MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 618 blood 1

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There was silence in the hall, and occasionally I could only hear the throat swallowing. .

When the wizard of the White Tooth Castle appeared, everyone thought that Angrid would give each other a face, and maybe bargained. But no one thought that the result was actually not giving face.

The other party did not even say a word, they were directly dispelled.

Viana, who was standing behind Angley, swallowed and whispered down at Angley.

"The ancestor white teeth castle side"

Anglia did not speak, just looked at him faintly. Just a warning gaze instantly caught the words after Viana.

Retracting his gaze, Angley looked back to Princess Kaliana standing in front of him.

"How old are you this year?" he asked softly. "Don't worry, I can also give birth to your godfather's arm. It's not a big deal."

The princess was still full of tears, and when I heard this, I suddenly saw it.

"What are you talking about?"

"Of course, I never lie to lie." Angliel smiled. If not needed. He added a sentence to his own heart.

Kellyan wiped the tears on her face. "I am 19 this year." She reluctantly restored her original temperament and calmness, but the moment the godfather had been seriously injured, until now, she was still playing in her heart, which made her more and more frightened by the powerful wizards in front of the moody.

"19" Angley frowned. "There are still 6 years to live in the port now, don't go anywhere. Come, take the Princess down, go find a place to rest."

"Yes!" The two guards hurried forward, one raised the prince and one walked behind the princess. Take the two out of the hall.

Angley's handling of the treatment is almost the same, giving birth to the prince's arm, and the family prototype has roughly established a framework. The rest of the matter did not require him to do it himself. He explained a few words and handed over all the affairs to Viana, the main vein, and let him continue to preside over the meeting. I will go back to the villa to rest.

In the pure white six-horse carriage, Angley did not delay the road and returned directly to the villa.

Gently take off the robes and hang them on the hangers next to the door. Angley is wearing only a white silk shirt and black tight trousers, a silver hook dagger and a black pendant. Small mirror.

"Adult, you are back." The two maids stepped forward and replaced him with leather boots.

"I want to take a bath, is the pool in the back cleaned?" Angley feels a little hot, although it can be used to cleanse the body, but occasionally taking a bath is a way to relax.

"Ready, the water is ready. You can go to the bath at any time." The maid answered with respect.

Angrid nodded, crossed the middle hall, passed the spiral staircase, and walked to the backyard.

In the middle of a small garden at the rear, there is a round white swimming pool, the water in the pool is light blue, and the breeze gently sways. On the edge, there is a thick layer of ice that condenses the coldness.

Angliel took off his clothes a few times and jumped in from the side.

The cold pool water didn't reach the chest from the tip of the toe, stimulating Angile to take a deep breath. He just leaned back to the pool and raised his eyes slowly.

"The soft water of minus 41 degrees is used for bathing." He took a handful of ice water and slowly fell. I also looked at the few maids who were far apart from each other, and could not help but shake their heads.

"Unconsciously, it is a difficult thing for ordinary people to connect with me."

He opened his mouth and squirted a yellow gas, giving off a strong sulphur atmosphere. The teeth in the mouth are like the fangs of a crocodile, white and sharp.

Just look up and look at the sky.

In the blue sky like a jade, the clouds of the group slowly move with the wind, and a group of white birds flew over the top of the head, making a squeaking noise.

Anglia only felt that the hotness of the whole body slowly spread out with the cold pool water. The whole person sat quietly on the side of the pool, leaning against the cold stone wall, and closed his eyes comfortably. Actually, I fell asleep in such a confused way.

I don't know how long it took, Angliel slowly woke up from her sleep. Some confused to open your eyes.

The sky is dark and the two rounds of moon overlap, like two white discs that are not neatly stacked. The tiny stars are densely covered with the entire sky, like the inlaid broken diamonds.

There was a screaming owl in the ear. Also sandwiched with tiny locusts.

Anglia was lazily leaning against the pool, and he was not prepared to get up. Spread your hands and pillow on the bank.

Suddenly he felt his right hand tickle, looking sideways. The smooth white brick has a slit, and a small red bug is slowly arching upwards. But Angile’s arm blocked the exit and could not come out.

The small insects are similar to cockroaches. They are bright red and covered with a hard shell. The difference between the cockroaches and the cockroaches lies in the tail. The tail of the worm is scissor-shaped, faintly blue, and seems poisonous.

Angley pinched the bug and put it in his own hand, and observed it with interest.

