MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 646 Endless Legends (The Finale)

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In the hall of the mercenary union, Angrid quietly listened to the voices of his companions around her, and Hera’s clear voice continued to echo in her ears.


He suddenly stood up and walked straight to Hera.

"What happened to Saladin?" Hera looked weird at the Anglia who came over.

The rest of the people looked at him inexplicably and waited for him to explain the reason for this action.

Anglia calmly swept the people around him.

"Hella, I like you for a long time, can you give me a chance?"

In an instant, in the hall of the hustle and bustle, this originally lively corner suddenly calmed down. The other three looked at Angrid with a dull look.

Hera did not seem to have responded. "What did you say?" She thought she was wrong.

"I like you." Angley stepped forward and suddenly reached out and grabbed Hera's waist and went to her arms.

The two are close together without any hindrance.

Hera's original white skin turned into pink. The skin temperature rises rapidly from cold to warm and hot, and the face looks overwhelmed.

Angrid carefully felt the joy and fascination that re-emerged deep inside. He knew that he had succeeded, and indeed inspired the feelings of the infinite ancestor to remember this woman.

His eyes flashed, and he overbearingly held Hera's chin and kissed him.

Ding! !

A black light stabbed in his chest and made a sound of metal crossfire.

"You are not Saladin!! Who the **** are you!!" Hera slammed away from all kinds of arms and stared at him.

"I am Saladin, or who else?" Angley shrugged. Looking at the rest of the people, they also stood up with vigilance and slowly grasped the handle of the weapon.

"Hera, I love you, be my person. You should know that I have been in this group for so long is not for you?" Anglia calmly said the mind of the infinite ancestor.

Suddenly at the other tables in the hall. There was a whistle and a good voice. The boring mercenaries suddenly had new fun to pass the time.

Hera looked at Angrid's face and was in a state of confusion. She doesn't know what is going on today? The old-fashioned Saladin, actually, will make such a sudden confession in the public.

Anglia looked at Hera’s hesitant expression. The sway of the bottom of my heart actually slowly and quietly. I couldn’t help but feel anxious.

"Hera" "Don't say it!!"

Hera interrupted him. "Can you give me some time today? I will give you a reply when the mission is over." Hera licked her face.

There is no chance after the mission is over!

Angrid has felt that the infinite ancestor of his heart is rapidly cooling.

Since the normal means are useless, don't blame me for using abnormal means! He has a glimpse of his heart.

"Hera! You are mine!"

He jerked his hand out. Lightly pinched Hera's shoulder and took her into her arms and hugged her.

"What are you doing!! Let go!" Hera suddenly floated two black lights and stabbed Angri.

Hey! !

After two whispers. The black light turned into two daggers bounced off Anglia's chest and was unable to land on the ground.

Angliel sneered and held Hera with both hands.

"What do I want? I want you to be my person!!"

Before other people reacted, he instantly turned into a red light and shot at the mercenary hall. At the same time, the hand knife is cut in the back of Hera and directly stunned.

After more than ten minutes

An ordinary household villa in the basement.

Anglia tied Hera to a metal bed and waited for her to wake up.

"Hey," Hera slowly woke up, and she was completely weak with the medicine. "what did you do to me?"

"From now on, you belong to me, everything about you will be my private property." Anglia stood up and said lightly. Sure enough, after finishing this sentence, he suddenly burst into an angry mood. It seems that someone is roaring and roaring.

I will completely destroy the useless things you cherish.

Angley stepped forward and grabbed Hera's collar with her hand and tore a tear, and directly tore it all away, revealing the delicate body below.

"In fact, I don't want to do such a thing, but the fate is always helpless. Who told you to reject me?"

"You really aren't Saladin." Hera didn't have a shy expression at the moment, just staring at Anglia.

"I am him." Angrid smiled, his clothes instantly burning into ashes, revealing a strong body. He walked over and slowly leaned over and kissed Hera's chest.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, he suddenly trembled in his mind, and the whole person involuntarily withdrew a few steps backwards and almost did not stand firm.

"Come on!" Angley fell to the ground and fell into darkness. I don't know how long it has been.


Another whisper, he once again stood in the middle of the crossroads, surrounded by a bright street and people. The pale golden sunlight is evenly sprinkled on the ground, with a touch of warmth.

“Are you starting again?” Angrid showed a smile.

He has faintly sensed the trajectory of the world.

Not standing in the same place waiting for things to happen, he directly squeezed into the crowd, while others did not pay attention, the shape of the invisible, and then flew to the sky.

Straight into the sky of tens of thousands of meters, surrounded by white clouds, the bottom of the ground faintly shows a circular arc, the surface of the earth is also covered with a faint blue light, that is the color of the atmosphere protective layer.

Angliel felt like he was standing on a huge globe. He didn't stop much, just continued to go up and flew into space.

Flying out of the atmosphere, rushing into the dark space of the universe, Angliel followed a direction, directly began to jump in space, and jumped dozens of times, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly it was a soft bang.

