MTL - The World Online-Chapter 8 idea

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Open the game cabin, in reality it is already six o'clock the next morning. After a simple wash, Ouyang Yu put on his sportswear and prepared to run downstairs.

Just moved to the community, not familiar with the surrounding environment, he is ready to run five circles in the community. In the middle of the forest, three or five uncles are playing Taiji, and the movements are flowing.

In the square, a group of aunts also got up early, and with the beat of the music, they danced square dance. Seeing such a peaceful scene, I just got a little embarrassed when I came out of the game.

After running, he found a breakfast shop, and bought a few portions of soy milk, fritters, steamed buns, and intestines. Go home and put the breakfast. I took a change of clothes and prepared to take a hot bath first. Pushing open the door of the bathroom, the scene in front of him made him stunned.

I saw that Sun Xiaoyue was on the toilet, sleepy, and hairy. The upper body is wearing printed pajamas, and the pajama pants are retracted under the feet. A pair of white little hands pinched the little pants printed with kitty and were getting ready to get up.

The thigh of the white flower is exposed to the air, and the black hair at the base of the thigh is clear. Looking up to see Ouyang Yi, the eyes of Wei Mi’s eyes blinked.

"Ah~~~Silver~~~~~" Sun Xiaoyue screams beyond the limits of human volume.

Ouyang Yu reacted and turned and fled. Close the door and wipe the nose with a subconscious hand. "Call~~" Fortunately, there is no nosebleed, otherwise it will be big.

In my mind, the picture just flashed clearly, the white flowers of the thighs, the naughty black hair ~~~ No, no, can't think about it anymore, it is too evil, hehe.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Ouyang Yan walked toward the room of Binger. Little girl hasn't got up yet, it seems that she was really crazy yesterday, and it hasn't slowed down yet.

Pushing open the door, Ouyang Yu first opened the curtains of the room, and the warm sunshine instantly covered the room. Going to the bed, the sleeping ice whispered a small mouth, and the fleshy little hand naughtyly stretched out of the quilt, cute and unusual. I squeezed the nose of the little girl with my hand. "Small lazy pig, get up!"

The little girl took Ouyang’s hand and opened her eyes. She didn’t open her eyes and whispered confusedly. “Bad brother, I know that I’m bullying the ice. Binger has to sleep for a while, sleepy.”

"Baby, can't sleep anymore. Otherwise, it is late to go to school."

Xiaotoutou opened his eyes reluctantly, and said in a hurry: "Yeah! Binger forgot to go to school today, stinky brother did not call me earlier." A glimpse from the quilt, wash it It is.

Back in the living room, Sun Xiaoyue has changed clothes and is preparing to go out. When I saw Ouyang Yu, my face flashed a blush and gave him a sigh.

Ouyang Yu is also a bit embarrassed, although the mistake is not his own, but the other party is a girl after all, how this kind of thing is a loss. The man was a little more atmospheric. He pretended not to happen anything. He said calmly: "I bought breakfast and eat it together!"

This girl does not seem to be the kind of person who made the work, no polite, nodded and agreed. Wait until the ice is washed, then change the clothes. Three people sat together and enjoyed a delicious breakfast.

After breakfast, Sun Xiaoyue left. Ouyang Yu asked Binger to wait for himself, and returned to the room to change his clothes. Today, he is going to personally send a little girl to school.

Along the way, the little girl is smiling. My brother personally sent her to school, don't mention how happy.

After returning from school, Ouyang Yu opened the brain and landed on the game forum. The forum ID is directly tied to the game ID, but allows the player to post anonymously.

In the top post, a post called ID is the most popular. The name of the post is called "High price acquisition of game currency, long-term effective! ", the post mentioned that the big housekeeper will exchange 1 credit point for 1 copper coin for an amazing price, and acquire the game currency in the player's hand indefinitely.

According to this price, 1 gold coin in the game can be exchanged for 10,000 credits. When the post came out, it caused a sudden loss. A group of players rejoiced and looked forward to a rich night.

The indirect consequence of this post is that countless professional studios have seen the potential of Earth Online. Numerous gold groups have settled in "Earth Online" and are ready to do a big job.

