MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1025

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"Don't follow me here." Chen Luo said to Penglai Shan Huiye angrily.

"Oh." After taking two steps back, Penglai Shan Huiye couldn't help but take another step closer to Chen Luo.

"..." After temporarily ignoring Kaguya Horai, Chen Luo lifted the mutual attack restriction between himself and Kamijou Touma, and began to install the memory pendant on Kamijou Touma.

Installing the memory pendant is not difficult, on the contrary, it is quite simple, and when Kamijou Touma looked at Shokuhou Misaki again after installing it, memory fragments kept churning in his mind.

Although those memories are mainly based on Shokuhou Misaki's perspective, Kamijou Touma can reason about his situation at that time with his own IQ.

In other words, it is precisely because the perspective is Shokuhou Misaki who has been watching Kamijou Touma that Kamijou Touma can recall himself so clearly at that time.

"Great, it's okay." Shokuhou Misaki breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Kamijou Touma's safe and sound equipment equipped with the consciousness pendant.

"Don't worry, if there is any danger, wouldn't Kamijou Touma touch his head and solve it?" Chen Luo waved his hand.

"The next thing is to ask Penglai Shanhuiye to inform Yayi Yonglin. Although it is okay to let Yakumozi play, after all, it is more credible for Penglai Shanhuiye to appear in person?" Chen Luo turned to look at Mount Penglai at night.

"You don't mind?"

"No..." Penglai Shanhuiye shook his head.

Yakumo Zi looked at Chen Luo and Penglai Shanhuiye with some puzzlement.

Something definitely happened between these two people, and there is a high probability that it happened on the second floor just now.

But exactly what happened to Zi Yakumo is not clear.

However, the atmosphere between Chen Luo and Penglai Shanhuiye was a bit subtle, Yakumo Zi could tell this.

And after Yakumo Zi went back to Gensokyo and opened the bar door in front of Yai Eirin, watching Horai Kaguya walking towards Yai Eirin step by step and turning her head three times, Yakumo Zi was even more sure of this thing.

"Yonglin, please help this young man to heal his brain first. I have had a good time these two days. Thanks to your sleeping potion, I sleep at least 8-10 hours a day." He finished speaking at a very fast speed. After saying these words, Penglai Shan Huiye ran into the bar again, to be more precise, he ran to Chen Luo's side.

"Huh?" Bayi Yonglin frowned at the strangeness of her own princess, but quickly relieved.

Mount Penglai Huiye must still be Mount Penglai Huiye, Bayi Yonglin is sure of this.

Penglaishan Kaguya's current behavior is very complicated, but he is definitely not being controlled.

As long as it is such a conclusion, then Yayi Yonglin is relieved.

As for what kind of flower Penglai Shan Huiye wants to play with, Baiyi Yonglin doesn't care at all, anyway, Penglai people are immortal, so Baiyi Yonglin can only provide some special protective items.

Yakumo Zi handed the box containing the white cocoon to the rabbit-eared girl Lingxian, and then Yakumo Zi returned to the bar.

Kamijou Touma and Shokuhou Misaki disappeared behind the gradually closing door of the bar.

Index? Eating at the bar.

"I said, are you tight enough? You should have finished drinking, right? Have you had enough?" Chen Luo sighed deeply as he looked at the seemingly innocent Penglai Shan Huiye standing next to him tone.

"Clothes..." Penglai Shan Huiye whispered.

Chen Luo looked down at his clothes.

The amount of [saliva] from Time Changhe just now was a bit too much. Apart from causing Chen Luo's face to suffer completely, Chen Luo's upper body clothes were not spared either.

Naturally, the river of time does not evaporate due to heat like ordinary water, nor does it dissolve in clothes.

After leaving the long river of time, the river of time will slowly return to the ubiquitous long river of time due to rules, unless there are special equipment.

And the bar can guarantee that anything that exists in the bar will not disappear out of thin air and will not be damaged in any way, so in addition to the river of time on Chen Luo's face, the river of time splashed on Chen Luo's clothes also has an extremely The strange posture was attached to the clothes.

"You..." Chen Luo hesitated to speak.

