MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1340 Who are you?

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In the face of sudden calculations, there was a lot of talk in the Daxia dynasty. As a party, Ouyang Yu was very calm and ignored the outside world.

On November 15th, the capital.

The battle of Scorpio is nearing the end. In the absence of a group of dragons and basically no hope, most of the Ashoka dynasty wisely chose to surrender and accept the fact that they were destroyed.

Sporadic rebellion, has not splashed any waves.

The key cadres headed by Feng Pianhuang have already rushed to Tianzhu to take office, cooperate with the army to receive the city, and stabilize the people's hearts, with a view to getting the South Asian Guardian Zone on the right track as soon as possible.

Royal Palace.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Shang, the first assistant of the cabinet, and Zhang Liang, the oldest member of the cabinet and the ruling board of the Zizheng, were the first ministers of the two empire. They were unsolicited and joined hands to see you.

"Your Majesty, the recent wind direction is somewhat unfavorable to the empire." Jiang is still worried.

Zhang Liang and He said: "Yes, there is a black hand behind the scenes."

Ouyang Yan heard the words, and smiled and asked: "The two loves the Qing, really think so?" The eyes, clear as an abyss, eye-catching, seem to penetrate the hearts of the people.


Jiang Shang and Zhang Liang face each other and look blank.

They are all extremely intelligent people, and they are all wise men. Of course, it is not so simple to look at the problem. The above viewpoints are only the mainstream views of the opposition.

When the two came, they wanted to explore the details of the squatting. I didn’t expect to be seen through it, or it was awkward.

"His holy light!"

The two are also old foxes, respectfully sent to a flatterer.

Ouyang Yi did not go around the corner, and before he got up to the global map, he said: "The empire is from the very beginning, a small village with nothing, and it has developed into a million-mile global empire. It is not a credit for one person. It is the will of the people, the cohesion of the military and the power of the ministers."

"The rise of the 朕 于 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽 莽

After a pause, Ouyang Yu went on to say: "So, no matter how the outside world works, how to smash, this time to hope that the planet will open up wasteland, it is incumbent."

"This is the duty that the times have given to you, you can't evade it, and you don't want to shirk it!"

Ouyang Yu’s words are completely from the heart. At the moment when Hope City was attacked by the beasts, Ouyang Yi had an impulse, and the blood in the body surged, which was the pride of the original when he came to the wilderness.

He would like to take a look and hope that the planet is a dragon pond.

Ouyang Yi has never been a short-sighted person. He is too clear about this second trip to Hope Planet to build a forward base, what it means for the Starfleet, and even for the human population.

In the face of the survival of the population, personal gains and losses are nothing.

It’s not that Ouyang’s arrogance, looking at the world, and the most suitable for carrying out this task, is not Ouyang, but if you let other lords go, he is not at ease.

Perhaps this is fate.

Jiang Shang and Zhang Liang listened, looked moved, and bowed and bowed, "Your benevolence!"

The two people's views are the same. In their view, this time they went to hope that the planet will be used for land reclamation. The Daxia team is the most suitable team. It is time to come up with a momentum that will give me.

Concealed, it seems too small.

Ouyang Yu waved his hand and let the two ministers sit down and converge. He said with a smile: "So, this time the storm is not a crisis, but an excellent opportunity. How to make good use of it, and Lai Zhuqing made suggestions."

The hand of silver and the blue badge, since it is to be a black hand behind the scenes, Ouyang Yu naturally has the pleasure to push the boat, taking this opportunity to promote Daxia to the emperor.

Earlier, Ouyang Yu was still worried about how to win the Dawson Dynasty and take the lead in gaining recognition from the global dynasty.

Ouyang Yu wants the two organizations to know what is called to lift their own feet. "Remember, the people's hearts are available, and public opinion can be guided by the situation."

"Chen and so on will not be shackled!" Jiang Shang and Zhang Liang led.

"Awkward attitude, do not publicize for the time being, adhere to a principle, do not respond, do not deny, do not recognize." Ouyang Yu said.

"WeChat understand!"

"Then let's do this first. The cabinet and the Zizhengge have a different definition. How to decide on the specifics, and then discuss it next time." Ouyang Yu did not let the two ministers make a brain attack.

At present, the decision of the Da Xia imperial court, although relying on Jiang Shang and other ministers, but under them, there is a professional ability to support the entire internal system, making the court decision-making more scientific.


Jiang Shang and Zhang Liang, two ministers, were pleased to leave.


In the afternoon, Ouyang Yu secretly summoned the command of Shan Haiwei through the communication compass, and the commander of the Wu Yunshi commanded the evil and the black snake guard commanded the black snake three giants.

There is only one purpose, that is, let the three major institutions, in this period of time, secretly monitor, see the emperor at home and abroad, who agrees that the empire will come forward and who does not agree.

Ouyang Yuzheng is going to take this opportunity to touch the bottom of the In the future, I hope that the planet will be brought with a team. Therefore, from now on, Ouyang Yu will begin to plan and cut out two sets of teams at the moment of the summer.

A set of battle hopes for the planet, a set of left-behind game worlds.

Choosing someone to hope for the planet, in addition to construction needs, this observation is very crucial.

In this way, in the absence of people's awareness, a network of three major institutions has been quietly over the empire, silently observing everything.

The fate of many people may change from this.


In the evening, Ouyang Yu returned to the palace.

When eating, Ouyang Yi found that his wife’s expression was a little bit wrong. After going to bed, she couldn’t help but ask: “But what is the thought?”

Song Jia was lying in her husband's arms, her bright eyes staring straight at each other, and said, "You have already decided?"

"Do you know?" Ouyang Yi did not seem to be surprised.

The husband and wife are too familiar, and it is difficult to get through each other.

"I know your heart, and I know that my husband is a man of the top, no matter what you say outside, you will definitely go." Song Jia voice is low.


Ouyang Yu was actually speechless and should not face his wife.

No matter how passionate he is during the day, he is a husband, a father of a pair of children, the pillar of his family, and the object of his family.

"Yu and Luoer, what are you going to do?" Song Jia finally asked.

Ouyang Yu is silent.

I hope that the danger of the planet is already well known. Even Ouyang Yi, there is no confidence, saying that it will be better than the advance fleet, and can really stand on the planet.

Therefore, a pair of children is not suitable for bringing.