MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 5 life 2

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I don't know how long it took, he was once again awakened by a burst of cheers.

Opening his eyes, Song Ye slowly got up from the bed. The white silk quilt slipped from him.

"I don't just sleep like this directly?" Song Ye squinted, and he clearly remembered that he had given the quilt to Cecilia in the corner.

Suddenly, a small hand came over from the left side.

Song Yeshun looked at the past.

Cecilia, the little girl, was lying on his left side, his little body curled up and slept.

At this time, Song Ye noticed that his socks were taken off.

"It is estimated that this little girl is doing it." Song Ye’s heart guessed that he would not leave ten.

Cecilia met him on a hillside while he was hunting in an outing.

At that time Cecilia was laying sheep on the hillside. So he was glanced at by Angley, and was given as a gift from Angile from Candia City under the direction of the Baron.

The little girl's family is just an ordinary farmer, so Cecilia is also very sensible. She is also very aware of her situation. If he can be liked by Master Angley, he can give his parents safer security and benefits. And the family is not just her child, but also a brother and sister. Therefore, she is willing to enter the castle to become Angrid's gift.

These conditions are clearly understood in Angrid's memory. So I also guessed that Cecilia helped him take off his coat and socks.

In the early morning, the bright light came in through the window. The air is a bit cooler.

The sound of the early morning Guard's early training came in neatly.

Song Ye straight got up and got out of bed. Suddenly looked at his lower body. The pants between the legs are straight out of a big piece. It is obvious that this body has recovered almost. This is a manifestation of energy.

It may be that Song Ye’s getting out of bed is a bit bigger.

The little Cecilia over there blinked and climbed up. In her view, I just saw a large bulge in the lower body of Song Ye.

Cecilia's cheeks were slightly red, and some were overwhelmed by the half sitting on the bed.

"Master Angley.... How should I serve you?" she asked in a low voice.

Song Ye looked at the cute and beautiful 15-year-old girl in the bed, Zhangkou said this, suddenly the blood was boiling, the brain was hot, almost did not hold back.

"Do you do basic chores? If you will, go out and give me water to wash." He resisted the flames in his body.

"Yes, it is.."

It may be that his expression intimidated the girl, the girl's face was slightly white, the action was a little flustered, and she ran to open the door and rush out of the bedroom.

Song Ye only relaxed a little.

Although Cecilia is a gift from his father, such a young girl, with his conscience and morality, is somewhat unsatisfactory.

And most importantly, this kind of thing is too early for him. He is only fourteen years old. Early contact with this aspect is likely to lead to physical deficiency and weakness.

Therefore, although the other party can be the object of whatever he wants at any time, Song Ye still restrains himself under the suppression of reason.

After Cecilia left, Song Ye was not so strong.

Yesterday, I was too tired and didn't wash. This made Song Ye, who used to wash his feet and wash his feet every day, feel very uncomfortable.

"It seems to be only washing once a day. The water source is far less convenient than before, so it is impossible to waste it. It is really troublesome."

He walked over to the open window and looked down at the probe.

On a piece of open space in front of the woods outside, a team of black soldiers are lining up. They wore heavy black iron armor and carrying a cross sword on their backs, each with the width of the palm. Morning exercise is underway. The tiny yellow dust splashed from where they ran.


A soldier who took the lead shouted.

"Eleven!!" Everyone shouted, although some were uneven, but the voice was very loud. It is also mixed with crisp bird calls.

Song Ye suddenly had a very refreshing feeling. The remaining little sleepiness quickly faded.

"It is time to consider how to enhance your physical fitness." Song Ye touched his chin and looked at the soldiers below, thinking alone.

"I remember that there are two capabilities of the chip, one is analysis and the other is storage memory. The analysis requires a lot of data to get a more realistic result, just like yesterday's detection of the physical qualities of the father and the Otis knight, not Accurate. It's just a rough range. It can only collect information through my senses. Storage is a database that can be used as an analytical capability. It can collect a lot of information and can only act as a hard disk. I can only store it. Get memory. This requires a process to import a process from the chip into the brain memory area."

Song Ye thought thoughtfully.

"If I want to improve my physical fitness, then the only best way is to exercise, and the analytical skills of the chip should help me correct my exercise method and get the best exercise for my body."

After a while, Cecilia came up with a silver basin and towel. After some washing. Then told her to stay in the room.

