MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 98 art exhibition

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Yu Bai's art exhibition is on the first Sunday of December. She has been busy for half a year, doing her best to publicize this art exhibition, and everyone in the circle knows that many new painters who came to participate in the art festival last time have not left. They want to participate in the art exhibition again Back, Yu Bai stayed with these painters during this period of time. She is not the first rookie to hold an art exhibition, but the first rookie to cooperate with Bai Ye. The industry pays a lot of attention to her.

A few professors also came to the Academy of Fine Arts. It was a holiday, and Yu Bai was an outstanding student from the Academy of Fine Arts. The art festival organized by the Academy of Fine Arts.

But this one of hers is more lively than the art festival, because there are so many people, almost all the rookies in the painting world have come, and there are also some old seniors and old artists. Jiang Liubing just took a break, and when she saw Yu Bai greeting those old seniors, she said enviously: "I don't know when I can open an art exhibition."

Beside her is the staff of Yu Bai's studio, who usually has a good relationship with her, and said, "Isn't your sister Mr. Jiang? Ask Mr. Jiang to prescribe one for you."

"My sister?" Jiang Liubing shook her head, "I dare not look for her."

Although the relationship between her sister and her family has eased a lot during this period, she is still as strict with her as ever, and after she asked her sister to send her here that time, her sister's attitude towards her became even colder.

Although she explained several times afterwards that she really had no other intentions that day, that she simply didn't drive and asked her to give it off, her sister still had a cold face.

It looked cold and panicked.

Jiang Liubing shook her head, and the assistant beside her said, "Hey, when is Teacher Jiang coming?"

The opening of the art exhibition was her sister's performance, and the time was almost up. Jiang Liubing looked towards the door. There were quite a lot of people, but she couldn't see any familiar ones. She said, "Hurry up."

As soon as the words were finished, several colleagues crowded over with joyful expressions on their faces. She still heard Teacher Bai's name. Jiang Liubing grabbed one of the colleagues and said, "Mr. Bai is coming?"

The colleague beamed with joy: "It's not Teacher Bai."

Jiang Liubing was puzzled: "It's not Teacher Bai, why are you so happy?"

A colleague came up to her ear and whispered a name, Jiang Liubing was stunned, and then a few colleagues walked over, and the person next to her tapped her shoulder: "What? Teacher Bai is coming?"

Mysterious, but it looks like something good is going on.

After Jiang Liubing digested the shocking news, she turned her head and said, "It's not Teacher Bai."

Then she said, "But it's about the same as Teacher Bai."

Colleagues muttered: "What's the same?"

Gritting her teeth, Jiang Liubing said excitedly, "It's Shaniya!"

The colleague was stunned, and then let out a little shit!

The news that Bai Ye asked Shaniya to attend Yu Bai's art exhibition on his behalf spread like wildfire, and soon everyone in the art exhibition knew about it. When they came to greet Yu Bai, they all asked about the authenticity. Yu Bai smiled lightly: "That's what Teacher Bai said, Shaniya Will come over when I have time."

That must be it!

Originally, most of the people who came to participate in the art exhibition came for Mr. Bai. Although Mr. Bai is not coming now, but his closed apprentice Shaniya can show up, the effect is no less than Mr. Bai coming in person.

In previous art festivals, Wenren Yu's appearance made the hearts of those who could not participate feel itchy, and it was even more embarrassing to hear that Wenren Yu might quit the painting circle. Hearing this news before seeing a generation of geniuses produce works, no one would feel sorry.

Now, Shaniya has become Bai Ye's only "single seedling", so her identity is naturally different from before, and she is now representing Bai Ye to participate in the art exhibition, which is self-evident.

Everyone was happy because of this news, but Yu Bai always had a clock hanging in his heart, and he would strike it from time to time.

She smiled happily in front of her, but frowned behind her back. Qian Shen leaned beside her and asked, "Yu Bai? What's wrong with you?"

Yu Bai couldn't tell Qian Shen, she just patted her chest: "It's boring."

There was a hovering thought in her heart, but she didn't dare to think about it. She could only hope that her thoughts were wrong. Qian Shen brought her a glass of water and said, "I must be tired and bored after a busy morning. Let's drink some water first." .”

Yu Bai nodded, took a sip of water, suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and asked, "Is Jiang Liuyi here?"

Qian Shen's eyes darkened when he heard Jiang Liuyi's name, and her tone was a bit cold: "I didn't see it."

It was because of Jiang Liuyi that Lin Qiushui also lost his temper with them, and he didn't even want to come to Yu Bai's art exhibition today. The people who agreed to come together at the beginning are now torn apart.

But Yu Bai kept mentioning Jiang Liuyi.

Qian Shen felt a fire in her heart, but Yu Bai didn't notice it. She said, "Then I'll look for it."

"What are you looking for!" Qian Shen couldn't hold back, and yelled at her: "Do you think she notices you now? Still looking for it? What are you looking for? Seeking humiliation?"

Yu Bai was stunned for a moment, and stared blankly at Qian Shen, the dispute between the two attracted other people's eyes, Yu Bai's face turned red and then turned pale, she stared at Qian Shen, turned her head and left.

Seeing her leaving back, the fire in Qian Shen's heart was getting hotter and hotter. Thinking that the opening of the show would be Jiang Liuyi's performance, she left with her bag.

He bumped into Jiang Liuyi who had just arrived.

