MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1021

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Treating the symptoms is definitely useful, but treating the root cause is more important.

So two saints are necessary.

Dr. Roman: So help us, almighty magical girl Teriri.

Magical Girl Teriri: This... How do you ask me to help you? I do have a directional teleportation scroll, and the range is as high as 30 kilometers, but aren't you sending it to Black Jeanne now?

Dr. Roman: Then...wouldn't it be good to give two directional teleportation scrolls? One for teleportation and one for escape.

Magical Girl Teriri: Sorry, there is only one at the moment.

There is indeed only one golden teleportation scroll left for Chen Luo, and Chen Luo hasn't had time to make it yet.

Dr. Roman: So... is there any weapon that can defeat Joan of Arc with one blow?

Magical Girl Teriri: Yes, but you can't afford it.

Dr. Roman: …

Magical Girl Teriri: Oh, by the way, do you want Mary to return to your team or simply want Mary to live?

Dr. Roman: It's good to be alive.

Magical Girl Teriri: That's easy.

Dr. Roman: Great, I know that you have a solution, the magical girl Teriri.

Magical Girl Teriri: But you have to pay first.

Dr. Roman: What price?

Magical Girl Teriri: Well, a Servant.

Dr. Roman:? ?

Magical Girl Teriri: I need you to let a servant sign a contract with me and become my servant after saving this singularity. And it is guaranteed to provide him with a two-person world where he can spend time alone with Mary...

Dr. Roman: ...You just said that you want Mr. Amadeus, wouldn't it be fine? May I ask what you want to do here?

Magical Girl Teriri: Listen to music.

Dr. Roman: …

Roman never thought that Chen Luo wanted Amadeus as a follower because of this reason.

But if you think about it carefully, if you really like music, it must be quite enjoyable to directly obtain Amadeus, a musical genius who can continue to compose repertoire, as a servant, right?

Magical girl Teriri: If you agree to be my servant, even if the singularity disappears, it can still exist, and you can see Mary whenever you want, and you can see Mary whenever you want.

Dr. Roman: Well, you won, now Amadeus is in a hurry.

Chen Luo never thought about the possibility that Amadeus would refuse.

Although Amadeus kept saying that his fate with Mary was over, duplicity was not just a woman's privilege.

"Abi, do you like listening to music?" Chen Luo suddenly turned to ask Abi.

"Also, is it okay?" Abi thought for a while and said.

Because there is almost nothing in that small town, Abby is interested in almost everything now.

"That's good."

Chapter 1013 Joan of Arc: If I drank orange juice, you should be troubled, right?

Dr. Roman: Just like the magical girl Teriri you imagined, Mr. Amadeus agreed very decisively and resolutely. Not as calm as I said at the beginning.

Poor Amadeus, at the beginning, had no worries about the righteous parting with Marie. But now when I heard that we could be together for a long time, I almost jumped up immediately.

Even though it sounds like signing a contract of sale, Amadeus still has a feeling that whoever grabs this spot is me and whoever is anxious.

Duplicity is not a woman's privilege, and some delicate and artificial men are more troublesome than women.

Chen Luo also saw this scene.

To be honest, after thinking of binding Shakespeare to write novels for his sister, Chen Luo suddenly had the idea of ​​gathering all the followers in history.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Luo decisively denied this idea.

To achieve this level, unless the Hall of Valor is robbed.

That being the case, then grab some followers according to Abby's interest.

Although Abby doesn't have that much directional interest in music, Amadeus can't miss it, and if he misses it, he will have to wait for a long time.

Dr. Roman: Excuse me, how to sign the contract?

Magical Girl Teriri: Just drink this, since he is so excited, there is no need to sign a contract.

Chen Luo looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so he quietly stuffed a tube of reagents into the talent panel.

Although someone's peripheral vision may have seen some of Chen Luo's movements, but when he looked at Chen Luo, he found that Chen Luo was sitting upright in a daze.

"Is this really a legitimate potion?" After getting it, Amadeus was very confused about the unknown potion.

"Whether you like to drink or not, the one who dies is not my favorite servant. That's what that magical girl Teriri said." Matthew repeated the words displayed on the screen in a low voice.

"Although the magical girl Teriri has indeed helped us a lot, I think this matter really needs to be carefully considered. Mr. Amadeus, why don't you let Chaldea study this potion first?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. For a follower, what is there to be afraid of for a dead person?" Amadeus said after shrugging helplessly.

That's right, for a servant who has died and is summoned again, and is summoned together with his previous marriage proposal like this rare situation in a thousand years, isn't it already a once-in-a-lifetime situation?

What could be worse than losing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Having figured this out, Amadeus uncorked the bottle of the reagent, and drank the medicine inside.

Matthew also thought about dissuading him, but Matthew was stopped by Gu Dazi.

"Mash, if this is the decision of Mr. Amadeus, it is better to respect it. And although I have never met the magical girl Teriri, he is a good person. This is my intuition. I believe he will not harm Ama. It belongs to Mr. Deus." Gu Dazi said.

Magical Girl Teriri: I saw it, don't bother me next, I will help you get the other side.

Dr. Roman: Good!

After watching Amadeus drink the mark of the puppet, Chen Luo nodded in satisfaction.

That's not orange juice, orange juice needs to be added with the power of faith, but a simple puppet mark doesn't.

The reason why the puppet mark was used was because Chen Luo suddenly remembered another thing, and that was the issue of urging manuscripts.

If it was just a contract to establish a relationship, Amadeus may have time to be lazy, but if Amadeus is turned into a puppet, then Amadeus will not be able to delay the draft!

Do you still want to procrastinate?

Just put you in a small black room, and you are not allowed to come out if you can't write 10 songs!

It's ten songs a day!

inspiration? Take materials? Let the other puppets do it for you!

