MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1309 Does not disappoint

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The Privy Council recommended that the 550,000-Brazilian army be reduced to 500,000 people, and the wounded and unqualified soldiers, including the only sons in the family, who are among the priority targets of the Daxia Army, should be eliminated.

Excluding 50,000 people is already the limit.

In view of the unstable situation in the Americas, if a large number of soldiers are abolished at one time and they are put into the private sector, they will only have a huge security risk and affect the local ruling.

At the same time, it will give local officials such as Rio, some unrealistic fantasies.

Therefore, this force must be bound to the military.

Without military power, Ouyang Yu is not afraid of the big waves that Rio and others have turned out. After a long time, they will put out those thoughts and actively integrate into the system of the big summer.

Then select the most elite people to complement the battle damage in the American theater.

In order to conquer Panama City, the North American Army and the Tigers have a certain degree of damage, especially as the North American army, the main force of the attack, the casualties are not small, and it is urgent to replenish the soldiers.

Incorporating some of the Brasilian military officers into the military is also conducive to uniting the local people and doing a good job in military-civilian relations. It is not for the people of South America to think that the Daxia Army is used to monitor them.

In addition, as a South American army guarding the troops, this time will also set aside some military personnel to recruit South Americans who are interested in the military to attract elites.

This is another means of differentiating and wooing local strangers.

According to the calculation of the Privy Council, after the addition of the war damage, there will be a surplus of 450,000 people. It is recommended to reorganize into two major group army, one of which is dissatisfied.

The two major group armies are not included in the regular summer military sequence.

Their mission is not in the frontal battlefield of the empire, but in the global battlefield, it is mainly called the Imperial mercenary for the empire to participate in some wars that are inconvenient to participate.

To this end, the Privy Council also gives specific recommendations.

At this stage, the first group of mercenaries will be put into the battlefield of the Maple Dynasty; the second group army of mercenaries will be put into the battlefield of the Mayan Dynasty.

Such a north-south attack, continue to contain the Dawson dynasty, to curb the rise of the Dawson Dynasty.

While curbing the Dawson dynasty, the American War Zone and the Atlantic Fleet could also win in chaos. When the Dawson dynasty fell into civil strife, it took the opportunity to capture the Greater Antilles.

So two things in one fell swoop.

In the situation of the Maple Dynasty and the Mayan dynasty, as long as the big summer hinted, they are afraid that they will immediately take the initiative to accept this heart and force.

The employment rules have two cores.

First, the hiring dynasty is responsible for the logistics supply of the mercenary.

This is what the title should have.

It should be emphasized that the mercenaries of mercenary officers are still issued by the empire, which is also an important part of the empire's control of mercenaries.

To this end, the military will not be sent to the hands of the soldiers, but to the hands of the designated family members. The family is another circumstance of the empire to contain mercenaries, ensuring that mercenaries do not give birth to other minds.

Of course, when the mercenaries are killed, the empire will also issue pensions, and they will not be seen as outsiders. The soldiers will make merits on the battlefield, and the empire will also give awards, but it is secretly.

The source of military junta is the high employment costs paid by the dynasty.

In order to encourage mercenary warriors to fight on the front line, the Privy Council recommended that the mercenary's military standards be increased by 50% on the basis of the Imperial Field Army.

The Daxia Army is rich, rising 50%, enough to make people feel excited.

Second, the hiring dynasty needs to draw a piece of land for the construction of a dedicated military base for mercenaries in the summer.

The military base is not only a fixed place for mercenaries, but also a key way for Dasha to exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over mercenaries.

Military bases enjoy the same rights as Da Xia’s overseas territories.

At the same time, in order to strengthen the management of the military base, the Privy Council will participate in the construction of the military base and the preparation of the base command to ensure controllability.

This is amazing.

Even after the end of the war, Daxia can still pass military bases and continue to exert influence on the dynasty. It is no wonder that Ouyang Yi will readily agree to the restructuring of the Privy Council.

With these two points, and in the process of reorganization of the mercenary, the Privy Council will replace a group of American warriors into mercenaries, basically guaranteeing that this army is still in the hands of the empire.

In this way, it not only removes the security risks in South America, but also wins a good card for the Empire.


After the approval of the Privy Council program, it was in full swing.

The negotiations with the Maple Dynasty and the Mayan dynasty, from the Hongjun Temple, led the appointment of the emperor special envoy of the Hongjun Temple.

Ouyang Yi is still relatively recognized for the ability of the Dust, and is willing to give him a platform to display.

Not expected by Ouyang Yu, after a brief disclosure in the summer, willing to provide the mercenary's intention, whether it is forced to the desperate Maple Dynasty, or the Mayan dynasty, the lips of the cold, are happy.

Especially the Maple Dynasty, it is like seeing a savior.

