MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 37 heartbeat

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Song Xian, who was drunk, had a kind of magical power that people couldn't resist. He was obedient and obedient, but when those clear eyes looked at Jiang Liuyi, Jiang Liuyi always felt that she was bullying her. She opened the distance between the two of them slightly, Song Xian The smell and aroma of the wine are fused together, and the smell of the wine that I don't like is baked into a sweet taste.

Jiang Liuyi rubbed the corners of Song Xian's lips, and couldn't help biting. The force was very light. Before leaving, Song Xian also imitated her by opening her mouth and biting the corners of Jiang Liuyi's lips, but she couldn't control the strength. Ma, seeing her quiet eyes, Jiang Liuyi almost lost control in the car.

The temperature inside the car was scorchingly hot, Jiang Liuyi stepped back, unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door with a bang and stood outside, with the cool night wind blowing on her face, she gradually regained consciousness.

Song Xian also opened the door behind him and got out of the car: "What's wrong with you?"

The cool voice caused waves in Jiang Liuyi's heart, one wave after another, originally she had a lot of things to say to Song Xian, and many questions to ask her, but now she has put them all behind her, and all she can see is Song Xian looked drunk.

Jiang Liuyi said slowly, "It's okay."

A gust of wind blew, and Song Xian sneezed. Jiang Liuyi hurriedly walked to the other side and pushed her into the car. She also turned up the temperature of the air conditioner. Envious of the sight coming over, I bumped into it, feeling numb in my heart.

It seemed that a cat was scratching and scratching at the heart, and the feeling was very uncomfortable, Jiang Liuyi's eyes were reddish.

Song Xian asked her: "Are you ready?"

Jiang Liuyi's voice was hoarse: "Okay."

Song Xian said, "I want to go home."

Jiang Liuyi nodded: "Wait for a while."

She quickly pulled away, closed the car door, and turned her back to Song Xian. Her heart was beating wildly, and her emotions were like saplings emerging from the ground. They were growing wildly at a speed she couldn't control. It took her a while to get to the driver's seat. Song Xian Xian turned her head: "What are you doing outside?"

Jiang Liuyi said: "You smell of alcohol on your body, take it away."

Song Xian didn't know if he understood or didn't understand, so he just stared at her, Jiang Liuyi felt like he was being seen through, those emotions couldn't be hidden, she coughed lightly: "I'm going home."

Song Xian said, "Oh."

Jiang Liuyi started the engine and drove home.

After arriving at the door of the house, she helped Song Xian get out of the car, opened the door, and the action was done in one go. Song Xian took off his coat and shoes, and stood barefoot at the door. Jiang Liuyi looked down and saw her toes slightly curled up, and then slowly opened.

She squatted down, put on Song Xian's shoes, raised her head and asked, "Do you want to take a bath?"

According to Song Xian's personality, the smell of alcohol must be washed away, but she is drunk now, so she doesn't know if she can understand.

Song Xian just thought quietly, Jiang Liuyi didn't know what she was thinking, half a minute later, Song Xian nodded: "I need to take a bath."

Jiang Liuyi said: "Then I will accompany you."

Song Xian shook his head: "No."

Jiang Liuyi frowned: "You will fall when you take a shower like this."

Song Xian said stubbornly: "That's not necessary."

Jiang Liuyi asked: "Why?"

Song Xian replied to her: "The lights in the bathroom cannot be turned off."

Can't turn off the light in the bathroom? What logic? Why do you turn off the light in the shower? Jiang Liuyi was dumbfounded, Song Xian took advantage of this time to take her pajamas and walked into the bathroom, Jiang Liuyi followed, caught off guard when the door closed, she touched the tip of her nose.

She was worried about letting Song Xian take a bath alone, so she just stood at the door and listened to the sound of water dripping inside.

Jiang Liuyi's mood suddenly became incomparably calm at this moment, it was a calmness that had never been experienced before, and a peace of mind that had never been experienced before.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, Song Xian came out wrapped in a bath towel, not too big, just covering his chest to his legs, Jiang Liuyi frowned: "Where's your pajamas?"

Didn't you go in with your pajamas just now?

Song Xian tilted his head thinking, and replied, "I've washed it."

Jiang Liuyi smiled helplessly, why bother with the drunk Song Xian, although she looked sober, she was indeed drunk.

Jiang Liuyi said: "Understood, I will take you back to your room."

Song Xian said oh, and after returning to the room, Jiang Liuyi helped her dry her hair. The hair was voluminous, straight and smooth, and slid from her wrist like silk. Song Xian usually takes care of her hair very carefully. Liu Yi also loves this beautiful hair, she tidied up Song Xian and asked her to enter the quilt first, Song Xian got in and came out again, she said unhappily: "It's so cold inside."

Jiang Liuyi touched the bed sheet, it was made of ice silk, and the cotton one must have been washed last night, so she asked Song Xian to wait a while and go outside to get the cotton bed sheet, Song Xian looked at her, but said: "You and I It won't be cold if we sleep together."

Jiang Liuyi's heartbeat was inexplicably faster, and they obviously slept together every day in the most intimate position, but when Song Xian said this, his blood rushed up, Jiang Liuyi said: "But I haven't taken a bath yet."

Song Xian looked at her and asked, "Can't you sleep without taking a bath?"

"I..." Just as Jiang Liuyi spoke, the faint fragrance from Song Xian's body had already drifted over. She turned around and saw Song Xian looking at her with clear eyes.

I can't bear to refuse.

She had no choice but to lift the quilt and get in first, Song Xian said again: "You didn't turn off the light."

