MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 74 wake

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"I'm sorry for making you suffer..."

A hoarse and low voice sounded above my head, and when I was stunned, I was hugged weakly by a pair of arms, and when I raised my eyes, I met Ji Yu's light-colored eyes, and he blinked quietly.

he woke up?

He said... sorry? The three words I wrote in the answer to bet he couldn't say it.

I stretched out my hands to hold his face in a daze, and he obediently let me hold his face and look at me intently.

I said, "Are you awake? Are you really awake?"

Ji Yu smiled lightly, teasingly said: "You have confessed your love so much, how can I not wake up."

The tone of his speech was still as relaxed and joking as I am used to. He reached out and wiped the tears from my face, and I realized that I was already crying. Ji Yu whispered, "I don't remember you crying so much before."

"Who's to blame?" I bit my lip and asked.

Ji Yu laughed out loud, and said helplessly, "Yes, yes, it's my fault."

I watched him for a long time before I got into his arms and hugged him. He hugged my back with his left hand and pressed the back of my head with his right hand. Because of his long-term bed rest, his hands were weak, so this time it was me who hugged him tightly.

Ji Yu said that he seemed to have taken a long rest, and after waking up, he only felt refreshed, and there was no discomfort other than general weakness. Hearing his description of his state in this way, I was relieved and couldn't help but pinch him. It was probably not him but me who sacrificed for him. He slept like this for a month and I was terrified for a month.

I told him what had happened in the past month and my arrangements, and I asked him what the deep hatred between him and Ji Yang was.

Ji Yu narrowed her eyes and smiled softly: "I also want to ask him, what kind of madness is this?"

"My mother is a kind and gentle person. She has never had any conflicts with Mrs. Cai. Ji Yang is only a few months younger than me. She has never talked so much that she is a little dull, but she has always worked hard in her studies. I have never had any conflicts with them. Back and forth, now I don’t even remember what Ji Yang looks like. Back then, the emperor forced my brother to death and my mother to make way for their mother and son. I let Cai Guo’s extermination be regarded as a balance between the two. It’s restrained not to pursue their faults. .It's really unbelievable that he wants to provoke me now."

I looked at Ji Yu for a while, and sighed, "According to what Gu Ling said, with your youthful temper and your eloquence, I don't know how many people you offended unintentionally. It's just that time has passed. After so many years, what is he going to arrest you for?" Woolen cloth?"

"What are you doing... If he delays Song's attack like this, he will be drinking poison to quench his thirst. If he opened this mouth to cede land, he would be torn off a piece of fat by the princes. Zhou Zai is completely powerless in the face of Song. Ji Yang has done this. Probably he doesn’t care about Zhou’s future and only wants me to die, if I die lightly, he’s afraid he won’t understand his hatred and must humiliate me before letting me die.” Ji Yu snorted coldly, and the smile in his eyes sank: "At any rate, my father and I are still fighting at the poker table. When he comes, he directly flips the table. I was really wrong before."

Ji Yu showed the inscrutable smile he had when he wanted to hurt others again, as if he was forced out of the self that he deliberately downplayed by the crisis. Years of malice and planning, the traces left will naturally not fade away easily.

At this moment, I am in his arms, and he hugged me defenselessly and said what was in his heart, and the question that had been in my heart for a long time surged up again. I couldn't help asking: "Ji Yu, if the emperor is not dead, if your revenge against him must be at the price of me, or you will fall short, will you choose revenge or me?"

Ji Yu looked down at me in surprise, then fell silent.

For eleven years his heart has been filled with vengeance, and I have never doubted that if I blocked his way, I would be crushed by the wheels of his vengeance. I even faintly feel that the reason why he cherishes me so much now is not because I am more important than his hatred, but because the emperor is dead.

He didn't answer, and after that moment of enthusiasm, I also felt that maybe I shouldn't ask such a question, which made it difficult for him.

"I shouldn't ask, just pretend I didn't ask." I said softly, but the arms holding me behind me tightened. Ji Yu sighed a long time and said, "This is already a great improvement. Normally, you must agree that I choose revenge and don't ask questions, right?"

"..." He was right.

"Xin Ran also asked me this question, and I said at the time that I would not let this happen. But I also thought about it many times, and the conclusion is... I don't know. Until the day when it happens, I probably will never won't know."

Ji Yuzhuan looked a little nervous, as if he was afraid that I would be disappointed, but I smiled and kissed his side face. He was a little overwhelmed, and I said, "I'm very satisfied with this answer. I'm happy if you feel entangled and can't decide."

His eyes moved slightly, and he said with a wry smile: "You say that, I think I'm really a bad lover."

"To each other." I laughed.

So he hugged me for a while and said that he didn't know whether to talk about something or not.

I signaled him to speak.

He said he wanted to take a bath.

... This kind of love for cleanliness is very Ji Yu's style. I froze for a moment and then couldn't help laughing.

So I hid Ji Yu under the bed, asked the servant to fill the bathtub with hot water, and then locked the door to let Ji Yu come out. He was still weak and slightly embarrassed, and sighed with a smile: "It really looks like I'm here to have an affair."

