MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 91 give you

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Song Xian thought about it for a long time in her seat. In the past, she never participated in the gossip between Xiao Li and He Xiaoying about their couples. Looking up at the two of them, he couldn't hold back and asked, "Is there any more?"

He Xiaoying was taken aback: "What else?"

Song Xian said, "Is there anything else I can't do?"

He Xiaoying burst out laughing, and turned the office chair to Song Xian: "That's too much." She was just about to count with her fingers, when Yuan Hong walked in from the door, He Xiaoying sat up straight, and gave the two of them winks: "Go to work! Go to work first!"

Song Xian nodded, and started to do the handover work first.

Although the previous colleague who gave birth hadn’t come back to work yet, the new issue recruited another photographer. Song Xian told her about the work at hand, and she quickly understood, she was a very smart little girl.

"Is the next issue really an interview with Wenren Yu?" The little girl's eyes sparkled with excitement: "Teacher Bai's apprentice!"

Song Xian nodded, with a calm tone: "Yes."

The little girl was secretly happy for a moment, then asked Song Xian: "Then are you coming back?"

Song Xian thought for a while: "Not yet."

The little girl said, "I hope Master can come back!"

Song Xian bowed his head: "Master?"

The little girl smiled, and there was a little tiger tooth: "Yes, the first master who taught me how to work."

Hearing this, Song Xian glanced at her, didn't speak, and continued to hand over the work to her, but kept looking at the phone from the corner of the eye. It was half past nine, and Jiang Liuyi didn't know if she woke up. If she was still sleeping in the car, would something happen? thing?

She frowned slightly, a little absent-minded, the little girl at the side asked a question, Song Xian didn't reply, the little girl called: "Song Xian?"

She regained her senses and looked at the little girl's face. She was still a little worried about Jiang Liuyi. She said, "Look for yourself first, I'll go out for a while."

The little girl nodded: "Oh, good."

Song Xian walked out with his mobile phone in his hand, hesitating for two seconds to send a message to Jiang Liuyi: [Did you get off the car? 】

Jiang Liuyi was awakened by the sound of knocking on the window. She rubbed the corners of her eyes. The heating in the car was sufficient and the seats were comfortable. She slept comfortably this time. She turned her head, opened the window, and saw Ye Yinge standing in the car. outside.

Ye Yinge stood a few steps back, holding her bag in both hands, and faced Jiang Liuyi for the first time, she was almost too excited to speak, so she parked next to Jiang Liuyi's car, originally she didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, but look Jiang Liuyi had been sleeping alone in the car for more than half an hour. She was afraid that the air in the car would not circulate and she would get dizzy after sleeping for a long time, so she mustered up the courage to knock on the window.

Jiang Liuyi looked at her, Ye Yinge's heart beat faster, her face was flushed, she shouted: "Jiang, Teacher Jiang, I am Ye Yinge."

"Director Ye." Jiang Liuyi nodded and said, "Wait a minute."

As she said, she closed the window, adjusted her makeup with the help of the rear mirror, and finally straightened her clothes and got out of the car. Jiang Liuyi is tall and tall, a head taller than Ye Yinge. After soaking in the car for a long time, her body smells like car perfume , thicker than usual, Ye Yinge's face was burning, and she felt a little dizzy when she smelled the perfume, so she avoided some distance to the side, and said to Jiang Liuyi, "Teacher Jiang is here so early?"

"Yeah." Jiang Liu smiled lightly: "Send my wife to work by the way."

Ye Yinge said: "Song Xian, I haven't seen her for a long time."

Jiang Liuyi nodded: "It's okay, she's going back to Children's Magazine soon."

Ye Yinge said, "It's true."

She turned sideways: "Mr. Jiang, Tongkan is going this way, this way please."

Jiang Liuyi walked towards the direction she invited, and when Song Xian went downstairs, she saw Jiang Liuyi and Ye Yinge walking towards the children's magazine together. Standing behind them, she heard Ye Yinge ask: "Teacher Jiang Did you not rest last night?"

"It's okay." With a familiar voice and a familiar gentleness, Song Xian was bored, and heard Ye Yinge say: "Our children's magazine also has a lounge. If you feel tired, you can sleep in it for a while."

Jiang Liuyi said: "Thank you, Director Ye is really thoughtful."

Ye Yinge was praised and smiled with her head down, her hands behind her back were twisted together, nervous and shy, Song Xian saw that her chest felt a little stuffy, she was just about to go forward, when the phone rang, it was He Xiaoying calling her, Announce a morning meeting.

Song Xian resisted the pace of walking forward, turned around and returned to the office, He Xiaoying said: "Hurry up, hurry up, the meeting has started."

She took her notebook and followed.

The meeting was about how to interview Wenren Yu, Song Xian kept bowing his head while listening to the conversation of his colleagues, Yuan Hong saw it and shouted: "Song Xian."

Song Xian raised his eyes, and Yuan Hong asked, "What good advice do you have?"

Everyone looked over.

Song Xian said calmly, "No."

No one was suspicious of her usual expression, only she knew that she had been a little uneasy since entering this conference room.

Jiang Liuyi is clearly awake, why didn't she reply to her message?

Song Xian looked down at his phone again, but there was no news.

Jiang Liuyi hasn't realized the mute problem of her phone yet. In the morning, she felt that Ye Yinge's constant messages would affect her rest, so she turned it on mute. She didn't find it in the children's magazine, and she didn't see Song Xian's message either.

