MTL - The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg-Chapter 1445 lost age

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   At this time, Xu Luo also put his attention on the dream world wholeheartedly. After all, for him, planning in the dream world is more important.

  At this time, among several super-large defense lines, Xu Luo's bugs had already established a firm foothold, so after Xu Luo paid a little more attention, he didn't continue to pay too much attention.

  Compared to the places where some large defense lines were located at this time, the development of those Zergs was relatively slow at this time.

   But after all, compared with those super-large defense lines, the attack range of these large defense lines is not so large, so for Xu Luo at this time, these Zergs don't need to be too concerned.

At this time, they just excessively explored the existence of those dream creatures near these large-scale directions, and then solved this after discovering the other party's mid-term situation, so this is for those who have repaired these bugs. Development The speed is good. After all, these dream creatures are all Xiaogu Xiaogu, so it is not too difficult to solve them at this time. However, these Zergs are constantly accumulating in this way. so much so as to make them. Getting stronger and stronger.

Compared with other people's defense lines, for Xu Luo at this time, he is passing through his own direction at this time, making his Zergs stronger and stronger. It was newly discovered that Yan was even bigger than at the beginning.

At this time, it has been a while in the real world, and at this time in the dream world, the flow rate has been even greater. It has been a long time. After all, it was plastic before, but we paid attention to the development caused by it. And the time flow rate of the world of science and technology itself is consistent with the real world, so that it seems to be in the world where it is created at this time, but only a month has passed, but for the dream world, it is thousands of times faster. The time flow rate is so poor that it is conceivable how long it has passed at this time.

  After so many years, as far as Xu Nuo is concerned at this time, it is on his side at this time. The defense line has already accumulated a huge amount of power, and at the beginning, I thought that those dream creatures would come over and send them to death, but in fact, they couldn't hold on for too long, but I didn't expect the existence of the opponent's dominance level at all, but they could Summon more dream creatures directly through an ability that I can't imagine at all, so the two are still in a stalemate at this time, but for some Zergs like Syria at this time, even if they are going In a state of stalemate, but the strength of these Zergs belongs to the real level. The trial stage of 999,999 points has not continued to grow, but their number is constantly increasing.

After all, for these Zergs at this time, as long as they have enough power to allow them to absorb, then their improvement will not be restricted in the slightest at this time, and at this time the opponent can throw power to them, so that At this time, for these Zergs, a lot of power has been accumulated in this long time, and Xu Luo has been deliberately suppressing the strength of these Zergs to prevent them from reaching a higher level. But at this time, he is also deliberately cooperating with himself, so that his sufficient strength can be promoted by the operator anytime and anywhere. Therefore, at this time, Xu Luo sometimes doesn't even know what the other party is like at this time. Yes, the idea of ​​sending these dream creatures to die time and time again, let my creations devour them, and as a result, the number of my creations is increasing at this time.

And at this time, not only the number of Zergs like myself is increasing, but as these dream creatures continue to come to die, a large number of them are killed by Zergs, so that in a short period of time, at this time They are some creations, so they kill the opponent, and then they devour the opponent's power, and at the same time, these on the defense line. The number of gods attracted has also increased a lot compared to the beginning. In addition, the defense line is also much longer than at the beginning. Now it has reached the range of 40,000, and this defense line has reached such a level. At this time, the degree did not receive the slightest help from Xu Luo at all, and it grew up bit by bit by absorbing the goodwill of these races to kill Meng Jin's biological knowledge. At this time, it seems that the defense line itself has reached a certain length, but in fact there are still many records on the defense line at this time. If you want, you can completely consume this force at this time to make it reach a longer length. It's just that at this time, Hope is deliberately suppressing the growth rate of the defense line, and he doesn't want to quickly let the defense line reach the point of a large defense line, because at this time he is very clear that a defense line must reach the point of a large defense line, the length of the defense line itself, the length of the defense line The hardness itself, as well as the line of defense. The number of these gods and phantoms, as well as the strength and number of these Zerg races all need to grow. Only in this way can the direction become stronger. If it can't reach this level, for Xu Lei What I said is obvious, this direction is not qualified at all, so I still need to continue to wait at this time.

