MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 606 Advent 3

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Reaching out, Angley's hand on his back is densely packed with hundreds of small eyes, like countless purple scales. He gently held his hands.

Hey! !

Two groups of blue electric flowers were suddenly blasted in the air on both sides of the empty ship. Two elements of the storm were exploding out of thin air. They are human beings and the lower body is a black cloud of flowing arcs. As soon as they were blown up, the two elements of the storm stared at Angrid.

"External people! Actually dare to enter the stormy city territory!!"

The other element of the storm is a woman. Without a lot of words, the two hands are combined directly to form a purple electric thunderball. "Dead!" She raised the thunderball and slammed it to Angri.

When the thunderball flew into the air, it swayed and slammed into a blast, and did not even reach Anglia.

The two storm elements suddenly burst into shock, and one of them quickly took out a pale gold horn and blew it hard.


The horn makes a dull, long sound.

All the clouds around the empty ship began to boil, and a gray whirlwind rushed into the empty ship, rushing to the deck of the ship and turning it into a personal storm element. Their bodies are the same as humans. Only the hair is composed of countless currents. These storm elements just fit together and pounce on Angri.

"In the name of Azus!!" A head-shaped storm element with blood red eyes, rolled up countless purple-blue current, flew to Angri.

Anglia stood on the deck and allowed dozens of storm elements to surround him.

"Is this trick again? It was like this, and it is still like this. You are not growing a little."


He gently slammed his finger and spread a circle of red glow in an instant, just wrap all the storm elements in it.

The elements of the storm in the red light were not close, and they began to smoke and the body melted like a candle. They opened their mouths, but they couldn’t make any sound. One by one, the blue liquid on the beach was left on the deck, and the surface was also covered with a slight arc.

Angrid took a step forward and wrapped the two storm elements into it. Turn into two pools of liquid.

The rest of the storm elements are also ready to rush over, seeing this scene suddenly exposed to horror, crazy backwards, and the screams of screaming in the mouth. It seems to be a phrase of alert and screaming.

"Devil!! He is the devil that the great Azus said!!"

"Shut up!! Let Nieman deal with him!! Go and inform the leader! Others use Thunderbolt!"

The giants of the storm elements gathered together and stared at Angrid far and nervously, and did not dare to come closer. Which stood in front of it. It is a bald man. It seems to be the position of the captain. The hand is slowly condensing a slender purple electric spear.

"Who is you? Suddenly into the territory of my storm element, do you want to become an enemy with my five million elemental giant?" The captain saw the process of killing dozens of companions just now, and the speech was also a bit lacking.

"I?" Angrid smiled. "I just happened to pass by here. When I was young, I was chased by you. Now I am coming back for a small revenge. It is also a human condition. Is this reason simple? ”

"Nieman! And this guy is nonsense, dare to kill in my elemental city, obviously to seek revenge. Join him and kill him!" A lightning flashed across the deck. Turned into a pretty girl with a cold face, her hair is different from other people, it is the light blue of the shawl, the purple arc is flowing from time to time, and the key parts of the body are also covered with purple elliptical nails, unlike other storm giants. It’s naked.

Anglia looked at this different storm element in detail. The face is pretty white, the temperament is cold and sharp, and the most conspicuous figure is a pair of slender long legs.

"Kill me? Just by you? I didn't expect to encounter a storm element of the blood of the lord when I came in. I was lucky."

The voice did not fall, he suddenly extended his right hand, the palm of his hand exudes a slight dark red ripple, and instantly spread to the entire empty ship. His right hand suddenly differentiated into countless pieces, and the bend was extended, as if the plasticine had no bones at all.

Just a blink of an eye, one hand will be divided into dozens, hundreds, overwhelming to catch the storm element girl.

The girl looks cold. "This means dare to come out!"

She pulled her hands together and pulled out a purple arc and threw it forward. The arc swelled quickly and greeted the big hand that was caught. Silently and silently, dozens of hands were directly defeated and disappeared, but in a flash, the scattered space was again divided into more hands, and continued to catch the girl.

"Quick hands! Help West End adults!!"

"Concentrate throwing!"

Someone shouted.

The rest of the storm elements reacted, and a purple electric spear was thrown. The electric spears turned into a purple spear and smashed into countless hands.

boom! !

A huge blue current exploded and all the giant elements of the storm were thrown back by the huge impact. The entire empty ship swayed violently, and a large hole was directly blown out on the deck, which was dark and straight to the cabin.

