MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 69 gambling stone

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Ji Yu handed me a hot, wet towel to put on my eyes, and said in a low crying voice, "Why have you been crying longer than me?"

I held a towel and put it on my eyes. I didn’t feel anything when we hugged each other and cried, but now I calm down, but I feel very embarrassed. It seems that since I followed him, I, who has never shed tears for thousands of years, suddenly became empathetic. cried so many times.

"I'm just..." I opened my mouth and realized that my voice was also hoarse, and I was about to soft my throat when something warm pressed against my lips.

I was still holding the towel to cover my eyes, and it was dark before my eyes. I subconsciously wanted to put down the towel but was stopped by one hand. The other hand of the visitor held the back of my head and pressed it gently. The strength of the kiss It got worse. The faint scent of cypress and the slight salty smell of tears diffused together, his hands were very hot, and the cheeks he rubbed were also very hot.

All the senses in the darkness are so vivid that it almost makes people tremble. His moist and warm tongue and lips are cruising between my lips and teeth. I stretch out my hand to push him, but he grabs my hand and puts his fingers in to snuggle with me. The unsupported towel slumped and fell, and I saw a slight smile in his amber eyes in the slightly harsh light.

It turns out that when someone laughs, it can be thrilling.

He hugged me and whispered in my ear, "Thank you."

I froze for a moment, then tentatively hugged his back, and replied stumbled, " need."

"I don't just mean this one thing." He smiled slightly, but didn't go on.

After a while of silence, I asked, "Are you still having nightmares tonight?"

He hugged my arm tightly: "If you can, do you want to stay with me?"

Seeing that I didn't answer, he let go of his arms and looked into my eyes. There was a little burning flame in his eyes, but he nodded my swollen eyelids and said, "I believe you won't take advantage of others' dangers to lighten me."

I was startled, but I couldn't help but smile when I realized it, he can still joke now?

This night we were the same as those days on the boat. I slept next to Ji Yu's pillow, and he held my hand and looked at me quietly for a long time, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"I was not afraid of anything before, but recently I seem to be afraid." He said this sentence in a low voice for no reason.

"What are you afraid of?" I asked following his words.

He still smiled but didn't answer the question, just said slowly: "Although I'm scared, this feeling is not bad."

Ji Yu didn't explain anything, but after looking at me for a long time, she just smiled and said good night. I slept very lightly this night and was afraid that Ji Yu would be awakened by the nightmare, but Ji Yu was very quiet all the time, as if she hadn't been attacked by the nightmare.

For some reason, he seemed to like me sleeping next to him, and he slept deeply every time.

Ji Yu's recovery from the collapse was unexpectedly fast, and he calmed down like a pool of unmoving water, but he talked less. The news of the emperor's death spread quickly, and there were constant envoys from the Song court to the palace and Ji Yu's mansion. He was probably the promoter of Song's attack on Zhou.

Although Ji Yu was ruthless in his revenge, he did not vent his anger. Now that the emperor is dead, he has no interest in the new emperor Ji Yang and Zhou. Since the emperor will no longer suffer from Zhou's demise, there is no need for him to bother.

Judging from the few words I occasionally heard him talking with the envoy, Song Guo's plan was almost done, and Ji Yu deliberately faded out.

His revenge is over, so what does he want to do next?

Maybe he needs time to think about it.

"You're distracted again."

I came back to my senses and looked at Lingshang who complained loudly. Let's go to the West Market in Songdu together. There are many vendors and all kinds of novelties here.

Qiqi's child is full moon, and King Song still doesn't allow anyone to see her, even Ji Yu has nothing to do. He said that he will send a batch of gifts to Mrs. Jane recently—that is, Qiqi, I can pick out a few gifts that can secretly identify myself and send them along with his gifts.

So today Lingshang accompanied me to go out to buy gifts, she brought a thick stack of bank notes, I think it is enough to buy a house.

I have a nephew too, which is amazing.

"What do you buy? There are no rare things in the palace, and how do you show your identity." Lingshang and I talked and walked, seeming more concerned than I was. She has always had a hot-tempered personality, she wants to finish any task right away, and it is easy to concentrate on it and be enthusiastic.

I shook my head, not thinking of anything for the time being.

As I was walking, I saw a large group of people in front of me chatting loudly together. When I listened to him and pulled me over, I saw a group of businessmen with the appearance of southern Xinjiang. In front of them, stones of various sizes were placed in front of them. There are different shades of green, and the largest stone is as big as an adult's arms.

Lingshang looked at it for a while, then whispered to me, "It's a stone bet."

These are unprocessed rough emeralds, covered with a layer of weathered skin that looks like ordinary stones, but with a faint green color on a small cut surface. No one knows what is the quality of the jadeite in this rough stone. It is all based on experience and luck. If you buy the right one, the price will increase by more than ten times and you will get rich overnight. If you buy the wrong one, it will be worthless.

I only saw records in books, but I didn't expect to see real gambling stones in Songdu.

It happened that someone paid a lot of money to buy a medium-sized rough stone with a very green and watery cut surface. Everyone gathered here and waited to see the result of cutting the stone. There was only a little green in the large cut surface. The buyer immediately turned pale and couldn't stand still, and the people around him comforted and sighed.

