MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 93 fine

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Jiang Liuyi was not ambiguous when she said that she wanted to go to the movies with Song Xian. She really planned to go to the movies. Recently, several new movies have been released that are not bad. There are also a few love scenes. Song Xian was discussing what movie to watch. She still remembered that Song Xian liked horror movies more. After searching around, she found one with good reviews. She pointed it out to Song Xian. Song Xian tilted her head: "Aren't you afraid anymore?"

Last time at the cinema, she dared not let go of her hand.

Jiang Liuyi looked down at her hands and said, "Is there still you?"

Song Xian looked down at her, curled up her hands, warm palms, she nodded: "Okay."

The two of them went to the cinema after dinner. Jiang Liuyi's phone rang before buying a ticket. It was actually Qian Shen. The last time they met was in a bar. It wasn't very pleasant. Jiang Liuyi said to Song Xian: "I Answer the phone."

Song Xian nodded and stood beside her. There was noise at the entrance of the cinema. Jiang Liuyi went to the side hall to answer the phone. Qian Shen opened his mouth and said, "The song in the Spring Festival Gala has been banned. Come here and reselect the song."

Jiang Liuyi frowned: "I'll come over tomorrow."

"Come here now!" Qian Shen said, "I'm waiting for the report!"

Jiang Liuyi pursed her lips, looked at Song Xian who was waiting to watch the movie, and was silent for two seconds: "Got it."

She put down the phone and walked to Song Xian, bowed her head and said, "I'm going to the company, you..."

Before asking if you want to go home first, Song Xian raised his head: "I'll go with you?"

Jiang Liu smiled: "It takes a lot of time to choose a repertoire and maybe try it out."

With Song Xian's previous character, when she heard this, she would probably say go back first, but another voice came out of her heart, and Song Xian said, "It's okay, it doesn't take time."

Jiang Liuyi looked sideways and said, "Then let's go."

Song Xian followed Jiang Liuyi into the car. After being married for so long, it seemed that this was the first time he came to Jiang Liuyi's work place. The building was brightly lit. Although it was night, there were many people working overtime. Jiang Liuyi took Song Xian to the elevator. When she arrived at the office, Qian Shen was standing at the door, and she had an assistant beside her. Qian Shen said, "When can we enter our company without being an employee?"

Jiang Liuyi walked over and said coldly, "Family members are not allowed in either?"

Qian Shen was choked by her, and her breath was stuck in her throat. She snorted, turned her head into the office, and said, "Come in."

The vice president's office is next to Lin Qiushui. There is no one in Lin Qiushui's office. It is pitch black. It must be off work. Jiang Liuyi and Qian Shen went in and saw a track list on her tea table. Qian Shen said: " Choose first."

She smelled of alcohol, as if she had just come off the wine table, Jiang Liuyi didn't say much to her, she sat on the sofa and began to choose a song, Song Xian sat next to her, the assistant brought tea for the two of them, after leaving Look inside with confidence.

As soon as he arrived at the tea room, he was dragged past: "I heard that Jiang Liuyi is here?"

The assistant nodded: "Come here."

"Hey, what does Mr. Qian mean? I heard that she has been targeting Jiang Liuyi recently."

"I also don't understand, Jiang Liuyi is the company's cash cow, why should we target her?"

The assistant held back, not daring to gossip, and was dragged by others: "Is there something inside?"

She laughed dryly, not noticing that the assistant who was drinking tea at the back of the tea room had already walked out, and called Lin Qiushui as soon as she got out of the tea room, Lin Qiushui frowned when she heard this: "What?"

She was so angry that her head hurt: "When did it happen?"

The assistant whispered, "Miss Jiang is still in Mr. Qian's office."

Lin Qiushui got up from the sofa, she was so fast that she felt dizzy for a moment, and she said in a daze, "I'll be right there."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to send a message to Qian Shen. She turned her head to look at the envelope on the coffee table. After a moment of silence, she walked out with her windbreaker in her windbreaker. Change, that track is not suitable for the Spring Festival Gala.

At least it wasn't for no reason, Lin Qiushui's face softened a little, but Qian Shen called Jiang Liuyi to the company at night, and she didn't believe it when he said it wasn't on purpose.

She told Qian Shen about Jiang Liuyi's transfer to the company, and repeatedly told her that before transferring to the company, Jiang Liuyi would not let Qian Shen intervene in all matters.

There is no benevolence and righteousness in business. Jiang Liuyi has been in the company for the past few years and has not made any demands. They should not hold people back because of emotion and reason. Moreover, they are still friends, friends who have supported each other along the way!

When Lin Qiushui thought of this, she slapped the steering wheel hard, and the horn made a harsh sound, poking her eardrums, and her head hurt even more. This Qian Shen was going too far. She also blamed Jiang Liuyi for the matter of Qian Li. Extreme and distorted, Lin Qiushui is now suddenly glad that Jiang Liuyi has left the company, otherwise Qian Shen will do something stupid, it is really not certain.

She drove all the way to the company, and the assistant picked her up in the parking lot: "Mr. Lin, Miss Jiang is still in Mr. Qian's office."

Jiang Liuyi chose a few songs, and Qian Shen was killed. Either the song was too old or the tune was inappropriate. As soon as Jiang Liuyi called Qian Shen's name, she heard a knock on the office door, followed by Lin Qiushui's voice. Come: "Mr. Qian, come out!"

