MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 2 the journey

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Ji Yu had a total of eight maidservants, Xia Wan, Chang Le, Nan Su, Mo Xiao, Lai Ying, Ling Chang, Zi Kou, and Bi Lu from eldest to youngest.

Although these eight maidservants are not as peerless as expected, they are all first-class beauties, and their food and clothing are also excellent, much more noble than ordinary maidservants.

Each of them has a set of exclusive things, from clothes to jewelry. So the first thing I did after I became Ah Zhi was to be dragged to Jinxiuxuan, the best silk shop in Song Dynasty, to pick out clothes.

When I pointed out those pieces of silk cloth, Ji Yu seemed a little surprised, he said: "I didn't expect you to like sky blue so much." After that, he looked at me carefully and laughed: "It's quite suitable for you, but all It's azure, it's too monotonous. Laiying, Changle, go and pick some fabrics for her."

The two women agreed, and picked out a few horses in a short time. They were indeed beautiful materials, and they were very suitable for me. Afterwards, I went to a rouge shop and a jewelry shop. All the items were made to order. Although I didn't know much about the prices on the market, I also knew that it cost a lot, but Ji Yu didn't care at all. It was rumored that Mr. Ji Yu was good at doing business, and he was already rich beyond compare during his travels in various countries. I think this rumor is true.

As soon as the clothes arrived, I was ordered to change clothes and sit in front of the mirror, and let the four women dress up for a while, with their heads in a bun, rouge and powder. When everything was settled, I looked at myself in the mirror, barely recognizable.

Another beautiful face appeared above my face in the mirror, but the girl of sixteen or seventeen smiled innocently: "Sister Ah Zhi is not bad looking, she must have been with the big beauty for a long time, and she doesn't have the confidence to dress up anymore. .It looks really nice after tidying up like this.”

I turned around, and the girl in the pink and purple skirt was standing behind me. She only thought of me as Qiqi's handmaid, with undisguised surprise and praise in her eyes, she stared at her to the end.

I laughed and took her hand: "You are so beautiful, Zikou."

Zikou was the first girl who chatted and laughed with me. It didn't mean that the other girls were hostile to me, but they didn't like to get too close to strangers.

Ji Yu has many rules, Xia Wan and Nan Su told me about his taboo temper one by one. The days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the national funeral and the succession ceremony were completed, and Li Yan became the new King of Song. It is said that he has appointed a new Mrs. Zhen, although she is extremely doted on, but Mrs. Zhen's health is not very good, and she is rarely seen in the palace.

As the sun sets, the magnificent palace is dyed golden red, as attractive as a fairy palace, it is a place that the world yearns for. I took one last look at the palace, turned around and followed Ji Yu onto the big boat.

Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Jane, he regards you as a treasure, but he will never be able to let you live under the sun.

Bye bye.

Ji Yu was about to leave the State of Song and take a boat to the State of Fan. I don't know what he intends to do, but I didn't ask too much. He will tell me when he needs me.

I never knew that boats were such scary things. When I lay on the railing for the fifth time, I couldn't vomit anything anymore, my stomach was rolling and entangled, my mind was dizzy, and I felt dizzy no matter what I looked at. I grabbed the railing and slowly slid to the ground, rubbing my forehead with my free other hand, trying to stop the noise in my head.

Zi Kou said that it is good to get used to it, the young master often travels by boat when he travels around the world.

As I was dizzy, a pair of satin shoes appeared in my field of vision. I looked up and saw Ji Yu's frowning. He is dressed in Song Guoyin ice satin clothes today, elegant gentleman, but there is a trace of anger in his eyes, the people who can get on this boat are either rich or noble, he probably thinks that I am embarrassing him, and I don't want to be like this.

He just paused in front of me, then turned his head and left, leaving a sentence: "Clean yourself up, there is sour plum soup in the kitchen."

After drinking sour plum soup for a few days, maybe I gradually got used to the boat and basically stopped vomiting, only occasionally a little dizzy. So I have the habit of standing on the deck and blowing the wind. The road from Song State to Fan State is mostly mountainous. I often look at the green mountains and forests on the bank. The mountains are smoky and full of vitality. many.

Sometimes I would meet a young woman, who was wearing gorgeous clothes in the style of Zhao State, and the gold-encrusted white jade around her waist was something that only the Zhao family could wear.

It seems to be a member of the Zhao family.

It stands to reason that the nobles are watching the scenery in the house or in the pavilion, and it is not common to go to the deck like this, so I can't help but look at her more from a distance. She always leans on the railing beside the deck to watch the scenery, followed by a group of maidservants, her eyes are dim.

When I saw her again today, there was no maidservant around her, and her face was full of tears. She didn't cry aloud, it was like sleepwalking, her eyes were empty, only tears kept falling.

It seems that she shouldn't be disturbed at this time.

