MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 174 Dragon Dragon (6)

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Black Dragon is as arrogant as ever. "I will raise my own self, why should I be outsiders? Only once, if there is no more love next time!"

Everyone was scared and he was surprised to hear the second half.

This is really a big joke! Thousands of years ago, I killed all the dragons who did not keep their hands.

Everyone looked at the little milk dragon who was screaming on the face of the dragon. He realized that even the dragon, strong and arrogant, could not resist the awkward appeasement from the cub.

They couldn't help but cast a grateful look at the little dragon, and this lovely little dragon would not know, it saved a lot of people with a small move!

Believers meditation in their hearts, "The great Ullari god, please allow your devout believers to change their faith today..."

They decided that the letter owner would not change!

I hope that Lord Long Zun can understand that his followers have betrayed him today and are preparing to lower their humble heads toward their little masters.

The negotiations between the monks and the dragons finally failed under the absolute strength of the dragon. The unreasonable hegemony of the dragons also hindered the existence of Xiaojinlong, and they finally decided to withdraw from the valley.

I have to say that this is a failure, but never disappointing. The discovery of Xiao Jinlong is enough to make up for these regrets, even if the dragon does not let them take away the precious Xiaojinlong.

Several elders think very well. With the pride of the dragon, since he does not allow others to raise his cubs, it is impossible to hand over the little golden dragons to the strange people of the magical continent. Of course, others include them. , including people other than the dragon!

And this invincible in the valley has strengthened the eternal life of the dragon array. It is their reliance. Even if the dragon is beyond their expectations, he is always trapped in the formation and cannot leave the dragon valley, as long as he Here, Xiao Jinlong must be here too.

They bowed slightly in the direction of the dragon. They didn't know whether they were rushing to the dragon or the golden chubby dragon. They were screaming at the evil dragons and shouting and killing, and they were almost devout to Xiaojinlong. Attitude is about the former.

The monks were reluctant to look at the little golden dragon lying on the dragon. The eyes seemed to be watching the rare treasures that fell into the thief's hands.

The people on the magical continent couldn't help but lick their arms. These stupid monks' eyes were really tickle, so I wanted to fight another one!

However, the distinguished dragons are here, they dare not let go, let the monks exit the cave in an orderly manner.

Before going out of the valley, several heads looked back again and told the disciples of their respective sects to put their hands on the mouth of the valley, and began to discuss the matter of raising Xiaojinlong.

The dragons will not let them take away the little golden dragons, and they will not be able to send the supplies, so they can raise the dragons.

The Taoist leader caressed the beard: "I heard that the Shenlong pups need to be fed by the heavens and the earth, and the mouth is still picking. The dragon is trapped here and must not be able to supply it. This seat decides that I will send three thousand years of Xianzhi. A thousand baskets of millennium fruit, five yuan of fruit in five hundred years, and another small dragon to refine some small dragons for the little dragon to eat."

Sword Xianzong heads the door: "When my ancestor is poor, but the poor can not be poor, I am willing to send half of the inventory of Qizheng in the sect. The precious and precious fruits of the cherished grass are not half-divided! We have powerful swords. After repairing this time, after returning to the sect, it is a big deal for them to pick up some tasks."

The beasts of the beasts are not to be outdone: "My beasts have been like a family since ancient times, and they are a family with Xiaoshenlong. Who are there, who is better at raising beasts than my beast?"

Other heads: "...So what are you going to offer to raise the little dragon?"

The beasts of the beasts are quite chest-chested, and the head is also full of pride: "You have heard that my beasts have been specially planted with the beasts of the beasts, and they are also loved by the beasts. Beast Dan, this is the secret of this door, even Dan Zong can't learn!"

Dan Zong's head: "..." Show off and show off what to bring them? !

The five heads of the squad have been smashing for a long time, and eventually they will go away, no matter how they raise the little dragon, they will never give in!

Valley water pool.

After the monks left, the people on the magical continent were reluctant to leave. They simply sat on the waterside and stared at the little masters, one by one like a idiot.

The dragon inadvertently swept it, scornful and cold, and the stupid little reptiles were still thinking about his cubs?

One day later, several disciples dressed in the blue-colored monk costumes of the road, holding a few storage rings trembled in, sneaked in and sneaked at the chubby dragon lying on the belly of the dragon daddy, looking at the eyes. Straight light, almost forgot the purpose of this trip, he is standing on the edge of the Tan like a piece of wood.

Suddenly I felt that the back of the ridge was cold, and the black dragon (evil) strict (evil) eyes fell on them. Three disciples dressed in the inner door of the door were scared to tremble on the ground and were annoyed.

Obviously this **** evil dragon is their enemy, they even gave him a jealousy? !

Heaven is on the top, they have lost their faces to Zongmen! If you let the head know, you must punish them for thinking about the cliff face!

"Evil, Dragon, Dragon Lord, the commander gave us food, and gave it to His Royal Highness..."

