MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 643 Infinite Stars 4

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After a few months

In a galaxy surrounded by blue and yellow planets.

The weird creature of a wave of silver spacesuit was gently waved by Angliel and suddenly burned into a red torch.

The screams can't be spread in the vacuum, and the screams of creatures are struggling, like a silent science fiction movie.

One of the pale gold spacesuit women rushed to Angrid. When he was close to him within a hundred meters, the woman turned into a piece of coke, and then a little bit of powder, into the darkness of the universe.

grumble! ! !

Suddenly a bat sound came from afar.

Angley looked up into the depths of the distant universe.

"It is the fluctuation of the Kunji season. It seems that the situation is more intense." His eyes flashed and he settled down. "It seems to speed up."

Glance around and confirm that there is no chase. Angley's figure flashed red and disappeared again.


After a few days

Somewhere in the central star field

In front of a khaki planet.

Anglia stood up and suspended in space. A faint sun ion wind blows on him, causing the red robe to flutter slightly. The huge amount of solar radiation is like a breeze to him, without any harm.

"It is here, one of the world's core scheduled entry and exit points. In the recent star field, it is the most energy-saving to enter from here." His eyes were blue, and countless data streams flashed through the eyes, and soon calculated here. The thickness of the space.

Both eyes glanced around the circle.

"But before that, I have to clean up some small troubles."

Inside the planet

In a silver command tower

"Sure enough! Their purpose is the core jump point!!" The bald head always made the voice low and terrible. "Fortunately, they calculated their purpose in advance. Are everything ready?"

"Yes. The planetary defense system has been fully launched. The war satellite has been completely deployed." A female officer reported behind her.

"The Earth Star is the strongest door of the empire, and even the entire league! Even the strongest defense that the ancient stellar cannon can't penetrate. This time I have to see how you can attack it!" The bald head laughed easily. "The four core points of defense have the empire always defend, this time the plan should be able to easily solve these foreign creatures."

Suddenly he smiled. "Right, is the bio-capture ready? As long as you successfully capture this alien creature. It is definitely a great benefit to the empire's biological plan!"

"Already prepared."

"That's good. This time, these foreign domain creatures are difficult to fly." The bald head will always laugh.

In space, the entire earthy planet, a layer of silver metal appears on the surface. Like a thick outer shell, completely envelop the entire planet.

The surface of the silver metal layer slowly reveals hundreds of millions of muzzles. It is dense like a giant honeycomb.

All muzzles are concentrated and aligned with Anglia suspended in the air.

"Do you want a planet?" Angrid looked at the planet underneath with interest.

One hand. There were countless thick black smoke in his body.

The black smoke instantly divides into countless black lines, madly rushing toward the planet, like countless snakes. Instantly drilled into countless muzzles. The originally illuminated energy halo instantly dimmed.

Angliel's body slowly swells up, slowly deforms and becomes bigger. His skin turned from white to pale yellow and finally turned grayish black.

The body is more than two meters high, rapidly expanding to tens of meters, hundreds of meters, several kilometers! Finally reach tens of thousands of meters!

The human form quickly transforms into a giant black-red scorpion shape.

hiss! !

The scorpion screamed in the sky. Take a deep breath and actually swell again.

Numerous black smokes melted from all sides and blended into his body. The body shape of the scorpion has suddenly expanded again, tens of thousands of meters, hundreds of thousands of meters! Finally, under the expansion of countless black smoke. It has reached the same huge horror volume as the planet.

The body of the black python shows a translucent black, not all solid.

Dozens of scorpion legs clasped the planet and pierced the silver metal layer like a sharp knife.

Countless voices are screaming loudly.

"King of fear! The king of great fear!!" "The world trembles with fear!!" "Anglia Finnel!! The mighty **** of nature!"

It was a carol that naturally came out of the void, and it seemed to be a silent vibration resonance.

The huge black-red scorpion clung to the planet, and the tail-tailed needle suddenly lit red and lifted high.


The tail pin **** into the surface of the planet.

The outer shell of the planet slammed, and numerous silver shells disintegrated, revealing one of the largest and largest muzzles in the innermost. Hundreds of thousands of meters of huge black muzzle has completely condensed all the energy, and the inside is full of white light.

A flash of white light!

No sound, no vibration.

The fear of Anglia turned into a real body, and was instantly submerged by white light.

Awkwardly, in the white light, the outer layer of the earthy yellow planet is completely disintegrated, revealing the true form of the essence inside. That is a door.

A huge black gate cast from the entire planet.

Anglia was hit and flew out for a distance, his body flashed red, and he re-agglomerated the red robe, recovering the body unharmed and suspended in front of the giant facade.