Seeing her, Jiang Liuyi didn't pause, and didn't give her an extra look. Qian Shen also snorted coldly, and heard Yu Bai shout behind him: "Jiang Liuyi."

She gritted her teeth, turned her head, and walked out of the art exhibition with her bag.

Jiang Liuyi walked over, and just as Yu Bai was about to ask some staff, he ran over: "Teacher Jiang, you are here, please change your clothes first."

Yu Bai was about to follow, but Jiang Liubing dragged her and said, "Sister Yu Bai, Director Yao and the others are here."

Director Yao came over with the leaders of the Academy of Fine Arts, and Yu Bai put down his distracting thoughts to greet them. The art exhibition was not yet fully open, and everyone looked at the exhibition in the outer hall first. After seeing Yu Bai, Director Yao greeted everyone: "I mentioned it to you, Yu Bai has great potential."

Yu Bai stood in front of the crowd, shaking hands with them one by one, with a respectful attitude, and the people around Director Yao said, "It's really well done."

Director Yao nodded: "Take a look casually, Yu Bai, you can take a look with them first."

Yu Bai responded.

Director Yao walked out of the hall to the lounge next to him, called Bai Ye, and asked him if he would come. He was surprised when Bai Ye said that Shaniya would come: "Shaniya? Really?"

Because Song Xian has never used the name Shaniya, and she didn’t even mention Shaniya to Wenren Yu last time. I didn’t expect Song Xian to come over. Director Yao was very happy!

Bai Ye was obviously very happy too, he said, "She's gone, you should take care of her."

"Sure!" Director Yao didn't say much, his heart was still pounding when he put down the phone! When she first heard that the two children were unwilling to paint, she really lost weight for a month. Colleagues who didn't know about it thought that something serious happened to her family. Maybe others would not understand this feeling, but she believed that Bai Ye would definitely understand.

They are all talented people.

Director Yao put away her mobile phone and heard music outside. She walked out of the lounge and saw Jiang Liuyi sitting in front of the piano, her fingers fluttering, and her movements were smooth and natural. Just watching her movements is comparable to art.

Flowing clouds and flowing water, the music was winding, everyone was immersed in the music, and it was rare that there was no noise in the entire outer hall. Director Yao walked to the front with light steps, and someone beside her greeted her. She raised her hand as a signal, and the person nodded slightly. Jiang Liuyi's body.

Jiang Liuyi hasn't held a concert for half a year. I heard that she is discussing with her old club about terminating the contract, and she was hired away by Jingyan with a high salary. Some people say that Jiang Liuyi has become the teacher of Chi Wanzhao's daughter, Chi Muyan, so she took advantage of the trend When I went to Jingyan, some people said that Jiang Liuyi's wife had something to do with the Chi family.

There are different opinions, but it is undeniable that Jiang Liuyi's social status is not what it used to be. In the future, it will be more difficult to watch her perform live. Today is indeed one of the few good opportunities.

Jiang Liuyi is immersed in music. For the past half month, she and Song Xian have been immersed in music every day. She teaches Song Xian to play the piano, and asks Song Xian to teach her how to draw. Except when they go to magazine meetings, they will stay together. Jiang Liuyi never felt that life could be so simple and dull, yet fulfilling and happy.

Even the tune she played made people feel extremely comfortable.

Qian Shen stood outside the door and looked inside, and could vaguely hear the sound of music. In the end, she was still worried about Yu Bai, so she turned back to have a look. As soon as she entered the door, she heard Jiang Liuyi's piano sound. There is a fishy smell.

Quiet music floated out of the hall, and Song Xian heard the sound just as she got off the car. She looked up in the direction of the exhibition hall, and the sun shone on her shoulders, and she was jumping.

Song Xian lowered his head and walked to the entrance of the exhibition hall. Before he entered, he was stopped by someone: "Song Xian?"

She turned her head and saw that it was Qian Shen.

Qian Shen said, "What are you doing here?"

Then she sneered: "You can't be so fond of your wife, can you?"

After she finished speaking, the music stopped just in time. After the song ended, Song Xian was standing at the door, just as he was about to take out the invitation letter from his bag when he heard Director Yao's voice.

"Song Xian!" Director Yao quickly walked a few steps to the entrance of the exhibition hall, other people looked sideways, Jiang Liuyi also walked towards Song Xian, Yu Bai followed behind Director Yao, his face getting paler.

Someone asked in a low voice, "Who is this?"

"Teacher Jiang's wife, Song Xian."

"I heard that he is also a painter, and he went to the art festival."

Everyone looked at Song Xian with a slight change in their eyes. Director Yao quickly walked up to Song Xian and stood still, saying, "I thought you wouldn't come when you haven't come for a long time."

Song Xian said, "Sorry, I'm late."

Director Yao shook his head: "It's good if you come, your teacher just called me, I still don't believe it."

After she finished speaking, she turned around, saw Yu Bai's figure and said, "Yu Bai, come here, let me give you a formal introduction."

As the master of the exhibition, Yu Bai cannot avoid it.

She bowed her head and walked over with a smile on her face, but her face was pale. Director Yao said, "This is Teacher Bai's closed apprentice, Shaniya. She is here today on behalf of Teacher Bai to visit your art exhibition."

Everyone was stunned, all looked surprised, some even forgot to take a breath, and their faces turned red.

Qian Shen, who was standing beside Song Xian, turned his head stiffly, looked at Yu Bai, and then at Song Xian, the phone fell to the ground with a 'slap' when he lost his grip! The screen shattered!