MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 600 annihilation 1

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Bang! !

The giant hand kneaded the body of the Japanese ring, as if nothing was pinched. The big hand smashed into countless black gravel soils and splashed around.

Angliel only felt that his head was dizzy, and the huge body slammed back a few steps. Hey, the footsteps continued, hitting a black stone pillar behind him.


Angrid shook his head hard, his eyes were blurred, and the black cracked earth could only see a clean white shadow slowly coming towards himself.

He raised his hand and went to the shadows. Suddenly, the head was a dizzy, and the action stopped.

The line of sight has become more blurred again, and there is nothing in front of it, nothing can be seen, and nothing can be heard.

Hey! !

There was a muffled sound in the back of Angley, as if he was stunned by something. He took a few steps forward.

The delicate body of the Japanese ring slowly floated behind him. She raised her right hand and opened a green eye in her hand. She shot a green beam of light and put it into the back of the huge Blackrock man.

When the beam penetrates more than ten meters, it will be consumed slowly.

"Good thick skin..." The Japanese ring slightly levied.

Her figure began to flash around the Blackrock Giants, and every time I stayed, a green beam of light was emitted from my hand.

In the snoring, countless green beams are like a green spike, piercing the black stone giant. The pierced area quickly disappears with the consumption of green light, and re-grows back to its original state.

When Angley wants to raise his hand, he will be interrupted by unknown dizziness and can only be beaten.

The huge body can only be swayed and swayed at any time. There are countless white figures around the body, some just appearing, and some are disappearing. Every day in the palm of the ring, a beam of green light is released, piercing the black giant.


Anglia in the Giant Center. The dark red glow is lit up in the eyes, and the black scorpion mark appears on the eyebrows, and a circle of dark red ripples is emitted. Spread in all directions.

The ripples have just spread to the outside of the giant, and they are instantly pierced by green light and directly collapsed.

Time passes by....

Anglia was in the center of the giant, and the rich red light of his eyes actually faded a point.

"She is consuming my strength.... I am not the ancestor. With the strength of rootless source, even if she can't break my shell, it will be consumed sooner or later! I must think of a way!"

Suddenly. He felt a sharp sense of danger behind his back, and the skin of the back was sore. "Come on!!" He turned suddenly, but it was too late.

laugh! !

A sharp force tip is usually pierced into the back.

On the black cracked ground, behind the huge black giant, dozens of green light spikes pierced the same point precisely, and the other end of the spike, dozens of Japanese rings slowly merged into one.

She looked calmly at the giant Blackstone Giant. The light beam in the hand is slowly extinguished.

"It's over, isn't this ending perfect?" She whispered, looking at the giant in front of hundreds of meters, her eyes lost, and she didn't know what to think of.

Hey! ! !

The giant's body was broken. Numerous black muds seemed to be blown up by explosives. A black mudstone raindrop appeared in the sky. In the buzz, huge debris fragments flew around and scattered on the ground.

The ring stood in the black mud and raindrops, and there was no stain on it. All the gravel dirt passed through her body as if it were just a phantom.

She quietly looked at the giant in front of the truss, a large number of black mud gravel, slowly revealing a dark red figure of a lion head. The lion head was covered with a dark red pattern, and a black mane on his neck tumbling with the frantic air.

Roar! ! !

The lion head violently whispered, and the figure rushed to the Japanese ring at the same time, and at the same time, it covered the surface of the skin, and it glowed into the dark red halo, and quickly spread to more than ten meters.

He directly brought out a red trajectory, rushing over, and the places where the feet stepped slowly melted red, like a magma.

Hey! !

The lion heads were kneeling on the right arm of the Japanese ring. The two men went backwards madly, and a large number of green Mars were sputtered between the arms.

In the high-speed movement, the Japanese ring is still calm eyes, slowly light green.

"Forever in a dream...."

Her eyes were suddenly bright, and two bundles of translucent water were sprayed, and the water slammed twice and hit Angrid's cheek.

Roar! ! !

Angrily ran away from the madness, his eyes turned white, and the whole person began to evade running around, his mind was stunned, nothing could be seen, and nothing could be heard.

"This is the state just now! Her eyes! It is the special ability of her eyes!"

Anglia raised his hand violently, and the high-heat field in the whole body suddenly expanded, and the temperature was raised to the extreme tens of thousands of degrees, covering the Japanese ring not far away.

The black earth began to turn red slowly, melting a strand of dark red magma flowing slowly along the crack. The air rises and twists, as if the space is beginning to burn. Some of the black pillars that were close to each other slowly melted, like a fire-baked candle, and the oil-like black-red magma flowed into a pool, emitting pungent poisonous smoke.

For a time it seems that the whole earth began to melt and evaporate.

The eyebrows of the day circle slammed, and the slamming sound disappeared in the same place, appearing hundreds of meters behind.