In addition to this No. 1 medium-sized defense line, the other ten medium-sized defense lines have also grown to varying degrees at this time. However, in comparison, the growth rates of these defense lines are not different from each other, and there is a certain gap. , but very small, basically the same.

So these ten defense lines are all more than 20,000 miles away at this time, and in addition, the number of some gods on the 20,000-mile defense line at this time has also increased a lot compared to the beginning. The number of Zergs has also increased significantly compared to the original time, but obviously compared with the No. 1 central defense line, the speed of defense improvement on this side can be completely ignored.

Faced with such a situation at this time, Xu Luo's phenomenon at this time is also very surprising, but if all the eleven lines of defense are united at this time, at this time, the length of my place can be more than 200,000 miles. At that time, it will be a mature large-scale defense line, but for Xu Lei, there is no need to do such a thing at all, because the idea in his heart is to think that all eleven defense lines will be carried out to the level of large-scale defense lines. That would be the most astonishing thing. After all, at this time, in his opinion, he has enough strength and confidence to do such a thing, so at this time, he only needs to continue to improve step by step. You can create more than a dozen lines of defense, and you can even create many small and medium-sized discoveries later. After all, when others defend these lines of defense, you need to let your avatar testify on the line of defense at all times. Most of the time, what is relied on is the adaptation of these gods above the defense line and the disk. People in some cities helped me to garrison together, so at this time it seemed that these gods had been serving as assistants in the quality management of the defense line, but in many cases, a large defense line was basically garrisoned by a certain **** together, except for one who lived on the level In addition to the top powerhouses, if there are a large number of **** kings, it may not be possible to guard a large defense line.

But for Xu Luo, standing at the master level is his own, and the combat power below the master level, some of his own Zerg are even more powerful, so at this time, as long as he continues to improve step by step, it will be for himself at that time. In other words, the strength of these Zerg races will become stronger and stronger, so it seems that he will create multiple lines of defense at that time, making his strength too scattered, but for Xu Luo, his number is sufficient and very large. Therefore, at this time, it is not a problem at all to defend with multiple lines of defense. The reason why I did not do such a thing now is just because I have already discovered eleven center lines at this time, so the most urgent task now is to get these eleven lines out first. With the improvement of a medium-sized line of defense, he will naturally be able to reach a higher level at that time, so that he will not waste his time.

The strength of dream creatures is indeed very powerful, and the number is also very large, so that it has been so many years in the dream world at this time, but it takes a lot of time to improve the knowledge of these creations. Power, so at this time they need to devour many days, and they can split after accumulating enough power, but even so, at this time, the opponent is still coming forward with a huge number, and then they are fighting with some Zergs like themselves Fighting, obviously at this time, the number of Zergs like myself is increasing. Logically speaking, with the increasing number of creations at this time, their strength has not decreased at all, and their strength has become stronger Afterwards, at this time, these dream creatures should be very disadvantaged when these creations are fighting, but it seems that at this time, the number of Zergs made by myself is more, but the strength of the opponent has been growing all the time, especially At this time, after the defense line becomes longer, it means that the battlefield is bigger, so the opponent. Send out a larger number of dreams to fight with the Zergs like yourself, so that it seems that you have a certain upper hand at this time, but if you look carefully, the rhythm of the battlefield has been under the control of the opponent at this time , so now it is just that the other party is testing the true strength limit of these Zergs. Therefore, facing such a situation at this time, it is very shocking for Xu Luo to go down first. At the same time, what is more concerned at this time is What kind of intention does the other party have in doing such a thing at this time? Why do you want to do this?