The blue current formed a ball of more than ten meters in diameter, and the girl was completely wrapped in it, and it lasted for more than ten seconds, and then slowly faded and disappeared, revealing the situation inside.

Anglia stuck the girl's West End neck with one hand and lifted it up. Let it continue to struggle on their own hands.

"You are called West End?"

The girl couldn’t speak, and her body was constantly flowing blue current. These currents hit the hands of Anglia, and all were directly absorbed by the small eyes of the hands.

Seeing this scene, the girl is only showing the color of horror.

"Go to the deputy lord!" Nieman shouted. The rest of the storm elements did not dare to approach, but just stared in the air and stared at Angri.

Around the empty ship, a ship-type blue boat appeared continuously. There was a strong, naked, naked man standing on top of each other. Their hair was composed of countless currents, and they danced wildly. Each one exudes a **** atmosphere.

These strong storm elements are surrounded by empty ships, out of which two men and one woman are among the purple armor.

Both of them seem to have expected that the other party will appear so soon.

"You are coming fast enough." The man was cold and cold.

"I thought that only I was in the vicinity." It seems that the female leader is a bit **** for tat.

The two of them flashed and appeared directly on the deck of the empty ship, only a dozen meters away from Anglia.

Angliel casually threw the West End on his hand on the deck. Awkwardly, Xiwei screamed and coughed up in a tight throat. The tears and snots rushed out, and it looked like a wolf.

Anglia ignored the West End, and looked at the crowd surrounded by him.

"Is it so human?"

"What do you mean? Outsiders." The man brows his brow.

Angliel smiled and didn't answer, just a glimpse of his right foot.

boom! ! !

The surface of the entire empty ship slammed into red light. After a violent vibration, the empty ship slammed into the front and slammed into the storm boat that blocked the road.

Hey! !

The successive boats were directly destroyed and destroyed. None of the people on the top were spared. The hull of the empty ship that was accelerated by terror slammed into the body, and the body was split into a blue plasma of the beach.

The huge empty ship was wrapped in red light, and it rushed out of the road unobstructed, flying at the edge of the tornado with amazing speed. Hidden into a red line.

Hey! ! !

The long, **** horn sounded again.

"Leave it!"

A thick, low-pitched sound.

In the eyes of a huge tornado, slowly stretch out a huge, incomparable light blue giant hand. It is translucent, and it catches the empty ship that is flying away. The speed of catching it is not fast, but it just intercepts the forward path of the empty ship.

Anglia on the ship saw the giant hand appear, not shocked.

"What is waiting for you!"

The last time he came to the middle of the country, he met the last hand of the giant hand, and almost no ship was destroyed. This time, he specially passed through here, just to meet the storm giant lord again.

In the direction of the giant hand, Angley also reached out. Behind him, a more horrible horror black tongs sneak out, accurately catching the blue giant hand and smashing it.


The blue giant crashed into countless blue airflows. A sigh of sorrow came faintly.

"The four levels of the district, can survive for so long, should it be because of this storm giant city?" Anglia looked far into the eye.

In the middle of a huge tornado, on a blue boat, stood a giant man with a three-pointed fork. He looked pale and looked at him from afar. When he saw Angri, he suddenly looked at it. The vague feeling is somewhat familiar.

Suddenly he suddenly remembered that the shot that was taken hundreds of years ago, and the fleet that could not be intercepted, the wizards on the fleet, this one has the breath of this person.

"It's you!!" His voice came from far away, revealing a trace of suspicion.

"This is a return to your blow." Anglia sneered, and his right hand once again caught the giant. The huge black pliers behind him instantly crossed hundreds of meters and appeared directly in front of the giant. A powerful and powerful force drove him to death, so that he could not escape.

"This is a five-level! Five-level power!! No!!" The face of the giant man showed despair. "Lord Lord!! Save me!!" He shouted loudly, his voice abruptly stopped.

It was a slamming sound, and the giant Han was directly cut into two pieces with a fork. The black tongs slowly disappeared into the air, leaving only two bodies to be slowly rolled up by the wind and not into it.

Angley retracted his robes in his right hand and glanced at the cold eyes. "This is the original return."

His current level is only seen from the undulating radiation around the eye, and the entire storm main city is built in the center of the wind, which seems to have the effect of prolonging the life of the storm giant. But these giants can't leave, they can only live in it all the time. Although there are scope restrictions, the life of the storm giants has been greatly extended. There are advantages and disadvantages. (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion