MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 629 Underground trip 2

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"That's just one of them. These races have extremely strict inheritance rules. They often go to the surface for hunting missions. The number of heads of hunting wizards is used as a symbol of family adulthood. It is extremely unfriendly to all surface people... Of course, We also often organize people to hunt them as materials."

Angley nodded and recalled the ones he had encountered.

"Is there a list of related bloodline aristocrats?"

"This.... We only know a few close.... After all, the bottom is not our main target." Wei Lin is not.

"It doesn't matter, just say it." Angley didn't care.

Welline nodded: "One of the hundred monsters is one of them, as well as the cave banshee, Medusa. This is our contact with the information, the other does not know."

"Medusa? Is it a kind of petrified monster with a snake?" Anglia is interested, this is a monster he has heard of in previous lives.


Angley sank and asked about the environment of the underground, special materials such as water. Wei Lin answered all of them one by one.

For more than half an hour, Angrid nodded with satisfaction.

"Almost, we are ready to go. You are going back."

"Yes, sir."

Angrid stepped into the black round hole. I only felt that the whole body seemed to pass through a layer of cold water film and entered an unusually cold and humid dark place.

He adapts slightly to the light and looks around the circle.

Here is a cave that extends down like a bowel shape. The front obliquely extends down to the darkness of the invisible end.

He glanced behind him, behind a round black stone door. Moragugu was wearing a black cloak and was standing at the door to adjust to the sudden changes in light.

"It seems that this is the underground world. Let's go..." Anglia whispered.

"Yes." The monster seemed to be a little excited, with a greedy, **** smile on his face.

The two men went down the cave and continued unhurriedly. The surrounding light was getting darker and the temperature was getting damp and cold.

Angliel's eyes are like two red crystals, emitting dark red fluorescence, while the monsters are completely hidden in the shadows behind. There is no breath.

Soon, the two walked to the end of the cave passage. There was an identical black-and-red round door.

Only half of the round door was intact, the stone door panel leaked a large round hole, and the hole was covered with a thick white spider web.

Angrid reached out and gently stroked the edge of the hole, rough and some stabs.

"It was smashed by something. It seems that something has gone from the ground to the surface."

"Adult. Need to go back? I have some experience with the prophecy of witchcraft." The magic object was respectful from behind.

"No," Angley extended his index finger. Press on the spider web.

The white spider web bounced a few times, suddenly climbing a large spider from the right side, full of eggs, black and furry. Dozens of green compound eyes faintly emit fluorescence.

The spider quickly climbed onto Anglia's finger. It seems that the finger is used as a prey and bite it up.

laugh! Hey!

The spider made a subtle scream and turned to escape, but was pinched by Angri, grabbed and placed on the back of the hand.

The big spider trembled. Shrinking into a group, you don’t dare to move on the back of your hand.

"Can you talk? Spiritual information is OK." Angley passed a spiritual message.

The spider just shrank into a ball, and was scared to tremble, seemingly unable to understand the meaning of the message.

Angrid frowned, pinching the round belly of the spider and stuffing it into his mouth.

Hey... The spider's belly is bitten and splatters out of the juice. Angrid chewed. Soon, the big spider turned into a thick, salty pus, mixed with hard shell fragments and fluff, and swallowed directly by Anglia.

Open your mouth slightly. The mouth suddenly flew out a light blue light, hovering in the air for a few laps, and instantly plunged into Angley's eyebrows and disappeared.

"The taste is average, but the nutrition is good. Are you either?" Angley looked at the monster to one side.

The magic swallowed swallowing water, and when the heart was cold, he quickly put on a charming smile.

"Respecting the great Black Witch King, this is the honor of Mora's ancient..."

"I don't want to eat it." Angley saw that his words were insincere. Shrug and lick your lips. Vaguely revealing the white teeth of the mouth, it is unusual. Scared the monster and it was a trembling.

The body of Mora was ancient and it was a weird big spider. When I saw that my kind was chewed and swallowed in Angrid's mouth, my heart suddenly burst into a rabbit sorrowful sorrow to suppress fear.

Angrid closed his eyes and quickly opened his eyes. "About the direction, I have some deviations from our map, but it doesn't matter. The general direction is right, let's go."

He pushed the stone door open, and as he snorted, strode into the dark cave filled with cellular passages.