It's just that at this time, he needs these thoughts in his heart, and no one can understand him at all. Therefore, at this time, he can only bury his doubts deeply. Now that the other party is willing to accompany him in these creative demonstrations, If he wants to elevate the power of creation to a higher level, then at this time he will continue to improve his Zerg strength as the other party wishes, but at this time his thoughts in his heart have not changed at all. It is still the same as it was at the beginning, continuing to suppress the realm of these Zergs, allowing them to gain 999,999 points of divine power, which is only the tip of a lemon from the level of the **** king, but they are not allowed to ascend , In this way, at this time, the Zerg races of myself are constantly promoted.

Right now, except that I don’t have enough confidence in my heart, I can deal with the master level hidden in the dream creature in Andy. , plus the first master worm, when the two master worms plus his own three master-level combat power, even if the opponent is strong, Xu Luo will have enough confidence to touch the opponent.

In addition, some Zergs of mine have sent for such a long time at that time, and when the time comes, these Zergs will be notified to each other and their strength will be improved. What kind of situation will it reach, and with their three dominance-level combat forces on the sidelines, it is obvious that at that time, I have enough confidence to deal with the opponent. As for this one hiding behind the scenes at this time of. Who is the dominant level? At this time, I don’t care too much about it. Anyway, the other party is my rich boy at this time. In fact, if possible, we need to think that this process can continue for a longer time. The Zerg can take greater advantage and allow them to have more numbers. At that time, they can even produce a few more that reach the level of the main city. If they want to, they can completely let these creations continue to interact with each other. Gobble it up, and at that time, they will become stronger and stronger.

Obviously, wanting to achieve such a situation now is nothing more than an idea in Xu Luo's mind, but if it lasts long enough one day, it may not be impossible to realize it, just look at the things on the field. With so many Zergs this time, it can be seen how much money the opponent has spent. Each real-level Zerg has nearly one million divine power. It means that the amount of millions of divine powers that have been swallowed up by the other party is conceivable. However, at this time, the other party seems to have lost a small amount of power. So at this time, for Xu Luo, the shock in his heart can be imagined, but at this time, the other party is still going forward to arrange these Mengjin creatures to come over to attack, so for Su Le at this time, it seems like this Sometimes the other party deliberately sends energy to himself, how can we not let him have extra energy in his heart. I'm bored, but at this time Xu Luo just imagined this for a while, and then continued to attack these dream creatures. Anyway, the best choice for him at this time is to settle down first and get rid of these dream creatures first. The dream creatures are eliminated, devouring the power of the other party, and allowing some of my creations to be split. It seems that the overall power of the Zerg race has not been improved, but their number is increasing. It means that their strength is getting stronger and stronger, especially when the number of these Zergs is increasing, and the strength is all ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine points of victory, which makes them compete with these dreams In the middle of the battle, there will be no problem at all. Not at home is the same as in the past when fighting dream creatures, making them under the siege of multiple opponents, they are simply outnumbered, and they are directly killed by the opponent. The current situation It's because they have already stood at the peak of the real level, and when there are enough numbers, these dream creatures next to them want to form a siege to them. That's not so easy.

Facing these dream tasks, you need to have a lot of thoughts in your mind at this time, but after thinking about it, these thoughts are just some thoughts, not real and effective, so this can only be like this at this time, just let it go On the other side, at this time Xu Luo is really thinking about what he has gained in the dream world at this time, because he has never forgotten that the reason why he entered the dream world was not to be in the dream world. In order to build such a line of defense, so that I can be divided for the real world at this time, the more important thing is to enter the dream world at this time, and explore some relevant records of the lost time, so as to let myself grasp more truths , when the time comes to strengthen the gift of the rule of truth.

So in the past, he kept letting one of his avatars wander around in the dream world, and even let his avatar cut off the connection with other avatars, just to prevent himself from having multiple avatars at this time. Walking around in this place, so that under the circumstances of the large number at this time, it caused my mental strength to be unable to accept so many information shocks at once, which made me insane, so this hand separated these clones, and waited until Let yourself get in touch with these clones when you need it. Even if you absorb the memories contained in these clones, it will only be one after all. Once it is the combat power at the master level, absorbing this part of the memory at this time is very important for yourself. It won't cause too much oppression, so of course it will be better to be pure.