Jiang Liuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she had no choice but to get out of bed and turn off the light, and Song Xian lay in her arms as soon as she went to bed, the ice silk sheets rubbed to warm up, Jiang Liuyi didn't feel cold at all, she only felt that her body was very hot.

Song Xian's whole body was cool, Xu just took a shower, she was still a little damp, Jiang Liuyi hugged her and lay on the bed, it was the first time that the two of them didn't have a fierce entanglement as soon as they got into bed.

But it clearly upset someone.

In the dark, Song Xian turned over and buried his head in Jiang Liuyi's arms, breathing all over his skin, a little itchy, Jiang Liuyi just wanted to push Song Xian's beautiful hair away when someone bit her chest.

It was bitten through clothes.

She is still wearing a dress now, and she took off her coat when she came back. The dress is sleeveless, has a V-neck, and fits close to the body. The fabric of the dress is not very thin. Song Xian took a bite and was dissatisfied, and pressed it directly from her neckline.

The movements in the quilt didn't fluctuate much, Song Xian opened her neckline and bit the red beans, swallowing whole as if he didn't have enough for dinner.

Jiang Liuyi has been feeling it.

The subtle sense of unreality in the Zhao family was disintegrated by Song Xian at this moment, the one lying in her arms, holding her and kissing her was still her wife.

Jiang Liu took the initiative to meet the guests in the torn dress.

Scattered clothes, bath towels everywhere, the two people on the bed in the darkness had already stirred into a ball of fire, which was burning, Jiang Liuyi was dazzled, because she couldn't see, countless images of Song Xian now flashed in her mind, looked up, His face was red, his eyes were shining, his red lips were slightly parted, and his breath was quick and sweet.

Every time she thought about it, she tightened her hand holding Song Xian's calf.

In the end, the two remained in the most intimate position to end the battle.

Jiang Liuyi was lying on the bed, taking a deep breath, Song Xian beside her was in a daze, and she didn't know if she had fallen asleep. Jiang Liuyi was still thinking about Song Xian's habits, fearing that she would have to change the sheets again after waking up, she slowed down. After half a quarter of an hour, he got out of bed and went to the balcony, and returned to the bed with the sheets in his arms. Song Xian really got up.

She is sensitive and slow to recover.

Jiang Liuyi said, "I brought it here."

Song Xian was exhausted, but she still helped change the sheets and slept on a clean bed. She was as soft as a cat, she closed her eyes and slept lightly. Jiang Liuyi listened to her breathing, which was steady and long.

She was just about to hug Song Xian to sleep when she heard the phone ring outside the door.

I didn't want to pay attention to it, but it kept ringing, and I didn't know who it was in the middle of the night. Jiang Liuyi frowned and got up and got out of bed. She was stunned when she saw the caller ID, but she didn't expect it to be her father.

She sat on the sofa and answered the phone.

Her father opened his mouth and asked, "Who is your wife?"

Jiang Liuyi frowned: "What?"

"I asked who is your wife?" Her father's tone was not kind, even a little fierce: "Is she Allen's niece?"

The news spread really quickly, but it's not surprising that it reached her parents. Jiang Liuyi took a slow breath and walked to the balcony. The cold wind blew and she became more awake. She said, "Yes, yes."

"You knew before you got married?"

Jiang Liuyi said, "I don't know."

Her father paused for a few seconds, not knowing what was going on, as if he was standing at the window, the wind was blowing, her father said in a serious tone: "You come back tomorrow."

Jiang Liuyi responded: "Understood."

Originally, she was planning to go home with Song Xian tomorrow. She was not surprised by her father's phone call. As for this attitude, it was even more unsurprising. Since she left Jiang's house and went back, her parents have not had a good face. When she was in college, she wanted to tamper with her application letter. Jiang Liuyi didn't know why her parents opposed her playing the piano so much. Now that Jiang Liubing also learned to draw, they fully supported her.

Zhao Yuebai often said that she didn't understand her parents, and there was a limit to the difference in treatment, but she never understood it.

Jiang Liuyi hung up the phone and saw the message Zhao Yuebai sent her, saying that Qian Shen drank too much and wanted to make a fuss at her house, but was taken away by Lin Qiushui, and said that if Lin Qiushui called her, don't answer it. It's Qian Shen acting as a demon again.

Lin Qiushui didn't call her, the two of them didn't contact each other after talking last time, and they didn't speak when they met at Zhao's house today. Jiang Liuyi put down her phone and turned to look at the room, feeling satisfied.

When she returned to the room, Song Xian was still sleeping soundly, Jiang Liuyi didn't turn on the light, but the door was not fully closed, the light in the living room shone through the gap, Jiang Liuyi looked down and saw Song Xian sleeping soundly.

Tranquil and peaceful, with a beautiful side face, she brushed Song Xian's hair, revealing half of her face and earlobe, and the swan's neck exposed from the quilt. There were teeth marks on her fair skin, half of which were hidden in the darkness. A burning sensation on the skin.

She tucked the quilt up for Song Xian, her gaze was like water.

For the first time, she was lying on the bed with Song Xian, but she didn't think about those things. Now she has feelings for Song Xian beyond desire and thoughts, and the little saplings in her heart are faintly towering.

She lifted the quilt and lay down, took Song Xian's hand and placed it on her chest.

She was wrong before, saying that she tried to like Song Xian, but in fact, she was already tempted.

The two hands were pressed tightly against her chest, and Jiang Liuyi could clearly feel that this position was beating wildly for Song Xian.

A little faster than usual heartbeat rhythm.