MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 53 Xin Ran

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The country of Wei is rich in products, and because it is mountainous, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Over the years, there have been few wars and people's lives are stable. I grew up living in the northern country, where there is an endless wilderness and flat land. Later, the countries I moved to were either the same plain area or the hilly area in the south of the Yangtze River. I have never seen such rolling and majestic mountains. So I often lie on the window of the carriage and look at it for a long time. Weiguo is really beautiful with mountains and rivers.

The women of Wei State are not as gentle and introverted as Zhao Wu, they are very willful and aggressive. When passing by the fields, I heard them laughing and cursing. Occasionally when we got out of the car, some bold girls would pick fresh vegetables and flowers from the field and send them to praise Jiyu and the girls for their good looks. But if a man wants to approach him, he will definitely be stared back by his wife with his hips on his hips.

When we chatted together, Zikou Lingshang said that he liked Weiguo the most.

Ji Yu didn't ask me to wait on him along the way, so I was happy to enjoy the scenery and chat with Zikou. She played the rope with me all the way, and the rope was all frayed. She said that the old man said that it would rain on the rope, but she had been playing for so long but there was no sign of the weather getting worse. It can be seen that the old people Words are deceitful.

This trip was probably the most enjoyable of all trips.

It happened to be the eighth day of the sixth lunar month when we arrived at Qing Ning Jun's Mansion in Weiguo, and I became "Azhi" for a whole year. The Mansion of Lord Qing Ning was located in the southwest of Ligeng, the capital of the Wei Kingdom. A row of hibiscus flowers were planted next to the wall outside the gate of the mansion, and it was still green because it was not yet the flowering season.

When the hibiscus blooms in late autumn, it should be very beautiful. The owner has arranged this carefully.

We followed Ji Yu into the gate of the mansion, and as soon as we entered the front hall, there was a group of pink shadows running over, yelling "Uncle!" Ji Yu skillfully squatted down and opened his arms. She threw herself into his arms steadily, she was a cute little girl of four or five years old Yuxue.

Ji Yu picked her up and said with a smile, "Rongrong is sinking again."

The little girl looked at Ji Yu with wide eyes, opened her arms and said, "I want Feifei! Cousin!"

Ji Yu obediently lifted her up and spun her around in the air several times. The little girl's crisp laughter accompanied by the fluttering of her clothes filled the courtyard. Another gentle female voice came, calling the little girl's name and saying, "What did you promise me? Come down quickly so that my cousin won't be tired."

I looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a graceful figure walking towards the courtyard. The visitor was wearing a moon-white gold-edged top and a pleated skirt with maple-leaf red embroidered silver fretwork, a gold stepper was inserted on the sideburns, his skin was like a lotus, his eyes were watery and smiling, and there were small dimples on his cheeks.

She stood gracefully in the courtyard, with a red hibiscus flower between her eyebrows.

It's breathtakingly beautiful.

I have seen the three beauties of Kyushu with my own eyes. How many men should this be their wish?

The beauty of Qi Qi is innocent and lovable, and he is famous for the melee among the four countries; the beauty of Su Cheng is arrogant and glamorous, and he is famous for his talent; the beauty of Xin Ran is gentle and mature, and he is famous for his kindness and kindness.

When Xin Ran first married Lord Qing Ning, the Kingdom of Wei was plagued by locusts, and most of the land was devastated, so a large number of victims flooded into Li Geng, the capital of the king. Regardless of obstacles, Xin Ran went to visit the displaced victims in person, helped them arrange housing, and even took the initiative to use her dowry to buy food and grass to help the victims, which made her famous.

In the following years, Xin Ran would often leave the mansion to visit poor families and donate silver taels, even when she was pregnant and pregnant. People don't name her husband's surname, but directly call her Mrs. Xin, saying that she is the reincarnation of a fairy to save the common people. The reputation has spread to other countries, and now people will think of Mrs. Xin when they mention Weiguo, and Mrs. Xin has become one of the symbols of Weiguo.

Xin Ran and her deceased husband had only one daughter, and according to the law, the fief and mansion should be taken back and distributed to Qing Ningjun's brother, but because Xin Ran was loved by the people, King Wei made an exception and left Qing Ning Jun's property to Xin Ran. . Xin Ran took control of Ning Jun's mansion as a widow.

This is the beauty in front of me.

Xin Ran walked two steps closer to Ji Yu, only then did I realize that her eyes were also light in color, the same amber color as Ji Yu, clear to the bottom. She stretched out her hand to take the little girl back from Ji Yu's arms, looked at Ji Yu with a smile and said, "Cousin, I was thinking that if you don't come, my yard will be full of flowers, so you can't avoid it. A few days ago, Rongrong even went to discuss with my hibiscus flowers to tell them to bloom later and not to drive her cousin away."

Ji Yu laughed out loud, his eyes were filled with sincerity, the corners of his mouth and eyebrows were also curved, he raised his hand to scratch the little girl's nose: "Missing my uncle?"

"Think!" The little girl replied without thinking, not shy at all.

Xin Ran also laughed, and said, don't stand in the front hall, let's go into the room and chat. Ji Yu asked Xia Wan and Lingshang to accompany her, and asked the rest of us to follow the butler to put things away.