I was about to go back to my room when I saw her suddenly climb over the railing and jump down. By the time I realized it, I had rushed over and grabbed her hand. She is hanging on the wall of the boat, with the turbulent river under her feet, as long as I let go, she will fall into the river.

I shouted: "Come on! Someone is going to fall into the water!"

She began to struggle as if waking up from a dream, trying to get rid of my hand, and her fingers drew blood on my arm. I held her tightly, using almost all my strength. She cried, "Let me go and let me die! My child is gone, my family is gone, and everything is gone..."

I was stunned, and couldn't help chuckling: "So what?"

Maybe it was my expression and my overly natural tone that surprised her, she stared at me blankly without saying a word.

During the conversation, many people rushed over, and several of them helped me pull the young woman up. She didn't know when she stopped struggling, let us pull her up and fell to the ground as if she lost her soul, her face was extremely pale against the blue dress. Three or four maidservants ran over with their skirts in their hands, and hurriedly helped the young woman up without regard to etiquette.

A man in a black robe with clear eyebrows broke through the crowd and ran to the young woman, raised his hand and slapped the young woman, and then hugged the young woman fiercely when the young woman was at a loss. He was very hard, as if he wanted to melt her into his body. He leaned close to the young woman's ear and said something, the young woman trembled twice, and finally hugged him tightly, and began to cry loudly.

He said, how can you bear to leave me.

Many well-dressed nobles who rushed to hear the sound also spoke words of comfort. Ji Yu was also standing among them, looking down at me from a distance, with a playful smile, as if she had discovered something novel.

I ignored his gaze, just stood aside, watching the couple hug each other and cry. Feeling calm and dazed.

After everyone dispersed, Ji Yu walked up to me. He pulled my arm and looked at the bloodstains on my arm. His smile was full of novelty and full of probing: "I didn't expect you to be so excited."

I let him hold my arm and quietly looked at the river: "It's so easy to give up life."


I turned my head and saw Ji Yu's slightly surprised expression. He looked at me with a probing look, which he often used to look at me during this time, as if he could see some answer from my face. He wanted to recruit me to be his helper, but he was on guard against me in his heart.

In fact, it doesn't matter, if he wants an answer, I'll tell him.

"My biological mother is not Queen Qi. I can't remember my biological mother's appearance, but she has shallow dimples, and she smiles very beautifully. When she died, she had no other wishes for me, only hope I lived on. At that time, I was still very young, so I was sent to the queen to be raised. The queen was not bad to me, and the cost of food and clothing never shortened my life, but her love period, I was only her responsibility. "

"I still remember the day when the Qi State fell, the father killed the queen mother, and then hanged himself in the palace with a white silk. Before the enemy invaded, the palace was noisy, and the maids ran around crying helplessly. Someone accused me of being ruthless, my country died, my parents hanged themselves, but I didn't shed a tear from the beginning to the end. Maybe, I don't have time to grieve, I have to find a way to keep me and Qiqi alive. I am sixteen years old When Qi was destroyed, I am twenty-one years old today, and I have survived for a full five years."

Ji Yu's eyes flickered, and she was silent for a long time before she spoke, "Why are you telling me these things?"

I just shook my head, turned and went back to the room: "Yeah, why did I tell you? You just listen to it as a joke."

He said behind me: "The person you saved today is Nan Huaijun's wife, she was originally Princess Changni of Korea."

I turned to look at him when I heard the words, and he looked into my eyes, as if trying to read my mind. I couldn't help but smile, and said without emotion: "Really? Then Mr. Nan Huai owes me a favor."

The moment I closed the door, I saw his frown.

As we all know, the Ninth Princess of Qi State and Huai Jun of Zhao State had a marriage contract since childhood. After the fall of Qi, Lord Nanhuai broke his contract and married Princess Changni of South Korea. South Korea was one of the four countries that captured Qi, and of course it was destroyed by Song.

What a joke.

What does Ji Yu hope to see in my face? anger? Resentment? Or hate? Then he might be disappointed. To me, Nan Huaijun is just a man who has only seen him from a distance and has forgotten his appearance. I don't hate him for breaking the promise and marrying the princess of the enemy country when I was most in danger, because to him, I am just a person with no affection.

Whether he is happy or unlucky is not my concern.

Ji Yu's rule is that two maidservants will serve her personally every day during the journey, and the rest will be handled by themselves. Chang Le and Lai Ying were the ones who waited on him yesterday, so when Chang Le knocked on my door this morning, I guessed that Nan Huai Jun had something to do.

Chang Le is dressed in a rose red jigsaw, and her agate red earrings sway gently with her footsteps. She is also outstanding in appearance among the eight beauties, but she is an ice beauty, arrogant and glamorous, and does not like to talk to people.

She took me to Ji Yu's place, keeping a cold face and not saying a word all the way. When she was about to reach the place, she suddenly said: "A Zhi, I don't care what your status was before, you are now the son's servant, and a servant must behave like a servant."

