MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 78 like

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Song Xian was still serious about Baidu intermittent sore throat when he went home. Baidu turned out to be pharyngitis, which is not easy to cure, and often recurs. No wonder it hurts when I get home.

Song Xian frowned, put down the phone, picked up the key, and went out. Jiang Liuyi was sitting on the chaise longue, but she glanced at Song Xian from the corner of her eye, and saw her get up with her heart hanging, and then the man took the key and wallet just went out.

This is going out?

Jiang Liuyi couldn't help getting up and walking to the window, looking down, but didn't see anyone, and it took a while to see Song Xian's figure appearing, thin and slender, with her hair scattered behind her back and curled up by the wind, her whole body seemed to be Blending into the cold wind, cold and aloof, Jiang Liuyi's heart twitched unconsciously when he saw Song Xian who was all alone.

Really useless.

She scolded herself from the bottom of her heart, but still couldn't help looking at Song Xian.

She saw Song Xian turned around and left the complex, out of sight, Jiang Liu leaned against the window, lowered her head slightly, touched the phone with her hand, suppressed the desire to send a message, turned her head back to the sofa for the last time, and continued to lie down.

After Song Xian went downstairs, he walked into the pharmacy, told the owner about the medicine he wanted to buy, and carefully wrote down the precautions. Afraid that he might not remember, he asked the owner to type up a list. The owner couldn't help but glance at her several times before nodding. : "Hey, good."

She stood on one side and waited for the list to come out.

Someone next to the counter pushed a person in a wheelchair and walked over. Song Xian lowered his head and didn't pay attention. The assistant pushed Wenren Yu out and asked in a low voice: "Miss Wenren, do you really want to call Miss Song?" Hello?"

Wenren Yu turned his head and looked at Song Xian standing next to the shopkeeper through the glass, with gentle eyes, slightly curved eyes, and a smile, she said: "Let's go, take me back."

Although the assistant didn't understand, she still sent Wenren Yu home. She lived in Song Xian's former community, on the same floor, facing each other. She sat in a wheelchair and opened the curtains, and said to the assistant, "Help me put the bath water."

"Okay." The assistant nodded, and went to the bathroom to put bath water for her. Wenren Yu said, "You go back first."

The assistant worried: "Can you take a shower alone? How about I wait for you to come out before leaving?"

Wen Renyu shook his head: "No, I've been tired recently, and I want to take a good bath, so let's go back first."

The assistant didn't know what to do, took two steps to look at her, and finally left the house.

Wenren Yu didn't go into the bathroom after she left, but sat quietly on the balcony, looking at the thousands of lights downstairs, shining like stars, she suddenly thought that one night, also on such a night, Song Xian invited her to Go out and say, "Senior Sister, shall we get married?"

She was stunned, thinking that her carefully hidden thoughts had been discovered, and asked with a hot face, "What?"

Fortunately, the night was dark, Song Xian didn't notice anything unusual about her, but said calmly, "I want to marry you."

"Why?" She smiled, her eyes became more gentle, this is the girl who grew up with her, she looked at Song Xian from immature facial features to now radiant, not moved, it is fake.

Song Xian said: "Because I like you."

She was very strange: "Don't you like me too?"

"You—" she choked, "How do you know?"

Song Xian said, "You said it when you were drunk."

Her face was flushed instantly, as if she had been rouged, dry and stuffy, hot, she didn't expect that she would say these words when she was drunk, it was really...

Now riding a tiger is hard to get off, she said: "Then we can fall in love first."

"Dating?" Song Xian said, "It should be troublesome, right?"


For Song Xian, it was indeed a troublesome matter. Song Xian's parents were married in a flash, and they got married not long after they met. She has been influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child, and her view of marriage is different from others. different.

But was proposed to marry.

She is happy.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Song Xian asked again: "Is there anything you don't like about me?"


How could she be dissatisfied, she was just too satisfied, afraid that Song Xian would have no room to turn around.

"Then I'll think about it," she said.

Song Xian nodded, but she didn't mention this matter afterwards, she would have to wonder if it was her own illusion that night, but for Song Xian, she had already made a proposal, and the rest was her time to think, the length was infinite, she even He wondered if Song Xian would mention it a second time if he didn't respond all the time.

She didn't have the guts to test out this second chance.

Just like she didn't have the courage to be with Song Xian later.

Wenren Yu laughed at herself for her cowardly behavior. She slid the wheelchair to the bathroom and put her hands in the bathtub. The water had already cooled down. She shook her hands unconsciously until the water became icy cold before she took off her clothes and went in.

As soon as he entered the water, he was shocked into a cold sweat.

She gritted her teeth and soaked in the cold water, raised her head slightly, and looked sideways at the bright moon hanging in the sky, which was no longer within reach of her hand.

She and Jiaoyue are getting farther and farther away.

Song Xian walked home in the moonlight. Jiang Liuyi, who had been listening to the movement, quickly pretended not to care, and continued to lie on the chaise longue and play with her mobile phone. She didn't read a word of the news, and saw Song Xian carrying the package bag comes in.

The logo of the pharmacy is engraved on the packaging bag.

She looked up at Song Xian.

Song Xian put the medicine in front of her, Jiang Liuyi just wanted to talk and thought of her "personality", she held back and sent Song Xian a message.

Jiang Liuyi: [What are you doing? 】

Song Xian went to the kitchen to pour a glass of warm water, and saw a message on the phone saying, "Don't you have a sore throat? I went to the pharmacy, it might be pharyngitis, here is the medicine, here are the precautions."