I glanced at their backs, and the girls and the housekeeper went to the room together. All the way through the front hall and the nine-curved bamboo bridge in the pond in the garden. There are several white water lilies floating in the pond. The plants in this house are amazing. The garden is also full of shade.

Ji Yu lived in Zhuxiju, next to Qiu Fuxuan where Xin Ran and her daughter Rong Rong lived. I was a little absent-minded when I put things in the room, but Zikou was very excited. She said to me while tidying up: "Mrs. Xin is really beautiful, and the most beautiful thing is that kind of charm. What did the young master say, ah yes, beauty In the bone but not in the skin!"

I echoed Zikou's words, opened and closed the box in my hand, but forgot what I wanted to take.

It turned out that Ji Yu would laugh like this too.

He often smiles, but usually the smile doesn't reach his eyes, only a little bit of sincerity, polite and elegant. Even in front of me, his smile is always full of temptation, banter, conquest or occasional sadness.

I have never seen him smile like this, so relaxed and sincere, seeing the joy in their eyes without a trace of falsehood, it is complete trust and love.

"Young Master and Mrs. Xin have such a good relationship." I laughed softly.

"Isn't it?" Zi Kou didn't notice anything, and said in a natural tone: "So sister Changle always liked tastes in the past, but there's nothing I can do about it. The young master's treatment of Mrs. Xin is obviously different. The sisters all said that the son is the happiest when he is with Mrs. Xin. Alas, they were originally engaged and should get married... What a pity."

Gu Ling also said that Ji Yu and Xin Ran are childhood sweethearts, and their relationship has always been very good.

Childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, talented man and beautiful woman. She is also Ji Yu's only relative and friend left behind along the way.

For such a person, not to mention jealousy, but envy is a bit overwhelming.

Zikou packed up her things and sat on the bed, and happily said that Mrs. Xin knew that they practiced hard at ordinary times, and she never asked them to play music when they came to Li, which was equivalent to a month or two of vacation for them.

"Musical instruments, if you don't practice for a day, you will be unfamiliar with them. Sister Azhi, do you still remember that when we were in other countries, we had to rehearse together every day. Finally, we can rest!" Zikou stretched his laziness. I kicked my legs happily, and then pulled my arm excitedly as if I suddenly remembered something: "Sister Ah Zhi, this is the first time you see Mrs. Xin, Mrs. Xin will definitely prepare a special gift for you , my white jade flute is the gift my wife gave me when she saw me for the first time!"

Zikou said that Mrs. Xin would always give a unique gift when they met for the first time, and she would give the same thing to every girl after seeing each other.

Seeing how excited she was, I also laughed and said, "That's great, then I'm looking forward to it."

"What will Mrs. Xin give you? Shouldn't she give you a box of amber chess pieces?"

"I do not know."

Zikou looked at me for a while, then asked softly, "Sister Ah Zhi, are you unhappy? Is it because of the young master? The young master didn't call you on the way, why are you angry?"

Seeing that I smiled and didn't answer, Zikou seemed to feel the seriousness of the situation and stood up from the bed, and began to follow the logic with a serious face: "No! You were fine during the time when the young master was sick... because the young master sent you to Cheng Guang Mr.? But that was Cheng Guangjun’s request, and the young master is reluctant to ask you to come back again... Is it because Cheng Guangjun treats you very well so my sister doesn’t want to come back? It is true that Cheng Guangjun likes her sister very much, but He died..."

Zikou pouted, she looked at me as if hoping that I would give her an answer.

I thought about it, shook my head with a smile and said, "Neither, it's actually some...insignificant things. I think he won't mind soon."

Zikou looked at me for a while, then asked seriously, "Really?"


"Ah, that's good. I don't want to look like you're not happy, Young Master." Zikou let out a long breath of relief.

I laughed at her innocence and reached out to touch her smooth hair. She was the cutest girl I had ever seen.

The housekeeper took us around the mansion and pointed out various places, and then let us move freely. Zikou said that the kitchen had prepared snacks to pick up, so I went back to Zhuxi Residence alone. Walking on the cobblestone road in the garden, I saw a pink ball popping out from the corner in front.

The little girl holding the windmill raised her head and looked at me curiously. It was Xin Ran's daughter, Rong Rong. For some reason, she had neither a nurse nor Xin Ran. I was wondering about the little girl, but suddenly she smiled brightly, ran to my feet and grabbed my skirt, stretched out her hand and said, "Sister, hug me!"

Even at such a young age, she was already very good-looking, and her big Shui Lingling eyes followed her mother's, which were light brown.

I was startled, squatted down and said to her, "I...I'm not very good at holding children..."

Seeing me squatting down, she hugged my neck as if she had never heard of it, and shouted: "Sister, hold me and fly!"

I froze on the spot and didn't dare to move. I didn't know how to treat children.

While in a stalemate, he heard laughter not far away, but when he looked up, it was Xin Ran. She covered her lips and eyebrows with her sleeves, bowed her head to greet me, and then said to Rongrong: "You scared my sister! Come back soon."

Rongrong was still hugging my neck, looking at me with longing eyes, and muttered, "Why doesn't my sister hug me!"

But she obediently let go of me, ran back to Xin Ran's side, and looked at me with a big smile.


Xin Ran is a good girl! Everyone relax!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-2022:42:23~2020-02-27 11:24:28~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Rong Yi; Wu Wu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Yuli slave;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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