MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1348 Silver fade

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"What do you say?" asked William.

Annie glanced at William and said carefully: "I see, you still admit defeat to Ouyang Yu in advance."


William is silent, very embarrassing.

"Now admit defeat, there is still a bit of negotiating capital, don't wait for the enemy to attack Avic Fort, then we are really nothing." Anne, although I can't bear it, still have to make it clear.

"I heard that Da Xia is very privileged to the lord who can take the initiative to surrender. Even the rivals like Xiongba can sit on the high level of Xijiang. You are not worse than them."

"Well?" William sighed deeply. "I admit defeat! For steel shovel, for the family, perhaps this is the best ending, no need to be scared."

"Brother, you have to hold on." Anne was a little worried.

The defeat of the steel scorpion seems to have drawn William's spirit and spirit, and there is no fighting spirit.

William waved his hand and didn't want to talk anymore.

Annie saw it and could only step back.


In December, Gaia was a period of turbulence for the European continent.

First, the big summer raids on the steel dynasty dynasty, followed by the explosion, the Gaul dynasty attached to the Germanic dynasty, while taking the opportunity to compile the news of the Spanish army and the steel squad, making people stunned.

On April 7th, the news that the steel scorpion king surrendered to the big summer was heard.

The shocking news came one after another. In a blink of an eye, the European continent, which had been in flames, had a big reshuffle and formed a new pattern of power.

Not only that, on April 10, the Germanic dynasty, which had just merged with the Gaul dynasty, immediately launched a counterattack against the invading Romanov dynasty, and was about to regain lost ground.

The Romanov dynasty is known for its fierceness. Will you give up the meat to your mouth?

Of course, Pushkin is not a coward. He also tried to negotiate with the Germanic dynasty. He wanted to use the existing front as the border, redefine the border and peaceful coexistence.

How is the German King Manstein?

It is to be known that the Romanov dynasty encroached on the most fertile land of the Germanic dynasty.

Manstein threatened to return to all the territories of the Romanov dynasty before he would open peace talks. Such harsh conditions are also unacceptable to Pushkin.

One Pushkin reluctantly, and more importantly, once the Romanov dynasty retreated to the original border, with the strength of the Germanic dynasty, after recuperating, it is likely to counterattack the Romanov dynasty.

For the strategic security of St. Petersburg, Pushkin sees more than anything else.

There is an irreconcilable conflict of interest between the two great dynasties. Since we can’t talk about it, it can only be solved through war means.

On the one hand, the Caesar dynasty, seeing the Gaul dynasty against the enemy, the steel dynasty dynasty, and the Spanish dynasty that had been destroyed, the hands of the silver hand on the European continent suffered.

With the annihilation of the two dynasties, the strength of the silver hand in the world has also been severely frustrated. If the precarious Persian Empire is counted again, the hand of silver is reduced from four in the peak period to four.

Caesar, who was in a bad position, withdrew the army from the front line and placed it on the border.

Looking at his posture, Caesar is not ready to participate in the war for the time being. He has to come to the mountain to watch the tiger fight. Wherever he wins, he will bet on which side.

There was no pressure on Caesar before the Gaul dynasty.

Seeing that Caesar was so embarrassed, he was not willing to share the pressure of the Romanov dynasty. Pushkin immediately became angry and publicly accused Caesar of being a timid, selfish villain and turning his back on the organization.

How is Caesar so bully? Also in color immediately.

The battle between the two gradually spread from the inside to the outside, and staged a big farce.

The forces of silver in Europe, in fact, have fallen apart and can no longer form a synergy, so that Jack on the other side of the Atlantic is distressed and has nothing to do.

Jack also has his problems.

After the annexation of the Gaul Dynasty, the Germanic dynasty began to integrate several dynasties in the territory of West Africa, expelling the Caesar dynasty army, and including the entire West African under the rule of the Germanic dynasty.

In this way, the Germanic dynasty can unite with the Bantu dynasty in the south, forming a sniper against the Central African region of the Dawson Empire.

Looking at the posture, the blue badge is ready to drive the Dawson dynasty out of the African continent.

After trying to stabilize the situation in Europe, the ambition of the blue badge has also expanded, no longer satisfied with a nest in the European continent, but also to lay a new world in Africa.

If China and Africa are really taken down by them, then they can compete with the Daxia Africa.

This is what Ouyang Yu does not want to see.

As a result, the quiet African continent will surely become a new battlefield for the three major forces. Only this struggle situation will not be confined to the war on the bright side, but more in the dark.

The war in Africa is hard to extinguish in a short time.


April 15th, the capital.

The hand of silver suffered a setback and was close to the edge of disintegration, which made Ouyang Yi feel very good. At the same time, the adversity of the blue badge has also made Ouyang Hao have to be vigilant.

The global situation is still far from being completely clear.

What makes Ouyang Yu feel gratified is that the Gaul dynasty was attached to the Germanic dynasty, indicating that in the face of survival, the binding of the two organizations to members is not as strong as he imagined.

