MTL - The World That Tao Rules-Chapter 7466 detached wound

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Originally, the woman still had a glimmer of hope that Jiang Yun's attack with the Sun of Chaos would not have any effect on the flowers.

But at this moment, seeing the nine-petaled flower really opened, the panic on her face suddenly became stronger, and she even hid behind Jiang Yun, not daring to poke her head out.

Regarding the woman's reaction, Jiang Yun naturally saw her in his eyes. Although Jiang Yun wanted to take her into his body, the other party's powerful consciousness and meticulous observation were useful to him, so he could only say softly : "Fellow daoist, don't panic, these powerful people should not be hostile to us."

"I'm afraid they hope that we can help them get out of their current state."

"Therefore, I also hope that you will take a closer look and see if you can find something useful to us."

Hearing Jiang Yun's comfort, the woman nodded slightly, then poked her head out and looked down.

Although the nine petals have been opened, like the previous flower, not all of them are in full bloom, only a hole the size of a hundred feet is exposed.

Fortunately, the nine petals emit light by themselves, so both of them can see clearly the situation in the center of the flower.

Sure enough, there was a huge figure sitting cross-legged inside. Due to the angle of view, Jiang Yun could only see that the top of the figure's head was bald, and the skin was extremely tight.

It is not difficult to see that the other party is basically in the same state as the old man before.

At this time, the woman said to Jiang Yun through voice transmission: "Senior, I can't see his appearance clearly, but I can feel that the power of chaos is coming from near his stomach."

With the opening of the petals, Jiang Yun actually sensed the aura of the power of chaos, but he still couldn't find where it was.

Hearing the woman point out the location of the power of chaos, Jiang Yun's heart moved. Could it be that there was a scar left by the power of chaos near the stomach of this strong man.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun said loudly to the huge figure below: "Since the senior opened the petals, there should be something he wants to explain to the two of us."

"Let's go down now. If there is any offence, I hope the seniors will forgive me!"

After waiting quietly for a while, the giant did not respond at all.

Jiang Yun didn't wait any longer, and gave an order to Beiming under him to make it shrink in size, and slowly flew towards the blooming flowers.

The woman shrank her body behind Jiang Yun again, not daring to look any further.

As soon as Beiming entered the flower, he heard a loud "buzz", and the nine petals suddenly closed again.

The woman covered her mouth with her hand, trying her best to keep herself from screaming.

But Jiang Yun's face was calm, and he said to the woman: "Don't worry, with his strength, if he really wants to kill us, it doesn't matter whether the petals bloom or not."

Women don't think so.

She always firmly believed that even if these nine-petal flowers were not used to imprison these strong men, at least they could restrain them to a certain extent.

However, it is meaningless to say these things now, she can only pray that the shadow will not kill the two of them.

After a while, Bei Ming had come near the figure's head, allowing Jiang Yun and the woman to see each other's appearance clearly.

The condition of the other party was obviously worse than that of the giant old man before. The skin on his face had lost its elasticity, and it could be vaguely seen that this was an ordinary appearance of a middle-aged man.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a raised sarcoma between his eyebrows, and there is a green mark like a mountain stone on it.

The man's eyes were closed tightly, without the slightest breath, and he was like a mummy.

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, Jiang Yun signaled Bei Ming to continue falling, and after several thousand feet, he came near the man's stomach.

The woman couldn't help but gasped, while Jiang Yun narrowed her eyes slightly, staring fixedly at the man's lower abdomen, where there was a mass of black mist ten feet in size!

Near the black mist, the man's skin color is also different. It should be that there have been wounds here before, but they have gradually healed.

The black mist is naturally the power of chaos, and it is also the breath sensed by the woman.

Jiang Yun realized that his speculation was correct.

This man once fought against people from the Chaos tribe, and was left with several wounds on his body by the opponent. After so many years, most of the wounds have healed, but there is still one wound that has not healed.

This proves that the power of chaos is like a nemesis to this man's body!

Just when Jiang Yun was thinking about whether this chaotic black mist was left by himself in the first life, the woman's voice rang in Jiang Yun's ear again: "My God, there is someone in the Chaos who can Injure this person? Could it be Senior Hun Chaozi?"

Jiang Yun asked puzzledly: "Who is Hun Chaozi?"

The woman explained: "A transcendent strongman of the Chaos tribe disappeared inexplicably a long time ago and disappeared without a trace. After him, no transcendent strongman of the Chaos tribe has appeared again."

Jiang Yun's face revealed a sudden look, it is indeed possible.

After that Hun Chaozi became a detached powerhouse, he would naturally come to the place of origin, leave Longwen Chiding, and go outside the tripod.

But for some reason, he ran here and met this man. When the two fought, Hun Chaozi wounded him with the force of Hun Chao.

As for that Hun Huanzi, whether he died at the hands of this man, or whether he has gone outside the cauldron, is unknown.

After looking at the black mist formed by the power of chaos for a while, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his legs and took a step, walking directly off Beiming's body.

The woman's complexion changed, and she instinctively stretched out her hand, wanting to hold Jiang Yun, but she was not as fast as Jiang Yun, so she could only watch Jiang Yun walk to the front of the black mist.

Jiang Yun also opened his mouth and said: "Senior, although I am not a member of the Chaos clan, I have a little understanding of the power of Chaos, so I want to try and see if I can help senior heal his wounds."

Regardless of this man, or the giant old man before, what their identities are, Jiang Yun does not want to be an enemy of them.

And whether I can leave this place safely, I am afraid I still need the help of these people, so I want to help the other party heal and form a good relationship with the other party.

What's more, Jiang Yun even felt that the reason why this man would open the petals to let himself in might be because he hoped that he could help him absorb the chaotic energy.

After waiting for a while, the man didn't respond, and Jiang Yun also boldly stretched out his hand towards the black mist formed by the power of chaos.

Accompanied by a suction force, the cloud of black mist immediately rushed towards Jiang Yun's hands and submerged into his body.

As soon as the black mist entered his body, Jiang Yun's body shook slightly, making him even more sure that the woman's judgment just now was correct.

The power of chaos contained in this black mist is powerful and terrifying!

This is why, after so long, the black mist can still remain on the man.

However, for Jiang Yun, who has mastered the power of chaos, the black mist is not only not harmful, but also has some advantages.

Soon, the ten-foot-sized black mist had completely submerged into Jiang Yun's body.

And the man's lower abdomen was no longer covered by the black mist, and a ten-foot-sized hole was exposed, and the inside was dark.

Jiang Yun secretly said: "If you enter through this hole, you should enter this man's body, but I don't know what kind of situation is in his body?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun withdrew his palm, raised his head and said to the huge man: "Senior, this chaotic power, this junior has already expelled it for you."

"But the junior is helpless for the injury of the senior, and the senior needs to heal the injury by himself."

"In addition, the junior has a few friends who entered this place by mistake, and they may be in the senior's body, so I don't know if I can trouble the senior to release them."

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, he heard a series of loud bangs suddenly.

This loud noise did not come from the man's body, but from the outside of the flower where the man was!


Immediately afterwards, the nine petals that had just closed opened again in an instant, and there was a sudden strong wind, which engulfed Jiang Yun and Beiming woman, and rushed out towards the open petals!

Read The Duke's Passion