"I'm very sorry, but I really can't help it. If it wasn't because I drank some just now and my cravings have eased, I don't even dare to think about what I would do now." Penglai Shanhuiye also rubbed a little troubled Rubbing between the eyebrows.

In Penglai Shan Huiye's eyes, Chen Luo's whole body was covered with extreme sweets.

Can't help it, can't help it at all.

Although Penglai Shanhuiye knew that what he did was wrong, but Penglaishan Huiye really couldn't help it.

Once "smoking" is addictive, it is impossible to quit.

The longer the addiction, the harder it is to quit.

And if the time spent with the power of time is regarded as the time of smoking, then Mount Penglai Kaguya has been smoking for tens of thousands of years.

At that time, the river water was the most extreme cigarette in the world.

But such an analogy is wrong, because the attraction of the river of time to practitioners of the time system is dozens or hundreds of times greater than the attraction of top-quality cigarettes to smokers.

Now Penglai Shanhuiye is equivalent to being addicted to time ability since he has the ability of time, and he has started to endure it. If the river of time did not appear in front of Penglai Shanhuiye, Penglai Shanhuiye would not feel any strange feeling at all.

I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

But now Penglai Shanhuiye couldn't even refuse the coke that was tainted with the breath of time, even though he knew that there was a sleeping potion in it, Penglaishan Huiye still drank it excitedly.

Not to mention the real time river.

And now the river of time on Chen Luo is more attractive than the river of time in the cup that Chen Luo took out at the beginning.

I can't help it, I really can't help it.

Mount Penglai Huiye was going crazy.

If Chen Luo immediately stayed away from Penglai Shanhuiye and went to a place that Penglaishan Huiye would never be able to touch, Penglai Shanhuiye would be able to return to normal immediately.

The river of time has never been the constraint or Achilles' heel of time system practitioners.

Penglaishanhuiye also knew about this, so the best way is for Penglaishanhuiye to ask Chen Luo to go to a place he will never find, take off his clothes, and throw them into a place that he can't see. to the corner.

Or let Penglai Shanhui Ye run out of the bar and run back to his room to play a few games, calm down.

But Mount Penglai Huiye couldn't do it!

He clearly knew what the best solution was, but Penglai Shanhuiye didn't even dare to let Chen Luo know the solution to this matter, let alone do it.

If willpower could control the body, there would not be so many people lying in bed unable to get up.

Horai Shan Kaguya's body defeated Horai Shan Kaguya's consciousness...

This is the real ultimate depravity.

Even if you know that you can get out of your comfort zone by just taking a step forward, ghosts are willing to get out of your comfort zone when there is no benefit at all.

In addition to being extremely terrifying to attract Penglai Shanhuiye, the river of time has indeed brought benefits to Penglai Shanhuiye, and if Chen Luo is allowed to slip away, what good will it do to Penglai Shanhuiye?

The answer is that there is no benefit at all.

If it was the river of time in the sapphire cup at the beginning, it was just that Penglai Shanhuiye wanted it so much, Penglaishanhuiye could even force himself to stand beside Chen Luo obediently.

But the river of time on Chen Luo's body now is the real river of essence bestowed by the long river of time himself (spit out a mouthful of [saliva] himself).

Although Time Changhe does not have a humanoid image, no matter how you think about it, the Time River used to slap Chen Luo in the face will not be ordinary Time River...

"Tonight, no, I will move out of your house in a while." Penglai Shan Huiye said weakly.

After this kind of thing happened, how could Huiye of Penglai Mountain survive, even if staying at Chen Luo's house is really comfortable...

Whether it is the game environment or the atmosphere of getting along, Penglai Shan Huiye is very relaxed.

But the time is gone...

In addition to this incident, Penglai Shan Huiye wanted to die very much after being turned into a child by Chen Luo some time ago.

It took a long time to let Penglai Shanhuiye pass the shame period, but now this kind of thing happened again...

Are you and Chen Luo born to be against each other? But you haven't shown it before?

"No!" After hearing Penglai Shanhuiye's words, Chen Luo's eyes widened instantly, and he decisively and forcefully denied Penglai Shanhuiye's thoughts.