Qian Shen was taken aback, and looked at Lin Qiushui. In his memory, this person always called her by her name.

Her dizzy head regained consciousness for a moment, she walked out, Lin Qiushui asked her: "What do you mean?"

Qian Shen was standing at the window, and was sobered up by the cold wind. She was going out for dinner at night, and there were some people at the same table who didn't like each other. Leng Gong, it means that Jiang Liuyi and Jiang Liuyi are ugly when she and Yu Bai make up behind him. In the end, they almost got into a fight, but the assistant stopped them before returning to the company. come over.

Before doing anything, Lin Qiushui came over, and Qian Li said, "I didn't make things difficult for her, it was the Spring Festival Gala show, and her repertoire wasn't good, I was in a hurry to report it, so I called her over, but you, hurry up Roar, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Lin Qiushui was laughed angrily: "Qian Shen, it's better to be open-minded. You think I don't know if you don't do it?"

"What's on my mind? What's on my mind? Lin Qiushui, what do you mean by that? Is it my fault that I co-founded an investment company before? Oh, when you can use me, come and speak nicely. Good words, now you can just throw it away as a rag when you’re done using it?”

Lin Qiushui was so angry that she had nothing to say. She took a deep breath and said coldly, "Qian Shen! There is a limit to human patience!"

"It's up to you!" Qian Shen said, "Don't use my money to start this company if you have the ability!"

Lin Qiushui took a deep look at her and nodded, "Okay."

Qian Shen was stunned.

Lin Qiushui said: "You are right, this company will not be mine in the future, it will be yours."

Qian Shen woke up from the wine and was struck by lightning. There had been a lot of messes in the family recently, first her sister, and then her parents' business. After all, her company was still a bit famous, and her parents hadn't burned their anger on her yet. She also knew from the bottom of her heart that the operation of this company was dependent on Lin Qiushui, and she had restrained herself a lot during this time, so she would just do stupid things when she was drinking tonight.

"What, mine?" Qian Shen asked.

Lin Qiushui said: "I have already prepared my resignation letter, and I will leave at the end of the year. As for the company's shares, I will get the money according to the shares. After that, the company will belong to you."

Qian Shen's face turned pale: "Lin Qiushui..."

Lin Qiushui didn't even look at her, walked past her, walked into the office, and said to Jiang Liuyi and Song Xian, "Let's go to the piano room."

Jiang Liuyi looked at her and nodded.

Song Xian entered the piano room with Jiang Liuyi behind him.

Jiang Liuyi also heard the quarrel between Lin Qiushui and Qian Shen just now, both of them were quite loud, but Jiang Liuyi was still a little surprised when she heard Lin Qiushui's decision.

This company is almost Lin Qiushui's painstaking effort.

She didn't ask much, after entering the piano room with Song Xian, Lin Qiushui said, "I'll get you a glass of water."

Jiang Liuyi followed and asked Lin Qiushui, "Are you resigning?"

Lin Qiushui nodded, poured two glasses of water and handed them to her: "The air tickets are all booked, I will go abroad after the year to rest for half a year, and then go to HD."

"HD?" Jiang Liuyi knew about this company, and the scale was quite large. She had been expanding her overseas circle in the past few years. She never thought that Lin Qiushui would let go of this company.

Lin Qiushui smiled, her mood was much calmer, she said: "Go and choose the repertoire, I just checked, there are a few good ones, you try it out first."

Jiang Liuyi sipped her saliva and nodded.

After the two went back, Lin Qiushui handed the water to Song Xian, and said to her: "Liu Yi still has to audition, please wait for a while."

Song Xian took the cup and said lightly, "Okay."

Lin Qiushui turned her head to look at her, and said hesitantly, "I'm sorry about the past."

Song Xian looked sideways: "What's the matter?"

Lin Qiushui held back, and said apologetically, "We said inappropriate things before."

What did she say that she was very similar to Yu Bai, and Jiang Liuyi turned her back on these stupid words, Song Xian replied calmly after listening to her: "It's okay."

Lin Qiushui had to accept Zhao Yuebai's words in her heart. Song Xian is really generous. Few people can have this measure. She admired Song Xian more and became more sincere. She said: "But don't worry, Liu Yi and we are not the same Similarly, she has always been measured in her actions and has a firm temper, if she says she doesn't like Yu Bai, it's true..."

Before she finished speaking, Song Xian turned to look at her, his eyes were so clear that Lin Qiushui choked on a word, almost thinking that he had said something wrong, Lin Qiushui frowned, and heard Song Xian ask: "You say, Jiang Liuyi can't say no." Do you like Yu Bai?"

Lin Qiushui's aching head didn't react for a moment, she nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

Song Xian asked: "When did you say that?"

Lin Qiushui thought for a while: "When you first got married." Afraid that Song Xian might misunderstand, she said again: "But she let go of Yu Bai before you got married, and she has no contact with Yu Bai, I can assure you."

Song Xian was stunned for a few seconds.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Song Xian and asked, "What's wrong?"

She should have explained it clearly, right?

Song Xian turned his head to the side, looked at Lin Qiushui after thinking, and said silently: "It's okay, you continue to talk."