MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1288 Imperial heir

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In the blink of an eye, it is already New Year's Eve.

At the Royal Palace dinner, the ice of the red palace was the most dazzling presence in the audience.

After a year, Binger is 16 years old. It is a true Tingting girl. Last year, according to ancient etiquette, she performed a ritual. According to ancient standards, she is already an adult.

Therefore, years ago, Binger, who had been in politics for two years in Qiongzhou County, was transferred to the Secrets Club by Ouyang Yu, officially awarded the position of Secretary Lang, and stepped into the official summer.

After five years of hard reading and two years of political observation, Binger has already changed from a ignorant girl to a newcomer.

For a time, the wind was rising.

Looking at politics and participating in politics, the difference between words is a world of difference.

His Majesty’s intention to put the long princess into the Secret Wenge and cultivate the successor is already very obvious.

Under such a situation, the ice that appeared on the Royal New Year's Eve dinner was naturally the focus of the whole audience. Ouyang Yu also arranged for Binger to sit on the right side and to unveil the intention of Binger in the royal family.

Of course, the real thoughts of Ouyang Yu, the ministers did not guess.

It’s already Gaia’s eight years. If there are no accidents, it’s full of calculations. Only three years left until the fleet arrives at Hope Planet.

Time is tight, Ouyang Yu is already planning the hope of the planet.

When the Starfleet arrives at the Hope Planet, Ouyang’s main energy is bound to shift from the game world to the real world, and the game’s empire is innocent.

In ten years, the game world has long been a self-contained system, and it is an inseparable part of reality. Even if it reaches the planet of hope, it will continue to run.

The game world will become a long-term platform for cultivating artificial intelligence and exercising aliens.

In such a situation, Ouyang Yu needs an absolute believer to sit in the game world and maintain the operation of the Daxia Empire.

Binger is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Binger was brought up by Ouyang Yu, and he cultivated it. In the future, the two brothers and sisters, one person sitting on the hope of the planet, one person sitting in the game world, is a perfect combination.

Ouyang Yu only hopes that Binger can grow up quickly.

This is only after two years of Binger’s political ethics, and she has been arguing with others, bringing her to her side and cultivating them.

This thought, Ouyang Yu only said to his wife Song Jia, that is, Binger himself does not know, let alone the ministers of the DPRK.

Some arguments are also normal.


A night of dragon dance, after New Year's Eve, is the New Year.

Compared with previous years, because of the unification of China, the Chinese New Year of the Chinese people has become more meaningful. With the complete elimination of the civil war, the people have reason to expect that life will be better in the coming year.

On February 10th, the capital, the Imperial Auditorium.

The Imperial Auditorium is an imposing Chinese-style building located in the northwest corner of the Imperial City. It was completed in October last year. It is the center of the empire's large-scale gatherings and performances. It is known as the Pearl of the capital.

Next to the auditorium, there is also the Empire Theatre, which has traditional Chinese opera performances every day. During the Chinese New Year, the top operas such as "Peony Pavilion", "The West Chamber" and "Farewell My Concubine" were staged.

Being able to board the stage of the Empire Theatre is a privilege in itself.

This year, the imperial court is also preparing to build an imperial stadium and an imperial market around the two iconic buildings to form a literary center.

The cultural and sports undertakings of the empire are thriving.

The rule of the gods created by the great summer has surpassed any dynasty.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the main venue of the auditorium has been packed, and it is full of literary circles. There are poets led by Li Bai and Du Fu, and the poets led by Su Shi and Wen Tingjun.

There are opera composers led by Tang Xianzu, Han Yu and other ancient writers, and the home of Cao Xueqin.

In addition, there are folk scribes from South Xinjiang, Africa and the American continent, which together represent the highest level of the imperial literary world.

The great coffees gathered together to attend the "First Congress of the Empire and the Founding Conference of the Imperial Writers Association", and the election of the first Writers' Association Bureau, which is of great significance.

In the words of Ouyang Yu: "The prosperity of the world should have a glorious weather. In the new era, there must be new works. Whether it is poetry or opera, it should be a new bloom."

It is under this tenet that the Imperial Cabinet personally took the lead to form a writers association.

The literati, who have spanned thousands of years, carry different literary genres and collide with each other in new time and space. They must have new insights and new inspirations.

"Great times, to create great works!"

For eight years, Gaia is a brand new watershed. The empire will transfer economic and cultural, military and social construction from the simple hegemony and economic construction.


February 25, Honolulu, Hawaii.

During the Spring Festival, the big summer is up and down, the country celebrates and enjoys a rare holiday. But there are also a group of special people who, because of their mission, cannot leave their posts and reunite with their families.

They are the great summer soldiers.

From the beginning of the first month of the first month ~ ~ Ouyang Yu opened a condolence army trip.

The Jing-Gang Theater, the Central Plains Theater, the North Asian Theater, the West Asian Theater, the Nanyang Theater, the African Theater, and the last American Theater, one did not pull, all ran.

There is a transmission array for the loss, otherwise it will not be able to go.

Among them, the three major war zones of North Asia, West Asia and South Asia are the focus of Ouyang's condolences. They are the most lovable people who guard the border and quietly contribute to the Empire.

In the African theater and the American theater, Ouyang Wei said something that boosted morale and called on the whole army to meet the new battle after the new situation of disarmament.

"Life is endless, fighting is not stop!"

In this way, the dynasty of the Empire Gaia eight years in the battle horn.

At the same time, Ouyang Yu also inspected the Pacific Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet and personally boarded the flagship, proclaiming the conviction of the Navy and the sea.

After a lap, the Lantern Festival has passed.

At the last stop of the journey, Ouyang Yu chose Honolulu.

This is the only area in the empire during the Spring Festival, the first army of the Tigers, and the night army has been killed for more than a month, Honolulu still stands.

The proud night empire was completely beaten by the big summer.

After paying nearly 100,000 casualties, he still did not attack the small Honolulu.

After this war, the seniors of the Dark Empire estimated that they should be sober, and take a good look at whether they really challenge the power of the summer hegemony.

At least on land, they are still far behind.

The basics of the Tigers can do the same. The grain and grass materials of Honolulu have been consumed, and the army can no longer hold on.

On the contrary, the dark night army is backed by the mainland and has a constant supply.

It was in such a situation that Ouyang Yu drove to Honolulu and prepared to take care of the children.