MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 62 clarify

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Song Xian has no experience in quarreling with others, and some people will get angry and shout and get angry at her, but she doesn't care much about it, but Jiang Liuyi is not someone else.

She frowned, and asked with a rare humility: "Then what do you usually do when you quarrel with your partner?"

Xiao Li was stunned by the question, and then smiled: "Just coax it."

Coaxing, Song Xian nodded.

Xiao Li looked sideways: "Why do you ask that? Are you still arguing with Mr. Jiang?"

It shouldn't be, Song Xian's character is considered a goddess level in their hearts, because they have no desires and no mood swings, and Teacher Jiang, although he looks cold and indifferent, is not easy to get along with. In fact, the video conference was held that day. They can see clearly, but Song Xian is sticky.

It doesn't look like a couple who will have conflicts.

Sweet and enviable.

Song Xian said lightly: "Just in case."

Xiao Li nodded knowingly: "That's right, which couple doesn't quarrel."

When the two of them returned to the office while they were talking, everyone saw the two of them coming in with a nervous expression on their faces. They were surrounded by a moment ago and suddenly the birds dispersed. They were all busy, and He Xiaoying pretended to make a phone call: "Hey, hey, the signal is not good, I'm coming out Say."

Xiao Li noticed the strange atmosphere and glanced at Song Xian, and found that Song Xian didn't pay attention to the abnormalities of these colleagues at all. She returned to her seat with a calm expression, sat down, turned on the computer and began to edit the picture.

Everyone was silent when they saw her actions.

They were overthinking, why did they think Song Xian would care about those online comments? Song Xian should be the most stable kind, but the comments on the Internet are really irritating. Although they didn't find out who it was, those netizens' comments were scolding Yu Bai's ex-girlfriend explicitly and secretly, and said that the ex-girlfriend was Garbage, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, of course, there are netizens who really pick it up, the popularity is rising, no wonder that gossip and gossip are never out of date topics, even Yu Bai, The original promotion was to get closer to Bai Ye, and wanted to take the purely artistic route, to create a charming, beautiful, elegant and generous talented painter, but in the end, he was entangled in these scraps, and he just opened up a topic with these things.

Soon, Jiang Liuyi's name appeared in the topic area.

Someone found out that Yu Bai had been with Jiang Liuyi before, and the ex was suspected to be Jiang Liuyi, and then someone picked up Jiang Liuyi's magazine and made a flash marriage.

In the matter of eating melons, a little bit of clues can be connected into a thread, quickly connecting Jiang Liuyi and Yu Bai, and someone even found out that Jiang Liuyi's flash-married wife is working in a magazine.

And it was the magazine that Jiang Liuyi had previously interviewed.

Suddenly, Man Tong was pushed up.

Song Xian still didn't know anything about the Internet, but the keyboards of other colleagues in the office were crackling. She looked around, frowned slightly, and her eyes fell on He Xiaoying.

He Xiaoying was out of breath, and even coughed several times, her face flushed red.

Song Xian asked: "What's the matter?"

Wu Ying couldn't bear it anymore, she said, "Song Xian, I'll send you the link."

Soon there was a link on Song Xian's computer page, she clicked on it, it was a blogger's homepage, and the latest message was: [I found out, Yu Bai's ex is jly, I didn't expect that jly is this kind of person . 】

jly? Jiang Liuyi?

Song Xian calmed down and scrolled through the comments, most of them were asking whether it was true, don't eat the wrong melon, and then the blogger posted a photo in the comment area, it was Yu Bai and Jiang Liuyi's photo together, It looks very intimate.

The public opinion is somewhat one-sided, so far Meixiu has not come out to explain at all, and Yu Bai is also, the Weibo account has been sent crazy by private messages, and they have not come out to explain.

Of course Jiang Liuyi's fans didn't let him slander her, but they really don't know about Jiang Liuyi's private life, so there is no valid reason to refute it, they can only hold their breath and watch those netizens abuse.

Song Xian stared at the screen, and He Xiaoying beside him said, "Don't be angry, we have already contacted Meixiu."

Now it's not only Song Xian's problem, some netizens have already started to attack Mantong, public opinion is like this, it is easy to be biased, and the matter of Wuying is also said to have a nose and eyes, obviously there are mutual friends of them on the Internet explaining that the two broke up for three years , It was also said that he had been in the dark for three years.

It's outrageous!

Song Xian paused for a few seconds when he clicked the mouse, turned his head to look at the phone, hesitating whether to tell her about it, according to her previous personality, she would definitely not pay too much attention to it, but when she thought that Jiang Liuyi was still giving birth to her gas.

coaxing, coaxing.

She bowed her head to send a message to Jiang Liuyi, straight to the point, and asked directly: [Do you need me to handle the matter on Weibo? 】

Jiang Liuyi had just returned to the hospital after receiving the news. She went home and packed up some clothes for a change of clothes. When she drove to the hospital, she received a message from Song Xian and Zhao Yuebai sent N messages in succession.

She clicked on it, and Zhao Yuebai's slightly impatient voice sounded: "No, what does this Yu Bai mean?"

"Liu Yi, have you read Weibo? They are scolding you now."

"You won't be practicing in the piano room again?"

She logged out of WeChat, logged in to Weibo, which she hadn't logged in for a long time, and unexpectedly saw Yu Bai's name in the hot search, clicked on the comment, and the top one was her initials.

【So Yu Bai's ex-girlfriend is jly? So the cheating is jly? 】

Cheating? What cheating?