I patted him lightly.

Ji Yu never wanted to be waited upon when taking a bath, and this time was no exception. But I was worried that he would slip and fall due to the weakness of his hands and feet. After hearing what I said, Ji Yu squinted at me with a smile, and began to untie the belt slowly with her fingers, revealing a white chest.

"Would you like to bathe me then, ma'am?"

I saw that more and more of his clothes were peeling off, revealing his strong and slender body, I subconsciously covered my eyes and turned around, angrily said in a low voice, "You wash it yourself!"

A low laugh came from behind me, but I was stunned for some reason, feeling that this scene was extremely familiar.

There was the sound of splashing water behind the screen, and I felt that even this seemed familiar, so I subconsciously turned around and walked past the screen as if possessed. Then he saw the large crimson scars on Ji Yu's white back, which was shocking at first sight.

I seem to have seen this scar before. But where have you seen it? I clearly haven't seen Ji Yu's back.

I couldn't help reaching out to touch the large scar on Ji Yu's back, his body trembled, and he turned to look at me: "Does Jiujiu really want to wash it for me?"

He still smiled indifferently, and my fingers were cruising between the uneven skin on his back, and the smile in his eyes gradually faded.

"Did it hurt?" I asked him.

Ji Yu was silent for a moment, and replied: "I don't remember, I was numb from the pain at that time, I don't remember the pain, I only remember the hatred. But that is all in the past."

I hugged his shoulders, and he patted my hand comfortingly, obviously he was the one suffering but now he is comforting me.

There are many indistinct blurred scenes in my mind, and many incoherent voices of his. It was as if some broken memories suddenly appeared.

The long rope on the cliff hugs my Ji Yu tightly. Ji Yu who was awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night and ran into my room. Ji Yu, who held my hand and talked in the middle of the night... those scenes that I clearly didn't see seemed to be happening around me.

And he stood by my bed, gnashing his teeth and confessing to me.

I asked uncertainly: "Did you lost to me, throwing your helmet and armor on the ground. You like me very much, you love me. You beg me to wake up?"

I would never say these words on weekdays, but now I say them slowly as if repeating the remaining impressions in my mind.

Ji Yu's neck stiffened instantly when he heard the words, and he said, "You were awake at that time?"

"...So, did you really say that?"

Ji Yu's ears turned red slowly, he cleared his throat and vaguely denied the past. When I saw him like this, I became more certain. When I was about to question him, he unceremoniously raised his hand and splashed water on my face.

I was splashed all over by him but I couldn't let go of Ji Yu's once-in-a-century shy moment, and continued to hug his shoulder tightly and said, "Do you like me so much?"

He stopped struggling and snorted softly, changed the subject and said that he was going to get up, wipe himself and change his clothes and asked me to avoid him. I was amused by his awkward appearance, so I turned around and prepared to leave. Just now when Ji Yu lifted me with water, a lot of water was sprinkled on the ground. I didn't notice that my foot slipped and I fell backwards, and then crashed into Ji Yu's arms.

"Be careful."

Ji Yu's arms hugged my waist from behind to stabilize me. Before he could wipe his body, his arms were wet, and his body was also wet. My back felt warm and moist, dripping all over.

I realized dully that Ji Yu was not wearing any clothes at the moment, and he was holding me behind me.

The temperature on my face rose instantly, and my heart beat like a drum. Ji Yu seemed to have noticed it, and laughed softly and wanted to let me go, but I held his hand and looked back at his face.

He looked down at me in bewilderment, water droplets fell from his eyelashes, and he looked even more beautiful in the hazy water vapor. I think of many nights when he dragged me to sleep with him, he hesitated to speak.

As if under some kind of bewitchment, I got hotheaded and said in a stuttering way, "Do you... want... me?"

He froze, his eyes slowly widening as he realized what I meant. In the distance of breathing, I saw his light-colored eyes sinking, his whole body tensed and his breathing became short of breath.

As if trying to suppress something, he said anxiously: "It's not safe now, if I..."

I hugged his neck tremblingly, and my arms touched the smooth skin on his neck.

His breath was stagnant, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't regret it."

Then he leaned down and kissed my lips.

He had never kissed me so fiercely and almost viciously, his breath was all between his lips and teeth, and I almost couldn't catch my breath. He picked me up across the screen and put me on the bed, and kept kissing me all the time. I was obviously very scared but refused to let go.

He asked if I wanted it.

I said yes.

The body is cold and hot, and then it hurts.

I cried, it hurt so much. I thought I could tolerate pain very well, but the pain on the outside of my body was completely different from the pain on the inside, and I was terrified.

So I hugged him tightly, and although he said he would not stop, he still slowed down and called me—jiujiu—in my ear.

The pain gradually turned into an elusive itch, as delicate and dense as a hundred insects devouring the heart. I think the scent of cypress on his body mixed with sweat is going to stain me.

However, it is better to dye through.

The so-called skin to skin, water and milk blend.


cough cough cough

I'm here in my little cracked car (hope it ain't locked)

If it is locked, I can only delete it

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