So at this time Xu Luo naturally knew that he should act in this way, but before that, he was an avatar who was looking for everywhere in the dream world, and he took the initiative to get in touch with himself, so that at this time he was absorbing what this avatar possessed. Under the condition of obtaining the memory, he suddenly became distressed in his heart. He never thought that he would find such a situation at this time, so that he was very hesitant at this time.

The reason for this is that in the previous period, my avatar circulated everywhere in the dream world, so that in the subsequent time, I crossed small dream worlds. Although I have seen many existences in the dream world, it is very difficult. Obviously those dream worlds are very fresh, not some long-term memories as I imagined, and then Xu Luo realized after Wei Ya's reminder, the reason why these dreams he has been experiencing all the time The world is very loose and ordinary, because I have always stayed in the shallow world, and therefore the most contacted hidden world is naturally the dreams of individual creatures in the real world, and in the dreams of these creatures, what is shown The light and naked things are basically what they think in their hearts, or some hopes they formed after the sympathy between heaven and man in the dream world, so that at this time, when facing the existence in these dream worlds, Although Shi said it seemed to have brought some gains to Xu Luo. But compared to his original goal, it is obvious that the information obtained at this time is not worth mentioning to everyone.

Therefore, at this time, I realized that in the shallow dream world, I can't get much gain at all, so that I need to directly choose to take a detour and enter the deep dream world, but at this time The deep dream is actually not completely accurate, because the real deepest dream is suppressed by those super-large defense lines at this time, so strictly speaking, the deep dream that Xu Luo entered at this time should not be said to be The deep dream, but it should be divided into the middle dream, which is an interlayer between the deep dream and the shallow dream. At this time, I found that in this interlayer, there are many people who have been forgotten or abandoned by the real world. It is the relevant information that was buried, so that it was discovered at this time that these things are only for promises. It can be said to be a surprise, because it means that in the future world, I can get a lot of things that I have been looking for all along. Regarding the relevant information, one can imagine how pleasantly surprised he was in his heart at this time.

In the previous time, the information that this avatar sent to the school was also the experience gained when it was continuously circulated in the mezzanine world this time. Many things, at this time, only after I personally passed by, and after certain witnesses, can I have such a deep understanding. Although absorbing deeper memories at this time is my own personal experience, but after thinking about this For the uncle, after all, it is safer to go there by himself.

When Xu Luo shifted his gaze to this avatar, what he saw at this time was no longer the place where he was originally defended. There was a blue city wall and a huge number of dream creatures. Overwhelming attacks came to fight with some of his own Zerg, so that the tone he faced above the defense line was always an eternal fight, as if there would never be a slight stop, and as for where he was in that direction? In the land, those dream creatures and his own Zerg have been torn apart from each other for hundreds of years, but it seems that there is no way to tell the winner from each other. Obviously, the strength of the two parties has been growing at this time Among them, the fighting between them has been going on for a long time, even when the two camps are fighting each other, the balance of strength remains exactly the same, without the slightest increase or weakening , it seems that the situation is completely stable, if not at this time, I hope to be able to see it clearly. The number of these Zergs is increasing, and the number of missions in the dreamland of the opponent entering the battlefield at this time is also increasing, which gave Xu Luo a deep understanding, that is, all these are not extravagant wishes in his heart, but also It's not a dream that I imagined.

  At this time, the land that Xu Luo set foot on looked very deep and dark, and the land where the firewood was poured into the ground was bright red at this time, as if it had been dyed red by the blood of some creature.

   Or it is not true, it should be a real thing.

Because this **** land was originally formed by the coagulation of the blood of some creatures. There were many biological challenges here, and a large number of creatures died. At this time, their blood not only permeated the land, causing many The living beings died in battle here, making this time. The earth was completely dyed red.

