MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1002

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【Ding! mission completed】

"Emmm...then I still need flowers. After all, how can there be no flowers for a spring outing?" Alicia was stunned for a moment, then continued.

I can't believe you even have flowers!

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

"Yes! The ancient flowers specially sponsored by Weiwei can last for 10 days without corruption, and they are still real flowers." Immediately after receiving the task, Chen Luo took out a bunch of flowers from the box.

【Ding! mission completed】

"...What else is in your box?" Alicia asked after silence.

"Black tea, snacks, balloons, small wreaths, salutes, small electric fans, flower petals, ultra-thin LCD screen..." Chen Luo took out the contents of the box one by one, and placed them on the tablecloth brought by Alicia on top


"Are you sick? Who wants to bring these things to the prison?" Alicia complained.

"I think you are the one who is sick! I bet you want half of the things here!" Chen Luo said.

Who do you think I prepared so much for?

A good traveler must be prepared to be made things difficult anytime, anywhere.


Alicia fell into deep thought, Alicia thought it made sense, Alicia nodded.

This time it was Aponya who extended the invitation to Qianjie.

Although Qian Jie still wanted to rush up and punch Alponia, but with Alicia beside him, Qian Jie had no chance to make a move.

"Qianjie, [please] don't hurt the innocent during this meal." Looking at Qianjie who was still a little fiery, Aponiya sighed and said softly.

Aponya didn't care about Qianjie's anger towards him, because it was reasonable and reasonable.

Although Aponia would not do something similar to sending her to death, Aponia felt that she had the responsibility to protect Chen Luo and Hua who came to the deepest place with her.

That's why Aponia uttered such a precept

Do not hurt the innocent is a good precept.

Aponiya has always believed that Qian Jie is actually a kind person, after all, Qian Jie plays very well with the children in the nursing home.

Every time Aponya mentioned Qianjie, the noisy children were willing to sit down obediently and obey.

That being the case, presumably Qian Jie himself did not want to hurt innocent people, right?

At the same time, Aponia does not think that she is an innocent person, but a sinner, which Aponia firmly believes in.

So this commandment of Alponia doesn't even protect Alponia herself (at least that's what Alponia thinks)

"What..." Qian Jie suddenly felt a strange force descending on him.

Make yourself unable to shoot Alponia.

"Heh. A means of self-protection?" Qian Jie sneered.

Qian Jie could also sense some strangeness from Alponia, the sense of threat and compulsion in speaking was higher than before.

"No, I'm a sinner. For you, this commandment will not affect your attack on me." Aponia shook her head.

"I just hope that you can try to maintain restraint to other people before you shoot me. Don't hurt the innocent."

"Haha, hahaha, that's how it is! Hahahaha!"

"Aponia, you are such a woman that people can't help but want to tear them apart!"

Qian Jie laughed almost to the point of tears.

Then let me see if you are guilty or not!

The railing of the prison in the deepest place was broken open by Qianjie, and then he punched Alponia's face with a punch full of anger.

Alponia closed her eyes without any resistance.

Aponia felt that Qianjie was still kind.

Alicia glanced at the two of them, and then began to arrange the various ornaments that Chen Luo took out from the suitcase.

And Alicia is so calm because Alicia knows that Aponia is an innocent person.

"Come here, let's eat. Stop posing there." Chen Luo greeted Aponia and Qianjie, whose fist was just one centimeter from the tip of Aponia's nose.

"Hmph!" Qian Jie snorted coldly, and planned to return to his cell, but was grabbed by the corner of his clothes by Chen Luo.

"At least to save face, I've cooked all the meals." Chen Luo said.

"Don't eat, I'm not interested."

"If you don't want to eat, I'll give you your share..."

"Let's serve dinner." Qian Jie sat down on the floor.

"..." by Aponia.

"Oh, your relationship is really good. I'm so envious." Alicia smiled as she opened her lunch box, and picked up a cute ornament for decoration and put it in her mouth.

Then Alicia's expression changed.

Carrot flavored candies? Chen Luo! It's a shame you can do it!

"Ah, look at Qianjie...there is a flying saucer in the deepest place." Alicia glanced around and selected Qianjie who had just opened the lunch box.

"..." Qian Jie glanced at Alicia and said nothing.

"Ah, look at the deepest part of the thousand kalpas, there is actually a caterpillar that Alponia is afraid of!"

"Huh?" Qian Jie subconsciously turned her head in the direction Alicia pointed at.

And Alicia took this opportunity to directly change the position of the lunch box in front of her and the lunch box in front of Qianjie.

"It's a boring trick." Qian Jie, who came to his senses, said unhappily, and moved his chopsticks.

But when the food entered the mouth, Qian Jie also paused.

Qian Jie looked at the food in front of him as if confirming it, and he was very puzzled in his heart.

"Okay, let's have dinner." Aponia said softly.

Aponia's voice caught Qianjie's attention.

Qian Jie jumped over Chen Luo's body and snatched the lunch in front of Aponia.

"Thousands of calamities, you..."

"I'll eat two servings! Why, do you have an opinion?" Qian Jie snorted coldly.

You told me not to hurt innocent people during this meal, but you didn't say not to let me steal your meal!

