MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 102 Can

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Jiang Liuyi was a little absent-minded at the meeting. Fortunately, the theme of this meeting was publicity. She listened in and occasionally asked her opinion. When she was listening to others, she kept looking at Song Xian from the corner of her eye. Song Xianfa: [Why are you unhappy? 】

Song Xian's mobile phone has not been interrupted since he entered the conference room. The news from the new magazine is the most, especially He Xiaoying, who sent many messages and links in succession. Song Xian bowed his head to reply.

He Xiaoying jumped up from the chair after receiving Song Xian's message: "Come back to me!"

Xiao Li leaned over anxiously: "How did you say it?"

He Xiaoying said, "She's in a meeting."

Wu Ying patted her on the shoulder: "I'm not asking you this! What about that?"

He Xiaoying looked at everyone, nodded after a few seconds of silence, Wu Ying swallowed, although everyone was mentally prepared, but their hearts were still pounding, especially He Xiaoying, who almost couldn't hold the phone and fell to the ground.

"So Song Xian is really Teacher Bai's apprentice."

"It's no wonder Wenren Yu said that the one who grew up with Song Xian was his younger sister."

"Holy crap, I'm working with Shaniya?"

After He Xiaoying was amazed and thought about the incident of Hei Mantong on the forum two days ago, she immediately picked up the keyboard and prepared to fight. Unexpectedly, the forum was one step ahead of them, and the photos of Song Xian's participation in the art exhibition had already been posted. At the beginning, she was still talking about Mantong with rhythm I'm sorry Mr. Wei's people dare not speak, and some people can't stand it and post: [Oh, didn't you say that Song Xian has to rely on Jiang Liuyi to pull him? Who is pulling whom in this wave? 】

[It's really interesting, and he also said that Teacher Wei was mad at Man Tong, so he asked if Teacher Wei would be angry? 】

[Why my focus is different from yours, my focus is is Song Xian really Shaniya? I heard that Song Xian is the niece of piano master Allen! You all know that Allen has only one brother and is a real estate tycoon, so this Song Xian...]

No one really dares to think deeply about this wave. No wonder the people Mantong invites are awesome one by one. Any big name can be invited here. Jiang Liuyi, who never accepts interviews, makes an exception for his wife, a superstar in the film industry Kong Xiyan, Chai Yin who worked with Kong Xiyan for the second time, and Wenren Yu, Bai Ye's big apprentice.

Before, they were still thinking, why didn't Mantong use this strength earlier, why bother fighting with Meixiu for so many years, the co-authorship turned out to be related to Song Xian!

This is the one who wins Song Xian wins the 'world'!

Mantong’s new magazine is booming, children’s magazines are being rectified, and Jiang Liuyi and Shaniya’s cooperation will create a huge wave. Everyone knows that Song Xian’s news is full. She closes the friend application and simply quits. Wechat, I didn't see the message Jiang Liuyi sent her.

Jiang Liu looked at Song Xian's movements from the corner of his eyes and frowned, and Ye Yinge beside him asked, "Teacher Jiang, what do you think of this plan?"

Others also looked over, Jiang Liuyi focused, began to look at the plan, and finally chose the second plan unanimously, after Jiang Liuyi didn't have time to talk to Song Xian, Song Xian was called away, she pursed her lips, Back to the office first.

There are more books in the office than before, the desk is tidy, and there are a lot of waste manuscripts that she finished. After Jiang Liuyi sat down, her phone vibrated, and she thought it was Song Xian. Looking at the screen, it was a call from Zhao Yuebai.

Zhao Yuebai asked her home password, Jiang Liuyi got up: "Are you there?"

"It's been fine recently." Zhao Yuebai said, "I'll come to 'supervise' myself."

"Get me paid."

Jiang Liuyi smiled: "Okay, I got it."

After she finished speaking, Zhao Yuebai said: "Tell your wife not to enter the piano room recently, it will take a few days."

Jiang Liuyi said: "Well, she's been busy at the magazine office these days and has to hand over."

"Handover?" Zhao Yuebai frowned: "Resigned?"

"No." Jiang Liuyi said: "We will go to Jiangcheng next week, and she will hand over the work in advance."

Zhao Yuebai said: "What kind of luck do you think you are? Huh? Why are you so good? Find a wife and do whatever you want. Did you save the Milky Way in your last life?"

Jiang Liuyi lowered her eyes when she heard the words, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

She also thought about Zhao Yuebai's words, did she meet Song Xian after doing a lot of good things in her previous life, she didn't care much about Song Xian's appearance, such a prominent family background, success and fame, she just liked Song Xian's character, frankly Simple, old-fashioned and cute, it made her very heart-warming. During this period of time, she felt that Song Xian was getting closer and closer to her. The feeling that the two hearts were gradually getting closer was so obvious that every time she thought of Song Xian, she couldn't help it. Live happily.

Zhao Yuebai clicked his tongue: "Damn! Don't care about those grades, do you know how popular your wife is on the Internet now?"

The news she found out last night was told by a friend who was going to the art exhibition. She didn't say it directly, but asked her if she wanted to know the news of the art exhibition. She thought it was related to Yu Bai, but when she was about to refuse, she heard Song Xian's Name, the man said exaggeratedly: "It's actually Teacher Bai's apprentice!"

Zhao Yuebai was stunned. When Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi got married, she felt that Song Xian was a treasure. His calm demeanor crushed everyone. Unexpectedly, he was really a treasure!