Ling Chang sighed and said: "It's really a poor one and a rich one. For people like us who don't know how to do it, it's all about luck. Let's go."

I looked at the unremarkable and even ugly stones on the ground, and I was a little dazed.

Seeing me standing still, Lingshang hesitated and said, "Ah...Jiujiu, you don't want to gamble, do you? Although we have enough money...but the possibility of losing everything is too great."


Speaking of which, I often gamble. When I help Ji Yu do things during the revenge period, most of the time I gamble on the situation and the other party's reaction. Even if I lose, I still have many options for retreat. That's because it's their game, they can't play the table but I can.

As for my own bets, I always held pitifully small chips and never dared to bet, even now that I have no chips, I still dare not.

"Ninety-nine? Ninety-nine?" Lingshang pushed my arm.

I turned to look at her and smiled slightly: "Let's gamble once."

Ling Chang showed a surprised expression, she looked at those stones and me, and asked me if I understood jade. I know a little bit, and if it is cut out, I can still tell whether it is good or bad, but I can't see it at all when it is wrapped in the outer skin. When I told Lingshang the truth, she rubbed her forehead and seemed to have a very headache, but she still took out the banknote from her bosom and said, "Forget it, you can buy whatever you want, we can still afford to lose." .”

I squatted down and took a good look at each piece of rough stone. When people saw that someone wanted to gamble with stones again, they gathered again to join in the fun. I really couldn't see anything, so I picked the ugliest stone among them, which was more than a foot in diameter, and even this stone was expensive.

After I made the choice, Lingshang also paid the money straightforwardly. She handed the money to the businessman while muttering that if Lai Ying was here, she would definitely feel sorry for her. She is a person who counts every copper coin.

The businessman took the money and quickly moved over the stone and cut it. The stone was split into two halves, and the crowd around the crowd heard the sound of breathing. Not to mention that the content is still very large. Even the businessman was stunned, gesturing to me and speaking non-standard Song dialect, as if to say that this stone is priceless.

Lingshang also covered her mouth in shock, she approached me and said, "You... do you have any tricks?"

"Just... luck." I was also surprised.

This emerald is better than I expected.

I didn't expect that one day I would say "I'm lucky". I didn't expect that I bet for myself for the first time on a whim and won.

Lingshang and I went to the nearest jade shop to ask the master to carve this fine piece of jade. The jade carving master was amazed when he saw the stone, and sighed repeatedly that he hadn't seen such a fine jadeite in more than ten years. After thinking about it for a while, I asked the master to carve a round jade pendant. The outer circle of the jade pendant is wrapped with peach blossoms. The center of the jade pendant is carved with unicorn patterns, and the surrounding cloud patterns are carved in the shape of "Nine Nine".

In the past, because I could only sing "Taoyao", Qiqi made an agreement with me that I would sing "Taoyao" to send her off when she got married, but in the end the song I knew still didn't come in handy.

I hope she can understand that this is my gift, but it doesn't matter if she doesn't understand, as long as she and her child are doing well. Maybe I will never see her again in this life, even if she knows it is a gift from me, it will only increase my miss.

The master said that it would not take so much jade material to carve a jade pendant, so I asked him to make another one with a hook after thinking about it.

"No problem, what style should the hook be made into?" The master agreed with all his heart.

"Anything will do... make it look like a piano if you can," I replied.

I prepared the receipt and waited for two days to pick it up. When Lingshang and I came out of the jade shop, she was still immersed in the surprise of cutting out a good jade, and repeatedly lamented how lucky she was.

Winning a bet is such an exciting experience, no wonder gamblers never let it go.

After sighing, she looked at me with a smile, and teased, "Who did you give that hook to?"

I laugh while saying nothing.

Lingshang shook his head and sighed: "The son I was thinking of, the son Chang Le has been obsessed with, I didn't expect to fall into your hands in the end. Jiujiu, Jiujiu, you are so quiet, I I thought you were the only one among us who hated Young Master."

There was no malice in her tone, just teasing. I don't know what Ji Yu said to them, it seems that we are already together in their eyes.

"I don't hate Young Master." I paused after answering, looked at Ling Shang and asked, "Can I ask why you like Young Master?"

The hot-tempered girl laughed and said without hesitation: "What's so strange about this, the young master is so handsome and elegant, knowledgeable, knowledgeable and quick-witted, which woman would not be fascinated?"

"Then if he is actually a villain, he cheated and used to hurt many people, and he did many unforgivable wrong things, would you still like him?"

Lingshang was stunned when she heard the words, and she said hesitantly: "Then...Young master didn't do it to me, I should still..."

"He can do this to others, how can you guarantee that he will never do it to you?"

Lingshang choked on my continuous questioning, she stared at me for a long time with wide eyes and said: "You really still hate young master, don't you?"

"No, I like him, I like him soberly." I smiled helplessly and said, "It's just that I haven't dared to bet all along."

I was just thinking, if the bet on jade is successful, should I try to bet again.

Betting that Jiyu may be serious about loving me this time.