Hundreds of thousands of dolls (most of them are dolls in the empire that cut the red pupil), everything you see and hear will be collected in the group network. Is this not enough for you to create?

As for how to solve the matter on Mary's side...

Magical Girl Teriri: The great, beautiful, powerful and wise Dragon Witch, Black Jeanne, is there?

Joan of Arc squinted her eyes as Marie Antoinette defeated Sanson, the executioner who had executed her, with her own strength.

Joan of Arc originally thought that relying on Sanson's own strength should be able to take down Mary, after all Sanson is the executioner of this queen who doesn't know the sufferings of the world.

But in the battle between servants, popularity is also a very important factor.

Almost everyone in the world knows the queen who said [If you can't afford rye bread, why not eat cake], but almost no one will remember the executioner who gave the queen the end.

"This is already the third one. The more expected people are, the earlier they leave the stage. It's ironic." The Dragon Witch stepped forward and looked at Marie Antoinette who had just defeated Sanson.

The first two exits are Saint Martha and Lancelot

The most favored one is naturally the saint Martha, after all, she is a saint.

"Maybe the two vampires you hate the most may be the last ones left. Hello, Miss Dragon Witch, you are really late."

Even in the face of enemies, Mary can still maintain politeness and demeanor, just like a lady attending a banquet.

"Did he run away? It's shameless." After not seeing another Joan of Arc, Black Joan curled her lips.

"No, you're wrong, she set off with hope." Mary shook her head.

"Isn't it just one more servant? It's really stupid. Speaking of stupidity, you who chose to stay are also stupid. Do you want to indulge in the sense of mission to protect the people so much? And you are protected by these people You who were hurt by the people, you who were pushed to the guillotine and had your head cut off amidst the ridicule of the crowd!" Black Joan didn't understand, Black Joan really didn't understand.

"Oh, I'm disappointed. Doesn't the so-called witch not even understand this? I was indeed executed, ridiculed, and despised, but even so, I have no reason to retaliate against them..." Mary was a little disappointed He looked at Black Jeanne in front of him.

In the chat session when she was alone with Joan of Arc, Mary got to know Joan of Arc better.

But the performance of Joan of Arc in front of me is disappointing

"Also, what you said just now made me more convinced of one thing. I said, [Dragon Witch], what is your real identity?" Mary asked bluntly

"...Shut up!" A dragon's roar came from behind Hei Jean

"The treasure is unfolded, [My love is brilliant and eternal]" Faced with Joan of Arc's gaffe, Mary decided to seize the opportunity to launch an attack.

Mary a went up and Mary hit gg.

Even though Mary, who was originally weak, has been strengthened to a servant-level combat power because of her reputation during her lifetime, it is really embarrassing for Mary to fight Black Jeanne.

Mary was a famous vase during her lifetime, while Joan was a famous reckless man during her lifetime

Coupled with the fact that Joan of Arc has both the Holy Grail and Favna to help out, it is no wonder that Mary can win

Looking at Mary who was lying on the ground and unable to fight anymore, Joan of Arc raised the long sword in her hand.

In addition to the flagpole, Joan still has a sword.

So the same goes for Joan of Arc.

"Beep beep!" Just as Hei Joan was about to hurt the killer, he heard the phone he picked up was vibrating crazily, and Hei Joan's waist was a little itchy due to the vibration.

"Why is it so annoying?" Black Joan took out her mobile phone and felt the urge to destroy the phone directly.

But thinking that if the phone is destroyed, the phone will be returned to Chaldea and his party, Joan of Arc suppressed the impulse.

The phone kept vibrating and never stopped.

Black Joan suppressed her anger and glanced at the chat history of that phone.

After seeing the message full of praise from Chen Luo, most of Hei Joan's anger dissipated.

Black Joan discovered that it might be because of the fight just now, so the seal on the phone camera seemed to have fallen off.

Magical Girl Teriri: I saw it, can you please don't kill Mary first.

"Why?" Black Joan said with a look of disgust.

You tell me not to kill me? Then wouldn't I, the Dragon Witch, lose face?

Magical Girl Teriri: Let's make a deal.

"What business?" Seeing that Chen Luo proposed a deal, Hei Jean became interested.

To be honest, Joan of Arc is still very interested in the products Chen Luo sells. Although his items are definitely not as powerful as the Holy Grail, it cannot be denied that some things are really interesting.

For example, the bread knowledge about the writing part.

Joan of Arc originally wanted to learn to write by her own efforts, but firstly, Joan of Arc seemed to have no time to seriously practice calligraphy, and secondly, although practicing calligraphy became much easier when she was able to read, the difficulty was not small .

Magical girl Teriri: You sell me the trophy servant in front of you, and you can mention whatever you want, but the premise is that it must be equivalent.

"Are you very interested in the servant in front of you?" Black Joan glanced at Mary who had been powerless by herself with great interest.

Now Mary is being pinned down by Favna, and it is impossible to escape.

Mary didn't have any special treasures for escaping at all, and his magic power was almost exhausted

Magical Girl Teriri: Of course, this is the famous Queen Mary after all. My favorite thing about being a person is collecting. I even collect bottle caps.

"If you say it according to your words, it's nothing more than collecting those useful servants. What's the use of collecting her, because she is good-looking?"

"If you're a man, I'll accept it because your lower body affects your thoughts, but aren't you a woman? Right, Magical Girl Teriri?" When the name was mentioned, Joan of Arc deliberately amplified her voice so that Mary, who was trampled by Favna, heard it.

And Mary, who heard the name, did exactly as Joan of Arc thought, her expression became quite exciting, including but not limited to shock, shock and disbelief

The magical girl Teriri surrendered to the enemy?

No, no, or the magical girl Teriri was originally an enemy?

Read The Duke's Passion