The disciple of the first one said awkwardly, and his face showed a bitter expression. It was too difficult. It was so difficult to send some food to His Royal Highness!

In order to see the cute little dragon, they fightd to fight with other brothers in the door to fight for the opportunity to give food to the milk dragon. When they arrived here, they were scared to be half-life, in the evil. The dragon only wants to stand up in the eyes of a good-looking one!

The more the three disciples are more and more afraid, the evil dragons are not trying to eat them?

During the day, I heard a cheer of milk, and a little milk dragon swayed the chubby little meat wings, and tried to fly to them.

The slamming fell on the pool and was caught by the dragon's tail.

The three disciples looked up and stared at the stars. The head said it was really good. The dragon is evil. The little dragon is different. It is just. If it is not the justice beast that the Taoist faction guards them, how can it be so irritating? favorite? As soon as you look at it, the disciples feel that their hearts are full of strength. Under the evil eyes of the dragon, they dare to sneak up their backs.

Suddenly I heard the dragon on the top and asked: "Oh? What did the little reptile say?"

The three disciples stunned and resolutely refused to admit that the fact that their head was only a small reptile in the dragon's eye. After they sneaked in the heart, they said: "...the head, the head said, according to the records of the classics. In the Shenlong Cub period, you need to feed a large amount of heavenly treasures to make your little dragon grow up healthy..."

"In the same way, and the blood of the Highness is purely the inheritance of the ancestral dragon. The required strength is only a lot. There are no such things in the mountains and valleys, so..."

The dragon smashed the tail and brought the chubby dragon to his body. "Oh, so your head is worried that the deity is too poor to raise it?"

Where do disciples dare to recognize? When I heard this, I was scared to death. This evil arrogant dragon is very arrogant. How can he give others a chance to laugh at him? Yesterday, the head of the house only mentioned that he would bring down the little milk dragon to go back to raise it. He almost killed the dragon valley. If they recognized it, wouldn’t it be my life?

The three disciples swayed their heads madly and said what they said: "We, we are just too fond of the Dragon, no, no other meaning..."

The dragon is satisfied, but the dragon is not a cheap dragon with white reptiles. The arrogant and noble dragon does not allow him to do this kind of thing, so the dragon claws, a piece of ice emitting blue light falls to three. In front of a disciple.

They didn't know why they looked up, and Long Xiao smiled and said, "It's cheaper for you."

The disciple reached out and tentatively grabbed the blue ice. The dragon reminded me with a good heart: "If you don't want that hand, you will catch it."

The most amazing thing is that the three disciples walked out of the cave, and the blue ice was as conscious as they were behind them.

Disciples: "..."

The disciples who are ignorant of the poor do not know what this blue transparent ice cube is. When they reach the Zongmen, they only know when they stand at the head and talk back.

The head was excited, and the red light stared at the blue ice and asked, "Where is it?"

"This is how the mysterious Xuan Bing will come back with you?!"

It’s not that the heads look down on their own disciples. It’s actually that Xuan Bing’s meticulousness is too rare, let alone the mysterious and mysterious ice-cold meek?

Not to mention the ordinary monks, it is also the arrogance of the heavens with strong gas transport.

The realm of comprehension has not heard of which sect has this. The only place where Xuan Bing is meticulous is the glazed sea secret. This mystery has been raised several times because of the mysterious level of Xuan Bing.

Every time the mystery is opened, all the sects must send elite disciples to go, for the sake of Xuan Bing!

One and a half of the slap in the face of Xuan Bing can create a pool of cold pools. Let's just say, throw a piece of mysterious ice into a pool of ordinary water, and the pool will immediately become a mysterious ice.

Soaking in the cold water of Xuanbing can quench the bones and meridians of the monks, which is much better than washing the Dan. Although the pain is more difficult, if you can persist, after going out from the cold pool, the strength will go up. A few classes.

Comprehension has always been self-cultivation and re-cultivation. The body is equivalent to the container of cultivation. After the container has been tempered and expanded, and the foundation is firmly laid, the benefits of future cultivation are self-evident. Some disciples with low potential can even cultivate. The sky plate is pulled high, increasing the chance of breakthrough.

Therefore, the major sects have struggled to seize the opportunity to enter the secret of the glazed sea, just to send the elite disciples to the bubble cold pool to cultivate the strength of the disciples.

Nowadays, such a piece of fine Xuan Bing has followed several disciples and returned to Zongmen. It is not realistic to see how the three disciples look at the eyes.

Three disciples: "...!"

They said what they said in the Dragon Valley, they couldn’t believe it. "Evil, evil dragons will return to the ceremony?"

The face is a stiff face, immediately change his face, return a hammer! They are not giving gifts to the dragon, it is the food and food for the little dragon!


Three disciples walked, and the loyal servant of the little milk dragon opened the storage ring for the little master.