Everything, or speak by strength.

This will provide a basis for the thorough elimination of the two organizations in the future.

On the morning of this morning, the court’s disposal plan for the Gangue Dynasty was released, and it was issued and implemented.

The court decided to set up the entire steel dynasty dynasty as a steel squad, to appoint the former governor of Kyoto, and also the old governor of the empire, Wang Shouren, to serve as the governor of the steel shovel, and to guard the empire for this strategy.

In view of the fact that the steel squadron was solo overseas, the imperial court management was not easy. The court also decided to set up a steel shackle under the imperial court on behalf of the governor of the steel shovel, representing the imperial court to lead the military and political affairs in the steel gang area.

The festival allowed the government to exercise limited military and political power under the authority of the court.

The difference is that the governor of the steel line province is located in Avic Fort, and the festival is located in the former British king city - Wudu. Such an arrangement is also intensifying the intervention of the government to the Governor’s voice.

The former steel scorpion King William was appointed by the Ouyang Yi Committee as the first steel knives. Such an arrangement is not only a compensation for William's voluntary surrender, but also a means of appease the people of steel.

It is not an easy task for the steel smashing people, especially the proud steel smashers, to accept the rule of the Eastern dynasty. It needs to be gradual and gradual.

If it wasn't for Ouyang Yu's promise to go to the hope star, the steel smasher players were afraid of getting up early.

In addition to the internal arrangements, there are military deployments.

The Ghost Army, together with the steel squadron, was unified and reorganized into the Western European Army, and was temporarily placed under the rule of the steel shackles. The remaining soldiers of the reorganization were not scheduled to retire, but were temporarily placed in reserve.

The former Ghost Army led Zeng Guofan and continued to serve as the Western European military commander. William's sister, former Princess Steel Princess, was appointed head of the First Army of the Western European Army.

In this way, the two most heavyweights of the original steel dynasty dynasty were properly placed.

After taking over the steel dynasty dynasty, Da Xia sent an envoy to the Germanic dynasty and asked the Germanic dynasty to return the 120,000 steel squad.

The reason given by Da Xia is also very sufficient. Since the steel dynasty dynasty surrendered to the summer, then the summer is naturally obligated, and the soldiers who will be detained without reason will safely “take home”.

"The deadline is one month. If it is not, only the soldiers will meet each other." Ouyang Yu’s tone is very strong.

To do this, one is to buy steel people.

The steel scorpion is a glass heart. It has always played the role of a weak person in the European continent. Former steel sergeant King William has never had a hard time in front of the European dynasties, so that the steel scorpion people, especially the steel smashers, are grievous.

Now, when Da Xiagang takes over the steel shovel, he puts on a strong posture and gives them a bad breath. Naturally, they can greatly gather people's hearts and let them see the benefits of returning to the big summer.

Second, Ouyang Yu also wants to take the opportunity to knock on the mountain and attack the tiger, and hit the Germanic dynasty.

Ouyang Yu vaguely discovered that after the annexation of the Gaul Dynasty, the Germanic dynasty had some cocked tails. The faintness of the European boss, even the attitude towards the big summer, is not so respectful.

This is not allowed by Ouyang Yu.

Ouyang Yu is going to pass this matter and let the Germanic dynasty wake up to see who is the boss. He has reason to believe that the Germanic dynasty at the moment is absolutely not courageous with the big summer.

Do not say anything else, once Da Xia broke the maritime trade channel of the Germanic dynasty, it was enough for the Germanic dynasty to drink a pot.

Therefore, the 120,000 steel squadrons, the Germanic dynasty, did not have to return.

Ouyang is very fond of looking at it. At this moment, Manstein, who is proud of the spring breeze, will show a kind of expression after seeing the big summer ambassador, and it will be very exciting.

After the Germanic dynasty returned to the arrested steel squadron, the global forces wanted to come to the situation in Europe and have a new understanding, which is very beneficial to the hegemony of the big summer.

In addition to the Army, the Royal Court of the Steel Skull, the court also has arrangements.

In the sea battle with the Atlantic Fleet, the Royal Fleet was defeated by only two formations, and the other three formations were still cruising in the North Sea, and did not have time to participate in the battle.

Otherwise, the outcome of the naval battle may be another look.

After the surrender of the steel dynasty, the Royal Fleet naturally faced the fate of reorganization.

Ouyang Yu did not treat them badly.

The order was to streamline the steel squadron's Royal Fleet into two formations, eliminate the one-wind sail battleship, and fully equip the armored ship.

At the same time, the name of the fleet was renamed the Mediterranean Fleet.

As the name suggests, the Mediterranean Fleet will cruise the Mediterranean Sea to relieve the burden on the Atlantic fleet and make up for this shortcoming.

The Mediterranean Fleet is part of the African theater, the former Royal Fleet Commander Nelson, and a well-known naval general in British history, and was appointed as the Mediterranean Fleet Navy Admiral.

This is also considered to be the best.

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