MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 598 day ring 1

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"Everything is too coincidental...." Angrid looked at the two quietly, standing at the door of the cabin. There was a flash of thought in my heart, but there was no movement.

The blood of the corpse on the ground slowly merged into a corner, and the air was filled with a strong **** smell.

"Kill him!" The two black men almost simultaneously pulled out the pistol and aimed at Ange. The two blue lights instantly hit the wall next to Angley.

The beam left two black pits of black smoke on the white wall.

Anglia stood still and kept a round hard candy on his hand. The light yellow amber hard candy smashed like a bullet on the black man's hand and deflected the beam gun.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Anglia rushed to the front of each other's chest, and looked like a lightly printed two palms, falling on the two, just like being knocked down by a car, the sternum was clearly trapped.


After two whispers, the two black men fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and the entire chest was completely trapped in the majority, with a bulge behind.

Anglia sighed. Now his speed and power are far from being comparable to those of ordinary martial artists. The power of this moment is enough to solve these two sneakers easily.

Picking up the beam gun, aiming at the two men's chests, a burst of random shots, the palm prints were completely smashed and unrecognizable, and Anglia dropped the gun and turned away.

Before leaving, I did not forget to take off the small instrument that the person posted on the wall.

Walking in the soft yellow cabin aisle, Angley squeezed the small instrument on the left wall. Quickly turn over the front door.

"Maybe, I have a little understanding of the composition of this world...."

He walked in the cabin and silently returned to his seat to sit down. The blue light flashed in the eyes, looking at the night sky outside the window, I don't know what I was thinking.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, there was a huge boom in the tail of the plane. It seems that something has exploded.

The entire aircraft violently trembled and the fuselage began to tilt left and right.

Li Xiulin and Song Yuying all woke up, and they haven't figured out what happened.

"Parachuting!" Angley shouted loudly. The sound is unremarkable in the rumble of the plane.

A few people immediately reflected it, immediately removed the back of the black umbrella bag from the back of the seat, Xiao Nian and sister Song Wei were somewhat scared, sitting in the spot did not dare to move.

Li Xiulin, Angley three people quickly helped give the two men an umbrella bag.

At this time, the rest of the flight attendants on the private jet had no sound, and it was apparent that it had already been cleared.

The rumble is getting louder and louder, and a few people can’t hear clearly. Only gestures can be used.

Anglia and teacher Song Yuying were responsible for Xiao Nian and sister Song Yu, respectively, and took the two together.

Li Xiulin struggled to open the cabin door, and everyone jumped out of the cabin one by one.

Anglia held the last jump in the first hand, and on the umbrella switch, he jumped forward. The whole person suddenly fell into the dark night sky.

what! ! !

Xiao Nian screamed loudly on the side of Angel. The head was completely buried in Angrily's arms.

In the violent fall, Angley suddenly looked back at the plane, and at the end of the fuselage, a black smoke was slowly coming out. He knew that it should be a secret bomb explosion that had not been detected before.

He looked down at the bottom of the black mountain range, numerous black forests around a gray-white circular base. The lights in the base are bright and faint, and people can come and go. Stacked a box of white containers.

Angley holds a small thought.狠狠 Open the umbrella switch.


The white parachute suddenly opened and formed a semi-circular support, which instantly offset the acceleration of most of the gravity.

Anglia looked at the vast forests and bases below, and suddenly there was an inexplicable sense of unreality.

"The ball of the four seasons.... Maybe seeing the ball of the four seasons is the time when the truth is solved..." He looked back at the night sky.

A pale green rainbow in the sky. Forming a gauze, slowly drifting in the night sky.

“Green and bright, the night is green and green.” I don’t know where the memory came from, telling him the name of this green light.

Angliel's eyes in the blue light flashed a bit of weirdness.

The white parachute slowly descended into the black tree sea. Like a white mushroom.

Angler took a nap with a dumb voice, and both of them were swayed by a parachute on the canopy.

Take a deep breath. It’s hard to slow down the heartbeat that is rushing out.

"What should I do now?" Xiao Nian whispered,

Angliel took a knife from his waist, cut off the ropes on his body with a few knives, and gently squatted on the tree stalks, and fell to the ground with a small chanting.

The canopy is not high from the ground, only four or five meters, and Anglia has nothing to do with a person jumping.

After the two men landed, Xiao Nian had a long sigh of relief, and his bright eyes stared at Angri. "Senior brother, what do you do now? It really is the plot in the novel. The people of Li family sent the killer to blow up our plane!"

Angley shook his head and reached out. His skin was getting whiter and whiter. He had already lost his blood and showed a sign of translucency.

"Now, don't worry, first find the master, if I don't guess wrong, we will soon meet the masters." His tone was calm and his eyes looked deep into the woods on the left. "Come with me."

He casually found a direction, and walked quickly, and he was hesitant, followed closely.

The two marched forward in the woods one after the other, and soon, the front suddenly faintly heard.

There is a hint of white light in the depths of the forest.

Anglia's pupils shrank, and then returned to normal expression, accelerating toward white light.

The two had just walked out and saw a small open space in front of them, with a small black plane parked in a triangular shape.

The master Li Xiulin was **** by two black men and put on the plane. The master Song Yuying was lying in a pool of blood. Sister Song Song was shot through the right shoulder and left leg and was riding on a strong bald head. The two men twisted together.