At this time, Xu Luo was walking everywhere on this piece of red land, but it was a pity that in this dream world, he seemed to be passing by in a hurry, so that he kept walking, but for the whole world In terms of the progress of the process, he has no way to make any changes at this time, because he is just an outsider at this time, and for him, what happened in this world at this time Everything is like a fleeting moment, like watching a silent old movie. Although the voices of these people can be clearly seen, and the various actions they make can be clearly seen, but at this time I hope to see them, but I really can't touch them, and I can't communicate with them.

At this time, there was a roaring sound from the sky, and besides flying in that direction with the air, it can be clearly seen that at this time, there are many creatures fighting in the distant sky, elves, dwarves, goblins and other creatures in full armor. , it can be clearly seen at this time, and at this time there are still flying dragons flying and circling in the sky.

There are alien races with white wings. At this time, they are wearing Yaoer's battle armor, which completely highlights their graceful figures. At this time, they are holding the sword of bright flames, and they are fighting some unknown creatures. , And in the higher sky, at this time, the top powerhouses are fighting with each other, so that there will be roaring sounds from time to time.

  At this time, although Xu Luo said that he didn't see these situations correctly, he could just feel it through the aftermath of the opponent's battle. At this time, it was the Pillar of Flame and the Lord of Thunder that were fighting.

Logically speaking, both the Lord of Flame and the Lord of Thunder were born from the land of assistance, so strictly speaking, they are brothers to each other, but at this time when the two are fighting It didn't stop at all, but it was like a life-and-death battle. At the beginning, I hoped that I didn't figure out why this was the case, but after thinking about it, I had personally contacted the Lord of Flame earlier, so I didn't know why. It means that the Pillar of Flame belonged to the real victors in the old days, and the addition of the new ones means that for these old gods, the Lord of Flame is a traitor. Therefore, at this time, it seems reasonable to fight against the veteran powerhouse among the old gods like the Lord of Thunder.

Because whether it is the Lord of Death, the Lord of the Furnace, the Lord of Thunder, or the Lord of Storms, they are all factions that know the gods firmly, so for those new **** factions, they are all objects that need to be clarified, and Regardless of whether it is the Lord of Thunder or the Lord of Wind Cannon, they are all top powerhouses at the top dominance level, so it is obvious that one cannot be careless when fighting with them at this time. It can be clearly seen that the Pillar of Flame has fallen into a comprehensive disadvantage at this time. If he continues to entangle like this at this time, his defeat will only be a matter of time. The situation is very fast again, and the picture in front of me is flowing quickly again. I only saw this time, I seemed to be in a violent storm, I only saw this time above the sea. The violent wind and waves are constantly waking up, so that at this time, under the sweep of the storm, the sea turned up dozens of waves, and then beat down, but at this time, there was no one in front of the hand of the storm. , as if he was challenging an invisible opponent at this time. After learning and thinking about it at this time, he didn't want to understand who the Storm Index was fighting at this time. There are a lot of doubts, so it is understandable to find that there is an unreal existence at this time, especially at this time he has already discovered that the timeline of the world of the gods is problematic, as if he has experienced It's like castration, and it's obvious that he can't do it at all if he wants to completely unravel the delusions deep in his heart at this time, so that all he can do at this moment is continue to swim upstream bit by bit, Inquiry into the many histories of the entire gods world, and now he is like a historian one by one. It used to be a patchwork of everything that happened to me, especially what happened in different timelines during the same period. At this time, these things have different records in different regions, so many times these records are confused. When you come to one side, it will naturally appear contradictory. What Xu Luo needs to do now is to integrate the different deeds in these different regions, modify the scattered parts, and fill in the missing places. , in this way, the epic of the world of the gods will be truly completed by then.