The editor-in-chief was sitting next to the sofa, and there were two contracts on the coffee table. The few remaining colleagues in the children's magazine were all staring at her. No one thought that Ye Yinge was so powerful, and Jiang Liuyi was really invited here. Even Jiang Liuyi and the others still didn't believe it, but now that the real person is right in front of them, they have to believe it!

The editor-in-chief said, "Then Mr. Jiang read the contract first?"

Jiang Liuyi nodded, accepted the contract, and the others looked over in unison. The editor-in-chief said, "Go out, it's time to go to work."

Gather all your brains here, and finish if Jiang Liuyi is not happy.

Jiang Liuyi smiled lightly, looked down at the contract, other colleagues were kicked out, only Ye Yinge remained, she poured Jiang Liuyi a cup of coffee, the coffee smelled strong, Jiang Liuyi took a sip, and continued to read the contract.

The editor beside him coughed and shouted, "Director Ye."

Ye Yinge looked up: "Huh?"

The editor-in-chief said, "Shouldn't you go to the morning meeting?"

Ye Yinge glanced at the watch and said, "Go and open it today, I'll come over to Mr. Jiang."

The editor-in-chief glanced at her, and said in a fierce tone, "Go to the meeting."

Ye Yinge looked at Jiang Liuyi reluctantly, and went to the meeting. On the way, when colleagues mentioned that she invited Jiang Liuyi, they all gave a thumbs up, and Ye Yinge was also happy.

In the office of the new magazine, He Xiaoying asked Song Xian with a smile, "Is your wife coming to the magazine office today?"

Song Xian turned his head, glanced at the phone from the corner of his eye, and said, "Here we come."

"Oh, you don't know that Ye Yinge, please wait until your wife's tail is up to the sky!"

Xiao Li poked his head when he heard this: "Ye Yinge? I know her, Teacher Jiang's die-hard fan!"

He Xiaoying said: "I've also heard that every time Teacher Jiang posts on Weibo, she always grabs the front row, and **** fans feel inferior."

Weibo front row?

Song Xian caught these words, turned on the phone, and clicked into Jiang Liuyi's Weibo. Jiang Liuyi seldom posts on Weibo, and usually only sends messages when he is performing. There are not two photos of ordinary life, so it is very easy It was easy to find, she saw Ye Yinge's Weibo at a glance, indeed, out of ten Weibos, nine of them were in the front row, and the only one was the last time Aite clarified her relationship with Yu Bai.

She scrolled down, but Ye Yinge didn't comment.

Song Xian pointed to Jiang Liuyi's Weibo, and after a few seconds, added a special attention to Jiang Liuyi.

Just like that until almost noon, she didn't receive any news from Jiang Liuyi. When He Xiaoying asked her to eat, her phone vibrated. Looking down, it was Jiang Liuyi who sent: [I'm in the car. 】

Song Xian said to He Xiaoying: "You go first, I will come later."

He Xiaoying was slightly surprised: "Where are you going?"

Song Xian said, "The parking lot."

Before He Xiaoying had time to ask, she saw Song Xian's back leaving. She seemed to be in a hurry than usual. She shrugged and went to dinner with Xiao Li and the others.

Song Xian walked quickly to the parking lot, and when she was about to reach the car, she saw Jiang Liuyi sitting in the car, lowering her head, not knowing what she was doing. scent.

Jiang Liuyi said: "How do you choose this music?"

Song Xian was sitting in the main cab, looking down at the music: "Which one?"

"The third."

Song Xian chose the third one, and there was a faint piano sound in the car, Song Xian turned to look at Jiang Liuyi, Jiang Liuyi said: "The music that was just loaded for you is all soothing music."

"Oh." Song Xian felt a little sweet in her heart, and she said, "Got it."

Jiang Liuyi turned on the phone and asked, "Did you send me a message?"

Song Xian nodded: "You didn't reply to me."

Jiang Liuyi explained: "I didn't see it, the phone was muted, and I went to sign the contract later, I haven't had time to read it yet."

Song Xian's sullen mood improved a bit, and she let out a groan.

Jiang Liuyi tilted her head: "Song Xian, I have a headache, rub it for me."

"Headache?" Song Xian asked, "Where?"

Jiang Liuyi said, "You sit in the back."

After Song Xian opened the car door and got in, Jiang Liuyi lowered the seat, half-lyed down, then naturally took Song Xian's hands, pressed them on both temples, and said, "This is right here."

She took Song Xian's finger, pressed it there, and rubbed it.

Song Xian bowed his head, and drew a ladle on a gourd with a serious expression. The car was quiet, and a faint fragrance filled the two of them. Jiang Liuyi asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"

Song Xian said, "Not yet."

Jiang Liuyi raised her eyes: "Let's eat together later, and go to your cafeteria?"

Song Xian nodded: "Okay."

Jiang Liuyi pursed her lips, and Song Xian lowered her eyes for a few seconds before asking: "You said earlier that you would give away the piano, when will you give it away?"

The tone was still calm, without any ups and downs, Jiang Liuyi raised her eyelids, seeing Song Xian's eyes were clear, she said, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Song Xian said, "After you give it away, I want to give you another one."

There was a moment of silence in the car, and Song Xian said again: "I let my uncle customize it."

Jiang Liuyi turned her body sideways, looked at Song Xian on the seat, and said, "Customized individually?"

Song Xian thought of Xiao Li's words and nodded: "Well, there is only one in the whole world, and it is unique."

She was still serious, with clear eyes, completely unaware of what kind of turmoil her words would cause in Jiang Liuyi's heart. Jiang Liuyi calmed down, but his eyes turned red quietly. He wanted to calm down, but it was revealed as soon as he spoke.

Jiang Liuyi looked at Song Xian and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

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