When he was black in front of his eyes, he was already standing in the middle of the crossroads again.

"Sure enough," a faint smile appeared in his mouth.

Then, it is the temptation again and again.

First of all, flying at full speed in different directions, no result.

Then he took the initiative to run alone to find Hera confession and was euphemistically rejected.

Then casually made a massacre in the city, even just met and immediately killed Hera and other four people.

There is also a kidnapping of Hera, which directly kills and rapes. Or change to torture to death.

Even the most intense one was to release a large-scale witchcraft directly against the city ground. The terrible high temperature field. Instantly transform the entire city into magma coke.

Try different ways to try the limits of the world, dozens of times, hundreds of times. Thousands of times.

A variety of methods have been used by him, and more and more data has been collected. The more the number of repetitions, the more traces he can feel. What is strange is that the spiritual fluctuations of the infinite ancestor deep in the bottom of my heart are becoming more and more obvious.

“Do you want to use me as a carrier of rebirth?” Angliel sneered. he knows. If you don't leave here as soon as possible, maybe he will be completely blinded in this memory world and become a shackle of infinite ancestor.

As the number of repetitions increases. The golden hourglass in the eyes of Angley slowly resurfaced and began the timing of the continued passage of the golden fine sand.

I don't know how many times I have passed.

Suddenly, he faintly heard a clear metal sword ringing in his ear.

A familiar breath instantly flashed from the depths of my mind.

"It was Kunji who also came in."

Immediately afterwards, it was a faint cold chill, which was distinguished from the breath and should be the eye of another trial.

Repeat the day with the recurrence. The understanding of Angrid’s heart is becoming clearer and clearer. In fact, he has vaguely clarified the core of the rootless source of the ancestor.

hiss! !

As Hera was once again torn in half by herself, Anglia was bathed in the **** rain, and there was no more than half a living, all buildings, everything in the surrounding city. They have all become ruins.

He looked up at the sky, and the golden hourglass in his eyes had leaked most of the fine sand, leaving only a little bit to be missed. When it is completely leaked, it is the moment when he is completely digested by the infinite ancestors and loses his own soul.

"Eternal time and space" He extended his hands and looked at his fine palm prints and skin.

In the meantime, a scene of inexplicable memories flowed through his heart.

He sat in a spacious library with a huge open book on the table in front of him.

A white woman's face emerges slowly on the page. The woman stretches out her hands and slowly pounces out from the writing. She just likes to leave the water and gently hugs his face.

"Who is calling me?" The soft female voice echoed gently. That is the voice of Hera.

He gently stroked the harp and made a string of crisp, pleasing continuous rises. Suddenly I found myself sitting in a cold palace, and no one around to accompany myself. Only the cold silver harp in the hand.

"Hera" He heard himself sighing softly, stroking the harp like a caressing lover.

The sound of the tidal waves came from outside the palace, and the side window was clearly visible. The palace was surrounded by an endless blue ocean.

It’s just a slap in the face of a thousand hardships to resurrect Hera. Trying to collect successful pieces of soul, but because it is too fragile, can only be integrated into the harp to accompany you forever.

Lonely lived in the Blue Palace for tens of millions of years until the end of the world, the end of the era.

Countless memories flow through Anglia's eyes, which is the memory of the infinite ancestor. The golden hourglass finally slowly leaked the last fine sand. The final boundary between life and death is extremely clear in his heart.

When Angley returned to God, he was standing in the shadow of the woods. In the forest, countless blue fluorescent feathers floated and fell like snow.

"Forever repeat the reincarnation of a strong will and soul for a day." He gently squeezed a feather.

His skin began to grow old quickly, and the dense wrinkles quickly spread to any inch of the body, and the strong life of his body began to gradually deplete. The powerful power fluctuated from the top of the eight-level peak to the seventh level, then the sixth level. Five levels, three levels, one level until there is no volatility at all.

Just a blink of an eye, Anglia changed from a strong young man to an ordinary old man who died. Even the fire of life began to fade.

Suddenly, there have been countless attempts to get the bit by bit. The bangs are gathered together, like scattered beads are all stringed together by a thin line. All poured into the heart of Anglia.

"It turns out that this is the source of no roots"

He loosened the feathers, and the eyes showed an indescribable colorless luster.

At his feet, the green grass, which was originally green, began to wither quickly. And his skin is also full of wrinkles from the old. Slowly restore the original vitality and flexibility.

Suddenly, Anglia actually had a crack like a glass.

The snoring sounded slowly from his body.

Suddenly, Angley’s whole person screamed directly. Broken into countless pieces, like porcelain that suddenly shattered, scattered on the ground.

I don't know how long it has been.

Angrid slowly woke up from the darkness. He opened his fuzzy eyes. I am in the endless black void.