Ouyang Yu knows this person, the big housekeeper is also a very famous person in the past. His true identity is the financial director of Chun Shenjun in the “Six Hegemony”.

The true identity of Chun Shenjun is Zhao Mingcheng, the first heir to the Tianhe Foundation. He is a contradiction between the deceitfulness of merchants and the style of ancient celebrities.

The Tianhe Consortium is the largest financial consortium in China, and there is no one. The consortium is specialized in high-end equipment, especially aerospace equipment manufacturing. "Earth Online" is commissioned by companies under the name of the Tianhe Foundation. Its space exploration company is the largest commercial aerospace company in the Federation, and its aerospace technology is directly tracking the Federal Space Agency.

The identity of the six tyrants is basically the same, and each one is the pride of the sky. Only the other five people are not as high-profile as Zhao Mingcheng. They also lack gold coins, but they only arrange for agents to secretly make acquisitions. Of course, with strong financial resources, Zhao Mingcheng really can be the first.

Ouyang Yi is not worried that these local tyrants can acquire a large number of gold coins. "Earth Online" is a very balanced game, and the personal adventure mode is also very close to reality.

The current players can only basically maintain their food and clothing, and even the money for buying equipment is not enough. At least one month later, high-end players can get rid of this dilemma and start making profits. Instant is a professional gold group, and can not get rid of the basic rules of the game.

Unsurprisingly, whether it is a personal adventure player or a lord player on the forum, they are all spitting water, and the Tucao game is too real. In the wild, the monsters are not lost, and only the bodies can be collected.

The humanoid blame is to lose money and equipment, but those hooligans are not the players at this stage can compete, can only send food. Everything in the store is expensive, and the first day of the game, there are very few bronze weapons. Even with weapons, a repair cost can make a player bankrupt.

The lord class players are also not so good. There are too many buildings to be built. The primary resource bag for building village tasks is not enough. Building drawings can't be bought. Go to the wilderness and draw the drawings. At this stage, there is no soldier, and the earthen armpits are simply unrealistic.

Using the summoner, summoning the lord of the military commander is okay, at least there is a little fighting power. The lords who summoned the civil servants were tragedy, and the territory was completely undefended.

In this contrast, Ouyang Yu finally knows how happy he is. If there is no past strategy, let him complete the task of building a village 100%, all kinds of rewards will be level one, and an additional 100 gold coins will be awarded, otherwise they will become a member of the Tucao Party.

At the same time, Ouyang Yu also watched himself in his heart, and he must not be complacent because of the small lead in the previous period. Only by continuously transforming the advantages of the previous period into the potential of territorial development, can we accumulate through continuous advantages and build up a foundation, thus laying the foundation for the hegemony.

After all, the player's dilemma is only temporary, as long as the original accumulation period of the previous period is passed, the gap will soon shrink. In particular, the power group represented by the Sixth Hegemony requires money and money. In contrast, he is really alone. You must know that the core of Earth Online is team fighting. There is no such thing as a million enemy.

It seems that at the right time, I still have to find a more famous past life, and form an alliance with the lords who share their interests. In the territory, some players can also be recruited appropriately. Ouyang Yi believes that he can still control his own ability.

Otherwise, relying on your own development, it will be difficult to become a big weapon. The alliance can be carried out as long as the timing is right.

If you want to recruit players into the territory, you have to wait a year. At that time, all the people did not have the worries, everyone stood on the same starting line, in order to be not afraid of the players being easily rebelled by the big forces.

Close the forum, Ouyang Yi began to find all kinds of historical materials online. There is a famous saying in the past games: the lord who is not familiar with history, not a qualified lord.

The whole game world is Gaia based on historical data. If you don't know history, you can't really match the game. Ouyang Yu is prepared to take this work as the main homework during the day and insist on it for a long time.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Binger came home from school. At six o'clock in the evening, Sun Xiaoyue came back from school. At this time, Ouyang Yu has already made dinner.