Originally, Song Xian was still bitter in their circle of friends, especially before Yu Bai opened the art exhibition. They thought that Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi were married, and Song Xian was the one who made a move. What about now? She also posted on her friend last night: [How can some people be so low-key and awesome? 】

Those friends who were sour Song Xian in the past were as quiet as chickens, and their faces were all swollen.

Zhao Yuebai wanted to laugh when she thought of this scene, she said, "It's great."

Jiang Liuyi explained: "Okay, the family will help me watch more."

Zhao Yuebai smiled: "I know."

Jiang Liuyi hung up the phone, there was a knock on the office door, and Ye Yinge called out, "Teacher Jiang?"

She raised her eyes and nodded at Ye Yinge: "What's the matter?"

Ye Yinge said: "It's the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief invites everyone out for lunch at the restaurant opposite. I want to ask if you are free to go there together."

Although Jiang Liuyi often came here for meetings during this time, she seldom ate here. She definitely couldn't go back early today. She said, "Yes."

Ye Yinge smiled: "Then let me remember your taste."

She walked into the office with a notebook in her hand, and she was writing with her head down. When Song Xian returned to the office, she heard the conversation inside. She turned her head, and the door of the office was not closed. In front of the desk, Ye Yinge stood opposite, Ye Yinge bent slightly, pointing to the notebook on the table, Song Xian heard her ask: "Is this okay?"

Jiang Liuyi said, "Yes."

After she finished speaking, she added: "By the way, can I trouble you to make a note?"

Ye Yinge said: "Remark what?"

Jiang Liuyi said: "The few dishes I just ordered don't put green peppers."

Ye Yinge lowered his head to make a note, and asked, "So Teacher Jiang doesn't like green peppers?"

Jiang Liuyi said: "No, it's because my wife doesn't like it."

Ye Yinge paused for notes, and quickly finished writing. Song Xian who was standing outside the door looked at Jiang Liuyi when he heard this sentence, his side face was illuminated by the sun, very soft.

She opened the door and went in, Jiang Liuyi smiled: "Did we talk?"

Song Xian nodded, Ye Yinge saw Song Xian coming back and said, "Then I'll go out first."

She went out and closed the back door, Jiang Liuyi said: "We won't go back for lunch at noon."

Song Xian looked at her: "Do you have anything else to do?"

Jiang Liuyi nodded: "I'm going to the TV station to rehearse in the afternoon, you go with me."

Song Xian hummed, sat on the sofa, saw a cup of coffee on the left side of the coffee table, and asked, "Is this from Director Ye?"

Jiang Liuyi turned her head and followed her line of sight to see the cup of coffee, which was brought by Ye Yinge in the morning. She forgot to drink it and kept putting it there. Now that Song Xian brought it up, she nodded: "Yeah."

Song Xian glanced at the cup of coffee, the sulking before the meeting welled up again, and she frowned.

Jiang Liuyi, who saw the change in her expression, stood up and walked to her side: "What's the matter? What did you go upstairs to talk about just now?"

Song Xian said, "Talk about cooperating with children's magazines."

The boss actually wanted to ask her if she could sign Shaniya's name, of course she would sign the contract and pay the corresponding manuscript fee, Jiang Liuyi asked: "Do you agree?"

Song Xian shook his head and said, "No."

Jiang Liuyi didn't ask her why she disagreed, and after a while, she said, "You can sign it as you like, any name is fine."

And she prefers the name Song Xian, it is written behind her name, leaning together, so satisfied. Song Xian nodded when she heard her say that, but the eyebrows she frowned did not relax. Seeing her expression, Jiang Liuyi suddenly thought that she had received a message from Song Xian during the meeting.

Jiang Liuyi asked: "Did you send me a message during the meeting?"

Changing the subject abruptly, Song Xian lost his mind for two seconds, and quickly realized that she said, "Yes."

Jiang Liuyi said, "Why are you unhappy?"

Song Xian turned to look at her and said, "I think Director Ye is too warm to you."

Director Ye? Ye Yinge? Jiang Liuyi recalled that Ye Yinge had been very enthusiastic about her from the very beginning, and he restrained himself after repeated rejections. Except for the meeting, she had no other contact with Ye Yinge recently, and Song Xian had no other contact with Ye Yinge before. Having mentioned this question, why did it suddenly come up today?

Jiang Liuyi suddenly thought that Ye Yinge seemed to be sitting next to her in today's meeting.

Does Song Xian mind? Why do you mind? Because you like her?

Because of this bold assumption, she couldn't tell what it was like, mixed with joy and excitement, and a little nervous. She turned her head and asked Song Xian, "Are you jealous?"

Song Xian was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help but think of Lin Qiushui telling her that Jiang Liuyi didn't like Yu Bai long ago, she nodded, just about to admit it, but then thought of Jiang Liuyi asking her to sort out her relationship not long ago.

Two thoughts were fighting in his mind, Song Xian didn't go back to Jiang Liuyi very rarely, but asked tentatively: "Is it okay?"

Jiang Liuyi was dumbfounded, her heart was pounding a few seconds later, her voice trembled slightly: "Is it okay?"

Song Xian asked seriously: "Can I be jealous?"

Jiang Liuyi was speechless for a moment, she turned her head, her eyes felt a little hot, and the intense emotion that burst out from the bottom of her heart exploded in an instant, before Song Xian could react, she turned around, held Song Xian tightly, and She pressed into her arms, and the two squeezed together softly, the two hearts beat close together, and began to beat in the same rhythm.

Song Xian raised his head slightly in her arms, and just as he opened his lips, he was blocked by Jiang Liuyi, kissing until he was suffocated.