"Is this the strongest force of the mortal world? Only seven levels are still too far away." This range of attacks, the energy that really hits him is not much, and the compression energy can concentrate on improving the power, but it needs to be consumed. The energy is multiplied.

Anglia flashed a disappointment in his eyes. The huge black metal door that floats in front of it seems to be inlaid in the universe, leading to the door of another world, quietly closed.

The complicated patterns and figure patterns on the top are all the historical records of this planet.

In the void around Angley, suddenly there was a little red light in the air. It was countless red water droplets, floating quietly in the void.

"Well? This is" Angile's slight glimpse. "Forcing space to jump?!"

Didn't wait for him to react, the red dot around it was instantly bright, releasing a glaring red light.

Anglia only felt a flower in front of him, and the surrounding moments turned into countless golden flames. The magma surged from all directions and completely inundated every inch of space around Angley.

A violent wave of movement leaped from his feet. It was like the huge pressure before the volcanic eruption.

Didn't wait for Angley to react, the bottom burst open, and the whole space began to boil.

Bang! ! ! !

In front of the huge black door. Shining the strongest door for hundreds of millions of years, the rejection of the star exploded instantly.

The golden fireball was first shrunk, and then swollen, like a blasted watermelon. There are countless golden streams in it, and a circle of colorful halos blooms slowly.

The golden light that makes people can't look directly shines in the blink of an eye. The golden torrent that rushed inside the star instantly drowned all the voids and planets around.

The entire star system was instantly submerged into a sea of ​​fire.

"Star explosion! This time you are not dead!!" Behind the strongest door, inside a silver command ship. The bald head will always laugh. The light curtain in front of it was white and nothing could be seen. All the monitoring was contracted in advance.

boom! ! !

The strongest threshold is shocked. The two doors slammed into the sky. Rolling a few times in an empty, huge black space, falling heavily on the ground.

Anglia burned a golden flame, fluttering into the door and falling on the black space inside the door.


A drop of red water fell on the back of his hand.

Angrid looked up and saw the top of the universe, and the sky began to drip down the red raindrops. Ignoring the space without gravity, these raindrops are endless.

"This is the world crying." He reached out. Pick up a drop of rain, which is a blood-like liquid. "This infinite world has already foreseen the ultimate fate."

With a robe, Angley looked calm and flew into the black space.

A silver command ship hidden in the dark on both sides, and a ship exploded in an instant. Turn into a group of red flames, step by step to illuminate the space in front. Numerous souls rushed into the body of Anglia and turned into a blue line.

The black space is like a huge hollow. At the bottom of the center, a silver mechanical ball is quietly rolling and rolling, emitting a faint silver light.

Angliel slowly fell on the edge of the metal ball and reached out on the surface of the sphere with a light touch.

In an instant, silver is a masterpiece.

Anglia only felt a flower in front of him, and the silver light around it disappeared slowly. The body is already in another space.

This is a hemispherical red space, the wall seems to be a red crystal wrapped in magma, and the crystal red is flowing with horrible energy.

On the ground floor, there is a pale gold circle with a symbol on the center. The heart has a hollow hole, and a deep blue column is ejected.

The light column is cylindrical, and the edge has already stood a yellow robe man, which is a thousand birds. The old guy who arrived early reached out into the deep blue column and was covered in a pale blue icicle in the frozen city.

Anglia blinked and walked closer to see it.

The ice sculptures of the Thousand-headed Birds are condensed with weird blue plaids, some like the evil spirits of the **** path, and the genius of the guardians. But these patterns are all a color, ice blue. Mixed with ice cubes surrounded by thousands of birds, condensed in the ice.

"Is this the inevitable process?" Angrid smiled slightly. He recognized these patterns, and the unusually complicated patterns, all of which were the evil spirits and guardians that existed in the infinite world. This is the traces and imprints of their remains, and now it is the power of the world to guard the entire world.

Angliel can feel the volatility of life in the body of a thousand birds.

He walked to the opposite side of the light column and looked up at the top of his head. The light column stretches all the way through the red crystal curtain and extends to the end of the invisible.

"The ancestor who has been integrated into the core of the world? It seems that it can only be chosen like a thousand birds."

A golden hourglass emerges slowly in both eyes, and the golden sand falls silently.

Angrid also reached out and explored the light column, and the pale blue ice layer spread from the hand.

An icy cold chill rushed into my heart. Angrid suddenly turned black and his body was completely surrounded by ice.

Surprisingly, the pale blue icicles quickly turn red, like **** colors.

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