The magic behind me understands that just now, it should be a means of searching for memories, and the means just in his ancient memory is the most used and most cruel of the former black wizards - extracting the soul.

The way of Angrid is that regardless of the ** or the soul, all of them are eaten by him, and they are digested as the nourishment of their own body. At the thought of this, the monster suddenly became cold. Looking from time to time to peek at Angrid's mouth, he regretted following Angile into the ground.

In case one day has not eaten, the great black witch king kneels down, maybe he will take him directly as a reserve nutrition library, and he will chew and swallow it in his mouth.

As soon as I saw the figure moving forward, the magic object was covered with hair, and the faintness slowly moved away from Angri.

Soon, the two selected a bee hole in the dark according to the map, and walked along the hole for a long time.

The front tunnel actually turned into a dead end.

At the end of the black passage, there is only one black stone wall, and several dark green roots protrude from the top, each of which is as thick as an arm and looks vibrant.

Anglia stood at the mouth of the passage, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. He looked around the circle and stepped forward to stand in front of the roots. Reach out and gently press on the top.

"The night mother tree?" He wore a spiritual message.

no respond.

Angley took back his hand and sneered. "Mora 摹古, give me 砸! 砸 wear it here!"

He took a step back and let the monster come forward.

"Look at me, adults."

Moragugu took a deep breath, his chest swelled high, and then slammed.

Hey! !

A black light blasted out of his mouth and blasted in front of the stone wall.

Black light quickly erodes the rock formations and makes a crisp sound. The rock formation turned black liquid down and soon revealed a green glassy light curtain inside.

Black light hits the light curtain and there is no reaction at all, which is directly absorbed.

"Let me come!" Angley stepped forward and his right arm slowly expanded and turned black into a hard carapace skin, which was three times the size of the original.

Raise your right hand and squat on the light curtain.

boom! ! !

It violently vibrates around.


boom! !

The huge and boring percussion sounded open in the underground world.

"The Black Witch King is coming...."

Inside a temple in the deepest part of the earth. A black shadow is facing the purple light curtain.

"His purpose is the night mother tree, Chris, the battle between us should stop. The night mother tree is the supreme patron saint and symbol of my family! We must not let any creature try to get close to tarnishing her!"

The sigh of the woman whispered in the light curtain. "Your concern is right.... The black witch king represents the peak of the earth's surface and is one of the most powerful figures on the surface. If we continue to consume internal friction, I am afraid..."

"I will go to the Holy Mountain to find Elder Ess!" The black shadow was broken.

"Then I went to Qianyan Cliff. If possible, it is best to ask Prince Baishi!" The light curtain also followed.

"Divisional action, as soon as possible."


boom! ! !

The dull crash, the impact of the next impact on the heart of all the elves.

In the black and purple hall, the white man sitting on the throne, his eyebrows jumped with the impact.

"Black witch king.....What reaction does the queen and the prince have?"

The slender and slender elves below are somewhat hesitant. The night elves' hairs are white and silvery, and the skin is pale. Because they don't see the sun all the year round, they are somewhat translucent.

A female elf with a tall hair came out and wore a long black sword at her waist.

"When the situation is most tense, there is a black witch king, His Royal Highness, and there are not many red spirits on our side. Instead, they can let them deal with the Black Witch King first. Anyway, they are losing them instead of us."

"This is not a question of which side alone, but the attitude of the night mother tree." The Prince regained his calmness. "People are sure to send, but the timing of time needs to be considered. Landis' breakthrough of the Princeship is very unfavorable to us. The location of their line is very close to the surface of the import and export. The first thing to worry about should not be us."

"If you can, it is best to lead the Black Witch King to the Queen." The female elf immediately understood the prince's intentions. "It is not yet clear what level the Black Witch King belongs to, but even beyond the Prince level, It will be too much. After Landis and the Spider King consume his power, we will start again."

"Not bad." The prince smiled. "This is the general trend! Even if they see it, they can't stop it. It's about the attitude of the night mother tree. They can't refuse it!"

"Maybe we can take this opportunity to grab Princess Nina. Losing Landis, their group is nothing. Not to mention destroying the newly built Magic Eye Cave." A male elf on the side whispered.

"Let's see it again. If they really change direction, we will mobilize their forces to block them behind them." The Prince then listened to a dull and squeaking sound, and suddenly he got better. "So it seems, we have to thank the black witch king."

Read The Duke's Passion