Jiang Liuyi frowned, her face sank slightly, her pretty face was full of displeasure, and then she followed the comments to see the ins and outs, and was instantly speechless in anger. No wonder Zhao Yuebai's voice was so angry to her just now. Belly fire.

He really knows how to take the rhythm randomly. It was obviously her who wanted to break up at the beginning, but now it is her own fault, and Song Xian was scolded because of it. No wonder Song Xian, who has always cared about nothing, would send her a message, asking if she should deal with it.

It must have affected her work.

Jiang Liuyi hung up her mobile phone, called Lin Qiushui, and opened her mouth to ask, "Qiu Shui, have you seen what happened on the Internet?"

Lin Qiushui: "I know, I am dealing with it, and I will issue a statement within half an hour at the latest."

Jiang Liuyi said: "Then you make a statement first."

Anyway, now she is staying in Lin Qiushui's company, and it is best for the company to solve the problem. Lin Qiushui naturally knows that she has already contacted Yu Cai to ask about the situation, but Yu Cai didn't answer the phone, so she had to call Yu Bai, Yu Bai choked up with guilt: "I'm sorry, I don't know why such a thing broke out. I haven't told the media about Liu Yi's cheating. I'm sorry for my words."

"I know." Lin Qiushui said with a slightly cold attitude for the first time: "She never apologized to you."

Yu Bai choked up, suddenly didn't know what to say.

Lin Qiushui said: "Our company will issue a statement later, you and Yu Cai will talk about it."

She was just making good announcements, and didn't really care about Yu Bai's explanation. In other words, she avoided communicating with Yu Bai now because of guilt.

Guilt towards Jiang Liuyi and towards Yu Bai.

It was because she didn't know the inside story, that's why she told Yu Bai that Jiang Liuyi used Song Xian as Yu Bai's substitute and urged Yu Bai to come back. It was she who sent the wrong message and she didn't respect the fact that Jiang Liuyi was married.

During this period of time, she had been suffering from headaches, but she couldn't face Jiang Liuyi, let alone Yu Bai.

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and Yu Bai was in a daze for a while listening to the busy tone on the phone.

The former Lin Qiushui would never hang up on her first.

She resisted the feeling of grievance, and still sent a message to Yu Cai. Yu Cai had been observing the trend on the Internet and received calls from various parties, but she didn't answer any of them, and only contacted Qian Shen online.

She asked uncertainly: [Sister Qian Shen, is this okay? 】

Qian Shen replied to her: [Why not? I have long seen Jiang Liuyi and Song Xian upset, and we will clarify after scolding. 】

Yu Cai didn't dare to disobey her, so she had to let this matter continue to spread.

Jiang Liuyi has been waiting for clarification from the company. The agreed half an hour is almost here and she has not seen Lin Qiushui's so-called statement. She frowned and wanted to call Lin Qiushui, but she paused when she dialed and did not call.

Lin Qiushui was paying attention to the trend on the Internet, and when he saw that the statement he had approved had not been released, he immediately called his assistant: "Where's the person from the PR department?"

The assistant replied cautiously: "Boss Lin, the PR department has already gone to a meeting."

Lin Qiushui stood up: "Who held the meeting?"

The assistant said, "It's Mr. Qian."

Lin Qiu was so angry that she wanted to drop the phone. Ever since Qian Shen joined the company, she had made a mess of the company and choked with herself in the conference room.

It's not that she doesn't know that in the past few years, Jiang Liuyi has handled all the affairs with her own hands.

But she still has nothing to do with money.

Lin Qiushui gritted his teeth: "Where is the meeting?"

The assistant reported the name of the conference room, and Lin Qiushui got up and went to kill her. She didn't make a statement for a long time, and the suspicion on the Internet was about to take shape. She went to Weibo decisively and posted a new Weibo directly.

Jiang Liuyi: Married, don't disturb, and Ms. Yu broke up three years ago, and have no personal contact. My wife is @漫彤—宋仙.

This is the first time she has publicly shared with Aite Songxian in front of the public. In the last interview, she only mentioned it vaguely. Not many people know about it. As soon as this Weibo was posted, it became popular. The popularity is much higher than that of Yu Bai. Now that I have come forward to clarify, I still have such a firm attitude. The fans were immediately satisfied and sent her many heartwarming comments on Weibo.

Jiang Liuyi looked at these comments, and was hesitating whether to talk to Song Xian, but thinking about Song Xian's character, it might be troublesome, right? This little heartless guy didn't even ask a single question when he came back to drink so much on his big night, so he certainly wouldn't pay attention to these things now.

She was wrong.

Not only did Song Xian pay attention, but he was still hesitating what to do when he was caught by Aite.

Just as I was about to forward that Weibo post, I typed the word "um", and then thought of asking Xiao Li what he said.

An angry person has to be coaxed.

She hesitated for two seconds, and added a red love emoticon after the word um.

Jiang Liuyi was taken aback when she received Aite, frowned and clicked on the homepage, she was sure that Song Xian's Weibo was correct, Song Xian even pinned that post to the top.

Man Tong—Song Xian: Yes [Love] @江柳伊: Married, don’t bother, and Ms. Yu broke up three years ago, and have no personal contact. My wife is @曼彤—宋仙.

Inexplicably, Jiang Liuyi's mood improved, she lowered her head and saved the screenshot of this page.

In the end, she found this picture in the album. She tapped on [Love], as if poking her chest, her whole heart was beating because of Song Xian's simple word um.

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