After the withdrawal of the Gain Dawson dynasty from Colombia, whether it was out of the dynasty strategy or out of anger, Jack ordered to strengthen the attack on the Maple Dynasty.

Jack is even more arrogant, to capture the Maple Dynasty in January, and to dominate North America.

The frontline army seems to feel the anger of the king, one by one like eating hormones, screaming to advance to the core of the Maple Dynasty, morale is high.

Even with the support of firearms provided by Daxia, the Maple Dynasty is crumbling.

At this time, any foreign aid is precious to the Maple Dynasty.

For the conditions put forward by Da Xia, if there is no resistance, then it will be accepted.

To say conscience, the conditions proposed by Da Xia are not excessive for the two dynasties. Compared to the survival of the dynasty, a military base and a piece of employment funds are really nothing.

These mercenaries are fighting for them.

Ouyang Yu is also very human. In addition to paying with gold coins, the employment funds can be replaced by resources such as rare ore, or replaced by mining rights.

All in all, the two kings will not be forced into desperation.

Through the settlement of the employment fund business, Daxia Commercial Bank also took the opportunity to enter the financial markets of the two dynasties and take a solid step toward global commercial banks.

With the surge of industrialization, ore resources such as iron, copper, aluminum, cadmium and nickel, as well as energy resources such as oil and natural gas, have risen to the empire strategy.

In view of this, with the approval of Ouyang Yu, the court has established the Land and Resources Department to undertake the responsibility of protecting and rationally utilizing natural resources such as land resources, mineral resources, energy resources and marine resources.

With the influx of industrialization, the Empire architecture has also ushered in a new round of outbreaks. In order to meet the needs of the development of the Empire, one organization after another has been formed.

The function of the empire is also more consistent with the modern state.

The Land and Resources Department has established the Department of Land and Resources, the Department of Oceanography, the Department of Geological Exploration, the Department of Mine Resources and the Department of Energy. The division of labor is clear and supports the empire industrialization strategy.

Among the five divisions, the Geological Exploration Department is the easiest to work. They don't need to be like a ancestors, in order to find a mine or an oil field, over the mountains and over the mountains, and wind and sleep.

Just follow the real resource distribution data and click on the map.

Only China's native land, there are rich mineral resources and oil resources, enough to support the industrialization process of this stage of the Empire.

Of course, Ouyang is not a short-sighted person.

He instructed the Bureau of Land and Resources to focus on the exploitation of local resources in a protective and orderly manner, and appropriately increase the exploitation of overseas territories such as Africa, South Xinjiang and South America.

When necessary, you can also consider importing from other dynasties.

All in all, we must not fish and fish, we must take the road of sustainable development. After all, in the strategic concept of Ouyang Yu, for a long time to come, the status of the game world is crucial.

In addition to the establishment of the Land and Resources Department, under the personal attention of Ouyang Yi, the Empire has also formed [Huaxia Mining Group] and [Huaxia Energy Group] to shoulder the mining and energy mining and utilization responsibilities.

The two major groups have just been built, and they are destined to be super giants.

Within the entire empire, with the mine and the oilfield as the center, a modern factory has risen from the ground and established a complete set of supporting to carry out rough processing and then transport it to the coastal city.

Connecting the mainland and the coastal areas is precisely the railway network that is being built.

The center of gravity of the empire is gradually tilting from agriculture to industry, and the court and the various levels of Tuen Mun also use preferential policies to encourage farmers and craftsmen to be transferred to workers and into the wave of industrialization.

More people who are "unexpected" will also have the opportunity to display their talents.

The entire empire, full of vitality, is full of enthusiasm for the construction of the sky, and the war with other dynasties, in stark contrast.

The demographic dividend of Daxia is emitting unprecedented energy.

And this is the foundation of the big summer system.

Compared with the big summer, although the Dawson Dynasty is also considered to be a song and dance, the population of the entire Dawson Dynasty is less than 100 million people, and it is impossible to compare with the big summer.

With a vast territory, abundant resources, ample population, a stable local environment and an efficient internal system, all kinds of factors are superimposed, which is bound to reshape a new empire.

In the process of industrialization, Daxia has gradually opened up other dynasties, is at the forefront of the world, and is getting faster and faster. Such a big summer is even more terrible than the big summer that would only be defeated on the battlefield.

If the global war continues to fight like this, the big summer is bound to become the final winner.

There is no reason to let down Ouyang Yu.


On July 1, the capital.

The South American war ended perfectly, and a heart of Ouyang Yi’s thoughts.

Next, the focus of the Imperial Army will be transferred from South America to the European battlefield. In order to cooperate with the empire strategy, it is very necessary to spoil the battlefield in Europe.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the Germanic dynasty is not destroyed.

To this end, Ouyang Yu’s instructions are white, “You can act!”