MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 2 like

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It was exactly five o'clock when Song Xian entered the house. The wedding room was bought by Jiang Liuyi. The existing house had not received a certificate before buying it, so it was not considered joint property. Song Xian didn't like to calculate these things very much, but she still bought home appliances after marriage. A car, Jiang Liuyi's car was arranged by the company, Song Xian owns a car, so the car he bought is still in the garage, and Jiang Liuyi only drives it when he goes out to parties occasionally.

The door was pushed open, but there was no Jiang Liuyi, Song Xian was a little puzzled, she put down her bag and walked in, when she approached the room, she heard the sound of water.

Jiang Liuyi was taking a bath.

Song Xian walked out of the room and went to the balcony to pack his clothes. He was folding and heard the door of the bathroom being opened. Jiang Liuyi asked, "Are you back?"

In order to do things later, she didn't wear anything inside, only a bathrobe and she came out, her hair was wet and wrapped in a dry towel, and the end of the water droplets fell on the bathrobe, Song Xian said: "The hair dryer is here."

Jiang Liuyi went to the dressing table and sat down, took the hair dryer from Song Xian, turned it on, and the warm wind blew, Song Xian folded the clothes and put them in the cabinet, pulled a pajamas casually, and didn't take any underwear, She said to Jiang Liuyi: "I'm going to take a bath."

"I just put out the bath water, do you want to take a bath?" She was too busy this week, flying around, not playing much, but her schedule was very rushed, so she took a bath as soon as she came back.

I almost fell asleep with soaking just now, but I woke up when I heard the door opening, and rushed out of the foam.

Song Xian said without looking back, "No, I'll just take a shower."

Are you in such a hurry?

I really miss her look.

Jiang Liuyi turned up the wind speed, three windshields, and it was hotter than before.

Ten minutes later, Song Xian came out from the inside. She was wearing pure white pajamas, close-fitting, with a good figure and exquisite curves. Song Xian stepped on the floor with bare feet, pulled off her hood, and didn't wash her hair today.

She went to the dressing table and simply fiddled with her hair. The hair was spread out. Song Xian is standard black and straight. Her hair is long, black and dense. When she was in school, her classmates always dragged her to make big waves, but within a few days It returned to straight hair, and she hasn't changed her hair since then, she just takes care of it a little at ordinary times.

Jiang Liuyi likes her hair very much, she likes to hug her from behind every time after finishing, and bury her face in her hair, Jiang Liuyi said it is very comfortable.

What a strange fetish.

Song Xian put down the comb and towel, walked to the bed, and tucked the sheets.

Jiang Liuyi, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, was looking at the glasses. Song Xian bent over to tidy up. She was sleeveless, with slender arms exposed, and her fair skin irritated her so that she didn't have the mood to blow-dry her hair.

With her hair half dry, Jiang Liuyi put down the hair dryer, took off her shoes and approached Song Xian, Song Xian turned her head inadvertently, their eyes were entangled, their breaths gradually approached, the fragrance of body wash blended perfectly between the two at this moment, Jiang Liu Yi lowered her eyes slightly, looking at Song Xian's thin lips.

Song Xian's lips are naturally light pink, very thin, very suitable for kissing.

No one knows the taste better than Jiang Liuyi, it's sweeter than candied fruit.

Just now she thought about it, she lowered her head and said with her thin lips, "Turn off the light."

The voice was not as indifferent as before, but somewhat depressed. Jiang Liuyi knew Song Xian's temper. Before doing it, she had to turn off the lights and draw certain curtains. There must be no light in the room.

She did so, turned off the light, and the heat kept approaching in the darkness. The two of them were like fish swimming in the deep sea, completely blending into each other at this moment.

Afterwards, Jiang Liuyi said: "I announced the marriage to the media, but I didn't go into details."

Public figures have no privacy, but Jiang Liuyi has no intention of keeping such a big event like marriage a secret, but she doesn't know Song Xian's attitude.

Song Xian didn't care, Jiang Liuyi made it public before the tour, and it was quite popular some time ago, so she even took a look.

Jiang Liuyi asked: "If you don't want to take pictures of us..."

Many public figures will choose to protect their family members from the public, but she thinks Song Xian probably won't. She likes herself so much, she definitely doesn't mind making it public.

Song Xian said, "It doesn't matter."

