MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 613 sea snake 2

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The sea snake Hu Hai'an slowly climbed onto the island, constantly opening his mouth, spewing out countless scarlet tongues, and slaughtered the average apprentice on the island. He laughed and kept chewing on the human meat in his mouth.

"Run it...villa." The old wizard was in the air, pushing his granddaughter in the direction of the distant land, and the palm of his hand broke out with incredible power, and the blue-haired girl was instantly pushed out.

"Grandpa!! Escape!!" The girl was in a hurry, her body constantly surrounded by a trace of blue light, wanting to come back, but to no avail.

The old wizard and other wizards watched the granddaughter being sent far away.

"Teacher, let's go first, here we stay and drag it!"

"Yeah, we are all able to become wizards and teachers. You are fully trained. Now it is our turn to contribute to you."

"As long as Vera can live to escape, it is us...." Suddenly their words stopped.

All the wizards looked at the figure of Vera in the distance, blocked by a thin blue glass cover, and the blue hood was constantly flowing with a stream of pale blue water. Vaguely, some small sea snakes are constantly swimming inside.

"Sea snake Hu Hai An Stan..!!!!" The old wizard's voice trembled. The painfulness of closing his eyes slightly, he does not have to guess, he must know that it is definitely a comprehensive defense film under the sea snake cloth. No one in the entire island can escape.

Everyone is desperate.

The sea snake laughed proudly.

"Can't run... know why we come over every night for a massacre? Because you are all our captive animals, eat them once in a while! This is your low world destined fate!!"

Suddenly in the sky outside the water hood, a beam of blue and red was suddenly crossed, flying straight from the side of the island. The blue light seemed to have sensed something, and turned a corner and flew towards the island. The red light was chasing after it, and it whizzed toward it. Among them, the blue light suddenly emits a strong sense of the sea.

The sea snake suddenly noticed the abnormality of the sky and suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.

"After another death! Do you dare to chase the sea in front of me? Hey!" The sea snake screamed and turned into a blue light that rushed into the sky, just between the red and blue light. Just rushed in. It was a surprise.

"Good fragrant blood food!!" It is extremely exciting.

"Looking for death!!" The red light was blocked for a moment, suddenly angered, condensed a black giant tongs and slapped on the sea snake.

boom! ! !

The sea snake monster was slammed down like a fly and fell into the sea, no more sound.

The giant tongs exudes horrible black air, and even the surrounding space is trembled and twisted, and countless screams and mourning sounds are heard from the black air. Everyone who hears is chilly.

After the sea monster was photographed, the giant pliers melted back instantly. The red light followed the blue light and continued to fly at high speed.

The following group of wizards who had been desperate and desperate, suddenly stunned, and did not react at all. I can only stay staring at the red light in the sky and chasing the blue light, and soon disappeared into the sky.

"Sea monster!!" Someone woke up like a dream.

A surviving daring wizard flew down and carefully examined the side where the sea snakes fell, only to see a large hind limb of the sea snake, and blood stained with large pieces of sea water.

"It ran!!" The wizard shouted loudly, his face with incredulity and surprise. "It ran away!! Run away!!"

Others gathered around, and after a while, several wizards stepped forward to lift the sea snake's stump. Lift up high.

Everyone’s face is never convinced. To doubt, to confirm, finally finally revealed ecstasy.

"The sea snake ran away! We are saved!!"

The cheers of ecstasy came from the beach, and in an instant, like the fire of the Suiyuan, spread throughout the island, and all the survivors cheered.

In the air. The old wizard and his students were equally unstoppable surprises, and they all seemed to have unloaded the heavy burden, and the wizard below confirmed that the sea snake was injured and fled. When they really lifted the sea snake's stump, they really breathed a sigh of relief.

In the distance, the celluloid girl Vera flew back and plunged into Grandpa’s arms and cried out loud.

"Don't cry, don't cry, everyone is fine..." The old wizard gently patted the granddaughter's back and looked up at the distant sky, where the two beams disappeared. "Remember the breath of the grown-up, this kindness can only wait until later." I don't know if we have a chance to repay..."

The girl in his arms turned his face and looked at the distant sky. At that moment, she also vaguely saw the man in the red light. "The adults at that level... maybe we will never have another chance to come in later..."


"Oh my god! Oh my god! My God!! Who will save me!! Rothstein's fin!! Angmar!! Ramho!! Who will save me!!"

Oh! ! !

The vast jewels of the sea are also screaming and screaming.

The sea snake groaned with one eye smashed, one hind limb was broken, and the tail was smashed into a smashed meat sauce, and the high blood was fleeing on the sea. Every once in a while, it will make a scream like a rape.