I looked at her, and she looked at me coldly with her beautiful eyes, and curled her lips without emotion: "Don't expect me to be as naive as that girl Zikou, thinking that you are just Jiang Qiqi's maid."

"Jiang Qiqi? Shouldn't you call him 'His Royal Highness Seventh Princess'?" I said lightly.

She smiled, and said contemptuously: "What kind of Highness is a princess who has lost her country? Take ten thousand steps back, so what if she is the daughter of Emperor Zhou? Changle is the son's maid, and Changle only respects the son in this world." .”

We arrived after a while, she raised the bead curtain, nodded slightly, and said softly to the people inside: "My lord, we're here."

"Okay, you can go to rest." The voice inside was very gentle, low, and there was an illusion of extreme gentleness in a trance.

I just realized that this was the first time I listened to him carefully, without any calculations or precautions, just listening to the voice of "Ji Yu". It is undeniable that his voice is nice, gentle and calm, which can make people feel trustworthy. I looked at the rose-red back who was going away, turned and entered the room.

So even such a proud girl is willing to bow her head for you?

The layout of the room is very elegant, and the smoke from the incense burner is filled with smoke, which is the unique Yuexuan incense of Zhao State. Sure enough, Mr. Nan Huai was also in the room, and Ji Yu stood beside him, smiling as if entertaining an old friend, and said to Mr. Nan Huai, "I've already brought you here, so I won't bother you." , exited the room.

Mr. Nan Huai nodded to me and said, "Miss, please sit down."

I bowed my head and saluted: "I dare not accept it."

He laughed heartily: "Miss, you are serious. You saved my wife's life. You are my benefactor. Why don't you dare to accept it? Please sit down."

So I stopped giving way and sat in front of Mr. Nan Huai.

I asked, "I wonder if Madam is better?"

He smiled wryly, and said softly, "She's better, but she's still in a bad mood."

I lowered my eyes and remained silent. The situation of South Korea being destroyed was not much better than that of Qi State. Almost all the nobles were slaughtered, and Princess Changni's relatives were not spared. Recently, it was heard that her first child died young.

After several blows, Princess Chang Ni should not feel well.

I said lightly, "I've watched too much about the ups and downs in this world, Madam will naturally feel relieved."

He was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "It seems that the maidservant of the Seventh Princess is really extraordinary."

"... Which Seventh Princess?"

"Now that the Seventh Princess is mentioned, who else can there be besides the Seventh Princess from Qi?"

I am silent. If he just wanted to thank me, as my current servant, he could send some money casually, but he took the trouble to meet me through Ji Yu, which shows that there must be other things. The following is probably about to get to the point.

"Have you...have you ever seen the Ninth Princess?" He was silent for a while, and finally opened his mouth.

I froze for a moment, I didn't expect that he wanted to inquire about me. He had a guilty look on his face. It seems that he didn't take things as seriously as I did five years ago.

"Of course I've seen it. The Seventh Princess and the Ninth Princess have been inseparable since they were young. The slave is the Seventh Princess' maid, that is, the Ninth Princess' maid."

He hesitated for a while before opening his mouth: "How is she... now?"

"She died." I said lightly: "She died at the wedding banquet of the Song Dynasty, together with the Seventh Princess."

He was obviously stunned, with some sadness between his brows, and he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he could only sigh: "I'm still sorry for her after all."

"I don't know, how can you be sorry for Princess Nine?"

He was taken aback again, he probably thought that as a person from Qi, he still knew Princess Nine, so he should hate him and accuse him.

"I broke my engagement to her."

I looked at the self-blaming man in front of me, and couldn't help but want to laugh: "You are mistaken, what you have broken is the agreement with the Qi State, the agreement with the King of Qi. There is no agreement between you and the nine princesses." .So what you are sorry for is the State of Qi, the king of Qi, not the nine princesses."

He seemed a little dazed, I paused, and said again: "Princess Ninth doesn't hate you, it's the same for her to marry you or anyone else, she didn't choose it by herself. What's more, now that you have a wife, If you had married Princess Nine back then, wouldn’t you have met your wife?”

His brows gradually loosened, and he asked: Really? "

I laughed: "I swear by my wealth and life."

So he also laughed, and seemed a little relieved: "It seems that I overestimated my influence on the ninth princess. The world praises the beauty of the seventh princess, but I think the ninth princess is also a beauty after hearing what you said. It's a pity... "

I picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. There was a thin drizzle outside the window, and the wind was also wet and warm. It reminds me of a rainy day many years ago, when Qiqi took me to a rockery in the palace, pointed to a boy who was walking far away and said, "Jiujiu, he is your future husband." He In a flash, he was only fourteen or fifteen years old at that time, wearing a purple coat, without an umbrella, and his figure was very immature.

At that time, I didn't look at him carefully, but a boy in light yellow clothes appeared in my mind, smiling innocently. Thinking about it now, the reason why I can be so relieved may be because before him, I have already put another person in my heart.

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