The grass was a mess, the blood and the beam gun were black, the bodies of the two black men were lying motionless on the ground, and the face was **** and fuzzy, and the stone was beaten in the head and died.

"Master!! Sister!" Xiao Nian suddenly screamed and rushed to kick the back of the bald man riding on Song Yu.

Angliel went to the teacher Song Yuying. Exploring the breath, it is no longer mad.

He stood up silently, without any expression on his face, no sadness, no anger, but not indifference, but an inexplicable weird look.

Hey! !

The two blue lights far shot the little thoughts on the ground.

Angliel jerked and rushed to the two black men at the mouth of the plane, both of whom raised the gun at the same time. Point to him.

Two whispers, two metal keys inserted into the throat of two people. The black people suddenly stumbled.

Anglia rushed onto the plane and placed Li Xiuling on the plane's ground.

Li Xiulin’s throat was bloody, his eyes widened and he couldn’t speak. He held Angrid's hand tightly. It seems to be like saying something, but only the berthing blood in the mouth is buzzing. Finally, he looked at him with a sigh of relief.

In the eyes of Angley, the blue light flashed, and a small black pouch was found in a small bag hung from the chest of Li Xiulin.

Remove the skin and pinch it. From the inside, pour out an egg-sized colorless transparent crystal ball.

"The ball of the four seasons...."

Angliel stood up with a small ball and looked up at the bald man in the distance who was trying to escape.

The birthmark behind him became more and more hot and painful, but it did not affect Anglia's mind. He picked up the ball of the four seasons and pointed at the bald man in the distance.

Through the sphere. Everything I saw changed instantly....

The earth is cracked black, there is no lawn, only black mud and forest bones.

The sky is gloomy gray and has no other colors. The tall woods are gray-black pillars.

The most conspicuous is.

The bald man who is fleeing in the distance is actually a humanoid body with a body that has been rotted. Every step at his feet. Will leave a blood footprint.

"Dad!!" came to the side of the song, crying, "Little girl!!"

She squatted on the floor with her hands on her face and wept.

Anglia did not go over, he just quietly picked up the ball of the four seasons and looked at Song Wei through the sphere.

In the middle of the cracked black earth, a naked white-skinned woman was crying on the ground. Her left face was covered with countless white locusts, and her right face was the bones of the forest. The original short hair of Song Song was gone, replaced by It’s a mess like a weed on the top of the head.

Anglia sighed and let go of the four seasons. Everything is back to normal.

"This the end is..."

He stood on the edge of the plane, looking up at the sky, the dark green of the dark night sky slowly floating, put into the floating tulle, beautiful.

Recalling the way when I first separated my soul into the abandoned baby, and the memories of Xiao Xiaoyun from childhood to big, it seemed like a movie-like scene.

"Xiaoyun!" Song Yu’s voice suddenly came.

Anglia looked at the past, just watching Song Song stand up in a difficult way, his eyes full of hatred and despair. "Require revenge! Be sure!!"

Angrid did not answer, just quietly picked up the ball of the four seasons, feeling the birthmark behind it slowly cooled down, and then looked at the plane through the ball.

The new shell of the black plane suddenly became dilapidated, full of rust gray black. There are even distortions and cracks in some places.

"Sister, is there a Karon ruin nearby?" Angley suddenly asked.

"What do you want to do!?" Song Yan looked at Angley's calm and over-shouldered face, and suddenly there was a suffocating fear.

"You told me if I had it, I want to verify one thing..." Angrid said faintly. "There may be a rescue for the master."

"Small cloud, are you okay?!" Song Hao suddenly rushed over and pressed Anglia's shoulder.

"Sister, answer me first, I have a way to save the masters." Angrid said plainly, as if saving the dead is only a trivial matter.

Song Yu swallowed and swallowed, and looked at Angrid's eyes slightly changed. "Small clouds don't make trouble... Dad, they are dead..."

Anglia sighed and picked up the ball of the four seasons and gently slid it up.

A reddish line emerges slowly in the ball. Angliel carefully looked at the lines and turned and walked straight in the direction of the woods. Song Wei stood in the same place and looked at him, feeling overwhelmed.

Angley walked slowly and observed the changes in the **** of the four seasons.

Unconsciously, he has entered a black ruin. Surrounded by broken stone pillars and collapsed stone houses.

Anglia walked through the ruins for a while, and finally stopped slowly in front of a black stone tablet half-inserted into the ground.

He crouched down and wiped off the ash on the stone.

The ‘Forgotten World...’ stone is engraved with a line of green chaos.

Angrid took the ball of the four seasons and looked at the stone through the sphere.

The same text is still on the top, and the stone monument is still the original stone monument, without any change.

"Here...." Angrily suddenly said something, but still did not say anything, continued to stand up and slowly turned up in the ruins.

Soon, he found another stone tablet.

In front of the stone tablet, he carefully wiped off the dust on the top.

The stone tablet is engraved with countless words, and the first line is like a preface.

‘The land of indulgence, the land of cursing, here is the end of the world, the end of everything....’

Angley looked down.

‘It’s not impossible to think of it, but I don’t want to forget myself. Just follow people's wishes. ’

After carefully scrutinizing this sentence, Anglia suddenly had a sense of sorrow.

"Three years... three years, enough....."

He stood up and walked back into the dark woods and quickly disappeared. (To be continued)

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