The tragic sound, the movement of the lingering, I believe that anyone can not help but move. It is a pity that the surrounding seas are empty and no audience has seen this scene.

On the hind limbs of the eyes and the wounds on the tails, there is also a strange entanglement of black gas. These black gas from time to time illusion of a painful and crazy face, constantly biting the flesh and blood of the wound. The wound can not heal at all, and it is still expanding and aggravating the injury.

"My God!! Angmar! You **** goods!! Who said this is a low world! Who said this is absolutely impossible to threaten my existence!! You are a婊子养! Angma! I * Your family's old ancestors 10,000 generations can not die!! Ah ah ah!! Who will save me.. Mom...."

The sea snake is crying and screaming, almost on the verge of collapse.

Finally, it seems to have sensed the front movement, and only one of the remaining eyes just saw a huge black shark that slowly emerged from the front.

The shark was supposed to be the mouth of the mouth. It was five feet long and the five serrated mouths of different sizes were not neatly arranged. It felt like it was just sewed.

When the sea snakes saw the black shark, they immediately rushed over like the old man.

"Ramhol!! Help!!"

The black shark also saw the sea snake monster, and suddenly looked at it.

"Hu Hai'an? How do you make this virtue?"


Hey! !

The two beams are blue and red. Almost in a line, flying straight into the depths of the sea.

With a bang, two beams of light flew over the sea, and the large group of sea fish in the sea below stunned.

"Don't escape, you know it yourself. At most, there are still half a month, and you can't run completely. Now you are consuming your own soul. But it is with my experiment, so afraid. Crazy to escape?" Angley shouted at the front of the red light.

to be frank. He has been chasing for so long, and he is a bit impatient. In addition to the power of time, he has to enter the underground to go to the night elf world to find a way to solve the ancestor imprint. He also doesn't want to spend it with this guy all the time.

"Let me not escape, why don't you let yourself not chase?" Nyola sounded like a mosquito, and almost no one was afraid to waste the power of the sound. It was only a reputation that he could barely hear.

"You are testing my patience." Angley frowned. "I originally planned to work with you for peaceful cooperation. Now I am going to change my mind. Now I will ask you again, as long as you stop now and promise me to cooperate. Experiment. I can also consider giving you a good exchange condition, I can swear in the name of the ancestor."

I heard that I swear. Nyola really hesitated for a moment, but in a blink of an eye he recalled the scene that the force of the previous time let him see, suddenly slammed into a chill, and continued to fly forward without a word.

"Damn! This is what you are looking for!!" Anglia is also hot. Of course, Nyra really guessed it right, what vows, the name of the ancestors, is completely meaningless to him. That is to say it verbally. He is indeed ready to catch the other party and immediately throws it into the laboratory to dissect the slice. This is the first time that the power of grasping time has been encountered for so many years, and it is still the only one that is not the ancestor. This is a key step for him to promote his entry into the ancestor.

This is the end. The two no longer talk nonsense, they begin to silently chase and escape, and continue the previous process.

Soon, it was half a month passed.

The two have been chasing each other for a total of nearly two months.

The blue light on Nerala has completely disappeared. Instead, a transparent water-like thing surrounds him, constantly emitting a strong soul. That is his last refuge, the power of the soul that has accumulated for thousands of years.

Anglia is still the same, and the long-term pursuit seems to have no effect on him. The red light on the body is still dazzling.

"It’s not a way to chase it down. It must be like a means to reduce his speed!" Anglia has thought a lot of ways so far, but without exception, he was shunned by the other side. The other party who has the power of time seems to be able to easily predict the means he will use, and make the traps he creates ineffective. This made him a headache, but he was more determined to take the time.

While thinking about it, suddenly he saw the front of Nerala slamming down, slamming into the sea and dive.

Angrid followed closely, plunged into the sea, and never chased after the other side.

Nyola seems to be no longer flying like a random, purposeless flight. Now he has a clear direction and dive straight into the depths of the sea. He seems to have sensed something.

Angrid vaguely felt that something was not good, but there was no way to stop it, but he could only follow it.

The two soon came to the depths of the sea. In front of a dark trench, Nyola rushed in without hesitation, followed by Angri.

After chasing the trench for a few minutes, finally, Angliel saw the bottom of the trench below, a huge grand gray altar. There is a dark space ball floating above the center of the altar, which seems to be a space passage.

"Time and space channel!!!?? How can such a place come up with a space-time channel!!??" Angrid suddenly had a hunch, this time if you can't catch Nerola, I am afraid that this more than a month will be wasted! He clearly saw that Nyola fish swimed quickly toward the space black hole, and the body's breath quickly changed into a sea atmosphere.

"Who is there!!!" There is a faint sensation of the sea people around the altar.

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