"I don't really fear my breath, this little guy"

Angrid knows that his blood is very horrible, and the average creature can't get close to himself. Once he releases himself, the creatures below level 4 are not qualified to look directly at their existence. This is because the gap in life level is too large.

Even if you suppress yourself now, some weaker individuals, such as worms and mice, will vaguely feel the horror of his body and will not dare to approach. I did not expect to encounter a bug that is completely afraid of myself.

"Is it an example, or is it my own change?" After Angelle teased the bug for a while, he dropped it and he began to pay careful attention to the bricks on the side of the pool. Soon, he found a black beetle, slowly moving over the pool in front of him.

"It seems that I have changed." He got up naked from the pool and stood on the shore. A **** waitress ran over and carefully put a white towel on him.

"Well, you all go down. You can't stay here." For these ordinary people, Angrid has no way. They are like a fragile ultra-thin porcelain. The energy radiation is slightly larger, maybe it will Causes physical damage to the permanent surname. Don't say to relax and play, it's been too close, these maids can't stand it and get sick.

A little waitress was too diligent the other day, staying for more than ten minutes at Angley, and then went back to the ground without any warning. After Angley checked, he was ordered not to be too close to his strictness.

Going back down the pool, I went back to the spiral staircase hall. As soon as I entered the door, Angley looked at it and stood in the same place, frowning at the scene inside the hall.

The candlelight was bright in the hall, and there were more than a dozen young girls in the middle. Looks like a teenager, most of them look down on Anglia, some of them wearing skirts, some wearing shirt trousers, and some wearing leather directly.

"What happened?" Anglia asked quietly. "Who arranged for you to come in?"

He was keenly aware that these girls are all very good in appearance, and the vitality of the body is much stronger than the average person. Almost all to the extent of preparing the knight. This level of ordinary people is enough to stay with him for a long time without being hurt.

"The ancestor" a blonde girl wearing a tight silver armor stood up. "We are the family's main thread and the people of each branch. There is a letter from the patriarch, please look over." She handed a black sheepskin roll to her front.

Angrid frowned and went straight.

'Respect the great Anglia ancestors, I hope you can forgive me for waiting for the pure blood of the family. The thirteen girls who are sent to you are the excellent reserve knights selected by the family. It is more convenient to take care of you. Living life. When you are interested, you can relax and relax.

Behind it is a bunch of gossip about other things in the family.

But Angrid already understood what they meant. These girls are all sent to serve themselves. The foundation of establishing a family principal is the continuation and orthodoxy of the blood. The high-level family has tried hard to select these girls, just to let them leave a core bloodline as much as possible.

Although the wizard's fertility is extremely low, no one can say when this kind of thing will happen. After all, this is a question of probabilistic surnames. So many girls, if there is a person who can be pregnant, can be the basis of the founding of the Principality.

At the thought of this, Angrid was also speechless. To be honest, if you switch to other outsiders, he can enjoy it with peace of mind, but the girls standing in front of themselves, actually counted, can be regarded as their granddaughter and other generations. This made him feel a strange feeling.

Although this is actually a universal rule, many wizards are treated like this after returning, in order to be able to leave a pure blood for the family. The theory of bloodlines has always been the most recognized theory in the wizarding world. It has also been confirmed by countless examples. Therefore, for the pure blood of the family, the girls standing here are all selected from the family.

"Is the Vanathan kid to arrange for you to come over? What is your name?" Angile asked faintly.

"黛菲尔, 黛 Phil Glyuss Rio." The girl who took the lead stood up and replied quickly. "Please rest assured that we will do our best to serve your life and meet all your needs!"

After all, she was still a 19-year-old girl. It was really too shy to say such dedication. Standing in front of Anglia with her head down, her cheeks are red, her body is stiff, and her mood is extremely embarrassing.

"Well, I know Fei Feier. You should arrange for other people to find their room to stay. This will be said later." Angley dropped the letter paper and slammed it. The letter paper automatically burned into black and gray. The stock was drilled into the trash can not far away. Then I went straight up the spiral ladder and went to the second floor.

Many girls standing in the hall saw this magical scene with their own eyes, most of them brightened their eyes.

Fei Fei felt this magical power from a close distance. Combined with the mystery and surprise of the legendary wizards, my heart became more and more hot. In fact, many of these girls are voluntary, and the rest are also actively pushed by parents.

This is an opportunity. Once you can have a child, it is equivalent to one step to the sky. No one can stand this temptation. Like Phil, she remembered what her mother had said to her before she left. I remembered that these scorpions had increased their rights to terrorist status because of the power of their ancestors.

(To be continued)