MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 638 World Top 1

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Wizard World Gem Sea

Somewhere in the azure sea, the space in the sea, suddenly protruding two black pliers, like two hands, tearing.

With a bang, the space was directly torn open with a black gap, revealing a dark inside. A large amount of sea water rushed in. At the same time, the two jaws were re-formed into two human hands. A tall man with red hair and waist slowly walked out of the crack.

The man's eyes were red and blue, and his attitude was cold. He glanced around and looked around, and he snorted. This was the combination of his hands and the crack behind him.

The premise of his dealings with Atlanta is that he gets the share, the pharmacy is at hand, and the pharmacy is not available. Unless one party reaches the condition, the other party will suddenly be repented and will be punished by the contract. However, the transaction between the two sides has not yet begun, and the natural contract is an automatic practice.

However, what makes Anglia uncomfortable is that Atlanta is stunned by strange goods. In a short time, he can get the pharmacy, and he is going to marry him in the black space of time and space. And if it wasn’t for the Thousand-Headed Birds who suddenly intervened, it’s estimated that he’s really going to be jealous and vying for his share. This is the key to Anglia’s fire.

Sweeping around the eyes, a purple smoke mark is slowly disappearing in the sea, and there is the smell of Medusa.

After getting out of time and space, Angley went directly back to the Star Palace, without any stop, let the Star Palace send himself back to the original time and space. Then came back in the direction of the Wizarding World along the way. I encountered a spiny whale in the middle, but I didn't see Atlanta. I wanted to come back to the wizarding world in a hurry.

"In any case, this eye-catching goal is finally achieved." Anglia sighed softly, and his body was relieved to make him extraordinarily relaxed. He has research on fighting, blood, and even time and space. But it is not clear to the cursing witchcraft of the ancestors. So that the face of the ancestor imprint can only be helpless. Even the chip can't handle it. This is his weakness.

"It seems that I came back this time and carefully studied the cursing witchcraft. I will not be so ill after I encounter the ancestor imprint. This time it is good luck, the ancestor imprint is not very cruel and bad, if next time It doesn't have to be so good luck."

He thought about it. I decided to sneak for a while to make up for my own shortcomings.

After deciding on the next arrangement, Angley detected the direction and directly turned into a red light to fly to the direction of the college.

It is at this level of his present. Already standing at the top of the world. Going up, it is the ancestor of the world, located in the black space of time and space. Other things are hard to arouse his interest.

Only the ancestor level is qualified to walk alone between the time and space black areas. Traveling through countless worlds. It is also only the ancestor, you can enter the high world with different time flow speeds, such as the chaotic world, regardless of life.

The full impact of the ancestor, this is also the pursuit of Angile. But before everything was ready, Angrid decided to settle all the other things and worry about it.

Especially after the shackles are lifted.


After a few years

Deep in the sea of ​​gems, a small island in the sea.

White island. A layer of green bamboo huts are layered, densely packed with the song island, a white pier on the beach, and more than a dozen green fishing boats docked in the dock, which look like wooden and green jade. .

Some people are busy on the dock. Help remove the marine fish on board.

They wear clothes made of green leaf branches, both men and women, all of them are beautiful and delicate, and they are slender and voluptuous. The delicate white skin has a green tattoo symbol.

These busy people, men with short hair, green circular arc on the forehead. The woman wears a bamboo green ring on her head and her long hair is tied into a bundle of braids.

Under the scorching sun on the beach, a group of men and women are standing, dressed like humans. If it is not too delicate and beautiful, it is estimated to be no different from ordinary people.

The leader is two people, one male and one female, all of whom are green eyes. The two men walked along the beach to inspect several piers.

"This year's Guizhen fish is a lot less." The man frowned. "What's wrong with the sea? This harvest is half the time more than before. It's a problem to continue our livelihood."

"There is no way." The woman is also worried. "The energy is getting thinner and thinner. The proliferation of Guizhen fish is becoming more and more problematic. Don't say that the problem of fish is that our own family has also become a big breed. The problem has been to run around all the year round, and the number of men in the family has become less and less. If we continue to do so for less than 50 years, our tree demon family will continue to be a problem."

Both of them are silent and have a heavy heart.

At this time, in the white clouds above the island, a red-breasted black robe man was suspended, and the man was Angrid from the thousands of miles that Ram had answered.

He carefully concealed his figure and looked down at the tree demon family on the island.