At the dinner table, Binger told her brother about the interesting things happening in the school. Xiao Ming overslept, late for school, and was punished by the teacher. Xiaoli wore a new dress today, and the result was deliberately stained by Xiaohua. The defendant went to the teacher and the teacher asked Xiaohua to apologize to Xiaoli in front of the class. Xiao Ai’s nephew was very beautiful today, and the girls were surrounded and let Xiao Ai teach them to tie the scorpion. Ouyang Yu listened with a smile, and the brothers and sisters had already developed a tacit understanding.

Only he knows how big the impact of the death of his parents on Binger. For a long time, the child became autistic and lonely. It’s Ouyang’s brother, who stays with her every day, comforts her, makes her happy, and let her slowly recover.

For Binger, Ouyang is both a brother and a father. The feelings between the brothers and sisters can not be understood by outsiders. That blow made Binger from a lively and active skin monkey to a quiet girl with only a few two or three good friends in the class. Only in front of the brother of Ouyang Yi, the little girl will become a happy deer, carefree.

Being able to watch the healthy and happy growth of Binger is the greatest happiness of Ouyang Yi in this life. It is a pity that in the following year, Ouyang Hao will log in to the game early every night. There is no way to accompany her to paint, to accompany her to write homework; there is no way to sleep with her and tell her stories.

I thought that this child would have to work alone in the room every night, and go to bed alone, Ouyang Yu’s heart twitched. This is absolutely unacceptable, even if it is a game later.

Looking up and seeing Sun Xiaoyue sitting opposite, Ouyang Yu gradually got an idea. After eating, Xiaoyue rushed to wash the dishes. At first glance, I knew that family education was good.

When she finished the bowl, Ouyang Yan asked Binger to go back to the room to write homework and call the small moon that would return to the room. "Small moon, wait a minute. I have something to discuss with you."

Thinking of the anecdote that happened in the morning, I thought Ouyang Yi was going to talk to her about this. The little girl’s face suddenly turned red, and her speech was a bit stuttering. “Business, what is it? I, I have to go back to the room to rest.”

Seeing the expression of Xiaoyue, Ouyang Yu is somewhat puzzled and continues to say: "Important things. Rest assured, it will not delay your time. Sit down and talk!"

"Important thing? I was really guessed by the trouble. What did he do? He wouldn’t say that he would be responsible for this kind of old-fashioned land for me?!" Sun Xiaoyue thought about it while sitting on the sofa.

Seeing this girl is a bit abnormal, Ouyang Yi is also helpless, only to make a long story short, straight into the theme, "This is the case. You know, I started playing a new game yesterday, called "Earth Online". This game is very important to me. Every night at 8 o'clock in the evening is going to go online Ah, ah?" Sun Xiaoyue suddenly interrupted Ouyang Yu. "What, this guy didn't mean to say that. Hey, he must have forgotten, the satyr, the rogue!" The woman's mind is so unpredictable.

Seeing Ouyang Yan looking at himself with amazement, Sun Xiaoyue could not wait to print two shoe prints on the handsome face. At this time, I can only conceal the embarrassing emotions, and try to squeeze out a smile and say: "Oh, ha, I mean, oh. You continue!"

How slow is Ouyang Yu, and I can see that this girl has a problem. But there is no way. Who told me to ask for help? He could only pretend that he did not see anything. Then he said: "In fact, the thing I want to say is very simple. I hope that you can replace me at night, and I will sleep with you. She talks about bedtime fairy tales! As long as you promise to help, what are the conditions, you can mention it!"

"This, no problem! Actually, I also like Binger very much and treat her as a sister. So don't mention any conditions that are unconditional. It's too much to see. Just have dinner every night at Ouyang chef. I am satisfied!" Sun Xiaoyue said refreshingly.

"Thank you, then you can help me a lot." Ouyang Yu did not mention anything like reciprocation, some people, it is good to remember in your heart.

The atmosphere was awkward, and the two didn't bother to talk again, and went back to the room. Ouyang Yu went to Binger’s room and saw the little girl’s quiet squatting at the desk and writing homework. The little look was cute and dead.

After telling the ice child, Xiaoyue’s sister told her a story, kissed her on the forehead and went back to her room. Although Xiaotoutou is somewhat unhappy, but still sensible, there is no entanglement with his to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are available at users please To read.