spent a lot of manpower and resources. Who can think of seeing her again in the house of Shen? I am very grateful to you for taking the sound..."

The young man, like the upper body of the bar, sneered and snorted, saying: "Is it in a bad mood and a mood to dress up glamorously with my wife and children to participate in the banquet camp?"

"Did you lose your daughter and spend manpower and resources to find her? Shouldn't it be blunt, you don't even have an alarm, so the cost of manpower and resources is just a verbal statement, who is trusting?!"

Shen Huai-nan raised his hand and pressed his hand to signal his son to calm down. The boy refused to say awkwardly. "Which babysitter will be so daring, I have never heard of it since I was so big!"

"It’s just a vicious stepmother’s trick to go to the real princess! Only you can fool this kind of fool! Your wife is afraid that it will be happy after the success, but still in a bad mood?”

Liu Dong: "..."

Shen Huainan said: "Children are young and prosperous, but also look at Liu Zonghaihan."

He nodded. The assistant took a ox paper bag and put it in front of Liu Dong. He slightly decapitated: "Look at the things inside."

"I am sorry because I have been suspicious of the sound of my life, so I have to investigate for the sake of insurance. Please forgive me if there is offense."

Liu Dong’s heart was not a good premonition. From the opening of the door, Shen Huainan’s father and son sang a red face and sang a white face. They opened the door and admitted that the sound was in their home. Now they threw him a document...

This kind of species is beyond the expectation of Liu Dong. Anything that is not normal must have unexpected accidents. Liu Dong is very convinced that he took a deep breath and opened the file bag.

Ten minutes later, the man seemed to be ten years old. The hand holding the information shivered slightly. He asked in a deep voice: "Shen, is this information true?"

"I, my wife, although she loves vanity, but it is not a vicious person, how is it possible, how can it..."

Liu Dong recalled: "In the beginning, the mother of the music was still my wife's Bole. It was the son of the sound, and gave her a safe job. How could she stop the children she left behind?"

The assistant took a slap in the mouth. The president of Liu Da has a pit in his head? If there is a grateful heart, how can it be possible to dig a corner of a family for three years, even more than the original husband?

The next second, their young master said his heart, the teenager did not care, sneered out: "Your good wife was brought to your company by your original wife, not only did not appreciate Bole, but also seduce her husband and I succeeded in making Xiaosan. I also gave birth to a child three years earlier than her. In the same year, I gave birth to a second child. This kind of person told me that she is kind. She will not start with the original child?"

"Six months ago, your good wife went to see your original wife, and then she heard the news that her heart attack was ineffective. I even wondered if there was any trouble in it."

It seems that I feel too frustrated to talk to such an idiot. The young master sighed and sighed: "No wonder Liu has been going downhill in recent years. If Liu’s father is in the sky, he knows that he has such a stupid son who has found a vicious fox. What harms his daughter-in-law and granddaughter?

In the data bag, it was the information that was found overnight. Not only did the babysitter take the sound from the emperor to escape to the city, but also checked the amount of money in her account. The babysitter also surnamed Liu. A middle-aged woman who divorced her son’s life, the salary comes from the microblogging income of the Liu family service. On the second day after taking the sound, she added one million yuan in the account and later transferred it. Going to the other two accounts is exactly the account of her son.

The change in funds in the nanny account can only initially suspect whether she was instructed by the person, and deliberately took the child of the main family to discard it. It cannot be used as direct evidence, and only the key witness can find all the truth.

Another thing that Liu Dong can't believe is that the survey information shows that the transfer party is the life assistant around his wife.

A small life assistant came so much money, she is the person around his wife, who is giving money seems to be self-evident.

Liu Dong suffered a series of blows, and the younger man even pulled off the last layer of fig leaf on him.

When his wife was not pregnant with his children, he was in a difficult situation to have a relationship with his current wife. Later, with a child, he wanted to raise the child to his wife’s name and broke the relationship with the lover. Who knows The hospital examined that his wife was suffering from heart disease and depression. He was afraid that his wife would be hit, but he did not dare to mention it again, so that he could not get it.

For the death of his wife, Liu Dong is embarrassed, he will raise their daughters well, and will give her the part that belongs to her, but in the end is a big man, busy with the company every day, the child is handed over to the wife, Who knows that they will lose their children.

The reason why I don't call the police... Liu Dong thought that the wife was crying for him, saying that she was not glamorous when she entered the door. She always suffered rumors. If the original children were lost, Liu would be criticized.

It may even affect Liu’s reputation and stock price. More importantly, they are worried that it is a robbery kidnapping and they are not easy to say.

Sinking has to take this IQ, and grew up in a circle. He can see the twists and turns at a glance. "Your wife is really for your Liu family's stock reputation and children's safety? She is afraid Is it for your Liu family's property? If you don't have an original child to compete with her, don't you say that the legacy and stocks left by her mother can be swallowed by her? This is also the case that you are being fascinated by this group. Silly goods can be trusted, the sound is not your father!"

The young man proudly said: "We have already adopted the adoption procedures, and I am the voice!"

The assistant whispered. "In the legal sense, Mr. is the embarrassment of Miss Xiao."

Sinking: "..."

Shen Huainan has been at this moment until now: "To give you this information today, I hope you understand that Liu is not a good place for audio and sound, even in the Longtan Tiger Cave, I hope to raise the sound."

The assistant was very eager to interject: "After the young master was married to Miss Xiao, the gentleman had asked me to go through the adoption procedure. Now the account is in Shen, in the name of Mr."

Liu Dong looked at the father and son, and sat in the chair for a long time before leaving the box.

In the car, the teenager was dissatisfied and complained. "What do you do with the old man's stupidity? I don't think he is pleasing to the eye. Hey, this virtue is not even protected by children."

The man did not put a word, the assistant smiled and helped the gentleman to explain: "Mr. has prepared several sets of plans, each of which can kill the surname Liu, but it is only after the first ritual, after all, after all..."

The assistant looked at the gentleman who closed his eyes and said: "After all, we are now robbing other people's children..."

This is why the teenager has reluctantly agreed.

He looked at the old man sideways, the old foxes who were forty or fifty years old, and still so spiritual. When they came out, they got the battle of the surname Liu.

Juvenile thought, the status of rights is really a good thing. Others respect him but he will not be afraid of him, because behind him is Shen, the old man, but not his own.

Today, if he has the status of an old man, he can raise his hand and kill the guy. He doesn’t have to pay attention to it. He doesn’t care what his reputation is, and he directly brings Liu’s pot to his heart!

The father and son got off the bus, sitting on the door with a squad, wearing a small dinosaur pajamas, slouching and holding the fat chin and looking out the door, looking far away, like a helpless dinosaur cub, can put Shen Shen was so upset that he got out of the car and rushed to pick her up.

The author has something to say: What are you thanking for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution?

Thanks to the little angel who cast [rocket gun]: 262,638,351;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 Luo;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: coisini, 璇, 喵喵, 40360195, July, potatoes, not spicy, sugar cake, Dan, 绯 feather ☆ 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

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