MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 49 blanket

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After Jiang Liuyi left, the video conference was silent for a few seconds, and the atmosphere was weird. Wu Ying broke the deadlock: "So why did Qian Li agree to the interview?"

Just this attitude? Just this shelf? He Xiaoying has been turned away once or twice. If she really didn't intend to cooperate, why did she accept the interview in the first place?

Others in the group also jumped out to be surprised by this matter.

Song Xian paused and wanted to speak, but Yuan Hong said, "I contacted you."

The others were silent for two seconds, Yuan Hong continued: "The sales of the first issue were good, so the second issue can't be dropped, so I'll ask my friend to connect with Qianli."

This circle is not big, and there are only a few types of social relationships. It is normal for friends to connect.

That's the reason, and besides, everyone was very happy when they knew it was Qian Li, but no one thought that Qian Li would be so good at holding it.

He Xiaoying was silent for two seconds and said, "Anyway, I insist on changing."

"Sister Yuan, it's okay for Song Xian and I to apologize, but do we really want to do this? The slap in the face isn't for the two of us, it's Man Tong's face, and the interview hasn't started yet. In case something happens in the interview, will the second issue be open?"

Yuan Hong's expression was serious, she thought the same, but the boss didn't think so, she could figure out what the boss thought, although Qianli was playing big names, but Qianli wasn't the one playing big names, and the connotation didn't name anyone , So if you really want to use this method to terminate the contract, then forget it, waste energy and money, and let He Xiaoying and Song Xian apologize, coax Qianli to come back and continue the second period, there will not be so much Trouble.

From the boss's point of view, she can understand that she wants to continue.

Now the problem lies with Yuan Hong.

Yuan Hong pressed her head and said, "How about this, I will communicate with Qian Li first, if she is willing to explain that Weibo, I will personally come to apologize, if she is not willing..."

If you don't want to, then you really can only follow the normal procedure.

He Xiaoying still wanted to talk, but was distracted by Wu Ying's cough. Wu Ying said, "Listen to the editor-in-chief."

The others also nodded: "Listen to Sister Yuan."

Song Xian looked calm, and Yuan Hong sent her a message before hanging up the video conference: [Today's incident is not to blame for you and Xiaoying, it's about Qianli, don't take it to heart. 】

Song Xian lowered his eyes and paused while typing: 【I know. 】

Yuan Hongfa: [Ask in the group who connected Qian Li, and you also said it was me. 】

Although at first because Yu Bai wanted to apologize for Yu Cai's matter, it had something to do with Song Xian, but it was her who agreed to this matter, and it had nothing to do with Song Xian. She knew that those people in the club were in a bad mood now, and if she knew about the mess again With a few words of ridicule about the matter, the two families were already torn apart, and Song Xian was involved.

No need, no need at all, Song Xian just married Mr. Jiang, let them live a good life with peace of mind.

Song Xian's eyes softened, and he replied lightly: [Well, good. 】

Yuan Hong: [That's all right, go to bed early, good night. 】

As soon as she had a good night here, He Xiaoying dragged Song Xian to a colleague group, first scolded Qian Li, and then said: [Hey, I feel sorry for the editor-in-chief. 】

It's also rare for Xiao Li to post: [How about we invite Zhang Jie? 】

Zhang Jie used to be a model, but later she was cast by a director to make a movie, and now she has a good reputation, but the schedule is relatively full, and they didn't make an appointment in advance, and moreover—this is still remedial work.

Who is happy to be a substitute?

This is also the fundamental reason why they dare not seek out old acquaintances in the agency.

He Xiaoying said: [I'll try to get in touch, Zhang Jie had a good relationship with us before, let's see if she is willing to help. 】

There was a rare silence in the group.

Wu Ying: [Okay, everyone try to contact. 】

Song Xian stared at this passage for a few minutes, and when she quit the group chat, she checked her contacts, and finally sent a message.

Jiang Liuyi kept looking at Song Xian from the corner of her eye, watching her close the computer before saying, "It's over?"

Song Xian raised his head and said in a flat voice, "Well, it's just over."

Jiang Liuyi asked: "Why is there a meeting suddenly?"

This was the first time I saw Song Xian hold an online meeting. Thinking of her actions just now, Jiang Liuyi's face became very dry. Song Xian said: "There is something wrong in the club."

Jiang Liuyi frowned: "What's the matter? Do you want my help?"

She had a very natural attitude, as if Song Xian's business was her business, and she would help of course, but Song Xian turned to look at her, and shook his head thinking of the message he just sent: "Should not be used, there will be a reply tomorrow."

Jiang Liuyi let out a cry.

Song Xian packed up her computer bag and went to take a shower. Jiang Liuyi was still carrying her mobile phone. After a moment of hesitation, she put down her mobile phone and went to the kitchen to order a bowl of noodles. Song Xian came out of the shower and saw Jiang Liuyi eating noodles. Jiang Liuyi asked Her: "Do you want to eat?"

"No." Song Xian said, "I've already brushed my teeth."

As she spoke, she walked to Jiang Liuyi's side and poured a glass of warm water, took a couple of sips, her eyebrows were covered with moisture just after taking a shower, her face was rosier than usual, her eyes were clear, she looked good everywhere.

Jiang Liuyi glanced casually, but didn't look away. It was Song Xian who yawned before she asked, "Sleepy?"

Song Xian nodded. He was tired. He sat there all afternoon today. He just took a shower and found a visit. No wonder he was tired and had no energy. Jiang Liuyi said, "Go to bed first."

