MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1319 Gendarya

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The reduction in the number of transmission arrays has the greatest impact on the vast dynasties of the Daxia, Dawson dynasty and Romanov dynasties.

In a short period of time, it will definitely cause some inconvenience.

In particular, the Romanov dynasty, without the support of the transmission array, its control over the Far East is bound to be greatly weakened.

This is the only good news for Daxia.

Gaia's reduction in the number of transmission arrays is also due to the consideration of the industrialization process.

With the rise of the railway, the traffic on the road has entered a period of rapid development. As long as a perfect railway and highway network is established, the role of the transmission array will be greatly weakened.

In the future, it is not ruled out that Gaia will cancel all transmissions.

In addition to reducing the number of transmission arrays, Gaia has also greatly increased the transmission cost. For each person transmitted, the transmission cost is as high as 500 gold coins, which is a veritable price.

Such pricing is basically consistent with the function of the transmission array.

From then on, it is basically impossible for the army to transfer through the transmission array. Think about it, sending only 100,000 troops, the transmission cost is as high as 5 million gold coins.

This is only a one-way trip.

If you add a round trip, it is rich, like the big summer, and can't afford it.

The future transmission array will become a minority, and travel options in special circumstances, such as Ouyang Yu to patrol overseas territories, can use the transmission array.

Of course, the accompanying personnel must also be greatly reduced. Otherwise, the expenses are also high.

[3] Stop the issuance of gold coins.

Globally, apart from the Ashoka dynasty, there is no second NPC dynasty. Therefore, compared with the previous, the proportion of system gold coins in the total output of gold coins is getting smaller and smaller.

The main driving force for the growth of gold coins comes from major gold mines around the world.

Just like before, the cost of the 20 million gold coins firearms that Bantu Wang paid to Daxia came from the gold mines in South Africa. Otherwise, the taxation of Bantu Dynasty alone could not create such value.

In this update, Gaia completely blocked the output of the system gold coins. From then on, no matter whether it is the system king city, the reward for the player's task, or the reward for the lord, there will be no gold coin option.

Not only that, Gaia also blocked the passage of gold mines into gold coins.

This means that on a global scale, the total amount of gold coins will no longer grow. Recasting gold coins into gold bricks like Da Xia will also significantly reduce the amount of gold coins.

Contrary to this, with the wave of industrialization, global materials ushered in a spurt of growth, and in the course of the transaction, objectively demanding the growth of gold coins.

Otherwise, the gold coins will continue to appreciate.

Globally, the value of gold coins will usher in a period of intense turmoil.

In order to cope with this change, it is imperative for the dynasties to issue their own currencies. As a result, gold coins, or gold, are only used as a measure of value in the future, but they are not directly traded currencies.

The new monetary system is about to emerge.

Of course, for a long time, gold prices are still an important reference for money.

At the end of Gaia's eight years, counting other maritime trade surpluses, Daxia swept more than 200 million gold coins from overseas dynasties, and with its own gold coin holdings, it became the world's largest gold reserve dynasty.

According to preliminary estimates, more than 35% of the world's gold is stored in the summer.

As a result, in the future gold price, Daxia has the biggest say, if it can obtain the pricing power of gold, it is even more difficult.

In addition, Daxia was also the first dynasty to establish a sound monetary system.

The Great Summer Coin has been fully rolled out in the empire and entered the daily consumption of the people. Therefore, the fluctuation of the price of gold has the lowest impact on the economy of Daxia.

In addition to the big summer, the Indian Empire, the Bantu Dynasty and the Dawson Dynasty, with the unique gold reserves in the country, will also be the winner of this golden game.

In contrast, the European dynasties were miserable.

[4] Nuclear technology is permanently banned.

With the complete unlocking of the second industrial revolutionary technology tree, the birth of nuclear weapons such as hydrogen bombs and atomic bombs is estimated to be only a matter of time. After all, there are no technical obstacles.

Nuclear deterrence is obviously what Gaia does not want to see.

In the federal era, global nuclear weapons have been destroyed, and the rest are nuclear energy.

Gaia's inclusion of nuclear technology in the game list in the game world is obviously also considered. Without nuclear deterrence, it is difficult to have real peace in the game world.

War will never disappear from the game world.

[5] Open the roots of the Asian continent.

The Gandaia civilization is the only civilization among the four mysterious civilizations that have not yet surfaced.

According to legend, the Gendarean continent is a continental block that rises from the seabed after the volcanic eruption of the seabed 9.6 million years ago.

Now connecting the waters of the African continent and the South American continent is where the land was previously located.

Gaia's establishment of the Gendarean continent, in addition to the last unopened map of the game world, or the total base of the monster nest, above the mainland, the monsters are rampant, 100% simulation hope the planet environment ~ ~ on the dynasties In fact, this is obviously not a good place to go.

Moreover, at the moment of the global chaos, it is even more impossible for someone to go to the forefront.

It was Ouyang Yi, who showed great interest in this. He prepared to set up an expedition after the year and went to the Kendaya continent to find out.

Mastering the intelligence of the Gendarean continent is equivalent to mastering the intelligence of the planet of hope.

This is nothing compared to anything else.

The last system update, only the above five.

Ouyang Yu looked at it and obviously felt that Gaia was going to pull back and try to minimize the intervention in the game world. The only thing that can positively face Gaia is estimated to be the player's real-time beating achievement value.

In one year, the territory of the Greater China Region expanded again. More importantly, the quality of development has improved significantly. Even with the achievements of Ouyang Yi, it has also ushered in the growth of the explosion.

Up to now, Ouyang Yi's achievement value has reached 50 million points, which is more than three times that of last year. The S-level authority of the next level has already reached half.

At this rate, Ouyang Yi is likely to be the first human to have S-level authority.

What players don't know, including Ouyang Yu, is that in addition to releasing system updates, NPC World is quietly conducting a round of "updates."

After this round of update, the image of Gaia's mother **** will be erased from the mind of NPC. In their memory, the existence of the mother **** is only a distant myth.

Gaia also has NPC to be truly free.

Since then, the game world has really been like a real world.

The vastness of the heavens and the world is not to say that only the material plane is the real world. The virtual world built on the data like the game world is actually a real plane.

There is no essential difference between it and the real universe.