MTL - The World That Tao Rules-Chapter 10 There are three treasures

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Asked the only woman among the five people of Dao Zong slowly came out, blue fluttering, soft and beautiful, holding a jade flute in his hand, like a fairy, smiled at everyone with a slight smile: "There are three treasures, Heart, body, spirit!"

"The first level, the test is your heart, have the heart of the road, in order to embark on the road of monasticism, I will play a song later, you do not need to do anything, just listen carefully, can be in me The sound of the flute insists on more than fifteen interest, even if it passes."

"If you can't stick to it, don't force it. If you sit down on your knees, you can automatically get out of the scope of my flute. Of course, if you have the ability, stick to it as much as you can, and the longer it lasts, then explain your heart. The more determined."

Compared with Xiao Yishu, this attitude towards Yan Shimei is obviously much better. At least the situation of the first level is more detailed and made clear to everyone.

However, most people, including Jiang Yun, still feel puzzled. What is the relationship between listening to the flute and the determination of the heart?

Besides, just listening to the flute, what can't you stick to?

These doubts, when a melodious flute sounded, already had an answer.


Just at the moment when the flute sounded, one person suddenly spurted a blood out of the sky, and squatted back and sat down on the ground!

And this person is awesome!

This sudden change made everyone stunned, even if it was a slight glimpse, the sound of the flute that just sounded appeared a momentary pause.

Although Jiang Yun and others are not aware of the relationship between the flute and the firmness of the Tao, but Xiang Yu is extremely clear, in the flute of his own, everyone below the blessed land can see all kinds of illusions. .

Some people can see beauty temptation, some people can see the temptation of wealth, some people can see the beast attack, etc., regardless of what you see, as long as your heart is strong enough, then you will not move for these illusions, and thus in the flute Persevere in the sound.

The more determined the Tao, the longer the time for the illusion to persist, and the shorter the opposite.

However, the situation of Jiang Yun is really too weird. Because of his reaction, it is impossible to say whether the Tao is firm or not, and it is like - no heart!

However, all things are born, everything has a heart!

To be honest, since the beginning of the Taoist dictatorship, there has never been such a situation since the birth of this method of testing the Tao.

"I said, he is a savage, it is a wild road, and it is different from the avenue we pursue, so we don't have our heart!"

At this moment, Huo Yuan had a sneer voice again, and this time, even Tang Yi did not speak for Jiang Yun. After all, Jiang Yun’s situation is too strange.

However, everyone now has no intention to continue to ponder this question, because the sound of the flute has just sounded again, and everyone has begun to do their best to compete with the illusion that appears in front of them.

For a time, on the big square, there was only a flute.

After asking for a few moments in the five peaks of Daozong, there were several voices that could not be heard by outsiders.

"You, have you ever encountered such a situation?"

"No! I have been practicing for more than five hundred years, don't say I have encountered it, I have never heard of it!"

"Is this a demon?"

"Impossible! Even if the Yaozu can marry me, but also the four beasts and the guardian big array, and then, the Yaozu also has a heart!"

"Maybe, just an accident!"

For Jiang Yun's situation, no one can give a reasonable explanation, let alone Jiang Yun, who knows nothing about the practice.

He only knew that the moment the melodious flute sounded, there was a huge mountain in front of his eyes, and he slammed into himself.

Even if he is physically strong, but he can't stand such a fierce impact, so he will squirt blood and stumble.

Although Jiang Yun is confused, at least he understands that this first level of assessment is a failure, and he has two chances. If all fail, then he will lose the qualification to enter the Tao.

Fortunately, the injury is not serious, Jiang Yun did not stand up, he continued to sit on the ground, waiting for the end of the first level of assessment.

Although he could not hear the flute at the moment, he could clearly see that many people around him began to sit down one by one.

Some people, like him, spit blood, and some people are pale and unable to tremble. They are obviously suffering from heavy or light injuries.

When the jade flute was removed from the mouth, only one person stood still at the gate of the mountain. It was the black man who Jiang Yun had previously noticed.


The sound of the flute did not seem to have any effect on him. Even from beginning to end, he did not even change his posture. He always stood tall and straight, like a pine!

Xiang Yu took a deep look at Jiang Yun and then announced the results of the assessment.

At the first level, a total of 267 people passed the customs smoothly, and the few people Jiang Yun paid attention to.

In other words, these people are equal to having been qualified to enter the Taoist sect, even if they are just comrades, it is enough to envy other people.

Of course, in addition to the attention of these disciples, Jiang Yun's body is also concentrated on a lot of attention.

No way, his watch is actually more eye-catching than anyone else.

"Second off!"

The time of not resting for everyone, Xiao Yishu’s voice has already sounded again, and everyone’s attention has been moved to him.

His voice just fell, and even the five of them joined hands, and each person's palms flew a ray of light, falling on the earth, and it was a mirror of five.

Each mirror has a high height and a simple style, but the mirror above the mirror is foggy and cannot reflect any scene.

"The second level, the test is whether you are likely to condense the Tao Ling, this is to ask the mirror, you are divided into five groups of good teams, standing in front of the mirror, as long as the fog above the mirror changes, even if it passes! ”

Listening to Xiao Yishu's explanation, most people, including Jiang Yun, are still confused.

Looking at the mirror is also an assessment?

The fog on the mirror has changed, even if it passes?

When everyone looked at each other, Huo Yuan scorned openly: "Cut, a group of bandits, if you don't understand anything, you want to go and ask the Tao! Tell you, have the heart of the road, you can embark on the road of repairing the road, and If you want to go further on the road to repairing the road, it depends on whether you have the spirit of asking for it!"

"Ask the mirror to contain the meaning, can you perceive whether you can condense the spirit of asking in the future! Hey, or the young master will give you a demonstration!"

Although Huo Yuan’s tone is not good, it’s good to let everyone understand the content of this assessment.

Looking at Huo Yuan, Shiran has taken a step forward and asked the mirror to go out. Everyone even has Jiang Yun’s eyes wide open. I want to try to see this clearly. Is there any mystery?

Read The Duke's Passion