"You always do this.... I always like fighting and destroying..." She dissatisfied and spoke, and a huge green flower emerged slowly under her feet.

The green giant flower begins to be translucent, followed by a slow and substantial, like a huge lotus flower. The circular lotus on the center of the petal is the position of the Japanese ring.

The huge lotus flower emits a soft green light, and the burning red light is quietly resisted. No matter how the red light spreads, there is no way to go one step.

The ring stood on the lotus, the body gently turned, the black long hair fluttered and danced, and the foot suddenly raised countless green spots. These spots floated in the air around her, slowly stopped, and in the snoring, all the green spots instantly opened into a green human eye, all staring at the distant Anglia.

Angley's face was unchanged, his head was completely awake, and he stared at the countless green eyes in the distance, faintly. He felt that the power contained in those eyes was probably related to the performance of his dizziness.

"Absolutely can't be hit by that thing again..."

His eyebrows flashed black and the whole person instantly blasted into two lion heads, running directly to the left and right sides. The two lion heads rushed and raised their right arms. The arm is slowly translucent and glows bright white.

Hey! !

The sky was suddenly bright and everything was dyed white.

The ring was standing in the same place, and numerous green eyes were smashed. Half of her right body was smashed, revealing red flesh and white bones, and the body wounds were still growing wildly. It seems that it will be able to grow again soon.

"Just... what is that?" She didn't seem to figure out what was going on.


Suddenly a burst of crisp glass shattered in the distance, the Japanese ring looked up and stared at it, just to see the fragments of Angley's hands slowly throwing away the **** of the four seasons.


The earth shook and the sky began to shake. Everything starts to be unstable.


The air between the two suddenly cracked a black crack, and the space was ruined by half of the rag, and a black wound was opened.


Anglia immediately threw away the fragments of the four seasons, and the light blue light in his eyes. The space in the field of vision fluctuated drastically, and the black water ripples of this circle were constantly spreading. Everything was twisted and twisted, and the black cracks like spider webs began to slowly spread.

The blue light of Anglia's eyes tells the analysis. A strip of black cracks constantly flows through the eyes.

The Japanese ring in the distance noticed his move. "Want to run?" She chuckled and left her finger to the sky.

The green lightning slammed through, oh! !

The gray clouds in the sky gradually separated, and a large green aircraft with a cylindrical shape was arched. The brown muzzle with a suction cup underneath the aircraft began to slowly gather a thick green light and could be launched at any time.

The green light of the muzzle completely illuminates the black and red ground below.


The muzzle violently vibrates, aiming at the Anglia on the ground, the green light is getting thicker and thicker and more and more glaring.

boom! ! !

The terror green light, which is hundreds of meters thick, is like a pillar smashing to the ground. The space around the light column instantly glows black, which is an unstable phenomenon caused by the shattering of huge force.

Anglia looked up at the light column, and the pain in the birthmark was even stronger. The blue light in his eyes became more and more glaring, and countless data falls down in the field of vision. The speed has reached an extreme level. The huge gravity that rushed down from the top of his head locked him firmly in place and could not move.

The unprecedented sense of danger is constantly stimulating his nerves.

He finally showed a hint of helplessness, and his body slowly became translucent, with a faint white light. The white light is pure to no impurity, and the surrounding green light is completely expelled, and the body of Anglia is transformed into a glass crystal.


The light column crashed and drowned him completely.

Everything around it was plunged into endless green light, and Angley's body began to turn into a little bit of dust, melted into the green light, from the feet up, not fast or slow.

The blue light that illuminates his eyes is getting brighter and brighter, and the light is glaring like the sun, flowing through the horrible data stream that is not measured.

"Come" He whispered, staring at the air in front of him. The white light of the whole body began to slowly condense into the head.

The dust of the body has reached the chest, and Anglia has only one head and shoulders suspended in the air, and the rest of the body is turned into green dust.

Suddenly, he widened his eyes, his mouth, and spewed out a black smoke, wrapped in countless ant-like black faces rushing into a space in front of him.

A click was heard.

The space in front of Anglia slowly appeared a crack, and then the crack spread and began to fall green pieces, revealing the deep black space inside.

A piece of green debris fell from the front, as if the painted wall had fallen, revealing the black wall below.

The blue data flowing in Anglia's eyes was more urgent, his shoulders disappeared completely, turned into countless fine green powder, then the neck.

"Found it!!" In the heart of a happy, too late to think, Ang Li's only remaining head smashed forward.

With a bang, he slammed into an incomparably viscous dark space. There was a sharp roar behind him, which seemed to be the roar of the Japanese ring.

Finally I looked back at the hollow behind my eyes.

In the endless green light, countless pink spots merge into a stream, flying around, like a petal stream constantly passing through his original location. Like a predatory shark. (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion