MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 59 run away

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I didn't expect the direction of the topic to be like this, and I was a little surprised. The corners of Xin Ran's mouth curved even wider, and she leaned against the cave wall and said slowly: "I dare say my cousin likes you very much, and he must think you are as attractive as I do in his heart. But, it's just his Temper cannot be spoken."

I thought about what I had to do in a while, and seeing that talking about these topics seemed to relieve Xin Ran and made her less nervous, it seemed to help relieve her anxiety.

I was silent for a while, and answered following her topic: "Maybe it's just that he can get the love of girls too easily on weekdays, and he is so persistent when he hits a wall here. It seems that he likes it very much, maybe it's only three 10% liking and 70% desire to win or lose."

Xin Ran laughed when he heard the words, waved his hands and said, "No according to what I said, my cousin has clear boundaries and doesn't bother to look at insignificant people. If he has such a strong desire to win against you, it just so happens It shows that he cares about you very much."

I have long heard that it is natural for women to gossip. At this time, we are clearly still in crisis, but Xin Ran becomes more calm as we chat. She claimed that this precarious atmosphere is the most suitable for confession, and said earnestly: "Since you have such a misunderstanding about my cousin, then I will explain it. I know many of you feel that he treats me differently, and that he treats me differently. Like me, I also thought so when I was young. But after I met Qingning and learned about true love, I realized that Ji Yu only regarded me as a relative at all."

She said that her cousin has been very popular with women since he was a child, and he seems to be able to use this ability with ease after returning from the country of Yan. It's just that he knows how to be loved by others and how to be a good lover, but those are just means.

He doesn't know how to love.

"I always think that if he really fell in love with someone, he would be at a loss and very clumsy." Xin Ran sighed, intertwining her fingers and said slowly: "Cousin, he...all the intimate relationships always have no good results, It’s the same with relatives, and it’s the same with friends. Later, he broke up with the emperor, and never opened his heart again in order not to leave any weaknesses... I can’t say it’s wrong, but it’s too lonely.”

I listened to her in silence, not knowing what to answer. I want to say that I understand, I understand that he is actually lonely, angry and painful, and he needs someone to stand by his side for a long time, but I can't imagine myself standing with him. Standing with him should be a gentle and beautiful woman like Xin Ran, and even the lively and cheerful Princess Yongchang is also very good.

"He is the most prestigious son in the world, so naturally he has the most beautiful woman in the world to match him. I am more cowardly than you think, and I can't relieve his loneliness. My personality is too...too cold." I ended up like this Said.

"...You really like my cousin, don't you? You always have to tell him to talk to him. You see, we can't say that something bad will happen tomorrow, so you must regret not telling Ji Yu these words."

Xin Ran was covered in ashes, her hair was disheveled and messed up, but her almond eyes were very bright when she looked at me, and her tone of voice was completely as if she had come here or was an elder. I was slightly taken aback by what she said, and suddenly thought of Zikou.

The little girl who died in front of me, she liked to play the flute and sang very well. In the past, she always liked to watch all kinds of beautiful boys and longed for beautiful love. When she talks about it, I always feel that she is childish, and as time goes by, everything she longs for will come true.

But suddenly there was nothing, no one expected it, she hadn't had time to tell anything, all good wishes were buried in the grave.

At this time, they should have found her body and put it properly. From now on, no one will pull my arm like that and call my sister one by one.

Accidents always come before a certain tomorrow. If I die tomorrow, will I regret not telling Ji Yu that I have always liked him?


People are really strange, how can there be so many things that are hard to say when you are alive, but you want to say something that you must say before you die.

I closed my eyes and adjusted my breathing for a while, now is not the time for love, I can't let Zi Kou die in vain.

"Mrs. Xin, do you believe me?" I looked at Xin Ran and asked seriously. Xin Ran was taken aback by my sudden turn, then nodded firmly and said, "I believe in you."

"Do you have any incense **** with you?"

"Yes." Xin Ran untied a silver incense ball from her waist. Wei people like spices, so she really brought an incense ball with her.

I leaned closer to her and stood shoulder to shoulder with her, and said softly: "I saw them changing shifts just now, there should be four people watching us all the time, five people standing guard at the entrance of the cave, and the rest resting, because we don't know martial arts. Those who guard us are not counted. vigilance."

"I wear incense on me, and I burn it in an incense ball for a while, and it diffuses out. Those who rest and watch over us in the cave can be fascinated. The five people standing guard at the entrance of the cave are too far away and the wind is strong. It may not be effective. After a while, I You will pretend to be panicked and run to the entrance of the cave to ask for help and ask them to come in. It is about twenty steps from here to the entrance of the cave, if they have not fainted when they come to you..."

I lit the incense and put it in the incense ball and handed it to her, and said seriously: "Please hold them until they faint or I come over. Can you do it?"

Xin Ran nervously looked at the incense ball in his hand, nodded solemnly, and clenched his fists. I took out the antidote and fed it to her and took it myself.

Fortunately, I still have the medicine Ji Yuzai Muyun gave me. In Jiyuan Temple, I don't know exactly how many people they ambushed and where. I'm afraid that even if they escaped in a coma, they would still fall into their hands. Now the situation is much clearer.

A moment later, the eyelids of the four guards began to fight, and they fell to the ground one after another. Those who had been resting quietly passed out.

I glanced at Xin Ran, and pretending to be panicked, I lifted my skirt and ran to the entrance of the cave, shouting: "Help! Help! It's terrible! Ma'am...Ma'am..."

The guard at the entrance of the cave saw that the people in the cave were in disarray, and Xin Ran was also lying on the ground motionless, and immediately turned pale with fright. The two of them stayed at the entrance of the cave and the other three rushed in to check the situation. I pretended to be panicked and grabbed the hands of the two and cried. They had no time to care about me and were all paying attention to the situation in the cave. Their wrists just pushed me away impatiently.

But in an instant, they suddenly turned blue and purple, and fell to the ground ignorantly, bleeding from their seven orifices.

There was only a little bit of the poison Ji Yu gave me. I applied it between the nails and scratched their hands to bleed.

I walked quickly into the cave, and two of the three people who came in had already fallen down, and the other one was staggering with his back to me, trying to subdue Xin Ran, and Xin Ran struggled so hard that he didn't notice me. I pulled out a dagger from the waist of a fallen man and stabbed him in the back of the heart. The man immediately vomited blood and then staggered to the ground.

Xin Ran covered her mouth in astonishment, her eyes trembled, she was trembling and speechless.

It seemed that this was the first time she had seen a murder scene.

I have seen this scene many times since I was sixteen, and I have practiced it.

I took that dagger and stabbed every unconscious man in the leg so they couldn't catch up. Then put away the dagger and dragged Xin Ran to quickly escape from the cave. The moonlight is bright tonight and I can see the road clearly. I will go to the stream to wash off the poison in my nails to avoid accidental injury. Xin Ran was fairly familiar with Fengnan Mountain, relying on the stars to quickly identify the direction, we ran back in the opposite direction. People who want to come to Weiguo to rescue are already on their way, it would be best if we can meet them halfway.

After walking for several hours until the sky was bright, we suddenly heard human voices coming from the woods not far away. Xin Ran and I originally thought it was people sent by Weiguo to rescue us, but we didn't hear them speaking Wu dialect until the voices got closer.

My heart tightened, and Xin Ran looked at me in surprise.

It is impossible for those people in the cave to catch up so quickly after being injured, so where did these Wu people come from? It was probably another group of people, probably here to meet them, and they chased after they found something unusual in the cave.

I should have thought that it is a long way from here to the country of Wu, and it is impossible for only twenty of them to follow from the beginning to the end. But the timing of the appearance of these people who responded was really too unfortunate.

I pulled Xin Ran and ran away, but because we were too close, we had already been spotted, and there was a bustling pursuit behind us. Fortunately we were not on the road but in the woods, and they couldn't ride.

Xin Ran and I were running hard in the woods, Xin Ran suddenly slipped and rolled down a slope, I immediately grabbed her hand but was rolled all the way down by her, I just felt that the sky was dark and I didn't know how many things I had bumped into. His head smelled of grass and blood. Finally, I hung on to something and stopped. I stared dizzily at the situation in front of me for a moment, and then woke up suddenly.

I was hanging on an old pine tree that grew obliquely from the cliff. Below was the unfathomable abyss shrouded in clouds and mist, and above was a steep rock wall. And Xin Ran was also hanging on this tree with me. She was on the side closer to the treetop, staring blankly at the cliff abyss in front of her.

Just now we rolled down the cliff all the way, if we were not caught by this tree, we would have been buried in the abyss long ago.

But thanks to the tumbling all the way, those Wu people couldn't catch up with us. It was quiet on the cliff, but we couldn't advance or retreat on the cliff. There is a long distance from the top of the cliff to us, and there are no other trees on the cliff in between. It is definitely impossible to climb up with bare hands, but going down...

I looked at the cloud and mist around me, and immediately dismissed my thoughts. Xin Ran hugged the tree trunk in shock and said, "What shall we do?"

"We will definitely leave traces when we roll down. The current situation should be able to search the vicinity by the troops of the state of Wei, and the people of the state of Wu will be closer. It depends on who finds the traces and finds us first. But no matter who is first Find us... we all have to leave this dangerous place first." I said with a wry smile.

Xin Ran nodded, she seemed to be a little afraid of heights, and she dared not come out while holding the tree trunk. I also moved inside with lingering fear, but I heard a slight "click" sound, because it was too slight and Xin Ran didn't notice it.

I was startled and looked in a blink of an eye. The trunk of this old pine tree could not bear the weight of the two of us, and cracks appeared.