MTL - The World That Tao Rules-Chapter 7464 Nine detached

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The nine petals didn't fully bloom, they only opened a little bit, but because the petals were so huge that after they opened, they formed a hole the size of a hundred feet.

Looking up at the hole on the top of her head, the woman suddenly said to Jiang Yun: "Senior, this senior, it seems that not only is he alive, but also, he should not be imprisoned here."

Before, the woman and Jiang Yun agreed that this huge old man, like Luo Rongying and others, was imprisoned in this nine-petaled flower and had already died.

But now the opening of these nine petals cannot be done by the petals themselves.

Therefore, in the woman's mind, it can only be done by this giant old man.

And since the old man was able to open the petals, it proved that he was indeed still alive, and it also proved that he could easily leave the nine-petaled flower as long as he stood up, so naturally he would not be imprisoned here.

Jiang Yun was silent, and after a while, he responded to the woman: "Let's leave here first, let's see and talk."

Because of the experience of being in contact with the three corpses, and because Jiang Yun knew secrets that many women didn't know, he didn't think that the giant old man in front of him was free.

After all, there is really no reason for a free and detached strong man to remain silent, sitting in a flower like a mummy.

Not to mention turning Luo Rongying and others into mummies and flowers, but letting him alone, and even sending himself out of his body on his own initiative.

Therefore, Jiang Yun believes that the old man should be unable to communicate with himself and other living beings for some unknown reason, so he can only use various methods to remind others, hoping that others can understand what he means.

Since the old man opened the petals to reveal a hole, it was natural for Jiang Yun to pass through the hole and look outside the flower!

Although the woman didn't know what Jiang Yun was thinking, she was still on the tree of reincarnation at the moment, so she could only follow Jiang Yun wherever he wanted to go.

After Jiang Yun took a deep look at the old man, he flew towards the upper hole.

During the flight, Jiang Yun slowed down and didn't dare to be careless. He covered the guardian dao pattern densely all over his body, ready to shoot at any time.

However, as the distance from the cave entrance got closer, Jiang Yun didn't feel any coercion, as if there was really no danger.

After a while, Jiang Yun passed through the cave safely!

Outside the cave entrance, there was still endless darkness.

Anyway, with Jiang Yun's eyesight and divine sense, when he looked around, he couldn't see anything except this huge nine-petaled flower under him.

However, the woman suddenly exclaimed: "Senior, there seems to be a nine-petaled flower in front of you!"

"Where?" Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he asked hastily.

The woman's spiritual consciousness, even in the old man's body, surpassed Jiang Yun when the fog was filled, so in the open darkness, the distance that could be covered was naturally farther.

So she could see that there seemed to be another nine-petaled flower, but Jiang Yun couldn't see anything.

The woman pointed in one direction and said, "This direction is a bit far away..."

Before the woman could finish speaking, a dark beast the size of ten thousand feet had appeared under Jiang Yun's body!

Bei Ming's figure moved slightly, and immediately flew out in the direction the woman pointed.

Jiang Yun suspected that the other nine-petaled flower was probably what the giant old man wanted to see, so he naturally rushed over to see it with his own eyes.

As Beiming moved, Jiang Yun didn't look at the direction of the woman's fingers, but turned around and looked behind him.

In the darkness behind him, a huge nine-petaled flower stood quietly, and the nine petals that had just opened had closed again unconsciously.

Jiang Yun also said: "Friend Daoist, take a look, is there any difference between this nine-petal flower and the nine-petal flower we climbed before!"

The woman also turned around, looked at the nine-petaled flower, and said after a while: "Orange light!"

"Among the nine colors of this flower, they seem to be the same, but in fact, the orange light is the brightest, which should correspond to the orange mark on the old man's forehead."

"Orange light!" Jiang Yun repeated these two words and said: "Friend Daoist, there may not be only one existence like the old man here, but nine!"

The woman was taken aback for a moment, but soon after she understood Jiang Yun's meaning, she took a deep breath, covered her mouth with her hand, and said in a low voice: "Senior means that there are nine petals, each corresponding to one. One,... transcending the strong?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I don't know if it is beyond the strong."

"But since this old man has an orange mark, and the nine-petal flower he is in is also the brightest orange, then there should be strong people corresponding to the other eight colors of petals."

The woman closed her mouth, and was speechless for a while because of the huge shock in her heart.

Although Jiang Yun wasn't sure if the old man had transcended the strong, the woman had already decided.

And thinking that in this mysterious place, there are actually nine detached strongmen, as if they were imprisoned, really shocked her.

Jiang Yun also withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look forward, and urged Beiming to speed up constantly.

After about one incense stick, Jiang Yun finally saw another nine-petal flower with the same huge area in his sight!

But this time, without waiting for Jiang Yun to ask, the woman has already taken the initiative to say: "Senior, you, you may be right."

"Among the nine colors of this nine-petaled flower, the green light is obviously stronger than the others."

The woman's answer was within Jiang Yun's expectation!

Because the nine-petal flower with the strongest green light in front of him has already proved some of Jiang Yun's conjectures.

Jiang Yun asked Beiming to stop about ten thousand feet away from the flower, and did not approach it in a hurry.

He looked at the flower in the distance, and said secretly in his heart: "Nine, let's just treat them all as detached powerhouses!"

"Nine detached powerhouses were placed in nine flowers, and hidden in such an unknown space that was opened by the master with the power of some law."

"The purpose and meaning of their existence is very likely to be the same as the Gu Ze Realm that Master opened up by using the three corpses."

"The owner of Longwen Chiding may be the Taoist Lord I saw, who used the bodies and strength of their nine detached powerhouses to create the 108 large domains in Longwen Chiding, including me. the endless creatures within."

"As for me in the first life, I probably came here by accident and discovered the existence of these nine detached powerhouses."

"Even, according to the strengths of these nine powerhouses, I, in the first life, found the Nine Clans!"

"Because, the power of the nine clans can just restrain or counteract the power of these nine detached powerhouses!"

"That's why, in my first life, I went to various large domains, found nine clansmen from the nine tribes, created Daoxing Tiandi, put them together, and created the current me."

"He hopes that I can have the power of the nine clans at the same time, and one day, I will come here again."

"It's just..." Jiang Yun frowned slightly: "Even though I already have the power of the nine races and can restrain the power of these nine detached powerhouses, my own cultivation level is not enough to truly restrain them at all."

No monk can only master one kind of power.

Especially those who are detached and strong, they have so much power that Jiang Yun can't even imagine.

Just say that the giant old man just now, although the power of reincarnation can affect those orange flowers and mummy, but in the face of the air waves that sent Jiang Yun out, the power of reincarnation has no effect at all.

Therefore, unless Jiang Yun also became a transcendent powerhouse, even if he mastered the power of the nine races, he would not be able to truly restrain the nine transcendent powerhouses.

"Besides, even if I can restrain them, what's the use?"

"Kill them and let everything in Longwen Chiding collapse, or subdue them and let them be used by me?"

"What is the purpose of me in the first life?"

At this moment, the woman suddenly exclaimed again: "Senior, there seems to be a breath that I am familiar with on that flower!"

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