This opportunity is very difficult to come by. After the death of the magical mainland people who refused to go in the evil dragon valley, the red archbishop won the opportunity to feed the small master with the strength to win.

The author has something to say: Add a chapter!

Thanks to the ten-mile long pavilion (not) hard counting, the last chapter of more than 6,000 pieces deducted 5,000 bottles, and the remaining one thousand bottles are included in the next chapter...

How many of you said in this chapter, I can hold it. Yes (very strong) Thanks to the little angel who gave me a ticket or irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [grenade]: a small squirrel, a shovel, and a shovel of biscuits;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 泠栎 2; agreement [*^_^*], ice pile 123, zero 洱-linger~, 19473557, 巍山澜海, 玖, Enron, Shunbao, 璇, Squirrel fish, Xiaomin, and yoga;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Warm 421 bottles; feather 221 bottles; fog thick, 呱 188 bottles; 18236561180 bottles; free aunt 163 bottles; fat Ding, house · rot · base · 150 bottles; xiaxia127 bottles; old lady charm still exists ~ 118 Bottle; rabbit ears, tiara xibao, smile, blue m67, small fox 100 bottles; Qi Qiru snow 98 bottles; I am afraid of a devil, lucia94 bottles; containing, there are always people who want to harm £90 bottles; fish怂怂89 bottles; Qingqingzi 衿, Sumei 80 bottles; book full house 77 bottles; dandelion ll76 bottles; Jianhua 74 bottles;: Qingxu 67 bottles; small shortbread, Tianyi, anonymous Mulan 60 bottles; sweet 56 bottles; a deer in the end of 53 bottles; snow night flower language, 233333, lost in wine, is Jingjing is not pointed, Meng Chen, Jia Huan, pomelo love, marfuji123, 25416764, white 朔, (●––●), bx , don't drink cat t50 bottle; eve shadow 48 bottles; Xu _ 珂珂 44 bottles; desert 42 bottles; chubby, flower under the ghost, 哎哟 feed, child sound, fish and fish love silent 40 bottles; thirteen 37 bottles; yatvem \', the ball is quickly updated 34 bottles; helpless name army, my "book fan", Mu Qing 33 bottles; light dance stream cloud 31 bottles; poor three years old, do not know how to call 啥 good, clear sauce oyo, Nini And also End Liu, song, flow of Shuguang, Yaoyao, cute Tyrannosaurus Rex, savie, 30 bright bottles of the moon; goose goose, ice pile 12329 bottles; update 28 bottles; accelerator, shero25 bottle; beat24 bottle; I don't know, dea22 bottle; Mulan, Shen Huan's thoughts, zs, leaves, burning, sputum, purple smoked blue, maltose, 2,028,889, free, I am Xiao Kezhen, Xiaochu, Baishou, Songyun, Yunlin Tea, Shanshan, 沅沅, 箐箐, the fence is deep, the stranger is away from the 殇, Yi Nan, in the world, 20 bottles in the world; the enchanting moon, the moon, 19 bottles of the river; the ancient cat 18 Bottle; 璇玑, 格17 bottles; 漓, star sea, away, zero summer 鞠, Xie 辫辫, 15 bottles of clear sky; 泠栎 13 bottles; Luo Ruge 11 bottles; 萱萱, Qing Yan, refused network Violence, Mrs. Da Zhuang, Nan Luan, wxj, 彷徨 is wrong, if, Qing Qin, Tianren, leeyy, salad, eat your rice starved you, doge, 0 years old, zero-linger~, huh哒, cute chocolate, xpyi, 17900992, Jiu Lijun, Chang Huai, Nanmu Qingcheng, Wakaka, Green Cloud, Diewu, Shili Changting , auntie, small bottle cap, painted dream butterfly, silk scorpion, scorpion, Liu, smoke, ah, indifferent smoky, Luo Yuwang, scorpion, big pig hooves, lynx, nalan 娉, 殇, dark blue, shallow Blue, dark love Yang Yang, idyllic, Ai, Angela's magic book 10 bottles; Sakura feathers, my goddess is the same person 9 bottles; a flash two shiny crystal, waiting for you to come back, flowers will be 8 bottles Go 7 bottles; go to the high-speed bar, 6 bottles of koi; 婉婉, 漾, 三三三, 许墨苏, 浮飞, Dandan, love snacks, 喵, jacky, apple, secluded my heart, the other side巽, foil and, frost, Qing dynasty, Yi pingping, Qujia 喵 喵 ~ 5 bottles; 37304998, 4 small ice cream; 3 bottles in winter; white, Mo away from red dust mites, single life for a lifetime?, lotus, meme, Love to eat sweets ~, 36247375, 绯 snow 2 bottles; busy cute, more and more, white 驹 , , 唯 唯 , , , , , 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228玥, yanyan, rain, hhs, cat big, plant, Shu Juan and Yun Qi, looking forward to ing, love the sweet cat, a bottle of phoenix;

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