Song Ye left the room and went down the spiral staircase.

The sky in the morning was not very bright. I walked down the wooden stair railings and the whole stairwell was a bit dark.

Going down from the fourth floor, there is a small window at the corner of each staircase.

When Song Ye came down, I saw a maid who was struggling to open the windows one by one.

"Good morning, Master Angley." When the maid saw Song Ye, he respectfully said.

The sound of the morning guards' early practice came in far from the window.

Song Ye swept the maid. The other party is just a young and handsome girl, no more than twenty years old. All the maids in this castle were personally selected by the baron, ugly, not sensible, so it seems to be very eye-catching.

"What kind of guard is outside in the morning?" Song Ye asked.

"It is the cavalry of An Rui adults." The maid respectfully said.

"An Rui adults?"

"An Rui is the first adjutant of Otis, and you shouldn't know if you don't know. He was recruited into the castle." The maid whispered.

"Oh, I know." Song Ye nodded, no longer talking, and continued to go down.

Out of the accommodation area is an empty open space.

The entire castle was built in a circle surrounded by a circle of buildings. The center is the event venue.

The gaps in the four sides of the building just passed through a bunch of morning sun. A golden beam of light, like a pillar, falls on all sides of the field.

The event venue is a gray-white playground-like place.

There are already a lot of half-size boys and girls doing basic exercises. Most of these children are dressed in gray and white clothes, and the sparse and hip-hop sounds from time to time.

The boys are holding wooden swords and doing basic exercises such as squatting and squatting. The girls practiced a small wooden short bow and continued to shoot arrows at targets of tens of meters.

There is still a burly man standing on the edge.

Song Ye looked at the past. It was a middle-aged man in a gray-white shirt and black trousers. He was very sturdy and strong, only slightly worse than the Otis Knight. He was holding his hands on his chest and quietly watching the children in the field practice. Give people a calm and calm taste.

When he saw him in Song Ye, the man also saw Song Ye who came out.

The man raised his hand and waved him.

“Hey!!” the man shouted. “Everyone stops first! Come over!”

The children who were practicing turned their heads and looked at him. A boy on the side of the man finally licked his sword and brought a scream. Suddenly attracted the sight of several girls who came over. There was a smug smile on his face.

"I said! Stop! Gru, you didn't hear?" The middle-aged man's face sank.

"Yes is... Dear Arad." The boy perfunctory, hanging down the wooden sword on his hand, and lazily gathered.

Wait until everyone is together.

Song Ye also walked to the man, did not speak, stood on one side.

"From today, we have to join a new member." Arad took a few shots with his hands and made a crisp sound. "Master Angri. After coming back from Candia City, everyone should have seen it? When I met yesterday."

No one talks, and most of the boys are unconscious. The girls are a little curious to look at Song Ye.

The atmosphere was a bit cold for a while.

Song Ye frowned. He came here for morning exercise not to waste time on the introduction.

"Arad adults..."

"You call me Arad." The middle-aged man is humble.

Song Ye nodded. "Okay, Arad, if it's okay, don't delay the time for everyone to practice. I didn't take long to get hurt this time. I want to do some restorative exercise from the basics. Could you please give me a separate demonstration?"

Arad is a little bit stunned. Basic exercise methods have been taught in the past when they were in the castle or when they went to Candia. This is the most basic thing, actually want to demonstrate it again?

"He won't even know how to do it without basic exercise....." I don't know who whispered.

"Freeze said!"

Most of the children suddenly showed a contemptuous expression. In this era, advocating the strong, self-improvement is the most desirable and respectable. Those who do not know how to make progress are often looked down upon.

A bunch of people's eyes are concentrated on Song Ye. Like watching a rare animal, Song Ye tried to keep his face, but focused on Arad. If it is not the memory is blurred, if it is not the original Anglia is simply a straw bag that will only be enjoyed, how can his Song Ye fall into such awkward situation!

"Arad, can you?" Song Ye stressed it again.

"Okay... okay." Arad hesitated, nodded. "But I can only teach you the basics. If you want to get further study and exercise, the swordsmanship of Otis and Baron should be taught to you."

That's what it is, but everyone knows that combat power, in this era, is not something that can be obtained by imparting it. In the surrounding rumors, I have never heard of being a strong person by imparting teaching.