"I don't think that the mothers would actually go to the gem sea to live. The world's energy concentration is changing, and the tree demon family, a race that relies on energy and blood, will probably disappear into the world soon."

His brows were slightly wrinkled and he thought a little.

"Forget it, look at the mother's share, but it is a wish."

His emptiness begins to slowly depict the runes, and the fingers leave a trail of light in the air, and the lines of the symbols are automatically dispersed, forming a huge square array of more than ten meters in diameter.

Hand out the array, and Angley gently pushes the array forward.


He sighed softly.

The symbolic trend is like a real thing, crashing down to the island. Like a heavy boulder, I went to the middle of the island.

Anglia looked far away, watching the bursts of the crashing inlaid in the middle of the island, as if illusory invisible, did not reach any tree demon people. It caused the entire island to panic.

A large number of tree demons waited until the dust of the array was settled, and then they rushed to observe the phenomenon of falling from the sky.

The man and the woman who patrolled the beach followed, and stood on the edge of the sign.

Angrid had already found out that the two were considered relatives of their mother. After many years, he followed the blood of the two to find the island.

With a little thought about it, he reached out and slowly wrote the text in the void.

At the same time, the edge of the array below, just on the ground in front of the two brothers and sisters, also appeared in the same line of the Luding Kingdom.

‘Angliel Riofinier stays. ’

The two, together with the surrounding tree demon, saw the handwriting that suddenly appeared, and suddenly they stayed.

After a moment of silence, the man suddenly remembered what it was.

"The name of Riorio is the aristocrat of the Kingdom of Rudin! I remember it! It is the surname of the human aristocrat that my grandmother once married!!"

"Absolutely! I heard that on the other side of the human race, the human aristocratic family has now established the Principality." The woman’s look on the side is complicated, "I think there was such a great wizard when I was at the peak of the tree demon family." The power of it. Unfortunately."

"Don't think so much, you can display the existence of this hand, definitely the big man of the Leo family! I heard that the Leo family has already had several official wizards. Maybe someone is passing by, discovering our dilemma, and thinking about it. The relationship between the ancestors and the ancestors was shot to help us. After the Rio family traveled to the sea, we can help you with it. After all, the ancestors were also kinship." The man sighed.

"Just don't know which one of the Anglia is there." The woman looked at the huge array of characters in front of her eyes. "This should be the structure of the energy particles. It is just the energy particles that are concentrated in this array. We don't have much use for the tree demon." She said as she walked into the array and began to check the symbol.

Stretching his hand just touched the dark red symbol, a bang, a red current directly bounced her hand.

“Hey?” The woman snorted. "This rune? It seems a little different?"

“What is the difference?” The man stunned and was about to ask.

Suddenly, the entire array of symbols on the ground slowly ignited a glaring red light.

boom! ! ! ! !

A towering red light rises into the sky, and even the sky is grounded, straight into the sky.

The sky white clouds are spinning wildly, the blossoming flowers are all red, and the golden sun is slowly covered up. The red lightning is constantly spreading from the clouds.

The harsh whistling sounded slowly from the ground. The entire island trembled violently.

The tree demon on the whole island was shocked.

"this is!!"

Standing in the array of female tree demon heads looking up at the sky, the eyes are full of incredible shock.

The snoring continued to sound, and on the entire island, everyone’s body began to tremble.

With the small island as the center, all the hundreds of kilometers around the sea, all the red lines are lit up, and the blue water is completely dyed into a dark red. A horrible array of hundreds of kilometers in diameter slowly surfaced. The wood-based energy particles in the air are all quickly screened out to attract the white islands to the center.

Anglia is suspended in the red sky, quietly overlooking the island below. The huge red character slowly releases the red light of the sky, the center of which is the most central, and a black braid is clearly visible.

That is his mark of evil spirits. Anyone who uses the power of blood to reach a certain level or more will automatically leave a mark of evil spirits. This is a privilege that only has eight levels of existence. Just like a fingerprint pressed by a finger on a glass, Anglia has no intention of wiping the cover. He is now fearless in the wizarding world. Whether it is the root of the world or the Atlanta line, he is again qualified to threaten his safety. Although he may not be able to threaten them, but with a **** face as a defensive weapon, he is already invincible.

"This is the way it is."

A slamming sound, Anglia's figure instantly disappeared into the air, leaving only a little red Mars slowly falling. (To be continued.)

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