A huge white planet slowly spinning on his chest.

he knows. This is the infinite world he had previously entered. He held out his hands and gently held the white planet. The golden eyes seem to penetrate the planet and see the endless starry sky and the universe. A white network fills the universe, and that is the rules of the world. Countless planets, countless countries, countless cities, and countless creatures.

Civilization and absurdity, war and peace, chaos and order. Countless cycles of survival and death are clearly visible in the eyes of Angley.

Suddenly, Angley looked up and looked forward.

A huge yellow erect eyeball floated in front of it.

"Congratulations." The eye made a faint, low-pitched voice.

"You are the same." A smile appeared in all categories.

They are in the void around them, floating slowly with a ball of different colors, which is a world of different coordinates. There are many big and small, countless.

After the achievement of the ancestor. Their true body is already bigger than the whole world. The ancestors can no longer enter the small world and can only enter by projection and other means.

Suddenly a red ball of the size of a human head slowly floated in front of Ange.

"This is the wizarding world?" Angley suddenly recognized the atmosphere of the ball. "It’s hard to go back if I want to come."

"Yeah, I am the same." The eyes of the judgment are also somewhat helpless. "The former body has been completely destroyed. The reborn is the body built with the perfect form that our soul and will can reflect. The middle and low worlds have Can't accommodate us in and out, maybe a little careless, it could ruin a world."

"This may be the necessary price to get it all." Angliel smiled.

The eye of the trial turned and a white light curtain was shot in the pupil, and a round arched colorful light door emerged slowly.

It is a multi-colored light door, the door frame is composed of unknown white bones, and numerous words and symbols are depicted on the top, with an extremely long and ancient atmosphere.

"In the black and white space, countless worlds are floating, what are your plans?" Angley asked. He didn't know which world the door was leading to, but it was definitely only a higher world.

"I want to see how many mysteries and myths there are in the endless time domain. This is my long-cherished hope and dream."

The eye of the trial gave him a look. "together?"

According to various types of stunned, I laughed.

"of course."

The two slowly flew to the colorful light door, and Angley finally looked back at the red wizarding world.

No one knows what the power he really understands is.

The left eye is full of vivid spring green fields, and the right eye is the snow-white winter virtual image of all things. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons change, constantly replacing the reincarnation in various types of eyes.

Loop, everything is contained in an endless loop. Anglia completely controls the power of the cycle of all things, perhaps he will not be the most powerful ancestor, but it is definitely the most eternal ancestor.

The two ancestors slowly stepped into the colorful light door and were completely submerged in the colored halo.

From this day on, no one has ever seen Anglia and the eyes of judgment, and their figures have completely disappeared into the darkness of endless time and space.

Some people say that Ang Lie, the ancestor of the ring of the time, is the four seasons of alternating silence. He is surrounded by the torrent of time and space, and there are countless mysteries and legends around him. Perhaps his deeds are just a vain story that is arbitrarily fabricated.

But most of the evil spirits and guardians do not agree with this view. The footsteps of this ancestor's growth can clearly find traces every step of the way.

Born as a world from the Wizarding World and the Nightmare, the ultimate success is the pinnacle, the first to become the ancestor. The legend of the ring of Anglia became the myth of the two worlds.

Generations of evil spirits and guardians began to use the Scorpio symbol as a mark of the world, as the pride and medal of the world.

The first ancestor, they are the source of everything. It is the source of all souls. After all the power and soul have flowed out of them, they will return to their bodies from unknown ways. They are the founders of time and space and the source of life. It is an endless legend and a mythical myth.

The legend of the ring of Anglia is only one of them.


Perhaps many readers will feel that the book is a bit rushed, but indeed, the world of wizards, I want to write to everyone, in fact, have already been written. Writing down can only be a meaningless delay.

It’s been a year since I started writing. Until this moment, I have a kind of inexplicable feelings, and there is a feeling of incomprehension in my heart. Perhaps it is a sudden loss of the code word work that has become a habit every day, resulting in a little overwhelmed and empty. Maybe a little bit more

The new book is estimated to have a good rest for two months. It is necessary to repair and improve its shortcomings, sum up experience, and strive for more improvement. However, if you are interested in the book, you can see the new book information in the book review area and the book group.

Ps: I admit that this book is much better than the one, but there are still many shortcomings. But in any case, this book is also my most carefully booked so far. I got everyone's support and I was surprised by this achievement. This has far exceeded my original expectations.

I still have to thank you again for your support of this book. Whether it is a monthly pass or a recommended collection, this represents everyone's affirmation of this book.

In this special name, I would like to thank the following friends: I don't see, I don't know what to say, I don't want to die, I don't live, I don't live, I don't live, I don't have any dirt, I don't have any water, I don't have any water, I have a melody, I am a lazy dinosaur, I am like a fish drinking water, a pure white gunman, etc. Wait.

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Then there is a strong book, although I would like to say that there is no need to spread so much, as long as support for the subscription is enough, after all, I am also worried about the cost of everyone, but this is considered recognition of this book.

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