Song Xian put down the cup, went back to the room, and was stunned when he lifted the quilt. Most of her and Jiang Liuyi's sheets were made of cotton, and some were made of silk, but they were all thin, and the washing machine would dry after a while. But now the bed is covered with a slightly thicker blanket, sky blue, with some fluff on it. Song Xian touched it with her hands, it was very soft and warm, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

It seems that the whole heart has become soft.

Song Xian raised his eyes and saw through the crack of the door that Jiang Liuyi was still sitting at the dining table eating noodles while looking down at his mobile phone.

Jiang Liuyi is choosing the style of the ring.

After she sent the hand model over there, there were sizes, so she sent her many styles and asked her which pair to choose. Originally, she should ask Song Xian for his opinion, but she wanted to surprise Song Xian, so she didn't tell. she.

There were so many styles, she really didn't know how to choose, so she simply sent them to Zhao Yuebai.

Zhao Yuebai sent many question marks in astonishment, Jiang Liuyi said: 【Help me with an advice. 】

【Oh, let me take a look. 】

Jiang Liuyi also looked at a few styles according to the time Zhao Yuebai watched them. According to Song Xian's personality, she should prefer more delicate styles, which don't need to be too exaggerated. She put the selected ones in the photo album and turned to wash the dishes. , Zhao Yuebai had already made his choice when he came back, he had chosen more than a dozen kinds.

Zhao Yuebai: [It's too difficult to choose, I have selected all the suitable ones, you can refer to them yourself. 】

Jiang Liuyi looked down, several models were similar to the ones she had chosen, it seemed that Zhao Yuebai's impression of Song Xian was similar to hers, she smiled and put them together in the photo album, when she went back to her room to get her clothes to take a bath, she saw that Song Xian was already asleep It's on, a bedside lamp is on in the room, light orange, a faint halo falls on Song Xian, Jiang Liuyi sits on the side of the bed, puts her hand into the quilt, it's warm, she touches Song Xian My feet are not as cold as before, but very warm.

She reassuredly tucked in the quilt, turned around and closed the door, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After coming out, she didn't go back to the room first, but went to the piano room. She practiced for two hours before returning to the room to rest.

Just after going to bed, he accidentally ran into Song Xian, Song Xian turned around, and habitually approached her, Jiang Liuyi held her in his arms.

Her arms were soft and her palms were warm. Jiang Liuyi hugged Song Xian. The tip of her nose smelled of the familiar bath milk. He bowed his head and kissed her lips, feeling dissatisfied and satisfied at the same time.

Song Xian slept very soundly. She had insomnia for a while. She tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. She went to the hospital to prescribe medicine to fall asleep, but after she married Jiang Liuyi, she didn't have insomnia anymore. Due to my physical strength, I thought that the inability to exercise during menstruation would affect my rest, but it did not.

As soon as she opened her eyes, it was almost dawn, Song Xian turned off the alarm clock, and when she got out of bed, Jiang Liuyi asked behind her: "Why so early?"

"I'm going to the company for a meeting." Song Xian replied to her. Last night Yuan Hong told them to go there early. Jiang Liuyi's eyes hadn't opened yet. Song Xian said: "You go to bed later, there is still bread in the refrigerator, I'm hot eat."

Jiang Liuyi groaned, not sure if she heard it, Song Xian took the clothes to the bathroom to change, came out and Jiang Liuyi didn't wake up, she moved lightly, just about to walk out of the room barefoot, suddenly thought of Jiang Liuyi squatting on her In front of her being asked to put on her shoes, Song Xian paused, put on her shoes and went out, closing the door.

Habitually walked to the refrigerator, opened it, took out the bread, and heated it up. When she turned her head, she froze for a moment, thinking of Jiang Liuyi's cooking inexplicably in her mind. After only a few days, she felt that the kitchen was full of Jiang Liuyi's figure. So much so that Song Xian didn't react when Jiang Liu Yizhen was standing in the kitchen.

Jiang Liuyi just woke up, her hair is slightly messed up, the top two buttons of her pajamas are not fastened, revealing her collarbone and fair skin, her hair is somewhat hidden from the neckline of her pajamas, faintly black, she has a well-proportioned frame, a pair of long legs Slender and straight, dangling under Song Xian's eyelids.

Song Xian asked, "Why are you up?"

Jiang Liuyi's voice was gentle, as if she was still asleep, she said, "I think I bought something for you last night."

Song Xian was curious: "What?"

Jiang Liuyi said: "Go and have breakfast first, I'll soak it for you."

Song Xian nodded and watched Jiang Liuyi enter the kitchen and open the cabinet. She didn't know what to do. After a while, she came over with a cup and handed it to Song Xian: "It's this."

The cup was steaming and white smoke curled up. Song Xian smelled the smell and looked down. It turned out to be a cup of brown sugar water. As soon as the cup was put in her hand, the water in it swayed slightly. Song Xian raised his eyes to look at Jiang Liuyi in front of him, and his heart began to sway for no reason.

Jiang Liuyi said: "Drink it, you are cold, drink it to make you feel better."

Song Xian picked up the cup and took a sip, the sweetness spread into the body along the tip of the tongue, a wonderful feeling lingered in the chest, just like the feeling Jiang Liuyi gave her, it was always warm.

It was rare, she smiled at Jiang Liuyi after drinking, softness flashed in her eyes.

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