"Huh?" Penglai Shan Huiye was stunned for a moment, then raised his head in surprise.

"How can you leave today? Today you live at home honestly for me! Are you dissatisfied with my service?" Chen Luo looked very angry.

What are you kidding?

I took two tasks

One is for you to stay at home for three days.

One is to give you a sleeping potion for three nights, so that you can sleep well.

The third tube of sleeping potion hasn't been dispensed yet, and the two missions haven't been completed yet, so it's almost time to finish. Now you tell me you're leaving?

Just an inch, right?

What a despicable thing!

"No, I'm very satisfied with your service, in all aspects." Penglai Shan Huiye said hastily.

"Then you just stay with me."

I think you just don't want to give me the rough stone!

Vicious woman!

"Then...clothes?" After Penglai Shanhuiye breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he pointed to Chen Luo's wet blouse cautiously.

"...I'll go back to the third floor and change my clothes." Chen Luo went upstairs after being silent for a while.

"Wait for me, I'll help you change your clothes." Penglai Shan Huiye hurriedly followed.

Although Penglai Shanhuiye felt that Chen Luo would not steal the time river water on his clothes, but what if?

Penglai Shan Huiye remembered that Chen Luo seemed to be a time ability user, right?

"Hey, wait, Penglai Shanhuiye, what were you talking about just now?" The Herrscher of Consciousness, who was sitting in the corner and summoning the Seven Saints with Fu Hua, was stunned for a moment when he heard Penglaishan Huiye's words.

Seeing that Mount Penglai Huiye actually followed Chen Luo up to the second floor, the Herrscher of Consciousness became anxious, threw the cards and chased after him.

Penglai Shanhuiye, what the **** do you want to do? !

I treat you like a best friend, but you actually want to have **** with my man? !

Chapter 1018 I am a river god, is it normal to fetch some river water?

"It's breakfast. This may be the first day you have breakfast at my house." Chen Luo put the breakfast in his hand in front of Penglai Shan Huiye.

"Oh, thank you." Penglai Shanhui nodded and obediently took the meal.

"Hehe, you still say thank you? I see you differently." Chen Luo said in surprise.

"..." After glancing at Chen Luo and then at the Herrscher of Knowledge who was following Chen Luo, Penglai Shan Huiye swallowed what he wanted to say back into his stomach.

"Xiaoshi, you really don't need to follow me, I really won't do anything to Chen Luo." Penglai Shan Huiye said after sighing.

"I don't believe it." The Herrscher of Knowledge shook his head.

"I should have explained it to you yesterday. It was a misunderstanding yesterday. I have no plans for Chen Luo and Chen Luo's clothes. I just want time and water." Penglai Shan Huiye felt aggrieved.

Just kidding, I'm not greedy for your Chen Luo's body, why are you staring at me like this? Go and stare at Mebius.

If you have a psychological shadow on Mebius, just come and stare at me, right? I'm a bully, right?


"Oh? If you put it this way, there must be no strange things happening between you and Lolo, right? Like skin-to-skin contact..." Herrscher of Consciousness glanced at Penglai Shanhuiye lightly.

"Uh... well, to be honest, there is indeed, didn't you see it too, didn't that **** Chen Luo touch my face when he turned me into a child? I also touched Chen Luo at that time face." Penglai Shan Huiye said with a guilty conscience.

"Just this time?"

"Just this once."



"I do not believe!"

"...Why don't you believe me?" Penglai Shan Huiye was aggrieved.

Tch, it's really not easy to fool.

"Just because you took the initiative to ask for sleeping potion with Chen Luo after you came home last night, you didn't even use Chen Luo to seduce you, and you got up early today under the effect of the sleeping potion... Your behavior is very abnormal, I have to It makes people wonder whether you have done something wrong." The Herrscher of Knowledge said with narrowed eyes.


Oh, it does seem to be quite abnormal.

But what can Penglai Shanhuiye do? Penglaishanhuiye is also desperate.

Yesterday, Mount Huiye of Penglai drank all the river water, and when he calmed down, everyone was dumbfounded.