Sure enough, Jiang Liuyi thought, knowing that Song Xian didn't mind.

After taking a break like this, the two chatted for a few minutes, Jiang Liuyi asked, "What time is it?"

Song Xian said, "It's evening."

Jiang Liuyi took out her mobile phone from the drawer: "It's half past eight."

The phone fell on Song Xian from the corner of her eye. Song Xian was packing the sheets. She was not wearing pajamas, with narrow shoulders and a thin waist. She was tall and her hair was loose on her slender back, shaking and shaking.

Jiang Liuyi then put the phone on the table, and the room returned to darkness.

Song Xian asked: "I'm going out..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Liuyi grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the bed.

Song Xian's hands were clenched tightly by Jiang Liuyi, and the two ended the battle with the most intimate gesture.

Tired, Song Xian was lying on the bed, Jiang Liuyi actually got up, she picked up the quilt from the ground and walked out the door, after a while, the door opened, Jiang Liuyi said: "Get up, I'll order takeaway."

Song Xian didn't like to cook, and Jiang Liuyi seldom went into the kitchen, so the two often ordered takeaway. Song Xian didn't stay in bed, she walked down barefoot, her knees softened, and she almost sat down, but she leaned on the edge of the bed for support.

Reluctantly changing another bed sheet, she walked out in her pajamas, the blush on her face gradually dissipated, and her complexion returned to its usual fairness.

Jiang Liuyi said, "I'll take a bath."

Song Xian responded calmly, and stuffed all the sheets into the washing machine, together with the nightgown that Jiang Liuyi took off just now, the sound of water pattered, and the frosted glass printed Jiang Liuyi's beautiful figure, Song Xian just glanced at it with calm eyes .

Jiang Liuyi's cell phone rang several times while she was taking a shower. Song Xian glanced at the screen, and a woman's name was displayed. If I remember correctly, Jiang Liuyi called her by this name when we first met, and then said sorry, got the wrong person.

She also misheard the voice from that moment on.

The phone rang endlessly, the person on the other end seemed to be in a hurry, Song Xian sat for a few minutes and decided to pass it to Jiang Liuyi.

"Your call." Song Xian said, "There are two missed calls."

Jiang Liuyi wiped off the water droplets on her face with a towel, and frowned slightly when she saw the caller ID, but still picked it up.

Song Xian tactfully left the bathroom.

Not long after, Jiang Liuyi came out from the inside. She hurried to the closet, took a long red dress and a dark coat from it, and sat in front of the dresser to put on light makeup.

When Song Xian went back to the room to get the book, he heard Jiang Liuyi calling: "Song Xian."

She turned her head, Jiang Liuyi's face in the vanity mirror was like a peach blossom, beautiful and charming.

Jiang Liuyi said: "I want to go out for a while."

Song Xian was meaningless, nodded: "Got it."

Didn't ask any more questions, she looked very obedient, Jiang Liuyi just wanted to explain, when another message came from her mobile phone, she got up: "I'll talk about it when I come back."

Song Xian's expression remained the same: "Okay."

After Jiang Liuyi finished speaking, she brushed her bag past Song Xian, and gently closed the door. Song Xian sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while. By coincidence, he happened to switch to the entertainment channel. Painter Yu Bai has returned to China at 4:00 this afternoon. It is rumored that she is going to hold a painting exhibition when she returns to China. She is in Neus..."

Yu Bai, Jiang Liuyi's name on the phone just now.

Just as Song Xian was about to turn off her phone, the doorbell rang from behind her. She frowned and walked over to find out that it was Jiang Liu Yiding's takeaway.

Song Xian took the takeaway box and sat at the table, opened it to see beef tenderloin with green peppers, shredded potatoes with green peppers.

Very good, perfect stepping on thunder, there is not a single dish that she can eat.

After living together for two months, Jiang Liuyi didn't even remember that she didn't eat green peppers. She still remembered that she told Jiang Liuyi that she didn't like green peppers when she went out to eat for the first time.

Song Xian turned to watch TV, pinching the edge of the lunch box.

Is it because I didn’t remember, or the person I like is back and upset?

She was not interested in trying to figure out Jiang Liuyi's thoughts, listening to the sound of the TV, she packed them up and threw them directly into the trash can, her expression remained unchanged, her usual indifference.

She will never be half-hearted about things she doesn't like.

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