MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1325 European upheaval

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May 23, the Spanish dynasty.

Later that day, an elite unit of 150,000 people, escorted by the Great Summer Atlantic fleet, crossed the ocean and sneaked into the southern coast of Spain.

This place has long been the sphere of influence of the Egyptian army.

Immediately after the landing of the unit, it merged with the Egyptian army and rushed forward.

At the same time, the two field troopers of the Cochrane Army of the Great Summer African War Zone crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and landed in the southern part of the Spanish dynasty.

The three-way army meets to form a chilling force.

On May 27th, the three-way coalition forces launched an attack on the northern part of the Spanish dynasty in the series of Egyptian army, which was unstoppable.

Suddenly joined by the power of life, for the Spanish dynasty, it is impossible to compete.

Coupled with the previous Madrid City was broken, the entire Spanish war situation completely lost balance, the victory of the balance began to tilt toward the Egyptian coalition forces.

An unpredictable storm swept across Spain.

In the next two months, under the attack of the coalition forces, the Spanish army was defeated, and one after another fell into the city.

Soon, the coalition reached the foot of the city of Tortosa, the capital of the Spanish dynasty, and once the city of Tortosa was broken, it would mean the destruction of the Spanish dynasty.

This war, completely shocked the world!

No one has ever thought that the Spanish battlefield, which has been flustered, has caused such a violent shock.

The mysterious coalition forces suddenly appeared in front of the world.

The appearance of the Wolf Warrior in the African theater meant that Daxia officially intervened in the European battlefield, and stood in the same camp with the blue badge, so that the hands of silver were on the verge of enemies.

If Daxia and the blue badge are joined together, the European battlefield is afraid that there will be no calm day.

In addition to the Cowardly Wolf Army, the mysterious landing force, the identity has finally been exposed, making people wrong.

It turned out that this elite army that crossed the ocean was actually from the Bantu dynasty, the southernmost tip of the African continent. Until then, people were stunned. The previous Bantu dynasty’s attack on Central Africa was nothing but a cover-up.

The real use is to cover this elite force.

I have to say that the blue badge has made a good move. In the case that the silver hand is not aware of it, a move has been made, and I think of the reinforcement of the European battlefield from the Bantu dynasty.

It is also possible to see that the blue badge keeps the determination of the Germanic dynasty.

Of course, the success of the Azure Blue badge is inseparable from the assistance of the Great Summer. Without the guard of the Great Summer Atlantic Fleet, it is impossible for the Bantu dynasty army to set foot on the Spanish soil.

Then there is the sudden attack of the Wolf Army, naturally it is not a free action.

To this end, the price paid by the Azure Blue Badge is to officially recognize the foreign exchange property of the Great Summer Coin in the financial market of the Bantu Dynasty and the Mayan Dynasty.

In the future, trade between the three great dynasties can be settled directly in the big summer currency.

For Daxia, this is undoubtedly a historical moment. From this moment on, Daxiaco officially went to the process of globalization and took a big step on the road of competing for global currency.

Even so, Ouyang Yi is still not optimistic, the root cause is in the hands of silver.

According to the intelligence feedback from the Black Snake, the Dawson Dynasty's monetary system is about to be established, named Daoyuan, and will soon be implemented throughout the territory.

With the position of the Dawson Dynasty in the hands of the silver, coupled with the realistic demands of the hands of the silver, it is natural for the Tao to circulate freely throughout the system of silver hands.

This will also help strengthen the unity within the hands of the silver hand and enhance the trade of the silver hand system.

In that way, it is very easy for Daoyuan to surpass the Great Summer Coin and become the world's first currency. This is exactly the case, Ouyang Yu only has to work hard to win over the blue badge, in order to compete with the silver hand.

In addition to assisting the blue badge to attack the Spanish dynasty, Da Xia also sent a delegation to the Indian Empire to negotiate the circulation of the Great Summer Coin in the Indian Empire.

To win over the Indian Empire is also an important part of Ouyang’s plan.

After the global chaos, a currency war without smoke is quietly taking place on a global scale. In a sense, this is even more dangerous than the global chaos.

Big summer can't afford to lose!


The upheaval in the Spanish battlefield was quickly transmitted to the European battlefield.

Prior to this, in the eyes of the Allies, the Egyptian army was nothing but a disease of the mustard, which was blocked by the Spanish dynasty and did not have any impact on the European battlefield.

The only thing that makes the Allies unhappy is the sudden withdrawal of the Spanish dynasty.

Because of this grievance, after the city of Madrid was conquered by the Egyptian army, to be honest, some Allied officers still had some gloating.

Where do they know that the situation will go down like this.

For the Allies, the Spanish dynasty is a firewall that intercepts the blue badge. Now that the firewall is about to expire, the power of the blue badge will soon penetrate into the European battlefield.

This makes the Allies very anxious.

The problem is that you can't solve any problems in a hurry.

The strength and tenacity of the Germanic nation is beyond the imagination of the Allies. Under such a storm, is almost all the people, crushing the last trace of war potential except the dynasty.

For a nation without a retreat, this is a very terrible force.

The difficulty of the Germanic dynasty is also the idea of ​​confrontation between the hands of silver and the two camps of the blue badge. Because of different ideas, it is difficult for both sides to yield to each other.

If the attacker is a big summer, perhaps the Germanic dynasty will not be so strong.

The world is such a wonderful thing.

After the turn of the Spanish battlefield, the Germanic dynasty became more tenacious and sometimes even launched an offensive. The purpose is self-evident, which is to prevent the Allies from helping Spain.

In fact, the Allies did not have such an intention.

In the eyes of the Allies, it is better to defend the Gaul dynasty and prevent the enemy from continuing northward instead of the Spanish dynasty, which has already gone to the ninth.

Moreover, the Allies still have a dark mind.

They hope that when the Spanish army finally could not hold it, they could take the initiative to abandon the city of Tortosa and take refuge in the Gaul Dynasty.

In that case, the surviving Spanish army could not join the ally because it had no dynasty.

This is the best result for the Allies.

To this end, whether it is the European dynasties, or the hands of the silver, they began to contact Casillas frequently, squeezing Casillas side by side, and abandoning the city of Tortosa as soon as possible to preserve the strength.

After all, the war has hit the present, the Spanish dynasty has more than 300,000 elite troops.

This is a force that cannot be ignored!

For this reason, the silver hand is either threatening or tempting, and it seems urgent.

This time, Casillas did not directly refuse the local, nor was it angry, it seemed calm. The facts are already in sight, and the Spanish dynasty is absolutely unstoppable in the absence of the Allies.

Instead of struggling, it is better to leave a way out.

Read The Duke's Passion