Jiang Liuyi put medicine in her left hand and warm water in her right hand, she pursed her lips, Song Xian said, "Why don't you take it?"

what to eat She's fine again.

Jiang Liuyi held back, and choked out a sentence: "I'm going to take a bath first."

Song Xian frowned, and watched Jiang Liuyi walk into the room, took a pajamas, and went into the bathroom. After a while, there was the sound of splashing water. Feeling inexplicably relieved, she put the medicine on the coffee table, got up and went to the balcony to get the clothes, and turned around. When he turned his head to look at the sofa, fragmentary images flashed in front of his eyes, as if Jiang Liuyi was holding her?

Did you drink too much last night?

and then? What did they say?

Song Xian's head hurt like being poked by a needle again, she didn't think about it any more, but turned around and went to the balcony to collect the clothes, Jiang Liuyi was drenched in hot water in the bathroom, the water splashed from the hair to the body, along Miaoman's body The curve went down the river, she didn't pay attention when pouring the shower gel, she wiped it all over her hands, a stronger fragrance than before came out from the bathroom, Song Xian who was passing by turned her head to look at it, said nothing, and entered the room .

After a while, Jiang Liuyi came out after taking a shower. Song Xian was sitting by the coffee table watching the computer. She saw Jiang Liuyi coming out and said, "The editor-in-chief asked me to bring you this."

Jiang Liuyi glanced at her and asked, "What?"

Song Xian said, "Planning the case."

When she said this, Jiang Liuyi remembered that she did receive a call from Mantong in the afternoon, and she was talking about the plan at that time, she didn't expect it to be so fast, she nodded, took a second look after receiving it, and bought her copyright , I also want to ask a new song to be an introductory sheet music. Jiang Liuyi has assisted the teacher to produce the sheet music before, so it is not difficult for her.

Jiang Liuyi sat on the sofa and looked down, the phone buzzed and vibrated, she glanced at Song Xian picking up the phone from the corner of her eye, and saw a WeChat friend request.

The applicant is Ye Yinge, the director of Mantong Children's Magazine.

Ye Yinge seemed to be the one who contacted her in the afternoon.

Jiang Liuyi sent a happy emoticon package through her friend, and she responded briefly. The two talked about the plan, and Ye Yinge said that Ye Yinge is mainly responsible for her side, and you can always find her if you have any questions. I also apologize for not being able to deliver the plan in person today.

Jiang Liuyi stuffed her hair: [It's okay. 】

Song Xian sat at the coffee table and watched the news of her lowering her hair, beeping for a while, vibrating for a while, coming and going, she lowered her head to edit the picture, her expression was indifferent, but her mood was inexplicably agitated.

It was the same as the mood ups and downs at the magazine office this afternoon. I couldn't find the source of the impetuousness, but I couldn't concentrate for no reason, and finally sent the wrong picture to Xiao Li.

Song Xian stared at the computer screen for a few seconds, got up, Jiang Liuyi followed her eyes, but didn't speak, and continued to lower her hair to message, Song Xian went to the bathroom to get clothes and take a shower.

After taking a shower, I saw Jiang Liuyi still chatting with her mobile phone.

She pursed her lips and sat in front of the computer wrapped in a bathrobe, but her mind was not on the picture in front of her.

Who is Jiang Liuyi chatting with? Zhao Yuebai? Or other friends? Do we need to talk for so long?

She glanced sideways at the time next to the computer, it was almost ten o'clock, she did not turn off the computer, there was a message flashing in the lower right corner, she clicked on it, it was Gu Yuanyuan, and asked her how was the cake yesterday, whether it was good or not.

Yesterday's cake? Did she eat it? Why no impression? Can't Jiang Liuyi eat it all by herself?

Song Xian frowned, and replied to her: [I drank too much yesterday and didn't eat. 】

Gu Yuanyuan: [Oh, you actually answered me at this point? I thought you wouldn't get back to me until tomorrow morning, what are you doing? 】

Song Xian: [No reason. 】

Gu Yuanyuan: [Why are you still awake? You were in the room at this point before. 】

Song Xian nodded. In the past, she was really going to sleep at this time, but she was not sleepy tonight. She glanced at Jiang Liuyi from the corner of her eye and found the reason.

Song Xianfa: [Because Jiang Liuyi hasn't slept yet. 】

Gu Yuanyuan sent three question marks, and then sent a sentence: [Whether she sleeps or not, what does it have to do with you sleeping? 】

Song Xian: [I'm used to sleeping with her. 】

Gu Yuanyuan: [Then what if she's not at home tonight? 】

Song Xian thought about going to the hospital two days ago, and she sent: [Then I'll go find her. 】

Gu Yuanyuan burst out laughing, and typed casually: 【No, what if she goes abroad to play? Can't you follow? 】

Song Xian paused, she hadn't thought about it.

Gu Yuanyuan didn't wait for a reply, and with a flash of the spirit gate, he typed: [Wait a minute, Song Xian, have you ever thought that you may not be used to it. 】

Song Xian asked: [What is that? 】

Gu Yuanyuan sent: [Do you like her? 】

Song Xian was stunned when she saw this sentence, she held the mouse tightly, and then her eyes fell on the sore throat medicine on the coffee table, it seemed that she really rushed down to buy medicine when she heard someone had a sore throat for the first time, and it was not troublesome Let the store type out all the precautions.

So, she likes Jiang Liuyi?

Then she thought of Jiang Liuyi's performance today, she hugged Chi Muyan between the two of them, intentionally keeping the distance between them, so Jiang Liuyi also sensed her feelings and was deliberately alienating?

Song Xian looked dignified and fell into deep thought.

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