Although this is a protracted thing that takes a very long time to be able to really do it, for Xu Luo now, doing such a thing itself is very meaningful, so it is very meaningful for him at this time It can be said that it can continue continuously. For the current self, I will also be able to obtain huge benefits at that time. After all, such a majestic and magnificent epic can be completed in my own hands. Speaking of the truth, it is obviously very beneficial. Mastering the truth means mastering the rules. After all, the truth is in the hands of a few people. After mastering the truth at this time, it means mastering the right to speak in the world of the gods.

Xu Luo is still very clear about this at this time, especially now that he can be said to be the three masters of prestige, and his strength is only his own rules of truth and rules of destruction. These two powers have already made him very scary. If At that time, if I condense the priesthood and godhead of the heavy fist technique, the strength of the three major biological masters will be just that I have not been able to condense my own authority, and I will also be able to fight against the top masters who hold authority. This is the procedure, and I have enough confidence in my heart.

When Xu Luo tortured the battle between the Lord of Storms and that unknown opponent, he only saw the screen in front of him turn again, and then he saw groups of goblin warriors in battle clothes at this time. Armors, one by one, are fully armed. At this time, the many weapons in their hands are the captain's sky, and then they continue to attack from behind. It's just that they don't see who their opponent is in the sky at this time, and then the screen Turning around again, when I saw it at this time, I only saw stumps and broken arms all over the ground, and the goblin warriors, at this time, were corpses all over the field, so that the battlefield was desolate at this time, as for this At that time, the battle armor and weapons on their bodies had already been scattered all over the battlefield. Seeing such a tragic situation at this time, everywhere they went, they were all traces of these goblin fighters, and The smell of blood on the battlefield at this time. He understood so much that at this time Xu Luo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although he didn't know which battle this battle belonged to at this time, the timeline can be determined. That is the old battle and the final battle. After all, it was under the leadership of the Mechanic God Throne that many old gods were directly overthrown, and many races were directly beside the Mechanic God Throne, ruling these cruel and hateful old gods, and then They have rushed off the altar, so for Xu Luo at this time, although he knows this information well, after all, in the past, he was in the time limit again and again, everywhere in the Gods Continent in different periods. Of course, I am well aware of this point, but in the old days, I did not observe this line carefully, so I only knew a lot of things in a few words, so for Xerox at this time In other words, I saw the battle with my own eyes. The cruelty seems to be clearly felt at this time. At the beginning, it was because of the extreme cruelty of the battle that the final fruit of victory was drinkable. It is precious, but Xu Luo soon realized that there seemed to be something wrong, because according to common sense, there seems to be a certain gap between the last stand and the wars between these goblin empires, but this At that time, he was a little confused, because of the disordered timeline, and at this time he hadn't figured out the inevitable relationship between them. I couldn't give myself a complete answer, which made my heart more and more confused at this time.

But no matter what, it seems that the battle of talents can be clearly felt at this time. The reason why they are gathering one by one at this time, and then thinking that overthrowing this break is the notice of victory, is because the opponent is too cruel It's terrifying, so if they don't stand up and resist, then they will wait for the efforts of their soldiers and warriors. Obviously, this is something that some of them are unwilling to accept.

No matter the goblins, elves, dragons and other creatures, in front of those who were wisdom gods at the beginning, they are still slaves after all. The companions of students are all like **** when they are born in front of them, let alone creatures of other races that are far inferior to the demigod level. The so-called higher creatures do not have this concept at this time, because at this time The most noble in the world of gods are these high gods, and those are all lowly mortals.

Ever since the Titans moved away from the world of the gods and began to walk towards the unknown starry sky, the gods who were once driven to live above the sky in the subsequent world began to fall into the mortal world. It seems that they have fallen into the mortal world at this time, but for these Speaking of the gods themselves, at this time they are not willing to let their feet be stained with the soil on the earth, so that when they face these so-called slaves at this time, they obviously beat and scold at every turn, and even kill people for fun. In this way, you must base your misfortune on others to satisfy your desires.

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