"He ate two servings..." Aponia looked at Chen Luo who was sitting between himself and Qian Jie, asking for help.

Since I am willing to be kept a secret for you, then we are together, you can figure it out!

This is the leading figure in the party, naturally it is Chen Luo who is in charge of cooking. If something goes wrong, it's right to find Chen Luo.

"..." After Chen Luo put the lunch in front of him next to Aponia, he directly brought over the carrot-flavored lunch in front of Qianjie.


Why am I always the one who's hurt?

And are you kindergarten kids? !

Chapter 996 She is still a child, please don't let her go!

[Kindergarten Principal] (five-star): No one can refuse to be a teacher of [The spring silkworms will die until the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry], at least when writing essays, no one can refuse. And the starting point of the teacher is the kindergarten teacher! If you really like to teach bad children, the kindergarten principal will be your rare choice

Effect: No brat dares to act presumptuously in front of you! None! What you say is extremely prestige among children, and it has an aura of fear of bear children and ordinary children (can be turned off actively), and you are equally effective when coaxing children. Since you are very skilled at coaxing children, you can also play a little role in coaxing adults.

Definition of child: childish in mind or childish in appearance or childish in behavior

Special skills: [He is still a child]

[He's still a child]: The sheep-changing technique has been revised. Any enemy can be turned into a child, and the duration is related to the magic power paid and the strength of the opponent. During this process, the child cannot attack, and the physical strength, magic power, and mind will all become at a level consistent with the age, but will recover life extremely quickly value and mana, any damage will restore the little one to normal.

(There will be a second invincibility time between turning into a child and turning back from a child)

This is what Chen Luo took out at the deepest part of the flame-chasing moth, when he was eating with Alicia, Aponia, Qian, and Hua.

There is always a sense of ritual in life, and the deepest part does meet this requirement and condition.

And at that time, Chen Luo was really upset by the three of Aponia, Qianjie and Alicia.

Just Hua saved Chen Luo a little bit of worry, the other people were either watching the play or in the play.

Because of Aponia's precepts, Qianjie couldn't hurt innocent people during this meal, but Qianjie was very upset with Aponia, let alone having to sit and eat with Aponia now.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Qianjie to be honest.

If it wasn't for Chen Luo to stop him from the middle, Qian Jie would really be able to do things like throwing the food in the meal on Aponia's face.

And every time Aponia was bullied, she would look at Chen Luo.

Chen Luo had reason to suspect that the kindergarten principal was describing Chen Luo's situation at that time.


But this achievement and special skills are indeed relatively strong, which makes Chen Luo quite satisfied.

Especially that special skill, whether it is used by our side or by the enemy is fine.

Using it on the enemy is obviously to make the enemy lose the ability to resist instantly.

It is obviously used by our side to allow our side to quickly restore vitality and magic power.

In a sense, this skill can also be regarded as a weakened version of the bar effect. When turning into a child, the child will not die.

Because once it is damaged, it will immediately return to its original state and gain invincibility for one second.

In addition to gaining a second of invincibility when transforming into a child, whoever has this effect can live at least two more seconds.

And...Chen Luo may have another deterrent skill besides the friendship revolver.

Not just for enemies, but more for friends.

Although no matter what damage you receive, the effect of turning into a child will disappear immediately, but it happens that you will not receive any damage in the bar...

Chen Luo couldn't wait to use this ability.

But Chen Luo didn't want to turn his bar into a kindergarten...

All five-star achievements with special skills are more or less outrageous.

Just thinking about it carefully, this special skill is probably very difficult to achieve the effect of a Jedi comeback.

If the enemy is weak, this skill cannot be used

If the enemy is stronger, Chen Luo may not be able to turn the enemy into a child for a second with this skill, but the enemy will immediately return to its original state, and at the same time lose the invincibility effect for two seconds.

After all, the time when the enemy turned into a child was related to the strength comparison between Chen Luo and the enemy, and there were many other influencing factors.

Maybe the battle that could have been won, ended up using the sheep-changing surgery on the enemy, which instantly emptied Chen Luo's magic power.

Chen Luo's use of this skill on Othinus is almost the same effect.

In Chen Luo's view, the only thoughtful thing about this skill is that the consumption of turning the opponent into a child is not linked to the age of the opponent.

But don't say it, don't say it. This skill is used to interrupt spellcasting, and the effect is definitely better than the friendship revolver.

"emmm...then the question is, if you are a child, will there be any changes in using this skill?"

Chen Luo shook his head and threw this thought out of his mind.

"Aren't you going to play together this afternoon?" Alicia asked after sending Chen Luo to the door.

"No, I'm tired enough to have lunch with you today." Chen Luo sighed.

"Oh, it's really hard for Luo Luo, but I can only see it in my eyes, and I am anxious in my heart, after all, I am not that familiar with Qian Jie." Alysia looked at Chen Luo with eyes full of [love]

"Sorry to trouble you." Aponia smiled helplessly.

There was nothing Aponia could do. The relationship between himself and Qian Jie was good when he was in the nursing home, but since the sanatorium was gone, the relationship has also taken a turn for the worse.

At that time, Chen Luo was the only person Aponia could turn to for help.

Read The Duke's Passion